
The gates of Ironstone stood strong and tall, as the carved mountain itself, guarding the newly rebuild village below Gaerwen.

Seasons had changed, and the long-awaited balmy breeze swept across the land, breathing new life into the frozen lands.

Hurried footsteps trickled through as Maras rushed down from his post to open the gates.

" Your majesty, " Maras reverently bowed and pushed the gate further open, allowing her to pass with ease.

" Maras, I'm glad to see that you are doing well," Iris greeted back with what she hoped would be a warm smile. The sleeples nights on her journey to the north hadn't been kind on her, and she knew she looked weary from the exhaustion who threatened to overcome her at any moment.

" Iris," Maya beamed from afar as she hurriedly shuffled her feet across the stone, brightly smiling, replacing the sun that was setting. Ironstone agreed with her and allowed her to bloom into a rubenesque, breathtaking beauty.

Tightly wrapping her arms around her, feeling the welcoming embrace of a long-time friend, Iris buried her face in Maya's shoulder, releasing a shuddering sigh of relief, joy. Not entirely sure which one it occupied her mind and heart in that moment.

The embrace lasted for quite some time, as Maya reluctantly pulled away, her eyes assessing her features as if to reassure herself that she was indeed in one piece and somehow had survived.

" Come," Maya tipped her chin towards the Ironstone main entrance, " Supper is about to be served. You need a warm meal and a bed. Don't let them rope in their stories. You will never see the bed," Maya amusedly sighed as she pushed past the front door, and led her into the dining hall that she once sat with Ian, Azra, Tyla, Rhya, Athan and discovered that all she had known was nothing but lies. Her entire existence was a fabricated fraud designed to keep the wheels turning in a game of deception.

" How are you doing?" Iris paused before entering the hall at the sound of rowdy voices resonating against the stone walls of Ironstone.

" I'm well," Maya softly said and raised her eyes to dining room, stifling the smile that was threatening to break on her lips, " Happy," She briefly added, and squeezed her hand, to keep the heat that inadvertently raised, painting her cheeks pinkish red at whatever thoughts crossed her mind at her question.

Dakran poked his head from behind the door, rogueshly smiling not at her but at Maya, who flushed scarlet red in an instant.

" Iris." He opened his arms wide as he pulled both of them into his arms. Maya jumped and squealed and slapped Dakran's shoulder, chastising him for inappropriately touching her in plain sight. Marital bliss they call it, although it had lasted longer for them than it had lasted for her and Ian.

" Come," Dakran tipped his chin, cradling Maya's hand into his as he led them into the dining room filled with people as they all feasted at the same table.

Corvin stood up the moment she set foot in the room and met her gaze. Even from afar, she could see a tinge of angst in his expression as he swallowed hard and gripped the edge of the table with both his hands. The sisters hummed and cooed in approval at the sight of him, smacking their lips as if the rarest delicacy was placed before their eyes.

Dakran and Maya noted the little moment where she stilled and stayed rooted to the ground beneath her feet.

" I'm sure you're hungry," Dakran softly said as he gestured with his hand at the seat opposite to Corvin. Fantastic. The sisters squealed in her ears, making her wince at the sound of their shrieking voices, but nonetheless, she endeavoured and made her way to the seat prepared for her.

" Surely you are beat," Dakran noted. " Your chamber is awaiting, and a bath is being poured as we speak. We will keep it simple this evening so you can rest and catch your breath," He carried on speaking as Corvin's eyes stayed trained on her figure, examining her with furrowed brows and an unnervingly curious eye. The circlet on her head had his attention for the most part.

" It is beautifully you," He said, in voice that almost cracked and cleared his throat, himself, surprised at the gravel in his voice. The sisters dreamily sighed in her ears, singing his praises once more for the nth time. And if she could, she would have gagged them long ago, just so she could have a moment to herself.

Dakran raised his hand to silence Corvinand she could feel the heaviness lingering between them, at some sort of discord. Unclear why there was a discord in the first place.

" How is the South?" Dakran shifted to something else while the others at the table continued chattering and laughing among themselves, unbothered by her arrival. Which was relief.She didn't want to disrupt their lives in any sort of way.

" It is," Iris took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully," Warm and sunny," She bitterly smiled, trying her best to mask the effects of the recent events. One night, where she didn't want to think about the threats looming over the lands. One night of carefree moments where the weight of peoples fates didn't push her into the ground, suffocating her until she could barely breathe.

" I see," Dakran nodded in understanding " We will speak of it tomorrow," He added as he picked up a bottle and poured her a splash of wine," There will be more tomorrow and in the coming days," He raised his glass and nodded, taking a sip from it and licking his lips.

" The celebration will start in the evening and will carry on for two more days after that. It won't be anything as spectacular as the one. " He stopped speaking when Corvin cleared his throat, setting his lips in a thin line and threw Dakran a pleading glance. He didn't want to unearth painful memories for some reason. Perhaps he felt ashamed about what had occurred in those moments prior to her impending death.