Sacred City

A light tug on his foot jolted him awake. Gripping on the hilt of his blade, Corvin looked at the string tied to his foot. The lanai door. Someone was trying to open the lanai door. Severing the ties, he moved towards the door as it slowly cracked open, and a lock of white hair was first to appear. He closed his eyes relieved and lowered his sword and waited for Iris to come in.

" What's wrong?" A smile crept up his lips," You can't stay away, can you?" He chuckled to himself and shrugged, " After all who wouldn't miss me!?" He added very full of himself as his eyes searched on her for any signs of trouble.

She didn't appear to be in distress but looked rather sheepish. Although, it didn't last very long, as it quickly morphed into anger at his words.

" It's loud," She whispered and closed the door behind her. Even with his hearing, he didn't find it that loud. He narrowed his eyes.

" The whispers," She closed her eyes," They are louder here, and," She lowered her gaze, trying to find her words," There seems to be more of them," At her words, Corvin properly perked up his ears to listen for said whispers. Nothing was coming from inside the castle, and as for the outside, other than the people in the city below celebrating, nothing.

" Let's have some rest," He returned to bed, while she studied the remainder of the strings attached to his foot.

" A precaution. We are in the belly of the beast, after all," He answered the question in her eyes. Orian attire suited her better than the servant's clothing, but he already knew that.

" Come to bed," He beckoned once more, as she stood rooted to her spot wavering, ruminating. He closed his eyes and waited for her to walk out the door. It was quite a shock to see her in his chamber. Beggers can't be choosers.

Eventually, the bed dipped as she climbed into the bed next to him. And the too-familiar silence surrounded them along with the murky darkness in the chamber.

" The whispers, " He let out a silent breath," What are they saying?" He found the need to ask since she didn't share more. She was either going insane or the power that awakened in the forest was making its presence known.

" It's hard to discern. There a too many speaking at the same time," She took a deep breath in," But it's constant. Incessant. It's driving me mad, and they won't let me sleep," She whispered and heaved out a heavy sigh.

" Cover your ears," He pushed himself on his elbows to watch her press both hands on either side of her head. She looked up at him, surprised.

" So, the good news is that you're not going insane and you are indeed hearing whispers," He gathered from her reaction that she was somewhat relieved at the news, and a tad miffed at the same time. Or better said with his choice of words.

" You'll have to learn to drown them out if you want to get some peace," He rummaged in his satchel and pulled out two little blobs of fabric.

" Here," He handed her the two little blobs," These should help," He turned to her to watch her stuff the little blobs in her ears and nod. It worked. Now, the question remained. The whispers, where did they come from? Who was whispering to her and what? A smile was her only response as she closed her eyes, and relished the silence. A silence that he hated with a passion, but it was very much needed.

Questions later. They needed to sleep first.

The outside ruckus drowned his thoughts and found himself gazing out the window at the brightly burning torches peppered throughout Caral. The seat of Oros was indeed a spectacular sight, with its merchant stands providing the finest silks, spices, and exotic fruit that only could be found in Oros. And their very own steel, crucible steel. Almost unbreakable. Wrought in the A' muri forges of Oros. The third cast of Oros, blacksmiths, stonemasons, artisans and other crafts.

Iris shuffling, interrupted his thoughts and finally took his eyes off the view below to look at her curled-up form next to him. He wasn't entirely convinced that he wanted to go home, but he'd left and now he needed to go back and take care of it. Even though Dreissen was abandoned, his people survived for the most part. He shouldn't have left. He let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. Five days and all it would be over. At least he'd tried.

A clear blue sky without even a speck of cloud on it, greeted him as soon as he opened his eyes. Iris was still asleep, in the same curled-up position as he'd last seen her. The sun was about to rise, and judging by the whispers floating in the corridor the King was preparing to receive them. Slowly, he pushed himself off the bed and walked to the washing bowl to get himself ready for the day. Iris would have to return to her chamber.

Wiping himself with a damp cloth, he heard Iris stretching and yawning. He didn't turn. There was no need to. Her eyes found him and studied him.

" I need to change," She said as she pushed herself off the bed and walked to the door leading to the lanai. He nodded, as she slipped out of the door and disappeared. As if she wasn't even meant to be there in the first place.