Sacred City

Day two came, and dragging its feet across the wasteland was the hot sun of Oros. Skies were pristine, not even one single cloud to shade them from the constant glare of burning sun rays. As she did the day before, she left the chamber and somehow sidestepped the guards patrolling the front garden of the palace. But then again, he had no idea if they were confined to their chambers. A question for K'ahlon.

L'atil halted his steps in front of Iris's chamber, and shortly after she made an appearance, and as if someone had magically summoned her, so did K'ahlon.

K'ahlon said his greetings, as if he wasn't even there, invisible. The only one that seemed to be aware or acknowledging his presence was L'atil, who kept an eye on him as if he would sprint any moment.

" Are we confined to our chamber?" Corvin interrupted K'ahlon's ramblings about Simele.

" No," K'ahlon emphatically said, still with his eyes on Iris.

" Can we have a tour of the palace then?" He pressed on, not that he was in dire need of a tour but he wanted to see gauge the man's intention. After all, there was a good chance that he might be the one to sever their heads in front of the entire K'arali Court.

" I'm afraid that your access is limited to your chambers and Caral. Until the king is ready to receive you," Corvin smiled.

" Now that you mentioned it? How is his nibs doing?" A feigned worryingly smirk graced Corvin's lips. Any wider, and they wouldn't get to live past the morning.

K'ahlon seemed a little confused, at the choice of words, or perhaps unfamiliar. He doubted that since he belonged to the scholar's caste. He would've spent most of his youth dusting off scrolls and woofinpoofs off the shelves of the library.

" I'm assuming you're referring to the king," K'ahlon cleared his throat, and squared his shoulders," Your choice of words is not adequate when referring to his excellency. To answer your question, I'm afraid that he is still undisposed for the time being," He narrowed his eyes at Corvin, suspicious. Realising that his initial assumption was erroneous.

" And any idea when his indisposure would come to an end?" Corvin didn't relent. Whether he was trying to irk K'ahlon or trying to confirm his suspicions that whatever was happening would end with them headless.

" The King's physical condition is not up for public debate," K'ahlon's clipped answer and grave expression provided some insight but not sufficient. Corvin needed more, but if he pushed any further would arouse suspicions.

" We truly hope that his Highness will feel better soon. We will make sure to include him in our prayers," He'd never seen Iris kneel and pray. That almost made him chuckle. On the other hand, he did, mostly because she was so exasperating. And the thought that perhaps the gods were listening provided some relief.

" His Excellency will appreciate the small kindness," K'ahlon replied with honeyed words, smiled and squeezed Iris's wrist. Bastard.

" I suppose," Corvin cleared his throat," We should continue exploring Caral," He took a step forward and so did L'atil, who was close enough that he could feel his breath brushing against the back of his neck.

" We don't need guards," Corvin's brusque words made T'ereni take a step forward, making Iris sigh, and shake her head.

" Can everyone take a step back," She calmly said and pinned K'ahlon with her gaze, " This is getting a little ridiculous, if you ask me. We do not need guards. The city appears to be safe and we are no threat to you," She was surprisingly calm all things considered.

" I'm afraid that L'atil's and T'ereni's presence is non-negotiable my lady. They do not obey me. They belong to the King's Guard," That wasn't good. They were stuck with them until the king would deign them with his presence. A little apologetic, K'ahlon bowed, saying his graces, and took his leave. Not before giving him a long look filled with reprobation. He was the cause of the little squabble.

" We should go," The request came out harsher than he intended it to be. Iris merely nodded and took no notice of him, and began shuffling her feet across the sandstone floor.

They followed the same path as they did the day before, and moved past the trees, selloana grasses, the fountains and into the quadrant lined with stands, and filled with people that were still half-drunk from the night before. At a slow pace, they drifted further and further away from the palace and reached the drosser stables. A long-legged beast that lived on those forsaken lands. Ballooned bellies, a spine that stuck out like a withered sapling, a long neck, a flattened face, and nostrils that flared on either side of its jaws. The eyes were the most terrifying, eerie sight, whitish, clouded with one little dark dot in the middle. The noises they made were something out of nightmares. Compared to those, the volsa's were adorable. And the awful miasma that wafted from the stable was bad enough to make his lungs shrivel and turn to ashes just so wouldn't have to breathe it in.

Despite his revulsion, Iris appeared to be mesmerised by the ghastly creatures, as she approached the stables entranced.

" I've seen drawings of these creatures," She breathed out the words as she reached to caress the flaring nostrils as they flapped open with each breath the beast took.

" So, have I," He took a deep breath," And now I realise that the artist wasn't very skilled. They are much uglier in real life," He quipped, while Iris traced the flap with a gentle finger and all he could focus on was the little black dot in the beast's eyes.

" No, I disagree," She glanced over his shoulder, smiling," They are beautiful. Imagine, being able to survive in these lands. They are magnificent," She was a tad overly excited, and exaggerating.

" If you say so," He shrugged, " Then," He chuckled, " If you think that these are magnificent then you must think that I'm godlike," Another glance over her shoulder, this time around paired with a deep scowl. At his remark no less. Although, magnificent was suited for her, not the tremendous beast she was petting.