
Stepping into the sewing room, as predicted Maya was buried knee-deep in the fabric she was using to make different garments. The dress that she'd been working on, was hanging at the back of the chair, and it seemed that she had moved on to the next one. Quick as a fiddle, Dakran couldn't help but feel proud that Maya would be his wife.

Rom stormed inside the room past him " Maya" he tersely called and startled Maya, who jumped from her chair as if it was on fire.

" Rom" Maya meet Rom halfway to hug him, with her eyes on Dakran full of questions, sensing that Rom was in bad spirits. His mood soured further, this wouldn't end well. One way or another, it needed to be dealt with.

Dakran dragged the nearest chair and sat down, waiting for the brother and sister to say their greetings and platitudes. He was more than ready to get on to the point.

" Is everything alright? Did something happen to Edýia?" Maya worriedly asked as she pulled away from the hug, her eyes kept flitting between him and Rom, awaiting answers.

" Did you know about the old religion? As expected Rom went straight for the kill. And Maya turned to him, with a blank expression. Well, that wasn't good.

" Sit " Maya turned the chair around and took a seat, whilst Rom followed, a little more amenable seeing that Maya had remained impassive to his question. He knew her better than anyone.

" Yes," Maya took a deep breath " I've read the book in Dakran's quarters " Rom narrowed his eyes at him, suspicious." Sala has explained to me some of the things before I read the book, though" Maya turned to him once again, ashen " I don't understand, why are you asking?" Maya turned to Rom, frowning. If Maya had read the damned book and was able to remain calm and composed, then there was still hope.

" Do you approve of such things? You're about to become his wife. Despicable, barbaric behaviour. I didn't raise you so he can- "

" Hold on" Dakran interrupted Rom's harangue" I've said this more than once. I don't follow the old faith" Dakran scowled " Now, I understand that you condemn this sort of life, and it is within your right to do so since Maya is your sister. But I have said this before, and I will say it again. Maya will be my wife, in every sense of the word." Dakran kept his calm despite the thickening air in the room. Rom was not backing down, he was fuming.

Maya cleared her throat " I understand that you are concerned, but I'm sure Dakran has no intention of treating me as a thrall" Rom paled at her words, and so did Dakran. Both men fell silent. She had every faith that Dakran wouldn't subject her to such practices. The old religion practices were something out of nightmares, but Dakran hadn't shown any inclination towards any of that. Putting all the faith that she had in Dakran. Hoping she wasn't mistaken in her assumption and not deluding herself. At her words, Rom appeared to have regained some of his composure.

" What if things change?" Rom asked in a calmer tone and buried his face in his hands once more.

" It won't," Dakran said without a shadow of doubt in his voice and expression with his eyes on Maya. Nonetheless, Rom didn't seem pleased with the reassurances, he had given so far.

" I won't take that risk with Maya. We are leaving" Rom snapped at Maya, and stood up from his chair, flushed red. Dakran had no clue what was going through Rom's mind at that moment but he was more than sure, that none of it was rational.

" Rom" Maya reached for his hand in an attempt to appease his fury but Rom recoiled, and pulled his hand to his chest " I can't believe that you would debase yourself " Rom was disheartened, but completely out of bounds to speak about Maya as such. He was sure that it was more about him, than Maya, but even so, was an unwarranted avowal.

" You're not yourself, and I understand that this is quite a lot to take in, but just take a moment to think things through" Dakran remained calm on the surface despite his own temper, was beginning to waver. If Maya would follow Rom and leave him, he was done for. All he had done so far, was to prove to her, that she would have a good life at his side. One of the reasons, he wanted to wait and didn't jump on it, when Maya has offered herself to him.

Rom scoffed " I've heard plenty, there is no need to think anything through. Your ways" Rom mockingly chuckled " Nothing but beasts" Rom gestured with his hands " No, beasts are better. They roam free." he turned on his heels, and stomped his way out of the sewing room, leaving him, and Maya in complete silence.

Rom's reasoning seemed to have sparked doubts in Maya's mind, and it was the last he needed. Maya slumped into the chair, anguished. It seemed that Rom's thoughts held a great deal of weight for her.

Dakran opened his mouth to speak, but he failed to find the right words. Whatever he had to say to justify himself, wasn't anything he hadn't already reiterated thus far, countless times.

Maya took a shaky deep breath and looked up at him for answers, sadly he didn't have any.

" I" Dakran raked both hands through his hair, exasperated " Maya, I would never" Dakran looked up, once again, begging for divine inspiration " I don't know what to say anymore. Do you trust me?" Dakran pulled a chair to sit in front of her, while Maya pondered on his question. The lack of a straightforward answer was a definite no, or a maybe.

" I do, " Maya whispered, crestfallen "And I don't " Maya placed her face in the palm of her hands, and that in-between answer was nothing more than a punch in his gut. Rom's words had done more damage than he'd thought. Now, he found himself in need to repair something that hadn't even broken, in the first place.