Weather A Storm

"Maya" Dakran peeled her hands off her face " I love you. This is beyond ridiculous. Think about it" Maya was bleak, he had no clue what she wasn't thinking but most definitely, wasn't good," I went to great lengths to get, where we are now. It's outlandish to think that I would let another man touch you, or lock you in a room, or any other things like such." Dakran tried once again to prove that his intentions were true, clasping her hands, pleading with his eyes for her to believe him " You know" Dakran wryly chuckled, caressing her cheek with the back of his fingers, endeavouring to ease her worries" After we left the hut, that day, I wanted to go back and steal you from him " Dakran, still couldn't bring himself to say Sylus's name out loud " But Rom said that you wouldn't like that. So, I behaved, like a fool. And I bearly knew you, and I respected your wish even when it came off someone else lips. Now, that we are here, together " Dakran scrunched his eyes " So close" Dakran opened his eyes, with renewed conviction " I'll admit, that I'm losing touch with my reason. I want you, more than I ever wanted any other woman. But I want to do things with you, not to you, be with you, Maya. Like this morning" Dakran stifled a smile at the memory " I already gave you my word that I won't force myself on you, I will make good on it. You just have to, have just a little faith in me, little red" Dakran took a deep breath, and lowered his hand to his side, hopeful that she would believe him. His faith wasn't mislaid, but also the doubt was still there, pecking at the love she held for him, corroding it, turning her thoughts into a hodgepodge. What if Rom was right? What if things will change? She had many shortcomings. Scarred, and unable to bear children, were the things that she lacked, irreparable damage. Men searched for that in a woman. It was a daunting thought. One day he would get tired, and replace her with someone, that could give him all that, she couldn't.

Maya clasped her hands in her lap, with a weary expression" What if one day you decide that you want heirs? Someone to pass on your legacy. I can't give you that, you already know this. I'm marred, my skin is marked. I don't have smooth skin, I'm covered in them," Maya swallowed the knot in her throat, and the tears quickly began pooling in her eyes " I'm flawed, Dakran, broken" Maya's voice faltered, as tears began streaking her cheeks. He already knew all of that, and in spite of that, there was no one else alive or otherwise that he would rather be with.

Desperate to assuage her fears, Dakran lowered himself to his knees, cradling Maya into his arms, as he slumped on the cold, hard floor with her tucked in his arms while she cried her pain away. Regrettably, that was all he could do for now. A pang of self-reproach unfurled in his gut, at the thought he was the one that had told her about her inability to bring another life into this world. With a heavy sigh, Dakran closed his eye, to gather the remaining strength to mend, the harm that his big mouth had brought upon her.

" But you are more than just that, Maya. I wish that you could see yourself through my eyes, then you would understand." Dakran kissed her hair, hugging her tighter to his chest " But you are right to believe all of that, but it's not what I want. I want a life with you, and I couldn't ask for more. You are more than I ever dreamed of having in this life. I'm not worried about heirs. There are plenty of sons and daughters in need of a mother and father. It could be us if that is what you wish." Dakran sighed as the quiet sobs slowly began fading away. Dakran smiled, thankful for the divine inspiration that had provided him with the right words to pass yet another peregrine storm.

" Before you came along, my days were filled with dreary thoughts, and spent my nights floating on the fumes of drunken haze, only so I could sleep. Otherwise, my dreams were filled with nothing but death, destruction, and endless pain. The night I held you, I felt at peace for the first time, and I knew you would make my days brighter and my life better. And you did. You're kind of heart, sweet " Dakran looked down at her " I would never take that away." he placed a finger under her chin " I live to see those bright green eyes, and those shy smiles on your lips. I love you, little red." Dakran leaned in, and brushed his lips over those sweet lips of hers, tempted to kiss the life out of her, but instead, he settled with just that little soft touch. Under her soft gentle gaze, he lost himself for a moment in the clouded green and her weary look. He did that, him, and his big mouth. Blissful oblivion was suitable for some small-minded people. Rom seemed to be one of them, and he used his own words against him. A mistake he wouldn't commit again, not if, Maya would be caught in the middle of it.

Maya brought him back to the present when she tenderly pressed her lips against his, " And I love you" Maya sniffled, pulling away from the kiss, and snuggled closer to him. Relieved to hear those words coming off her sweet lips, Dakran tightened his grip on her, not wanting to let go of her. Dakran sighed, relieved that things hadn't taken a turn for the worse. Now he had to pacify Rom, but he hoped that Edyia would do that. She knew more than enough about him, and his views on the old religion.

Now, first, and foremost came Maya " Have you eaten anything?" Dakran asked as he pulled away from the hug, keen-eyed at her expressions.

Maya shook her head, wiping the last remnants of her tears with the back of her hand. He wanted to do that but Haren's imprint on her made him change his mind. Rom was right about one thing. Maya had suffered enough.

" Let's have some food" Dakran stood up with her in tow " I'm sure Falrkirk would have prepared something delicious by now. And after, I want to show something." Dakran said as he stepped out of the sewing room with her in his arms.

" He spends a lot of time in the kitchen. What is it?" Maya sniffled, resting her head on his shoulders, and pulling at his beard.

" Yes, he does" Dakran chuckled, " I think mostly because Sala goes through it a lot during the day. You will see." Dakran threw her a glance with a broad grin, before stepping, into the kitchen, and placing her on the chair.