Recipe For A Disaster

The naked man sitting in the chair next to her had successfully captured her attention. In more ways than one. Perhaps she'd misjudged him. Or perhaps he was merely toying with her. She'd given him her trust, or at least a fraction of it at one point and he took advantage of it. Nonetheless, it was more than she was willing to give to anyone else.

" You're staring," Corvin broke the silence, as he shifted in his chair to face her, providing with a full frontal view of his assets.

" Put some clothes on," Iris snapped, stood, and sauntered towards the dressing table to get the clothes the maid had left for her.

Humble attire, considering that they lived in a castle that was once the home of the royal family.

" Why? I don't mind seeing you naked," Corvin shrugged and stood up when Evin called for her from the other side of the door.

" Your Grace," Evin's voice cracked when Corvin opened the door, gracing him with a full display of his manhood.

" What is it?" Corvin asked, broody. Most likely displease with the interruption.

" An envoy from Umayad has reached the castle gates," Evin cleared his throat as his gaze kept drifting to the pole attached to Corvin's groin.

" Why the gates? He could've walked through any of the holes in the wall," Corvin quipped, gesturing with his hand.

" Who are you?" Evin asked without bothering to acknowledge Corvin's authority. If he'd told people that he would be the one they would answer to. The need to answer such pointless questions wouldn't arise.

" Your newly appointed monarch," Iris answered the question, bunching up the sheet and shuffling her way to the door.

" I thought he was a woman," Evin countered, pointing at Corvin's length.

" A miscommunication on our part," Corvin took a deep breath," Serve him breakfast and will join him shortly," Corvin glanced over his shoulder to Iris who nodded in agreement.

Evin bowed, saying his graces to Iris, and took his leave to tend to the envoy.

" Were you expecting an envoy?" Corvin asked as he pushed the door to a close.

" No," Iris replied as she unwrapped the bed sheet and let it pool at her feet on the floor.

" Why is he here?" Corvin mused out loud as he watched Iris put on garment after garment rather disappointed to lose sight of her generous curves.

" Because that's what predators do when the prey is down. The final blow that would provide their next meal," Iris replied as she picked up the sheet and threw it on the bed.

" Oros has sent a missive requesting aid. An aid which I cannot provide since we do not have battle-ready men or women. Umayad has already asked for aid from the North, which was denied. The Umayad king is far more ruthless and I was informed that it wasn't a request for aid. It was a command to join their army. The missive was merely a formality," Corvin dressed as she spoke, and joined her at the door.

Corvin hummed, " Desperate? We know that some of the shikari broke from the hoard and crossed the border, but most of them remained in the Southlands. Where are they? I haven't seen any trace as I travelled down." Corvin countered as they made their way to the dining room where the envoy was awaiting.

" Nor have I, " They both paused before the door," Fiahtyr forest was once my home and home to some of my people. Before the gate appeared in the lake, it was inside Vellai Castle. It is not much but it is a possibility that the ones that remained in the southland are hoarded in the forest, " Iris pushed the door open to find the envoy standing at the head of the dining table, clasping a scroll.

The usual greetings were made along with introductions. A positive beginning, Iris thought. Perhaps the news the envoy carried along with him wasn't so dreadful.

" What brings you into Hessia, Camlough?" Corvin asked as he waved the envoy to take a seat at the table.

Camlough opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Evin slipped inside the dining room, to join the discussion.

" Camlough, this is my advisor Evin. I believe you two have already met, " Iris introduced Evin, as he took a seat at the table, next to Iris.

" Cam. I prefer Cam," The envoy cleared his throat and unfurled a parchment on the table, " I King Ruvy, hereby call forth the armed forces of Hessia to join our army in Umayad, to battle the threat that is plaguing our lands," The envoy cleared his throat and raised his eyes, looking at Iris and Corvin.

Cam looked back at the parchment, but Corvin didn't give him a chance to continue and snatched the parchment from under his nose.

" Forgive me, your-" Cam cut himself off when Corvin balled up the parchment and threw it into the fire across the table" You are forgiven," Corvin calmly said, and pushed himself up," Tell King Ruvy to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. In case you have missed it, I find it hard to believe that you have. Hessia is on its knees. We are in far worse condition than the North and the other neighbouring kingdoms. We have nothing to offer and there is nothing to take as you can see," Corvin waved at the run-down room," He can come himself to ascertain the veridity of yours and mine. You may leave," Corvin waved towards the door, as the envoy slowly pushed himself up, more than befuddled and perhaps a little scared.

A curt nod was all he gave as he scurried across the room and disappeared faster than he appeared.

" You've just started a war, " Evin stood up, grumbling more under his breath.

" I have started nothing. I merely pointed out the truth. He is not blind. Perhaps stupid. The king won't divide his army to come marching at our door to settle a feud. Not right now, anyway," Corvin countered as made his way towards the door.

" We have other things to tend to. I would like to see the citadel. And speak to the people," Corvin stretched a hand waiting for Iris to take it.

A little at odds, Iris stood, glanced at Evin and with heavy steps joined Corvin.

" Evin do an inventory of the treasury. And if you have the time find someone that can appraise the jewellery. If there is any," Iris said as she walked past Corvin, ignoring the stretched hand.

" It will be done, " Was Evin's only reply as they slipped out of the room and made their way to the castle grounds.