Against The Odds

They didn't wait to see if the cobbled-together plan had landed them the results they were expecting. It was merely a question of time. Iris mounted the horse when he was done saddling it. While they fiddled about at the stables, Arvun had gathered up his guards and followed them.

Waiting in front of the palace on a golden chair, stroking the mane of a kalkaran. Just the one. It was rumoured that Arvun had ten, to protect him. Perhaps, he didn't think he needed all of them. The kalkaran bared its teeth and let out a vicious growl, while he and Iris tugged on the reins bringing the horses to a halt. She would have to make good on her promise to burn Caral to the ground. It was the only way they would be able to walk out alive.

Wickedly chuckling Arvun pushed himself up from the chair," Leaving so soon," He crooned mockingly, " I was hoping we could talk some more," He waved his finger at them, tutting," I have waited to meet with both of you for five days. Why would you disrespect me in this manner?" The kalkaran viciously bared its teeth once more, drool trickled at his feet, staining the golden stone " Krim here is grateful that you have chosen to run. He likes his meals nice and tender," Iris seized up at his words and jumped off the horse. Pulling on the hunting knife in his boot, he'd done the same. It was all or nothing. He wasn't a coward but she has chosen the most treacherous path to walk on when she ignited the fire before the king and K'arali.

Already accustomed to carousing death Corvin gripped on his tightly dagger. The King's Guard poised for battle, the kalkaran drooled as he snarled and growled at them flexing its claws, scraping the sandstone beneath its feet, to sharpen them further. Kalkaran weren't mindless beasts. They enjoyed the hunt, they often hunted for the thrill, toying with their prey until they got bored. Only after they would spare the unfortunate poor oaf that had the misfortune to cross paths with them and kill it.

Arvun mockingly sighed, when Iris remained silent, assessing them, listening to the mocking simpering of the K'arali who had gathered to watch. After all five days of peace, probably had been an absolute bore for them. Cooped up in their chambers, waiting, lusting for blood.

" I will have to admit," Iris amusedly sighed, twisting her hand, watching the flame curl around her hand and slowly turn into a flaming sword.

" Harith ereni, matil sudro kalith thrys" Iris smirked as the sniggering slowly faded and silence settled in. The shock on the K'arali's faces was priceless, though. Something he would cherish for as long as he would live and breathe.

The golden toungue, Karilian. The flaming blade flared and grew longer until it scraped against the sandstone. The blade flared once more, and its flames began spreading in different directions. Each soldier, had a flailing vein at their feet, as Arvun did, and so did the kalkaran who growled and howled when the flame touched its paw.

" You dare sully our tongue with your filthy mouth," Arvun hissed, furiously and stepped onto the flame before him, which was quick to wrap around his foot.

" I didn't sully anything," Iris sighed," We came in peace. We patiently waited for you to receive us," She pursed her lips, and turned her attention to K'arali gathered on the side, watching, rather grim-looking.

" K'arali ereni, t'aouth mervedin saitash kaloun," More Karilian. It was next to impossible to learn the language. It eluded him how she was able to speak the golden tongue.

" Erendi," One of them stepped forward, " Lemath," He looked at Arvun, and nodded, " Tyth velique, amro geldi beren laith," He took a deep breath, while Iris frowned, " Kagath mathera vellen," He took a step back, while Corvin watched what was being discussed, clueless. The whispers for once quieted and became one voice that spoke through her and told what was being said and to say in return.

" As you wish, M'aetrad," She once again turned her attention onto Arvun and raised her sword while Arvun appeared to be pondering on the offer she had made, clutching the chain the kalkaran was leashed on.

" It is an insult that the Queen herself has sent a pitiful envoy to discuss sensitive matters. Now the very same envoy is threatening to burn our most sacred city," Arvuns hissed every word through gritted teeth, as he unwrapped the chain on his hand loosening his grip on the Kalkaran. In the short time she'd spent as a Guardian of Ellora, she had never seen herself as a Queen. Even though her subjects did. Abiding to the requirements as it was asked of her, in an attempt to propagate her kind into an age of prosperity and peace.

" So, no way to end this peacefully," Corvin hummed when the kalkaran took a step forward along the flaming vine, with his eyes on the target. It's next meal. Unfortunately, they were the next meal. Unless...

" No. The price that they are asking is too high," Iris sighed and gripped on the flaming sword, as he held onto his hunting knife. Lances against a hunting knife, he chuckled to himself. He'd been dealt worse odds in the past. He should be able to procure himself one of those lances.

" Which is?" He felt the need to ask, as Iris gripped her flaming blade even tighter, poised to strike while he did the same, but holding a measly hunting knife.

" Hessia under one seat. His," Iris added with brevity and stomped the sandstone with one foot when the kalkaran was released, howling as it charged towards them. Failure to achieve what was asked of him, Arvun would pay the price. He would have to abdicate or die. The K'arali were not known for their mercifulness.

The flames spread on the ground as the kalkaran leapt, but one small flickering flame was enough to ignite the beast as it was quickly shrouded in flames and turned into nothing but the dust of flesh and singed bones. As the clatter of bones, falling on the stoned grounds, the battle cry of the guards filled the air. It was their turn.

When they collided in the middle, he'd lost sight of Iris as she moved from one man to another swinging her sword, filling the air with the stench of burnt flesh. All he could do was employ evasive manoeuvres since his opponents didn't need to get close to him.

He caught with the corner of his eye the tip of lance approaching, as he took a step to the side and leaned back. Enough to get grab the wooden pole and pull it out of the hand of his enemy.

Corvin smirked as he swivelled the lance in the air, as more appeared, and began circling him into a tight position, with more than a dozen lances pointed at his chest. One step in unison and he would be skewered just like the meat he'd been avoiding to eat since he'd arrived in Caral.

Only two ways out. Up or down. He couldn't fly, although at that moment he wished he could. He dropped to the ground, as he did a full circle with his lance, and sliced the legs in his lance range. Many took a step back, escaping being touched. Those who didn't, hobbled on their feet, as blood began staining the grounds. With less than half a dozen remaining, Corvin stood up and began swishing his lance to preserve the distance as he danced around to keep an eye on each of the ones who began regrouping and once again approaching.

In one sweeping move, he'd severed one more leg, and the guards stumbled backwards and fell on his back leaving his foot behind. They all charged, all at once. All he could see were tips, glinting in the light of the morning sun, battle cries, moans of pain, his and others. As they sliced at his skin, and employed the same tactic he did, and some went for his feet and others attacked from above. Hard to tell who was what, as all he could do was focus on staying alive. He caught glimpses of her white hair flailing as she parried and swiped her blade at the guards. That was all he needed to know that she was still standing and held her ground.