Steady Pace

Quivering wet plump lips glistening in the faint light of the lamps peppered in the chamber, a wildly beating heart invaded every corner of his being. He wanted nothing more than to fill her with him, all of him, but he'd let his wild side reign over and had done nothing to serve him the way he'd wanted.

Her wild side was deeply locked, encased within the thick wall of restraint. It was there, he could feel it in her in vulnerable moments and he wanted to have more of it.

Eyes trained on each other, a standstill of the sort or perhaps the whispers were keeping her mind too occupied to even remember the question in the first place.

Lightly brushing the back of her hand with his finger, he brought her attention back to him as gently as he could. Two was a company, there was no telling how many unseen would be with them in the same room. Back at the question, he posed prior to her, before she lost herself in her thoughts and everything that took her away from him.

" I'm glad you came," She raised her eyes, slightly surprised at his words. They hadn't moved from the door. He leaned in closer, in one shared breath. She didn't flinch, nor pull away.

Swallowing, she parted her lips with a light intake of air attempting to respond but nothing came. Instead, she sat her lips in a thin line, as her gaze drifted to his lips.

In the same instant, his lips pulled at the corners with a widening grin.

Let's poke this little kitty.

Pressing the weight of his body on hers, Iris hit the door behind her, with a hitching breath and galloping heart. There was no stopping him now. Rock hard he pressed his thigh against her hand, to give her a feel of what she did to him, to wordlessly tell her that he wanted her, desperately.

A deep throaty groan rumbled in his chest when the warmth of her hand seeped through his slacks and his mind went spiralling. It was one or the other.

Curling his fingers around the back of her hair, he gently weaved his hand in her long white tresses, lightly fisting a clump of hair. Her breath hitched again, as her eyes stayed on his, there was no question or surprise in them, but eagerness and delicious desire were swirling in her flaming green eyes. The fight in her was screaming to be let out, to be set free. She had caged herself from within, as a punishment for deeds out of her control.

She deserved more and he will be the one to give that to her, even if it would take him a lifetime of doing so.

A tentative brush of his lips over hers, had her breathless, the beautiful mounds rising and falling beneath his arm, and the violent thudding of her heart drove him to explore a little more of her, of those plump quivering lips. His cock twitched and convulsed when her hand moved between them and brushed against his eager cock.

He ignited, and swelled, feeling his slack tightening against his crotch.

Opening his eyes to gauge her reaction, he felt the need to smile against her lips, at the expression etched on her face. She looked on the verge of passing out.

Tugging at the clump of hair in his hand, tilting her head back he dove in a wild kiss, tasting every corner of her mouth, entangling his tongue with hers. She returned the kiss, and he was ecstatic.

He leaned into her with all of his weight, cupping her generous mound with his free hand, he ravished her mouth, leaving her breathless and limp in his arms.

Her knees buckled when he pulled away from the fiery kiss, and traced with his lips, on her cheek and jaw waiting for her to recover.

" You should wash and rest," He crooned in her ear, smirking against her cheek. Her knees buckled when he released her, but quickly caught herself and braced against the door, as her eyes searched for his, astonished.

" I-I-I, " She severely stammered, as if she hadn't learnt how to speak and he would make sure that soon enough she wouldn't be able to walk either.

He quirked up a brow, amused as he took a step back picked up the bag off the floor and threw it on the bed.

" Undress," He said flatly, as he opened the bag and began pulling the clothes that she had packed for the journey and grimaced at the unsightly servant's clothes that she liked to wear.

He piled them on the bed, each every and single one of them and threw them in the fire. He hated that she wore those clothes. He hated that she was putting herself down so much.

" I don't have anything else to wear," She meekly said as she pushed herself off the door, closed the distance between them, and eyed the empty bag on the bed.

" Undress," He flatly said once more, taking no notice of her remark as he placed the bag on a nearby seat and sauntered to the dresser.

" I will do it for you. You know I will," He carried on the same tone, as he rummaged through the dresser and pulled out a buckram nightdress.

" Or perhaps you want me too, " Something that he hadn't considered since she hadn't moved an inch from the bed.

Throwing the nightgown on the bed, he tugged the end of the string to untie the neat bow at the base of her neck. Her eyes followed his hand as the bow slowly came undone. Her heart once more began loudly thudding in her chest with each tug and pull of the string as he watched the tunic gaping, revelling those wonderful mounds, ready for the taking.