A Breather

The sun sank behind the hill, and when the moon rose bathing Hessia in its silver light, she stopped. An raised her head, to look at him.

He'd covered her with a blanket to stop her from shivering.

" I have nothing to live for," She rasped, distraught.

" Live for yourself," He replied as shuffled in his chair. He hadn't moved in a very long time and waited for yet another storm to pass.

" Everyone I loved is gone," She rasped again. Her eyes shone in the dim light of the moon like two stars in the darkest night.

Corvin dropped his head, " Not everyone," Corvin nibbled on his bottom lip," You have people that care about you. People that wonder if you are doing well. People that want to see you smile and laugh," Corvin sighed and propped a cheek on his fist.

" Sometimes the end is nothing more than an opportunity to create something new. A chance to do better," She closed her eyes and shook her head.

" It's not the same," She woefully sighed and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

" It's not. And it shouldn't be the same. Look how that turned out. He is a servant of the darkness and your son may or may not be dead. Why would you want to do that again," At his remark, she turned to look out the window.

Shrouded in the gloriole of the moon, weeping, Iris took his breath away as she did countless times when she showed herself to him. When all the scorn and the anger petered out, she resurfaced.

" I don't know how to be without him," A whisper bearly audible, " We had a dream. To see this through and...," She cut herself off and turned to him as if waiting for him to say something.

Sucking breath, Corvin stood up from his chair, bundled her up in the blanket.

" You've done that," He picked her up," Now it's time to fulfil that last part," He placed her on the bed and pulled the covers over.

She fell silent, hugging the covers and followed him through the room with her eyes.

Placing the tray with the food on the bedside table, Corvin knelt on the bed and lay beside her.

" Have a rest, " He said squeezing her shoulder. There was no reply from her. Only her breathing could be heard in the silence.

We're all broken in one way or another. Letting out a silent shaky breath, Corvin turned his attention towards the moon. We just have to find a way to piece ourselves together. Stitching tears, and patching the holes just enough to get us through it. And when that starts to wear, do it again.

Iris squirming, dragged him back. If only she knew that Dakran had no idea why he'd eventually agreed to come to the South. That night was all he could think about. Even when Kaishin poisoned him, he'd found himself dragged back there, and relived those moments with her in his arms over and over. When he finally woke up and found himself in the infirmary, the disappointment that washed over him was nothing as he'd experienced before.

There was one little hiccup. She still loved her husband. Letting go would be difficult. She hated him for what he'd done. Frankly, he wasn't very proud of himself either. He'd wondered if he would tell what he wanted. Why was he there, if she would ever choose him instead of her husband?

Iris squirmed again, and turned around facing him bathed in the silver light of the moon.

" I hope you choose me," He whispered as craned his neck and brushed his lips over the back of her hand.

A silent goodnight as he tugged on the covers and rolled over with his back towards her. He knew now that she wasn't capable of putting a blade through him. So no need to sleep with one eye open.

The clattering sound of metal hitting against each other pierced through the sleep daze, but he remained still. And listened to her eating.

With his back to the window, the fading moonlight was the only way he could tell that dawn was creeping over Hessia.

A smile crept on his lips, and closed his eyes again, still listening to her munching, probably stuffing both her cheeks. That image made him stifle a laugh. And regret crept in alongside a little sense of pride that he'd succeeded in crossing over the mammoth wall before him. Or at least he hoped so.

Silence fell, and the sound of the dish scraping against the bedside table was a sign that she'd finished. And now he could make his presence known.

Rolling over on his back, Corvin rubbed his eyes, stretched and yawned. Groaning he pushed himself on the bed with his elbows resting on his knees and glanced at her over his shoulder. Bundled up in the blanked Iris sat perched at the end of the bed on a pile of pillows.

Clearing his throat, " How did you sleep," He croaked, keenly observing her to gain some insight into her mood.

" So, and so," She whispered and turned her attention to the window. The gray skies painted in an orange pinkish light, were still something worth watching each morning. He had seen it a thousand times, but still couldn't get enough of that scent of fresh morning air before the scalding sun rays began bathing the land.

" I'm going to the surrounding villages today. Would you like to join me?" He asked as politely as he could. Something that he wasn't accustomed to doing. Not on the battlefield. It wasn't a necessity and nobody gave a toss.

" Do I have a choice?" He'd just given her one.

" Yes you do," He smiled, " I wouldn't want you to spend too much time out in the sun. It would ruin your lovely skin," He amusedly said, as he pushed himself off the bed without waiting to see the look on her face. She most likely glared at him. If looks could kill. He inwardly chuckled.

" I don't mind that," Iris shrugged, " I'll be ready in just a few," She jumped off the bed and made her way towards the chest of drawers opposite the bed.

" Breakfast should be here soon, " He mused out loud making her halt.

" How do you know?" It seemed that his ability to hear things better than any other human had piqued her interest.

" I can hear them whispering. The footsteps..." Corvin closed his eyes," There are two of them. No, one. The other turned left down the corridor. " He sauntered to the door and opened the door right before the knock came.

The maid bowed and said her greetings, handing him the tray with the breakfast. After requesting for her to come back and clean the room after they left the maid took her leave.

" Is everyone in the North gifted?" Iris asked as she made her way toward the table, curiously watching him.

" I don't know. I've never told anyone about it. And I haven't heard anyone mentioning something similar," Again a very skimpy breakfast. Perhaps he should push the visit with the king. Settling down might take quite some time.

" What else can you hear?" A good distraction from the dread surrounding them. And the glaring, the evil eye among many other things she'd used to make sure he knew she wasn't pleased with him.