New Members

Rameer's Mansion


Rizmond:You know it's pretty weird for Rameer to have a meeting at the pool.

Domen-Chi:Yeah this I kinda unique from Rameer.

Rizmond:What you think he's going talk about this time? You think it's about Kage?

Domen-Chi:I don't know. He is very secretive. But this water does feel good. You sure you don't wanna jump in Rizmond?

Rizmond:Nah I'm good. Besides Felicia be in the pool the most. And who knows what she done down there….

(Rizmond gets disgusted just by thinking about it)

Domen-Chi:I mean the water feels fresh.

(Felicia walks into the pool)


(Felicia takes off her towel and jumps into the pool completely naked)

Rizmond:Oh god! You better get gotta there Domen-Chi!

Domen-Chi:Not this Time Women!

(Domen-Chi uses His Shadow Domain to cover the pool so Felicia could get in)

Felicia:What the hell? This shit is hard as a boner! How are you still able the swim in this?

Domen-Chi:It's the logic of Shadow domain. And you not jumping in this pool until you cover up some of that damn skin!

Felicia:Your so boring Domen-Chi! Why can't you be like Kage?

Rizmond:Kage doesn't like you!

Domen-Chi:Yes he looks very uninterested.

Felicia:Y'all don't know that!

Rizmond:Do you?

(Avvon walks into the pool and throws clothes at Felicia)

Avvon:Please put those clothes on.

Rizmond:Well Well look at the weak shit trying to be helpful.

(Avvon ignores what Rizmond says goes deep into the water.)

Rizmond:Aye I'm talking to you boy!

Felicia:How can he go in the water but not me?

Domen-Chi:I Made it so everyone but you can enter the water.

Felicia:That's so lame!

Domen-Chi: To bad.

Rizmond:Ayo where is Tyrone and that The First Guy?

Domen-chi:I have no clue.

(Rameer walks into the pool)

Rizmond:Aye Rameer you good?

Rameer:All of you. Tell me what you think of me. And be honest with me. Don't lie.

Felicia:Well I think your a very hot supermale and I think your really sexy and I bet you have a really big—-

Rameer:I heard enough from you. Rizmond your turn.

Rizmond:Bro you know how a feel about you. You my boy. My brother and it always been like that ever since we first met.

Rameer:Your sure?

Rizmond:Yeah bro.

Rameer:Ok then. Domen-Chi go.

Domen-Chi:Your a Cool and trustworthy friend. You can be a little mysterious but that never truly bothered me.


(Avvon pokes his head out of the water)

Avvon:Um you always pushed me to be my best and your kinda like the father I never had.


Rameer:Ok. I appreciate all of you that you told me the truth.

Domen-Chi:Where are you going with this Rameer.

Rameer:Let me finish. I appreciate all of you that you told me the truth. Unlike some people. Cause some people will just lie to your face. And it could be the most honest people in your life. The most trustworthy people in your life. Sometimes it could be your own best friend. Know if y'all know me well. I hate liars. I think liars should me banished from life. And so whenever I see a liar. I do a little something like this….

(Rameer spawns the heads of The First and


Domen-Chi:Oh my!

Rizmond: No way..Is that Tyrone?

Felicia:..They was ugly anyways.

(Avvon has no response)

Rameer:You see what happened was that these guys where planing to get all of you to eliminate me because I was being an ass. And look at what happened to them. All they had to do was tell me in my face and this wouldn't have happened. But they was too scared to be honest with me. But someone was honest with me a told me about this situation.


(Rameer points at Avvon)


Avvon:Tyrone was the first person who told be about this plan of his. He thought I'll join in because of that day. But I seen this as a opportunity to finally make Rameer proud and…..And….

Rizmond:And what boy!

Rameer: damn. It's wearing off.

Rizmond:What's wearing off?


(This was before Avvon walked into Quadeem's room)

Avvon:(Ok all I got to do Is tell Quadeem what Tyrone told me and hope he can get Domen-Chi and the other students to join)

(Rameer Walks up behind Avvon)


(Avvon jumps in fear When he see's Rameer)

Rameer:Your ok?

Avvon:Me? Yeah I'm fine you just startled me

Rameer:No. I mean from what happened when we battled.

Avvon:Oh. Well I feel ok. And it's not really that deep anyways.

Rameer:You sure.

Avvon:Yeah I'm sure.

Rameer:Ok them. *Spawns a water bottle* you look thirsty.

Avvon:Oh thanks Rameer I actually was a little thirsty.

(Avvon drinks the water bottle)

Rameer:(Let's see if this manipulation syrup Tyrone made for me a while ago still works)

Avvon:Thanks Rameer.

Rameer:No problem.

(Avvon enters Quadeem's room as Rammer waits in the hallway to see if the manipulation syrup works)

Avvon:*Walks out of Quadeem's room* Rameer! Your just the guy I was looking for! I have so much to tell you.

Rameer:(Yep it still works) ok what you want to tell me?

