The news have been crazy about countless terrorist attacks. Protesters flooded the streets of Flinders Station, demanding a civil war against the Remnants of the End and the End State. Whenever this kind of news came onto the TV, Justus switches the channel. As Anne Boleyn once said: Politics? Not my thing. Justus was tired of drama, tired of everything happening in the world. Why even bother? He thought. If everyone was to eventually die, why should he even try? Even so, he just couldn't just leave his friends at school. They were the most important people to him, and he was not ready to let that go.
As Justus was leaving, his mum called out to him, but he ignored her and walked right out the door. Whatever she said wouldn't have been of any importance. The streets were empty, as expected. Nobody expected a murder of a happy, bonded family would mark the beginning of a series of terrorist attacks. Although Justus did not know much, as he never cared, he heard a survivor from the "First Despair" was still in his school. Honestly, he hoped she's doing better, but he couldn't care less anyway.
The school entrance was hidden in the fog, and the school was filled with dead silence. People keep on living in fear of dying, but the government would not allow school to be halted. Scott Morrison said in an interview, "These students are the future's hope. We must raise them up to be able to fight against the End State, who are filled with despair." Morrison also passed some other unreasonable laws, thus the protests to end the terrorism right now.
For the rest of the day, Justus did not manage to hear any loud noises, anyone hollering in the hallways, even the lunch breaks were quiet as fuck.
Despite the atmosphere, Leon, Justus's closest friend, still stayed close with Justus. They were almost inseparable, especially now as the tension is so big, it made their bond even closer. However, he was nowhere to be seen today. Justus was determined to go search for him, so during lunch, he greeted his friends and went around to look for Leon. But alas, Leon remained missing. The bell rang for the fourth period, and Justus quickly went to class.
Suddenly, without any precautions, the fire alarm went off. Everyone was panicking, did their time of being attacked finally came? Everyone ran off to head to the school oval. The students were out of the teachers' control. You could hear the boys shouting and cursing at each other, and girls wailing. Eventually, through much pushing and nudging, Justus managed to reach the oval, which the school designated as the emergency point.
Just because of a fire alarm that could've been a drill, the school went from dead silence, to the loudest Justus has ever heard. Slowly, despair filled every student and teacher, and nobody was sane anymore.
Over the loud "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL"s of three-thousand students, Justus could hear beeping sounds right under him, though no one else noticed.
"Beep... beep... beep... beep-"