
His leap of faith had been fruitful and spurred by her favour, he dared to take another one.

" How about we wed tomorrow?" Dakran asked as his hands travelled up to her breasts, palming them her knees buckle at his touch but Dakran didn't seem to notice.

" What about my bruised face?" Maya's words snapped him out of his pleasured daze and Dakran took his hands off her breasts and heavily sighed. " Waiting it is." Dakran

half-heartedly conceded and kissed her temple.

" I don't care for it any more than you do." Maya grumbled squeezing his hands " But we should wait for your people to settle and it would give me enough time to heal" Maya reasoned and seemed the shock she'd been in when he arrived had faded and been replaced by serenity.

Dakran chuckled " Our people, little red. Prepare to be bedbound. I'll go get your clothes." Dakran kissed her cheek and released her from his embrace.

As Dakran sauntered out of the room, Maya released a heavy sigh and gripped tightly the edge of the bath as her legs gave in. The power that Dakran held over her was beyond unnerving, one touch and her body woke burning with want and desire. She lusted for him so much so that whatever Haren had attempted faded into nothingness. Two brothers, the moon and the sun. They couldn't be any more different. The sound of heavy footsteps echoing in the hallway broke her thoughts, and Maya slipped out of the dress, and into the tub before Dakran walked back in.

Maya lowered herself underwater to get her hair wet and wash some of the lewd thoughts out of her head. If she kept walking on that path, she wasn't sure if she would make it past the night let alone wait until the wedding day. When she surfaced from the bath to catch her breath she found Dakran standing on the threshold watching her with a satisfied grin on his face as Little Dak watched her from the edge of the bath curiously observing the water.

Dakran pushed himself straight and walked to where she was " I will wash your hair " he brooked and pulled a chair and sat behind her.

" I've never done this for a woman," Dakran said as he picked up the bottle with hair wash.

" Sharing a room, washing hair..." Maya listed all the things they did together.

" Among other things, yes," Dakran replied as he lathered her hair.

" Why not? It's not that bad or is it?" Maya glanced up at him as Dakran massaged her hair.

Dakran chuckled " No, not all. But that's not why I've never done it. I've never had the desire to do it with any other woman." Dakran seemed genuinely honest about his thoughts.

" I'm glad that you chose me to do it with then." Maya grinned and moaned as Dakran's fingers worked their magic on her head.

" That makes two of us" Dakran kissed her lips and let go of her head " Down under to wash the foam out " Dakran pointed at the water and Maya lowered herself into the water. In his company she felt comfortable, Dakran made her feel at ease and she could be herself with him. He never judged and loved her the way she was. Flawed, imperfect. She had no clue which God to thank but she was grateful nonetheless.

Maya surfaced out of the water while Dakran awaited with a jug full of clean water " Time to rinse " he impatiently said holding the jug over her head and Maya nodded leaned forward, hugging her knees while Dakran poured clean water to rinse the bath salts out of her hair.

Dakrn placed the jug on the chair, stood up, picked up the towel, and held it for her.

" My turn now." He said with a wide grin waiting for her to stand in the bath.

" Close your eye. No peeking. You promised." Maya smiled, looking up at him while Dakran nodded and closed his eyes.

"Ready when you are," Dakran announced with his eyes closed nearly holding back his smile. Maya narrowed her eyes at him a little suspicious at his abidance and stood up as fast as she could, pulled the towel out of his hands wrapping herself right before Dakran opened his eyes.

" Nice try but, too slow." Maya giggled and stepped out of the bath.

" A quick peek" Dakran sulked folding his arms over his chest, following Maya with his eyes around the room.

" No! If I remember correctly and I do.....All you do is stir me up and then you pull away when I'm ready to go further. " Maya voiced out her thoughts with a playful scowl and stuck her tongue at him.

Dakran clicked his tongue " You're right, I did that until I realised that " Dakran walked to where she was and pinched her chin. He frowned a little a loss for words.

" Realised what?" Maya breathlessly asked locking eyes with him with her eyes on him anxiously waiting for his answer to such a simple question. Dragging the past into their present had never been his intent.

Dakran curled his lips between his teeth " That you're still...a maiden" he mumbled the last word and looked away, embarrassed, maybe a little unsure what would ensue after.

" Oh! You thought I wasn't before?" Maya asked in a quiet voice looking at the floor.

Dakran closed his eyes, he didn't want to have that conversation ever, but better now than later " Well, kind of....yes." Dakran let go of her chin and pulled her towards the bed and sat her on his lap " You and Sylus lived under the same roof. You were betrothed to each other to wed. I figured that you two had jumped the fence since....." Dakran shrugged, a little apologetic at his misled assumptions.

" You could've asked." Maya shrugged fiddling with her hands.

" Yes, I could've, but again the way we started didn't quite leave a lot of room for that kind of talk. You weren't exactly willing." Dakran shook his head at the memories of her floundering as soon as he came near her with any intentions other than help her stand or walk.

Maya fell silent for a moment " It wasn't easy, you were so forthcoming about your thoughts and what you wanted and I was drowning in pain" Maya grew woeful " I had lost Sylus. I loved him or so I thought" Maya admitted with a heavy sigh.

" I know. I'm not accusing you of anything, little red. Even if you had" Dakran cleared his throat " done the deed, it was within your right to do so. I had no right to meddle in affairs that had happened before." Dakran took her hands in his and kissed them a little nervous about what the conversation had stirred.

" I just thought that you have done the deed and me teasing you was a good way to get the spark going." Dakran shrugged and seemed genuine about his thoughts.

" Oh. It is going, trust me." Maya chuckled and frowned.

" That is why you wanted to wait?" Maya asked looking into his eyes and he felt a little taken aback. That was the first real and honest conversation they had since he had met her.

" Yes. Well, not at first, no. At first, it was because I wanted you to be recognised by my people as the Lady of Ironstone and for that to happen we needed a clean start but as things progressed between us I realised that you were still untouched in that sort of way. Your kisses are sloppy .." Dakran paused and brushed her leg with his fingers while Maya's breath hitched and once more the fire in her belly stirred back to life and blazed, making her fidget in his lap. " That happens when I touch you." Dakran cleared his throat trying to control his urge to pull on the towel and bury himself between her legs.

" That obvious?" Maya asked a little out of breath trying to shake off the surge of emotions wreaking havoc in her body.

" Mhm and that does things to me." Dakran gulped " I'm bearly holding on to my last thread of will Maya. I want you, badly" he admitted blowing out a breath.

" Maybe I should sleep in a different room for the next few days" Dakran pushed her off his lap onto the bed. With his admission came the realisation that he wouldn't be able to hold off any longer around her and he had to.

Dakran stood up from the bed and walked to the tub and began stripping his clothes one by one, chucking them on a pile on the floor while Maya sat on the bed and watched his toned muscles move under his skin, biting her lip at the attractive man in front of her. If she did things to him, we'll he did things to her, too. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.