(And that was when Avvon told Rameer everything)


Rizmond:Oh that

Rameer:Yeah there's a lot of shit Tyrone Made that I didn't use yet.



(The Manipulation syrup wore off)

Avvon:What happened? Where am I?

(Avvon sees Tyrone and The First's head)


Rameer:Your truly surprised? They was talking behind my back and they was trying to get my friends to turn there back on me.

Avvon:So you killed them?


Avvon:I thought you and Tyrone was like best friends.

Rameer:I thought the same thing. Until you told me the bad news.



Felicia:So The water bottle that Rameer gave you? Yeah it had some manipulation Syrup in it and….

Avvon:He mindwiped me. Why?


Avvon: *Gets upset* WHY?!?!?

Rizmond:Aye boy don't—-

(Avvon remembers what Quadeem said to him)

Quadeem:Bullshit. You have no reason to be mad at yourself a lot of people would have ran away but you didn't you still battled him Untill your last breath and that is NOT a definition of a weak person.

Avvon:Yeah I guess your right.

Quadeem:But you do have every reason to me pissed at Rameer. He sent your out there without any knowledge of who your opponent is and not just that he made himself the opponent instead of a person that is on your level. So I don't really know why your mad at yourself

(Cuts back to Avvon)


Rizmond:BOY WHO YOU—-

Rameer:Mute yourself Rizmond. It's about time I heard some truth.


Rameer:What? I don't like liars man.

Avvon:So you killed them?


Avvon:What the hell? What type of shit is this? Second of why the hell did you brainwash me? So what you could get information?

Rameer:Nope. I honestly was just testing it out. And then you told me all of that. And now we're here.

Avvon:What the fuck? I can't believe I actually wanted to make you proud.I don't even know why it took me so long for me to realize how much of a ass you are.

Domen-Chi:Avvon calm down.

Avvon:Domen-Chi you know I'm right? You shouldn't even be worried. [You are the closest one here to beating Rameer] Matter of fact Rameer do you even care about anyone here? Or are we just your toys or some—

Rameer:If I didn't care about anyone here none of you would be hear!


(In rage Avvon Activates his crystals)

Felicia:Someone is getting angry.

Avvon:Yes.. I am getting—-

(Suddenly more crystals are spawned)

Domen-Chi:Avvon! You don't want to do this again.

Avvon:Wait. This isn't me who's doing this.

(The crystals attack Avvon)

Avvon:*Gets hurt* What the hell?

Rameer:Looks like the new members are here.

Rizmond:New members?

Domen-Chi:Let's hope that there strong.

Felicia:Are they cute?

Rameer:Let he just get these two things out of the way.

(Rameer Grabs Tyrone's and The First's Heada and throws them into outta space)

Rameer:There we go.

(The new members walk into the pool)

???:You child need to call down. Maybe take a chill pill.

Avvon:Who the hell are you?

Rameer:[The guy with the white hair is the guy who attacked you.This is Dominic. As you can see his clothes looks invisible but if you look close enough. It's actually just reflective. This is because his powers are that he can Mirror others peoples powers. But the only problem is that he still has the master the powers too. But he is still very powerful and he has already mirrored Tyrone's and The First's Intelligence. So he is the new brains of the Group]

Rizmond:(Another Lightskin…Well at least his powers are cool)

Dominic:It is nice to meet all of you. I am already aware that our main goal is Kage and with me I guarantee—-

Avvon:Oh i get it. Kage is the only person you care about huh?

Rameer:Apologies Dominic He just having a tantrum.


???:Well this is a unique first day

Rameer:[And the other guy in the business suit is Taysan. His powers are that he can make colored clones of himself that can blast out colored plasma.]

Taysan:Type shit.

Avvon:Wow. WOW! You killed two of your friends and you just replaced them that easily?

Taysan:Listen pal. If there dead that just mean that they was too weak.

Avvon:What you know about them huh? You know what I don't care anymore. Cause i'm done ok? I'm done. Cause this some bullshit.

Domen-Chi:Come on Avvon.

Avvon:What? I can't fight him if I know he could beat my ass. I don't even know why he didn't kill me. The best I can do I just leave and that's what Imma do.

Domen-Chi:Avvon listen man.

Rameer:It fine Domen-Chi. You just worry about GunDamm.

(As Avvon was about to leave he looks at Felicia one last time)

Avvon:You don't have the be a Hoe all the time Felicia. Come with me. Please.


Avvon:Fine then. Bitch.

(Avvon leaves the mansion)

Taysan:Why didn't you kill him Rameer?

Rameer:I kinda want him alive. So he can get stronger and have his little revenge arc or whatever the kids call it. But he is no longer a problem. Now we get back to getting Kage. Domen-Chi said that there might be someone that might be some Good help in this Kage situation. And he it about to get this help Right now.

Domen-Chi:That's right. It's about time we got some true information.

Rameer:Aye Domen-Chi I know that you said you wanna handle this on your own but if everything goes wrong the new members Taysan and Dominic will be there.

