Nothing Remains Hidden

After having accompanied Maya back to the sewing room, Dakran strolled back to his chambers, with a certain skip in his gait. He was pleased that so far, his day hadn't turned out to be, a complete and monumental disaster.

Stepping inside the room, he threw a glance around and noticed that Sala hadn't set foot in it. He found it extremely strange, or maybe the help she had enrolled we were still learning the ropes, and they had fallen behind. But nonetheless, he found it extremely strange that he hadn't seen her since she showed Maya the sewing room. She was almost like his shadow. Dakran shrugged to his own thoughts, and threw himself on the bed, more than ready to close his eyes and get some well-earned rest.

With a content sigh, Dakran tucked himself under the cover and finally closed his eyes, with a wide grin on his lips. Without a shadow of a doubt, impatiently awaiting for the next day, that thought alone, spurred him more than he thought. Before he even had a chance to sink into the arms of sleep, Maya's full breasts popped into his head, and that alone was enough to chase away any trace of tiredness in his body. And with that, his restless cock swelled even further, despite his countless attempts to appease him, had gone into the wind.

" Well, I tried" Dakran pushed himself off the bed resting his arms on his knees, dismal.

Tempted to go, and find Maya, Dakran raked his hands through his hair in an attempt to talk himself out of it. It was getting ridiculous, the state he was in.

A knock on the door broke his thoughts, and he was more than thankful but stayed tucked under the covers. There was no way, he would greet whoever was behind that door with a raging erection

" Come in," Dakran grumbled, displeased, mostly with himself, hugging the covers.

Sala peeked her head inside, looking just as dismal as he was, but he was sure that, it wasn't for the same reason.

"Milord," Sala bowed as soon as she entered the room, a little skittish. That was interesting, he'd never seen Sala skittish. If anything, she was quite the opposite.

Dakran pushed himself off the bed to stand, but on second thought he chose to stay on it.

"Something happened," Sala took a deep breath" Edýia, Milord" Sala wrung her hands, unsure whether she should say whatever she had to say.

" What is it Sala," Dakran sounded a little harsher than he'd wanted to be, but that day had been nothing, but a long string of unfortunate events. And he had a feeling that whatever she had to say, it was just one more to add to the pile.

" I don't know what happened, but when I went to tidy up Edýia's chamber, she was lying on the bed covered in blood" Sala flustered and gulped, deflated.

" Pelham?" Dakran curtly asked as he stood up from the bed, the news was more than enough to kill off his erection and any lewd thoughts, he had up until that point. And, just like that in one brief moment, his mood soured at the news.

"He is with her now. He said that he will tell us once he is finished examining her. He seemed worried, my lord. He'd thrown us out of the room, I and Rom" Sala finished her thoughts with a heavy sigh, concerned, with a deep frown.

" Is she hurt? Did she cut herself? What happened?" Dakran threw a barrage of questions at Sala, desperately trying to get more insight.

"No, my lord. I believe Edýia has lost a child" Sala looked up at him pained. For the first time in a long time, his heart swelled and dropped at his feet in the blink of an eye at the news.

" Can I see her?" Dakran asked as he walked up to Sala. Sala shook her head " No, milord. Pelham said we should let her rest, and recover for now. She is still feeble, her body is still healing" Sala let out a woeful sigh, and looked up at him anguished. No child had been born, in Ironstone in a very long time, and those who came into that world outside those walls, not many survived the harsh, perilous lands.

" All right" Dakran sighed, and squeezed her shoulder, endeavouring to bring her some comfort, and to himself.

" Have you been able to get someone to help you around ?" Dakran asked wanting to change the subject to something less dreary.

Sala nodded " A few older women, and one young girl, milord. I've been showing what they need to do every day "Sala's sorrowful spirit seemed to have dissipated, a little, and graced him with a small smile.

" I don't know if you have spoken with Falkirk, but Maya and I will wed tomorrow. I need you to help her get ready. Also, the attires that I asked you to get ready before I left." Dakran walked up to the table and offered a seat to Sala, who followed him to the proffered seat.

" She doesn't know much about the north. I know you two have spent some time while I was away and I'm grateful for that." Dakran poured a glass of water for Sala, and one for himself.

Sala took the glass " Maya knows more than you think, milord. I have shown her how to keep the ledgers, and what she needs to do in your absence, milord. Maya is more than apt to look after the lands, and Ironstone, milord. She is finishing fitting the dress as we speak." Sala's eyes shined with satisfaction, and bearly stifled her widening smile. Dakran furrowed his eyebrows, mulling over her words. He either didn't believe her, or he was worried about what would that mean for him and Maya.

" Good" Dakran finally broke the silence " What have you told her about the old religion?" Dakran asked with a deep frown keenly awaiting her answer.

Sala cleared her throat " Only a few things, milord. Forgive me, if I stepped out of bounds." Sala curly bowed, penitent.

" No, is part of our customs and she will come across it, more often, than not." Dakran rubbed the back of his neck " What exactly did you tell her?" Dakran pressed for more, he needed to know what she had told Maya about the practices.

" What it is needed of her, milord as the Lady of Ironstone. Nothing more, nothing less, milord. She needs to build a good relationship with the people, we serve the people just as much as they serve us. As your wife, she will need to be always, keen" Sala's tone faded at the last word, making Dakran's frown deepen even further. He was displeased.

Dakran sighed " All good things up until that last part Sala. I know you were a part of it at one point, and old habits die hard, but to me, Maya is more than that" Dakran rubbed his temple trying to keep at bay the headache that was creeping on him.

" Forgive, milord" Sala bowed " I did not intend to upset Maya," Sala said in a penitent tone a little worried, about the little misstep.

" No, don't worry Sala. Maya and I have already discussed this. Our marriage will be nothing like mother, and father's marriage." Dakran chuckled, a little more at ease.

This was news to him, mostly good news. Whatever Sala had told Maya, was nothing more than a speck of dirt, he could easily wipe that off. Something that he would deal with later if need be. Maya was a bright girl, so most likely wouldn't have worried about it.

" You may go. Please, let me know when Pelham will allow us to see Edýia." Dakran stood, Sala, followed and nodded.

" Yes, milord" Sala bowed, and turned on her heels to leave but he had one final question for her to satisfy his curiosity.

" How does she look in the wedding dress?" Dakran asked right before Sala walked out of the room.

Sala halted, and turned to face him with a bright smile" Stunning, milord" Sala curtly bowed and walked out of the room; leaving him with his thoughts trying to picture Maya wearing the wedding dress. Coming off Sala's lips, made his heart swell with joy, his stomach bundled up in knots, excited to see her wearing that dress. His wait had been fruitful so far, and he knew he wouldn't regret any of the decisions he'd made so far regarding Maya.

All of that in one day, and the day wasn't even over just yet. Dakran glanced out of the window, at the dusky surroundings and sighed. The earlier downpour looked clear, unlike anything he'd seen in a long time.