Tell all

" You should get some rest," He cleared his throat and rolled over to his side facing the floor-to-ceiling window. Hoping that she'd heed his advice and lay next to him. He closed his eyes when the sound of the door opening reached him. It was already a given, that she wouldn't listen to him.

Unrelenting, irritating creature. Two moons, Corvin, he told himself. What do you have to show for yourself? Nothing. The sounds of the maids whispering in the corridors trickled through. Dresses, one of them said. For Iris. All the way from the North, she added and halted her steps. Corvin had requested them for her, the seamstress replied to a silent question. They both giggled at an unspoken joke and knocked on the door.

He didn't bother to answer even though he was still awake. Everything was getting to him. His infatuation grew each day, at an unnervingly fast pace.

The maid lightly gasped when she noticed him on the bed and mumbled something under her breath.

Pardon, she said and cleared her throat to gain his attention. He was in no mood to speak with anyone, but raised his hand and waved them to go. Very well, milord one of them said and the sound of footsteps receding drowned all of his thoughts.

The dresses that he'd asked Maya to sew for Iris had arrived. He didn't know what they looked like, but he knew no matter what she would wear wouldn't do her any justice. He had it bad.

Grunting in frustration he pushed himself off the bed and looked at the pile of golden, azure, green, silver, yellow and red dresses on the bed, each different and unique. Unique, he smiled at that thought and reached to caress the iridescent silken organza, from one of the dresses.

His head snapped to the door when the door opened. She'd returned, with a fresh bowl of clean water and clean washing cloths.

" I've taken the liberty, " He cleared his throat at the rasp in his tone," To ask Maya to fashion you some dresses," She halted whatever she was doing, and stiffened. Her heart began galloping. He'd overstepped.

" The seamstress in the citadel can fit them for you if they're not the right size," She turned to face him, her gaze met his with incandescent green and the constant fizzle that accompanied her everywhere grew louder. She was the source, of the nagging sound.

" I don't need dresses," She calmly said and stepped closer to the bed, brushing her fingers over the same fabric as he did.

" What do you need?" He heard himself asking, but her reply was only a deep sigh.

" Tell Maya that I'm grateful for the gift and they are beautiful," She paused and raised her eyes, bringing her hand to her chest and hugging it.

" Then you should tell her, " She set her lips in a thin line at his words," Whitsun celebration is at the end of the winter. Join me," He pushed himself off the bed," Come with me," He was on the verge of pleading. She wasn't the only one rattled by what happened in the forest.

She turned on her heels and walked to the table, for no reason. There was nothing on the table.

Raking his hand through his hair he stepped forward, but she stiffened, fisting her hands at her side. As if there was an internal struggle.

" Think about it," He returned to his previous activity before the maids disrupted his marinating. He'd been stewing in his juices for quite some time now.

When the bed dipped, he scrunched his eyes closed, and waited for her to climb into bed.

When he opened them, he was greeted with two radiant emerald-green orbs staring at him.

" When I came down," He said in a quiet voice, wincing as he shuffled a fraction closer to her," I came down with no intention of going back, " He took a few beats to gather his thoughts, " I knew you'd be angry for what happened, and I knew there was a good chance that you'd curb my lifeline. I came anyway," He took a deep breath in, " After you left, part of my punishment was to accompany Dakran into the white lands. Inari territory. Things took a turn for the worse, and we both got poisoned, with something that they use on their elders when they come close to giving their last breath," She remained serene as she listened to him," One of the things that the poison does, it creates an illusion or a dream where you remain until you give your last breath. It's slow and painless. A merciful death, if you like," Her eyes followed him as he shuffled on the bed trying to get comfortable, " You were there," He closed his eyes at his admission, relieved.

" You mean in your dream?" She pushed herself to sit on the bed and looked at him from the corner of her eye.

Corvin nodded, " I don't for how long, but I relived that night, repeatedly. You and I in bed, " He paused when her eyebrows quirked up, "Guiding my hand between your legs," He didn't stop when her expression clouded. She needed to know, " I told you who I was, Iris. I told you that I wasn't Ian, and you still beckoned to join you in the bed. I told you more than once, and you knew, " She opened her mouth to retort, but he didn't stop," You knew it was me and it drives me mad. You were drunk, but not drunk enough, " He inwardly chuckled, in disbelief, " You even called my name when you're satisfied, " The was no comparison to the grave look on her face.

" I was drunk, " Her voice was quiet as a whisper, and raised her eyes to look at him.

" Yes, you were," He chuckled, " And frankly, so was I. Not as much as you but, " He took a deep breath," But not enough to forget, " You. That remained unsaid.

" In all fairness," He chortled," It wasn't a memorable night. It was rushed and rather short," He leaned back on the bed, feeling slightly better to have gotten it off his chest.

She smiled over her shoulder, and threw her head back, letting herself fall on the bed.