Look What The Cat Dragged In 2

While others walked the path of atonement, some walked an even more treacherous path. Making up for their shortcomings.

Head throbbing, and feeling sluggish. Iris opened her eyes and blinked a few times trying to chase away the fog in her vision. After a few good instances, she came to realise that the room she was in, wasn't the same as the one she'd been lodged. Iris closed her eyes again trying to remember what she had done the night before, but everything was a blur. Not much came to mind. It all came crashing down on her when she looked down and saw that she was naked, in all her glory. And to make matters worse when she glanced over her shoulders, her eyes fell on Corvin, who slept like a log. Panic quickly took over, and the drowsiness that she felt moments ago dissipated into thin air and jumped out of the bed as if it was molten iron.

" Shit" Iris cursed loud enough to wake up the sleeping beauty.

Corvin opened his eyes, half asleep and groaned. He half raised his head and let it fall back on the pillow.

" Morning" he mumbled and rolled over on his side. Seemingly unbothered by the fact that she was naked in some random room, sharing a bed with him, no less.

" What happened?" Iris huffed, boring holes into Corvin's head with her eyes. If looks could kill, he'd be dead and buried by now.

" You got drunk and we fucked" Corvin mumbled " I'm trying to sleep. Now, be quiet" he added and pulled on the covers.

She couldn't believe her ears, but his words echoed in her head very much like a ripple on still water. Guilt, and hurt quickly spread their tendrils. She'd betrayed Ian and their union. She'd been unfaithful. It was a horrifying thought.

All that faded as anger quickly replaced all of those feelings. Iris pulled on the pillow under his head in one swift move, and his head fell on the bed with a thump. Corvin, grunted in frustration as his head fell on the bed.

" In gods name woman" He raised his hands to show his frustration " Can we do this later. Once my head is not splitting" he added with a grunt, rubbing his forehead.

" No. I was drunk and you, you" Iris snapped, stomping her foot unable to finish her words and letting out an exasperated cry.

" You wanted to," Corvin pushed himself to sit on the bed, scrubbing his face with both hands. Both in irritation and to chase away the headache.

" I was drunk. Maybe, I thought you were Ian" She defended gaining a chuckle from Corvin.

Corvin sighed " You knew it was me" he smirked, leaning his head against the wall, " I told you I'm not your husband, but that didn't stop you" he added rubbing his forehead.

" I don't remember any of that" Iris frowned " Or not worth remembering " Iris added and picked up her tunic off the floor.

" I'll admit it wasn't anything special" Corvin smirked " It has been a while since I fucked anything else other than my hand" He sighed and pushed himself off the wall.

" But it felt good" He raked his hand, seeing that Iris was at loss for words " Wet, warm and tight. And your yitties" Corvin chuckled " I knew they were big, but" he whistled, and clicked his tongue as he glanced from the corner of his eye at her.

Iris huffed, miffed. She knew it, that he nothing more than a troglodyte. Who takes advantage of a drunk woman?

" You are nothing more than a savage, a troglodyte, rude, uncivilised" Iris grunted, ferociously glaring at him. She was prettier when she was angry. Looked alive, not hiding behind crafted words and tactful smiles.

" I liked you better when you were drunk." Corvin pushed himself off the bed and walked to the table to pour himself a glass of water.

" That won't happen again" Iris pulled on the covers trying to find her trousers.

" Sure" Corvin mumbled " Thirsty?" he calmly asked as he rested against the table, watching Iris rummage through the sheets.

Despite their differences, he had to hand it to her. Iris was fine. Even, bruised and battered. She could raise a cock. It most certainly raised his. Corvin rolled his eyes at his thoughts.

Iris slipped into her trousers and let out a hearty sigh. Now she could finally give Corvin a proper reprimand for his barbaric behaviour.

" How could you? I can't believe that you out of all people would do that to me. You knew I was drunk. You knew that I have a husband. You knew all the things that I've gone through. Why?" Iris berated him without even taking the time to breathe. Infuriated at his behaviour. She was aware that it was him, so why put all the blame on him?

" You asked for it" Corvin calmly answered and crossed his arms over his chest, with a frown.

" Did the words come out of my mouth? I doubt it. Did I say, fuck me, Corvin? I don't think so." Iris carried on berating him and plopped herself on the bed, sullen. It appeared that she was done, scolding him.

" No. Your hand did all the talking" Corvin calmly answered, taking another sip of his water.

" You might not remember it but I do" He finally pushed himself off the table " I rushed, didn't even take the time to kiss you" Corvin closed the distance and stopped at the foot of the bed.

" I would like to try again" He shamelessly put it out there. Hoping it would catch something. But judging by the hard stare she was giving him, it was out of the question.

" Have you lost your mind?" Iris asked in disbelief, appaled at the thought " No" She gave the predicted answer. Well, he had to try

" I will do it better this time around " Corvin smirked " Make it memorable " He wiggled his eyebrows with a crooked smile.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The audacity to even suggest it left her speechless. After everything, he was still trying to get it on. Iris scoffed and stood up from the bed.

" Find someone else," She said her parting words as she storm out of the room.