New Beginnings

While in the southland Corvin and Iris battled for supremacy. In the North, within the walls of Ironstone, life was returning. Endless darkness has finally made room for a fogged sun, bathing the Whitsun lands in its balmy glow.

Its denizens still looked up at the towering mountain, home of their Lord and newly appointed Lady, doubtful of their promise of a new beginning. Dakran sighed as he overlooked the rising new builds. Each day they made promising headway. The ruins of Whitson temple, dead in the middle of Gaerwen village.

A reminder of a past that he truly wanted to forget. Once upon a time, had been his home. Albeit brief as it was, it remained a part of his past.

" I brought you lunch. Falkirk is asking what time he should serve dinner this evening." Maya perched on the stone next to him, following his line of sight. Ellis wasn't far behind, as he used Little Dak as his horse. Tugging at the beast's ears, as if it wasn't a creature that could rip his head off in a single bite. And yet for some reason, little Dak didn't seem to mind while the volsa watched from a distance with her ears perked up, softly growling when little Dak whined.

" I'll be in before dark, tonight. So, we can all have dinner together. I know, I've been spending a lot of time out here lately," Dakran sighed, as he opened the satchel that Maya had brought and pulled out the bread and the dried meats, spreading them on the little cloth they'd been carefully wrapped in.

" Akan, look..." Ellis called, as little Dak began running and stopping whenever Ellis pulled his ears, and then let go. His sparkling laughter filled the air drowning out the hammering and the sowing. The shouting stopped and everyone watched Ellis. Not many children survived, and the ones that did were so broken that they mostly stared in to empty space.

" I think we should take the rest of them in..." Maya soulfully sighed. Despite the laughter that rang in the air, she was solemn.

Dakran hummed, knawing at a piece of dried meat. A big family. He'd always dreamed of having one.

" I agree," He said after a few moments of silence, and took a sip of water from his flask," Plenty of room," He blew out a breath," It will be good for them," He nodded but it was more to himself. Even though he hadn't taken his eyes off the horizon, he kept an eye on Maya. Something was missing. It was taken from her that night. And no amount of gold or jewels could give it back to her.

" Give it time," Drakran took her hand in his and kissed the back of it. Maya nodded in understanding. Perhaps in agreement. A silent understanding of the pain that they both shared.

" Aya..." Ellis rushed to them" Aky hunry," Ellis huffed, breathless as he crashed into Dakran's knees, snatching the chunk of bread on the cloth and storming away.

" If you'd stop riding him as if he was a horse, he wouldn't need to eat half of the meat in the pantry in one meal," Dakran amusedly said as Ellis rushed to the cub's side shoving the loaf under his nose.

Laughter was Ellis's only response as he walked in front of little Dak breaking chunks of bread for little Dak to pick off the ground.

" He is doing well," Maya wistfully smiled as she watched the little boy prancing around with his playmate.

" He is..." Dakran nodded, picking off the rest of the meat," You're a wonderful mother," He kissed her cheek," And an even better wife and Lady of Ironstone," Maya smiled in response as she leaned in and pressed her lips on his.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere," The smirk on her lips and a slight glint of mischief in her eyes was more than enough to light the spark in Dakran's eyes.

" Pray tell, my Lady," Dakran softly chuckled, " What should I do?" He asked stifling a smile, as he gingerly traced Maya's features with his finger.

Maya sucked a breath, and pursed her lips," Bathing Ellis this evening is a good place to start," Maya's giggle twined with Dakran's chuckle made everyone stop, and watch.

" Will you be there? I'd hate to drown him, when I'd gone to such great lengths to save him," Dakran quipped, tracing Maya's lips with his thumb.

A smile, a gentle touch on his cheek, and a nod was the only response.

" Try not to fall asleep at story time," She added as her lips found his.

" I will not, if there is more of this at the end of it," Dakran replied as he pulled away from the kiss.

" For a handsome man such as yourself...," Maya pushed herself off the rock, and beckoned Ellis and the cub to her," Warm sheets and a very naked woman will be there waiting for you," Dakran chuckled, as he followed suit, and pushed himself up, towering over Maya.

" Just to be sure," Dakran cleared his throat," You're the naked woman, right?" He added with a chuckle, as he glanced at Ellis's approaching figure.

Maya shrugged as she turned on her heels, with Ellis trailing behind her bidding his goodbye to Dakran with a wave. The volsa sluggishly followed behind the trio, very much like a grouchy old man.

Dakran watched them until they disappeared behind the walls of Ironstone. Peace. A woman he loved, and loved him back. A child and many more to join their family. Haren was being useful without too much fuss. Helping to rebuild their home.

Eisza was a different matter altogether. She still hasn't forgiven him for his past deeds. Perhaps she never will. Nya and Akema had enough common sense and left his lands. Where he had no clue. The scouts had lost their tracks once they passed the border into Karisse's lands.

Rom and Edýia were making an effort for the baby. Patch old wounds had never been easy. He'd made a grave mistake. Edýia had forgiven him in her own way. Perhaps with time, she will also forget the hideous deed he'd committed.

If Akema was telling the truth about Karrisse, then he would be dealt with in due time. The Whitsun celebration was approaching and what better time than a celebration of rebirth to plunge a sword through the conniving bastard? Blood of his blood. All for riches.

Dakran turned the village and drew a heavy breath in. Safeguarding his family from future bloodshed was a must.