Dominic:That right.

Taysan:If you do need our help we won't let you down.

Domen-Chi:Ok then. Fine with me. But you guys going be benchwarmers for a while.

Rameer:Your ready Domen-Chi?

Domen-Chi:Hell yeah.


Felicia:I know I know.

(Felicia opens the portal)

Rameer: You got that tracker right?

Domen-Chi:Of course.

Rameer:Then in that case. Go get him Domen-Chi.

Domen-Chi:I got you.

(Domen-Chi jumps through the portal. Cuts to what GunDamn has been up to for over 10 Chapters GunDamn is currently just scanning the area he's in)

GunDamn:(It's been I while since me and Kage split up. All because I got upset over the fact that Kage was so concerned for these people. But ever since I just been watching these humans struggling to do human things. But it's not there actually not there fault Notably. It's because of Reality Sorcerers they truly don't care about the powerless. Kage truly is the only good Reality Sorcerer. Maybe he was right. And I…Was wrong.)

(GunDamn sees Reality Sorcerers assaulting a woman)

Women:HELP!!!! GET OFF ME!!

Reality Sorcerer 1:*Laughs* Or what? Your powerless. We can do whatever we want to you.

Reality Sorcerer 2: Hell yeah! How bend her over!

Woman:Wait? WHAT?????

(Before they could do anything to her GunDamn Jumps Down and turns she leg into a Shotgun and blows the head off his body)

GunDamn:Your ok Ma'am?

Women:Yes. Thank you! You saved me just in time!

GunDamn:No problem. You should get out of here

Women:I can't! They have my daughter!

GunDamn:These guys are sick! But the way I eliminated that guy. There just some low levels.

Reality sorcerer 3:Or you think we're light work huh?


Reality Sorcerer 3:Was that even English?

GunDamn:It means beyond a doubt dumbass!

Reality Sorcerer 3:Bastard!

(That Reality Sorcerer tries the use his powers but it doesn't work)

Reality Sorcerer 3:Come on. COME ON!

(GunDamn shoots the Sorcerer Three time and he fades away)

GunDamn:Wow these are really low level Reality sorcerers. Now where's the last one?

(The Last one grabs the daughter)

Reality Sorcerer 2:HEY DUDE! I'll shoot this-

(Before he could finish his sentence GunDamn Shoots him in the Head and he Fades away)

GunDamn:In the bottomless pit that's where his is. Are you ok Young Lady?

(The Little girl runs to her mother)

Women:Thank you so much! *Looks at her daughter* say thank you.

Daughter:Thank you Mr.Pew Pew Man!

GunDamn:Yeah no problem. Now you and the little girl make it home safely. All your plans I suggest that you cancel them.

Woman:Will do!

(The Woman and the daughter goes home)

GunDamn:(That day. If i actually shot that little girl Kage was holding up. What would have been the fate? Would Kage take my life? As I took her's? Or the more likely possibility. He would have prevented the girl from getting killed. And them take my life? Or would he even take my life in the first place?)

(As GunDamn was in his thoughts a shadow Shuriken was being thrown at him but without turning around, GunDamn shoots down the Shuriken)

GunDamn:Guess those thoughts are for another day.

(GunDamn turns around and sees a shadowy figure)

GunDamn:You know. Back when Kage Maltreated one of your boys a portal opened up out of nowhere. And then I showed up and I saw that same shadowy figure and said to myself "Is that Domen-Chi?" Looks like I wasn't wrong.

Domen-Chi:So it is you GunDamn. I recognized that 500 IQ grammar the moment you spoke. You know I wonder who taught you that articulate Gammer in the first place? Oh yeah it was me! Such a shocker(He said sarcastically)

GunDamn:Do get some hype now Domen-Chi. Things changed.

Domen-Chi:I bet it did. Well it looks like we're still good friends, so maybe this will be easy. Come back to us GunDamn. And handover some of that good information about Kage.

GunDamn:You thought it will be that easy? Hell no!

Domen-Chi:You sure man?


Domen-Chi:Well I guess I have to drag your body back there instead.

GunDamm:Is there a third option?

Domen-Chi:Yes. The Third option….

(Domen-Chi Gets In battle stance)

Domen-Chi:.....Is your death.


Rochi: Aye Kage.

Kage: Sup.

Rochi: You ever wonder what GunDamn is doing right now? Since you know it been a while since we saw him.

Kage: Not really no. But he's probably still the same GunDamn like before.

Rochi: I don't know. He might've changed.

Kage: Key word, Might've. But yeah be could've change. But I doubt it. But we'll see.

Rochi: What do you mean we'll see I thought you'll never talk to him again.

Kage: Well you see what happened was NEXT TIME, ENTER REALITY CHAPTER 26:Guns In The Shadows. Yeah that's what happened.

Rochi: What?



BLACK RIPPER Chapter 4:An Actual Friend Coming Next week

HOLY X UNHOLY:New novel coming February

Author's Instagram:Blackboi888._(Yes I am just 16)

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