The Strange Embrace

" I'm sorry I woke you," He said, just above a whisper as he pulled away from the kiss. The softness of his touch and tone was a mighty shock. Admitting that he was in love with her had put some things into perspective. There was a reason, after all, behind his madness. The sisters wantonly sighed in her ears, urging her to ask for more to give herself to him. To embrace his madness. She will not regret it; they fervently promised. It wasn't an easy decision to make. Ian was her husband. She had betrayed him once. Even though she wasn't herself at the time. In that moment, she was herself, or at least a version of herself. And that version wanted whatever the sisters precoged.

Raising her hand, she placed it on his cheek and felt his jaw tick at her touch, closing his eyes, revelling in the feel of her hand on his skin.

" Not at all," She whispered against his lips, feathering a kiss over his lips. Soft, delicately precious. He couldn't wait to make sweet love and make her his and only his.

" Iris," Her name rolled off his lips, all breathy, " Not now," He added, resting his forehead on hers," Not here," He placed his hand over hers, on his cheek and intertwined his fingers with hers, brushing his thumb over, as if to calm the storm within.

" Why not?" Interesting choice. She was willingly offering herself to him, and he'd refused.

"Too many ears on us," He inhaled, " And I want you all to myself," a light squeeze of hand, a kiss on the forehead as he cradled her in his arms. Endearingly so. She melted into his embrace and felt her heart split open. Her eyes stung as a tear escaped, and trailed down her cheek.

" No, please," He whispered and tightened his arms around her, suffocating her with his body. He knew she was crying. And so, he held her as she sobbed for a reason unknown even to her. Something changed, something broken was mended by the simple, yet loving touch. His touch.

He didn't pull away, and she did not struggle to escape out of his embrace. Not that she wanted to. She hated crying and sobbing like a child. And yet, in his arms, her tears flowed like never before, until she fell asleep.

When morning came and the sun rose above the green-painted hills of Whitsun, she opened her bleary eyes, only to find him just as she left him.

" Good morrow," He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead.

" Sala brought us breakfast. She is the only one that knows I'm here," He added as he pulled away, and released her from the trap he's been holding her in. His arms.

" Won't she tell Dakran?" Sala was his most loyal servant. Why would she keep a secret from Dakran?

" No," He smiled as he rolled on his back, " She and I have an understanding, " He took a sharp breath in, " I did her a favour long ago and now she is merely returning the favour. That is all," There was no mockery, no smugness in his tone. The lack of arrogance threw her off a bit. She wasn't used to that side of him. She never imagined that it existed in him.

" Sounds rather devious. Going behind his back," Iris hummed as she pulled herself up to prop on her elbow.

" In this case is not. He will not stand between I and the one that I love," There was a certain determination in his tone, and stressed the word the one.

Green eyes met brown, and the searing heat in them made her heart jump. He wasn't fibbing. He was being deadly serious.

" There is much to see and do today. You should eat something while I go and find Maya. My other accomplice. I had her make something for you when the missive came. I hope you will love it. The circlet suits better than a crown, " He pushed himself off the bed and began looking for his clothes. Yanking the towel off him, he threw it on the bed, to pull his slacks on, completely ignoring the long-standing pole dangling from his groin.

The sisters yelped in excitement at the sight of it, and the heat that pooled between her legs was undeniably palpable. She needed a moment alone with them to discuss certain aspects. They needed to be silent.

" Thank you for the gift," Iris said as she shuffled on the edge of the bed as he walked to her side.

" It was all I could afford at the time," He traced the circlet with the tip of his fingers, a little lost. Disappointed, perhaps.

" No, " She rose to her feet, " It's beautiful. I love it," She stammered a tad, as she wrapped her fingers around his and pulled their joined hands to the front.

" It was a thoughtful gift. But it is so much more than that. More than you could imagine," She fretted when his brows furrowed. She didn't sound convincing enough.

With a nod, he leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead, " I will be back shortly, " He turned on his heels and slipped out of the room.

The sisters wistfully sighed the moment he disappeared. If she wasn't in love with him, they were.

" I need you to be silent from now. I cannot have you yapping in my ears at everything he does and says. If you don't, I'll leave this very instant," The sisters grumbled, disgruntled " I promise I will," Iris firmly added and the sisters quieted down for the slightest moment.

" Well, " One of them began, " We will think about it," She reluctantly said, while the other one groaned, even more displeased.

" Can you think about it, quietly? You are driving me mad with the giggling and squealing, " Iris snapped, at the rowdy sisters, fully knowing that they most likely wouldn't keep their mouths shut.

It would be difficult to get anything done, knowing that they will watch and see everything.