In Full Bloom

Are you hungry?" he found himself asking instead of the question that weighed on his mind.

" Famished" Edýia responded instantaneously with her eyes on him and he doubted she was talking about food, before he even had a chance to even process those very same thoughts Edýia lunged at him pinning him on the bed, wearing the naughtiest grin and strangely enough it suited her.

Rom bit his lip " I have something that might help with that" his titillating grin widened, as he fiddled with a lock of her hair, his eyes locked onto hers lost the vast steel sea.

" Do you now?" Edyia feigned being surprised while her fingers traced his jaw, licking her full lips and eyeing him full of thirst. Preyed upon with no escape, pinned under her small yet junoesque body, mesmerized by her puckish innocence. Rom surrendered, fascinated at the enticing ribald words coming off her sweet lips, to go with unbound curiosity matched with her eagerness for more.

" And what that might be kind, sir?" Edýia added with wonderous guilelessness and Rom took her hand in his gliding it over his sculpted chest, and abdomen, placing it over his twitching bulge. Edýia lustfully bit her lip, rubbing over the throbbing length trapped in his trousers.

" I don't know kind, sir "Edýia feigned deep thought " I would like to see what I'm getting for my coin" she haggled pouting as she rubbed his straining erection. His muse was inspiring all kinds of lecherous ideas as her hand incessantly rubbed him trying his self-control.

Rom chuckled more than amused with her antics " I will do more than that, milady but only for you. I will let you try it before I take your coin. Is that something that might interest you, milady? I have every faith that you will love it." Rom lowered his voice trying to sound all merchant-like selling his goods while Edýia excitedly nodded at his offer pulling on the string to untie it as she leaned in only a breath away from his lips.

" You sound very bold in your claim good sir," Edýia whispered against his lips as he cupped her face and captured her lips with burning passion and longing. His goods were more than eager to meet the new owner as his hands tugged on her dress and slipped it off her shoulder. Edýia tugged the tunic tucked in his trousers, slipping her hand under it, kneading his chest as she ground herself against him moaning in the kiss. Rom tugged on her dress once more and tore it off her shoulder revealing her awaiting swelled breast and pulled away from the kiss flipping her onto the bed.

" I believe it is time to try on the goods, milady," Rom said as he slipped out of his tunic and trousers faster than she had ever seen him move, and greeted her with an all too familiar sight and the promise of pleasure.

Edýia giggled as he loomed over her and took her hard inviting peak in his mouth while he continued tugging on the dress to reveal her other breast. When the dress came off the other breast, without wasting another moment Rom slipped it past her waist as much as he could while Edýia tugged on his hair pushing her breast into his mouth. The heat between them was exhilarating, unruly, alive and consuming. Edýia moaned something that resembled his name as his fingers slipped inside her already wet and ready folds. And he was more than ready to have his way with her.

As Rom's fingers continued to pleasure her with his mouth latched onto her breast, nipping and licking her sensitive peak as the rush of pleasure washed over her one after another. Tight lean muscle rubbed on her skin and soft lips sucked on her peak fueling the fire that already burned hotter than any flame as his fingers dug deeper into her core. When he pulled his fingers out, she mewled a little displeased that he'd stopped. Rom took her hand in his and pushed himself off the bed pulling her along with him. In her dazed state, she just followed, excited to find out more about what he was offering. Her curiosity knew no bounds - always hungry for more.

While Rom sat on his knees " Sit in my lap" Rom bit his lips while Edýia eagerly complied and plopped herself in his lap, on his cock and he groaned at the sharp pain in his groin.

" Sorry " Edýia giggled embarrassed as wiggled her bottom against his loins to make up for the little mishap.

" That's better" Rom crooned in approval at the round underside snuggled in his lap.

" Now spread your legs and lower yourself on your knees " Rom rasped and she complied as he wrapped his hand around her waist, letting his cock slip between her folds. Her breath hitched feeling his length poke at her entrance.

Rom pressed his chest against her back, his lips trailing from her shoulder to her neck, claiming her breast with the other hand as he slipped his cock inside her slick and ready core. Edýia moaned throwing her head back on his shoulder and Rom curled his hand around her neck, capturing her mouth, in a hungry, ravenous kiss and began thrusting inside her, setting the gait, slow but deep with each move of his hips.

When he released her mouth from his consuming kiss, Rom nuzzled her neck " Up and down" he whispered huskily in the shell of her ear as she meandered her arm at the back of his head obeyed and executed his command without a fault.

" Such a good girl " Rom hummed in approval a little out of breath as she continued to bounce up and down along his length lost in the throws of passion, taking all that he was offering, filling her to the brim with his cock.

The view from behind was more than mesmerizing, with full breasts bobbing as Edýia religiously kept the pace, moaning lost in the blisses of pleasure as she approached her release she turned a little frantic and picked up her gait, mewling and he wasn't far behind.

Edýia slammed herself onto his length with a loud moan finding her release as she tightened herself around his cock, tight as a bow string and took him with her, leaving him breathless and undone, clinging to her for dear life.

Rom let himself fall on the bed pulling her along with him, lost in the pleasure of their lovemaking, speechless and worn out.

After the long silence that had settled in between them, Rom found enough strength to raise his arm and brushed the hair stuck to her sweaty face as she languidly opened her eyes and mustered a smile.

Rom leaned in to kiss her temple " Milady" he said against her temple " Are the goods to your liking? " amusement laced his tone as he pulled away to look at her.

Edýia grumbled " Not quite convinced, kind sir" she amusedly replied as she rolled over to face him wearing a cheeky grin - a challenge.

" Is that so milady? What can I do to persuade you otherwise?" Rom matched her smile, brushing his lips against hers.

" Hmm" she giggled sucking on his bottom lip " I would like a taste kind, sir, just a small lick if that is not too much to ask of you, kind sir" Edýia raised her eyes to look at him, yearning for him and he felt his cock rise just at that little look.