Wedding Day 2

Dakran sat down as Maya followed his lead, and clasped her hands in her lap looking a little embarrassed with all the eyes pinned on her. It seemed that she wasn't habituated to the attention she was receiving. Or was it something else that bothered her? Dakran frowned at his thoughts but decided to ask.

Dakran leaned in " Are you alright ?" he whispered into her ear " You look, a little pale." Dakran added a little concerned.

Maya raised her head to look at Dakran, eyes shining with unshed tears, and trembling lips.

It was all too soon. Dakran panicked " We don't have to do it now" he whispered again and kissed her cheek " We can wait until you're ready." Dakran tried to ease whatever was bothering Maya as she took a deep breath in.

Maya shyly smiled " No" she timidly said, with a muddled-up smile " They are happy tears" Maya cleared her throat, " I thought that I would die as an old maiden with all the waiting " Maya smirked, blinking her tears away, amused, poking at his stubbornness.

Dakarn stifled a chuckle and cleared his throat, guilty " You're right, but I want to step into our new lives together the right way for once. I want to give that to you, but you deserve much more, little red." Dakran whispered as he rested his head on hers, cocooning her hands into his while Maya nodded, and fell silent staring at their hands.

All the noise around them seemed to have disappeared. It was just them, trapped in their little bundle, where no one and nothing else existed. Love conquers all. Perhaps, she and Ian would finally be able, to break the boundaries that separated them. Once more, they could be together, just like Maya, and Dakran. Trapped in their little world where for a moment everything faded into nothingness.

Iris leaned in her chair and sighed, " I'll stay for the ceremony, but I need a soft bed, and some sleep before, I'm capable of any of the things that you have planned. I'm happy for you two." Iris scooped more food while Dakran seemed reluctant to leave the little bubble. Loving and being loved, was a wonderful feeling. Despite the gaping bitterness, she was happy for them. At least someone had been able to prevail and conquer, in spite of everything that had occurred up until that point.

With a heavy sigh, Dakran raised his head to look at Iris and nodded, " Thank you. I can arrange that. Corvin? And the others? How was the journey from Dreissen?" Dakran curiously asked about his people, and she couldn't be happier that he didn't ask again about Ian.

" Wounded, barely alive. Corvin is in the infirmary.He has fallen asleep while they tended to his wounds." Iris's spirits had noticeably improved as she spoke about Corvin. Corvin was brash, and sometimes he could come off as rude, but only because he spoke his mind. More often than not, had nothing to do with the person in front of him.

Dakran chuckled " That's him. Somehow, he can fall asleep, anywhere, at any given time. Has anyone looked at your wounds?" Dakran sighed, and leaned in his chair, very much amused by her story. Maya giggled and leaned into Dakran's shoulder, elated, and content.

Iris nodded " Yes, Kovi, when we arrived. Nothing is broken, just badly bruised. You'd be pleased to hear that, the gate within the lake, is no longer there. All you have to worry about right now, are the ones that still roam around. Corvin said that Ruvy had sent a missive asking for help. I'm guessing that the shikari has crossed the borders into other kingdoms." Iris sighed and looked at Maya who pecked on her food, as she listened to the exchange between her and Dakran.

Dakran hummed with a deep frown " Karrisse would never ally with Umayad. There is no point in pondering over that one. The gate is closed, which is good to hear. The ones that still roam this realm will be taken care of, one at a time. At least we won't have to worry about more crossing over." Dakran let out a relieved sigh and rubbed his forehead.

" I'm grateful for the good news that you have brought along with you. I wish you would tell me what happened after you, and Ian have crossed, but whenever you are ready." Dakran paused for a moment to look at Maya " But until then we have to start getting ready." Dakran added, and pushed the chair, stood up, glanced at Maya who was quiet, and a little pale but followed his lead, and stood up herself, a little stiff.

" We need my father's costume and your dress. I need Sala to bring them to us." Dakran said, looking at Maya, as he began moving away from the table " You can have Haren's chamber. Sala has already cleaned it, and burned everything in it." Dakran said over his shoulder to Iris who grimaced at the option, and eventually, reluctantly nodded.

" I guess it's better than anything I've slept on in a while," Iris said a little displeased, but there was no other choice. Ironstone was full, and she was lucky that he'd kicked out Haren otherwise would have been, a makeshift bed in a room with other women.

" Sala!" Dakran called the moment the older woman stepped through the door carrying a large bowl in her hands followed by the other three women, probably the help that he'd asked her to get.

Sala placed the bowl on the nearest table, straightened her dress, and met them halfway " Yes milord" Sala curly bowed " Is there anything that you need ?" she quickly asked as she raised her head to look at him.

" The wedding attires could you please bring them up to the private quarters? And when you have a moment help Maya get ready. Also, inform pu- .....Pelham that the ceremony will be held before lunch. That should give him something to look forward to." Dakran said with a tinge of amusement in his tone that quickly disappeared, when Maya squeezed his hand, and he felt the need to clear his throat.

Sala nodded " It will be done, milord" and turned on her heels to leave. Dakran cleared his throat the moment Sala raised her foot off the ground and halted mid-step.

" Leave Pelham to me" Dakran paused " I need to have a word with him anyway. In the meantime, I'll leave the rest in your capable hands." Dakran continued as Sala turned to face them again.

" As you wish, milord," Sala bowed again and scurried away before Dakran added more to her already long list of things to do.

" I'll show you to your room, " Dakran said over his shoulder to Iris who seemed a little lost and absent.

" Alright. Thank you. " Iris returned to giving laconic answers, as she followed them through the hall, up the steps to the upper level of Ironstone; alongside Maya who kept squeezing his hand as if to reassure herself.

It seemed that the impending nuptials seemed to have made her more nervous since she'd gone quiet.