Sacred City

The rest of the day went by as they, once again immersed themselves in the celebration. Mostly watching the long procession of priests and priestesses performing a ritual. He'd never heard of it, so he watched as a High priestess walked to the front holding a golden and blue sceptre embossed with taefitte gems and faced the ziggurat temple and the other priests lined up in front of it. Iris sucked a breath and glanced at him and then at T'ereni, for answers. They weren't the only ones watching, as many Orians had joined them, reverently prostrated on the floor around the ziggurat temple, exception making the two watchdogs assigned to him and Iris.

A litany of prayers began rising to the skies, in their native language accompanied with hymns in a low voice from the priests as the sun sprinkled its last few rays over the land. It would have been beautiful if it weren't for the few drossas that were led up on the ramp towards the top of the temple.

One last prayer rose to the skies, and a few primal moans resounded throughout the city. And shortly after blood began staining the walls of the ziggurat, filling the air with heavy miasma of death. Grimacing in disgust Iris turned around and walked past him. Whether it was the incredible stench or the deed that had upset her, he didn't know. But he was sure he would find out soon enough.

As they walked among the orians still on the floor, making walking a difficult task, he tried not to step on their fingers, and hands as he followed Iris through the sea of bodies on the floor.

She only stopped when she reached the stable where the drossas were kept, and the one that she'd spent time with was gone. A calf curled up on the floor mewling. Probably one of the sacrificial drossas was the mother of the calf. But she seemed distraught as she lowered herself on her heels and reached to touch the calf.

At least she didn't burst into flames this time around. Since that day he'd stopped hunting. Slipping through the fence she took a seat next to the calf and sat there absently caressing the little creature. A smaller version of the drossas but still just as ugly.

T'ereni and L'atil loomed behind him, watching as he did. Unable to understand the relation between the events. Animals have been used as a source of food, and other purposes since the dawn of time.

Befuddled, he turned to the two guards behind him, who just like him shrugged in unison at the scene unfolding before them.

After a while, he got tired of watching and waiting. Grimacing at the smell, he closed the distance and leaned over the stable fence.

" We should have some food, and return to the castle. Is getting dark and I would very much like to be between four walls when it fully sets in," She raised her head at his words and meekly nodded, as she pushed herself up from the sleeping calf.

Once she was over the fence they returned to the same vendor to get some more food and eat. They ate in absolute silence, albeit a little rushed. He didn't quite understand why the sacrifice had rattled her spirit so much.

T'ereni didn't bother to provide more insight into the ritual and only answered his question with a grunt and the word outsiders. And that was enough to make him understand that he would not explain the purpose of the ritual. Not that he was all that curious, but he hoped it would help Iris.

Following the same path as they did the night before they made headway towards the castle, in absolute silence. K'alhon wasn't there to greet them, and he was grateful. Once a day it was more than sufficient to see his ugly mug, circling Iris.

A conveniently timed bath was waiting for him when he slipped inside the room, along with fruit-flavoured water.

Mulling over the events of the day he replayed in his mind all that was said, and what he'd observed trying to make heads or tails of the King's suspicious behaviour. Iris was right, why wait and let them roam inside the city when he could have easily killed them on the first night? Unless there was discord within the K'arali caste. Perhaps some of them wanted to hear what they had to say. Arvun's hold on power was slipping, possibly. Too many possibilities. Which was true, it remained to be seen.

The lanai door cracked open, dragging him back to the present. The water was cold, not that it mattered, it was still pleasant enough to linger in it a while longer.

" You just can't stay away can you," He quipped as Iris pushed the door to a close, and plopped herself on the edge of the bed, pinning him under her gaze a little curmudgeoneous.

" What happened today?" He was curious, above all else.

She shrugged, and sighed, " I don't know. It was strange," She found that strange out of things that had happened since they arrived.

" It was a religious procession. I didn't think that there was going to be a ritual sacrifice," She hummed, interlacing her fingers in her lap, and fidgeting with her thumbs. Almost pouting.

Corvin nodded," I wouldn't get very attached to the beasts that you see in the city. Sooner or later they will end up on the skewer or in the stew they will be serving for lunch," His sense of pride bloomed inside. His instincts didn't fail him when he avoided eating the meat from the vendors.

" No need to remind me," She sighed, sagging her shoulders.

Chuckling Corvin pushed himself up from the bath and reached for the towel, " You can pet this meat," He quipped, pointing at his groin" It won't get skewered. Not if I can help it," Her face contorted in anger at his words and closed her eyes.

" Sometimes," She grunted, fisting her hands into balls," You drive me mad," She moaned as she turned away from him as he stepped out of the bath.

" That good," Corvin chuckled, " We can both be mad together," He finished his thoughts as he slipped into his night clothes. Unlike Iris, he was still wearing the clothes he'd brought along. The clothes they provided wouldn't fit him.

" You're impossible, " She said resignedly and leaned against the bedpost, with her arms crossed over her chest.