
Rom raised his eyebrows a little surprised at the undertone " Milady" Rom paused tracing the swell of her breasts " Tasting is not in our books but I can make an exception" he reluctantly took his eyes off her breasts to look at her " Just for you, my lady" he pushed himself off the bed and sat before her, rubbing his cock with his hand.

" Why, good sir, how very kind of you to through so much trouble, just for me." she blushed when faced with his cock, her soft lips trembled and she was almost out of breath.

Edýia pushed herself off the bed, kneeling before him entranced by his cock or the fact that he was rubbing one off in front of her. The hunger in her eyes was clear as she licked her lips as if she stood at a sumptuous feast or maybe he was and that did things to his ego and cock.

Edýia finally peeled her eyes off his cock to look at him and bit her lip to hide her smile.

" That's quite a priceless piece, good sir" Edýia placed her hand over his to stop him, leaning in her tongue peaked out her mouth and licking the tip of his cock. Rom grunted and slipped his finger under her chin and brushed his cock on her lips. The saltiness of his seed, the smooth silky skin and the size seen up close were intimidating but she didn't want to back down from a challenge. She wanted to taste him, do everything with him. Without knowing when her time will end, she wanted no regrets or lost chances. She opened her mouth as Rom kept a watchful eye on her as he slipped his length into her mouth, grunting, pleasured as she rimmed his tip and he let go of her chin and fisted her hair.

"Edýia" Rom moaned pushing himself deeper into her mouth, stretching her jaw enough that it hurt.

Rom's grip on her hair tightened as he pushed himself further until he reached the back of her throat grunting again a little louder when he pulled back but she grabbed his cheeks and pulled him back in and sucked as hard as she could pulling away.

When she looked up at him, smouldering eyes peered down at her threatening to turn her into ash. Edýia glided around his length but Rom pulled out and pushed her onto the bed.

The acrimony behind that gesture made her wonder what she had unleashed since Rom prowled on all fours and she felt the need to back away from him. It was exciting and a little scary usually she was the reckless one. She had to stop when she hit the headboard and Rom pulled on both her legs and settled between them.

" Grab the bars and don't let go." Rom threw one leg on his shoulder and grabbed the other one trapping it between his arm and waist. She aimlessly searched for the bars but before she had a chance to grab one Rom slammed himself into her in one thrust to the hilt and everything stilled at the sudden burst of pleasure that exploded in her loins, taking her to heights of pleasure she had yet get to conquer. Rom went on ravaging her with his cock, thrusting deep and fast as the gush of pleasures continued to take over her body and she lost all sense of reason, bearly catching a breath. A loud grunt pierced through the clouds of pleasure she was blissfully riding and everything stopped and silence settled in. Riding highs on the overflowing fumes of pleasure, still and not able to move she slowly began to come to, when she noticed Rom slumped on top of her panting and just as dazed as she was.

Even if she could speak, she couldn't. With no clue as to what had happened. Edýia played in her mind if she had done something to upset him. He seemed angry when he was skulking on the bed towards her.

Rom raised his head to look at her and rolled over and sighed, chuckling. He wasn't angry? What was that? Edýia racked her brain for an answer or anything that would tell her what in all seven hells happened.

" Rom" she gulped trying to overcome her nervousness " What was that?" she put it out there hoping that she would get the answer she was looking for.

Rom turned onto his side " No shackles You can let go now" he amusedly said looking up at her hands. She followed his line of sight and noticed she was holding onto the headboard bars. Clueless as to when or how she did that, Edýia let go of the bars and turned to look at him still a little baffled.

Rom cleared his throat " You're a curious little mogi and that mouth of yours " Rom brushed his lips on hers and sucked on her bottom lip " Is a godsend" Rom's sultry look returned tenfold as his eyes racked the length of her body and she could not help but feel a little scared at what she'd awakened.

" Did you not like it?" Rom gave her some food for the thought. She had to admit that it was probably his best to the day, but if she voiced it out, what would that mean?

" Yes but," she kinda blurted out and it seemed that her mouth spoke without her.

Rom raised a questioning eyebrow " But?" he urged her to say more.

" You looked angry " she finally said and felt the weight lift off her shoulders.

" I wasn't angry, just a little impatient and overly excited. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." Rom nonchalantly said shrugging.

"I love you, Edýia. I would never do it out of anger. How could I? " he pinched her chin " I would give anything and everything to have you in my arms for as long as I can. You'll be my wife soon, and as husband and wife, we will do all sorts of things in bed and off the bed. " Roam cleared his throat" I will leave soon and I want to make sure you're filled" his grin widened and chuckled, probably at the shock that she was in.

She'd forgotten that he was leaving for Shaddow Valley to get the damned stone and all of the sudden her mood took a turn for the worse. He might not come back at all. All that awaited him was nothing but darkness and perils at every turn. Rom never cowered in the face of peril but he was no match for the Shaddow Lords and their ludicrous demands.

" Take me with you" she pushed herself off the bed, pleading with her eyes " I want to come. You're going for me, so rightfully so, I should come with you." she reasoned hoping she would appear fierce and unyielding. She wasn't, but trying never hurt anyone.

" Neither of us would make it past Irostone gate if Dakran hears about your plan." Rom pushed himself on his elbows, pondering the offer, on the proverbial table.

" You can come but we will have to sell it to Dakran" Rom looked up at her, knowing full well that she would relent until he caved in. Now all she had to do was to convince Dakran.

" Let's get your tushy into bed. It's late, at least I think it is" Rom chuckled and it seemed that the toss in bed had done wonders to his mood.

Edýia nodded and curled up next to him in all her glorious nakedness, feeling satisfied with the way things had worked up until that point. Amid all the ups and downs, she was still in his arms and if he had to chop some Shaddow Lord heads to keep it that way then so be it.

Edýia snuggled into his chest and let out a heavy sigh " I love you, Rom" she grumbled half asleep.

" Sleep tight" Rom whispered and kissed her hair as the blissful happiness unfurled in his gut.