Stepping Onto Shaky Ground

Following the volsa further into Inari territory had been fruitful. Maya glanced up when Issare dove to land on Eisza's stretched hand.

After much, debacle Eisza finally unclenched and admitted that the volsa had helped, and wasn't going to eat them.

The small glowing huts in the distance were a sign that they have found Inari, and hopefully Dakran. She'd been twisting, and wringing, sick with worry about Dakran. Dakran was strong but everyone had a weak spot. No one was invincible.

" Paper and bago," Eisza asked breaking Maya's thoughts.

" Yes," Maya rummaged through the bag and pulled out what she asked for, a little jittery.

" We are almost there. We will get the answers we need, soon enough" Eisza added, certain that Ianri would work with them. She was doubtful on the matter, Dakran had his suspicions about Nya and now she was inclined to believe that whatever happened to Corvin was at the hand of the Inari.

Maya glanced over her shoulder " I think we should be careful. Dakran said that Nya wasn't what she seemed to be." Maya voiced her thoughts more or less.

" I don't know Nya that well. We have spoken a few times, but whenever she was in the camp she sort of sniffed around Dakran's tent, a lot." Eisza said as she tied the missive to Issare's leg.

" I know the story no need to tiptoe around it." Maya sighed when Issare soared and set onto Ironstone.

Eisza hummed " What else do you know about your husband's past deeds?" Eisza probed, but she had a feeling that there was more behind that simple question.

" Uhmm...He used to drink and that is all I know." Maya puffed her cheeks out of ideas. She didn't know who was Dakran before she'd met him. She only knew the man that sat at her bedside and looked after her like she was the most precious person.

Eisza chuckled " That is just a crock of shit." she drawled " Dakran, was no better than Haren for the longest time, mind you he did tell you one truth it happened only when he was smashed, obliterated." Eisza chuckled " Ahh, those were the days. But when he learnt of what his father did to his mother, he kind of changed all of that and turned all stiff, and righteous. Prim and proper. You know what I mean. That put a damper on Haren's spirit and things changed, for the worse. The better Dakran behaved the worse Haren got." Eisza pulled on the reins when the volsa stopped, and growled. She didn't know that, but it didn't change the fact that Dakran had changed his ways. He'd become worth fighting for. He'd seen the error of his ways, and that was all she needed to know.

Eisza jumped off the horse and fished out of the bag some food. Maya followed, holding onto the torch and lowering herself to the ground to stroke the cub that came running when he smelled food.

" Adorable little fella" Eisza patted the cub who chewed on his meat and stretched her hand to the mother, offering a share of the dried meats,.but she again refused to eat. It was bizarre that she refused to eat.

Maya frowned " I think that we can set them free now. We are here and she must be hungry." Maya looked at the volsa, full of compassion, and admiration. She'd saved them from a lot of trouble. And had enough restraint not to turn them into her next meal.

" Yes. We will be fine on our own" Eisza agreed, frowning. Eisza had no clue how to tell the volsa that she can leave. Nor did she.

" How do we do that?" Eisza asked, a little embarrassed that she didn't hold the wisdom to deal with the beast.

Maya shrugged " I can try and tell her that she is no longer needed." Maya turned her attention onto the volsa, who licked the cub while little Dak chewed on the dried meats.

Maya cleared her throat, hoping to catch the volsa's eye " You can go, now. Thank you for all your help" Maya glared at her when she burst into a loud chuckle, louder than she'd intended.

" You sound and look so silly." Eisza amusedly added, trying to stifle her laughter.

" Earlier I was crazy. Decide which one am I ?" Maya huffed, irked with her, but she was just as scary as a freaking kitten.

" Just calm down, all right." Eisza tried to appease her, but her words did nothing of the sort.

Maya rolled her eyes, letting out an exasperated cry " You're impossible. " She huffed and turned her attention back to the volsa who turned around and growled again.

" I think someone is using the cover of darkness, watching us" Eisza drew her sword, when the volsa snarled louder, barring her teeth

Maya's expression shifted rather quickly from miffy to worried, and pulled out her longsword, ready to fight. She had improved throughout their training. She certainly didn't look frightening, but her appearance was deceiving. She was doing well, improving each time she picked up the blade. Eisza took her eyes off Maya when the volsa snarled again.

Maya stiffened when the volsa sprinted from her spot, leaving behind nothing but a cloud of dust. Something hit the ground with a loud thud, followed by a short groan, and then dead silence. Even the cub had stopped chewing on his meat and stared in the direction the volsa had run. The silence was broken by the sound of bones crunching and breaking, a sign that the volsa had killed whoever was hiding.

Maya let out the breath that was holding, and lowered her blade " We are not in friendly territory " She said glancing up at her, worried. She had never seen that look on her, not even when she faced the volsa. She was pretty sure it wasn't for herself but for Dakran. It appeared that a quarrel needed to be settled, and Ianri had taken things a little too far.

Eisza sighed " No, we are not. A least the volsa is fed. I guess she was just waiting for something more, filling" Eisza giggled, trying to ease her worries, but she knew that once they reached the tribe things will take an ugly turn.

Maya frowned " That means that Dakran is in trouble. We need to see if he is alright " Maya sheathed her sword, looking ahead.

" We should wait for Caell and the others. We can not take on an entire tribe on our own." Eisza reasoned, but the look in her eyes said otherwise. She was itching to fight. She had the same look whenever she was training her. Made her want to fight as her life hung in the balance. She never knew what she was thinking, standing on tenterhooks whenever she faced Eisza.