
Kneeling between his legs, Iris pulled away from the kiss, hazed. He was too much...

All at once, overwhelming. The sisters relished his touch, his aggressive possessiveness in a way that no one should. It felt good to be desired with such intense pathos. His gaze stayed on hers, observing her reaction. There was more that he let on behind his action. The reason why he'd come south to find her. Owing her a heartfelt apology was nothing more than an excuse.

" Tell me," He tensed at the soft tone and narrowed his eyes at her, waiting for her to continue.

" Why?" It was a simple question that could be answered in endless ways. She wanted to know all that drove him to do what he did.

" I'm a madman. I don't need a reason," He cooly replied and closed his eyes, hiding behind his sarcasm.

" Coward," Iris hissed, and fully pulled away from him. A chuckle rumbled in his chest, and the corner of his mouth tugged in a half smirk.

"I will tell you when you are ready for it. Right now let's finish bathing. You need to rest, " He grabbed her shoulders and turned her in between his legs, pressing her back against his chest and his rather impressive length.

Uneasy at the constant pole poking at her back, Iris wiggled in her spot and it was met with a primal groan, reverberating through his chest and her body. The sisters hummed in her ear, at the sheer pleasure that groans evoked in her, bundling into a tight knot in her belly. That wasn't unfamiliar at all. At the realisation, Iris fisted her hands to her sides and closed her eyes. It couldn't be. She found the troglodyte attractive, her body strangely reacted to him. His roughness stirred her deep, somewhere she had never been stirred. She jolted when his hands traced her arms, spreading the sudsy water on her shoulders and above her breasts and peeked out of it.

His touch felt incredibly soft and yet as his calloused hands dragged across her skin it awakened her further. A purr escaped her lips when he cupped her neck and began lathering soap, trailing to her back, arms and sides. She shuddered, and in the silence, she could feel the loud thrumming of her heart, and at the center of it all, the little bundle in her belly tightened further and heat spread, unbearable heat, spread from the little bundle. She felt on fire, when he placed his hands below her breasts and began caressing them with his thumbs, making little circles with them. Breathing in and out felt nothing short of impossible.

One of the sisters cackled, " Ahhh," She pleasurably sighed," Great promise lies in those hands," She crooned, revelling in his touch. The rapid rise of his breath warmed the back of her neck, feeling like she was inside a furnace. She squirmed against him uneasy, at the sensations that threaded through her body, unable to control them. Another primal groan rumbled through him, and she felt his length lightly twitch against her back.

" You have no idea what you're doing to me, " He rasped, in the shell of her ear pulling her into him and licking the side of her neck.

" I can't wait to taste you," He ran his tongue from the base of her neck to her ear and pinched her earlobe between his teeth. Catatonic, entranced by the deep dark sound of his voice, unable to find the strength to fight back, she felt her weight sink into his chest. She had no control over her reaction. Body and mind, are separated from each other, operating at different levels.

Endeavouring further, he fully cupped her breasts and ran his fingers over her hardened peaks, pinching, and twittering them, as pleasure surged within her threatening to overcome her, all of her.

A deep moan, her moan filled the silence between them, and felt his lips stretch into a smile against her skin.

" Roar, for me when the time comes," He seductively crooned in her ear, trailing with the palm of his hand over her belly, tracing the little valley between her thighs and her aching place. So, deliciously aching for attention, screaming at her to be touched, soothed.

" I bet you have a delicious cunt," He hummed in her ear, as he ran his fingers over her centre, shuddering in his arms as he pried her lips open with his fingers.

He didn't stop his onslaught, and she lost herself in his touch, as his fingers pried further, penetrating her, immersing herself in the slowly building pleasure, and forgot all about herself and everyone around. He became the sole centre of attention, with each stroke she drifted further, and the bundle in her belly unfurled spreading in every corner of her being.

Pulling his hand from under the water, he rubbed it over his lips, licking his finger, humming in approval, with his eyes closed, relishing her taste.

Opening his eyes he pinched her chin, prying her mouth open, with his tongue, moaning in the kiss, rubbing his lips over hers, giving her a taste of herself.

" You taste better than any of the finest meals I ever had," He praised, with a sly smile, raking a hand through his thick locks.

Speechless, she merely stared at him, as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss in the corner of her mouth, smirking. At something that he only knew.

The sisters rejoiced, revelling in the afterglow, pleasured moans filled her ears. And she fought the urge to shout at them to keep silent.

" Why are you doing this" She asked a little out of breath, watching him rake once again a hand through his hair. A troubled expression settled on his face at her question.

" I'm mad, Iris. Why there needs to be a reason behind the things that I do," He cooly replied and leaned his head against the edge of the tub.

" I will tell you when the time comes. Until then, you're stuck with me. But I need a favour from you. You can't tell Dakran. He will have my head. I'm not allowed near you after what happened," He reluctantly shared some insight, grumbling and sulking like a child.