Stay Focused


Stay Focused

Date: November 13th 2042

Location: Kage's House.

Time: 8:20

(The Chapter starts Off with Kage walking to his Bedroom recapping the entire day in his Head)

Kage: (This day was wayyy to much. I went form Simply having a normal day at school then all of the sudden a bunch of ninjas tried to Jump me and my squad. And when they lost some crystal snuck me when I overheated. A got real close to getting eliminated today. That can not happen again. It will not happen again)

(Kage walks to his room and sees GunDamn's Head.)

Kage: What's up GunDamm.

GunDamm: Hey there Kage. Long Day huh?

Kage: Yeahhh. Welp at least it's about to me over. Cause I'm Going to sleep.

GunDamn: Now? You still got around 4 hours until midnight Kage.

Kage: Yes.

GunDamn: Well…..ok then.

(Kage Sits in the side of his bed staring at a wall as he touches and feels the side of this head)

GunDamn: Your ok Kage?


GunDamn: Kage!

Kage: I'm fine! I'm fine.

GunDamn: Your sure?

Kage: It's just…..My brain there's just like a part of my brain that….I don't know if it's empty or there's something in the part of my brain that I just can't see but it's just keeps bothering me!

GunDamn: You told me this already Kage.

Kage: Yeah I know it's nothing new.

GunDamn: But you said I while back (Before Chapter 1) That it didn't bother you anymore.

Kage: That's what I thought. But I guess I was wrong. It like I want to know what is this part of my brain that feels numb but there's nothing I can do.

GunDamn: Damm....

(Kage and GunDamn both sit in silence)

GunDamn: Maybe it's your childhood.

Kage: Huh?

GunDamn: You said that you have no memory of your childhood.

Kage: Right.

GunDamn: So that if….that missing part of your memory was…..your childhood.

Kage:…..That would make sense…But how am I just going to get my Childhood memories back? If anything I probably don't even have a childhood. I could've just….spawned in or something.

GunDamn: Aye man…..there's a answer for everything. And I believe that you was once young. But I just don't got the proof.

Kage: No one does….but I'll worry about that another time. I'm to tired to worry about this.

(Kage lays in his bed)

GunDamn: Aye Kage one last thing.

Kage: What?

GunDamn: That incident that caused me and you to fight. I just wanted you to know that I really am sorry.

Kage: GunDamn. I forgave you a long time ago….it's all good.

GunDamn: Oh…..thank you!

Kage: No problem. Not get some rest. Even though you probably don't need it.

GunDamn: Aye! Robots get tired to.

Kage: I'm just joking. Good Night.

GunDamn: Sweet Dreams.

(GunDamn Shuts himself down and Kage uses his powers to turn off all the lights, Then Kage starts doing the 478 Sleep strategy to get some rest)

Kage: (Clear your mind….and Breathe in…and breathe out….)

(Kage takes a 4 second Deep breath. The holds it in for 7 seconds. Then breathes out for 8 seconds and continues this process)

Kage: (Breathe in…..Breathe—

(Suddenly Kage is dreaming. He's lying on some Grass and he's looking at the sky.)


(Kage looks at the sun an the clouds are circled around the sun)

Kage: That's Beautiful.

(Kage stands up and he looks around. All Kage sees in nature and it's beautiful.)

Kage:…..The Bird….they look so happy and the trees….they looks so unrealistically beautiful. And the edges of the cloud are light purple….Like my Kompoze.

(Suddenly Flowers starting Blooming in. From the Hydrangeas to the Cherry blossoms the flowers Bloom so bright. Then the flowers Started making the path…a path that Kage should Follow)

Kage: Uh. Guess that's path is for me.

(Kage Follow the path of the flowers as Kage looks around in awe. Kage Touches the Flowers as he walks in the path.)

Kage: This could be like my world…..Like a world without Reality Sorcerers.

(Then birds start chirping at Kage direction)

Kage: Looks like I'm following the birds to.

(The Bird and the Flowers Lead Kage in the path. After minutes off walking They lead Kage to a Door covered up in flowers and roots)

Kage:.This must be what they wanted me to see.

(The Birds fly away as Kage opens the door behind that Door there is a indoor garden this the most beautiful things nature can ever give. Kage puts his hands in his pockets and takes a look around)

Kage:….what is this place?

(And then a gust of wind flowing with leaving moves around the room. The Gust of wind and leave makes I small tornado that summons animals of all nature as that start to sing)

Kage: Singing I high?

(More and more animals spawn in and the all look at the middle of the room. All the leaves spins around and around the middle of the room)

Kage: What is going on?

(Suddenly the leaves vanishes and in the middle of those leaves and in the middle of the room. Kage sees a familiar face)

Kage: Who are…..

(This woman has White and Light purple hair and is 5 ft 10 and has Sliver eyes and she is Brownskin….sounds familiar??)

Kage: Wait…..

Abigail: Hello…..My son.

Kage: WHA——

(Suddenly a load of memories just rush into Kage's brain but as some as Kage snaps back into reality all the memories are forgotten again. Now the only memory he has with his mother is all the way back at chapter 19)


Abigail: No? What's wrong Kage?

(Kage grabs the top of his head and falls to his knee)

Kage: NO NO NO NO!!!!!

(Kage starts punching a squeezing his head)

Kage: Come back!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!! Where did it go????? WHERE DID IT GO!!!!

Abigail: Kage!!!!

(Abigail tries to stop Kage from punching himself)

Abigail: Kage!!!! CONTROL YOURSELF!

(Kage tries to calm down.)

Kage: I had it...

(Kage points at his forthead)

Kage: I've had it all. Every peace my memories that was missing came back!…..and then ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!!! One second passes and everything is gone again!!!!!!

Abigail: Kage! You wouldn't usually snap like this!

Kage: No no…you just don't understand! No one does!!!!! This missing piece of my memories has been bothering me for as long as I remember! And it all came back for just one second!!!!! And now it's gone again!

(Abigail starts to comfort Kage by rubbing his Hair)

Abigail:…..Kage…my child

Kage:…..How do I even know that your my actual mother… could just be an enigma of my imagination…..

Abigail: Because…..I know you Kage. Not because I created you…..because I raised you. And I know it's hard to believe. But look at me Kage!!!! Look at my eyes! Look at my hair….it's just like yours! Come on Kage stop overthinking this! I am your mother! I am the same person you saw when you was at the doors of memories.

(Kage starts thinking to himself)

Kage:…..maybe I am overthinking this….the part of my brain that's not empty is just showing and telling all this crap and scenarios that just don't make sense.

Abigail: But that's when you stop listening to your brain and start listening—-

Kage:——To your heart…..

Abigail: Exactly! So listen to it….listen nice and closely.

(Kage closes his eyes and tries to listen to his heart. But all his think about is the empty part of this brain. It's so empty that whenever Kage thinks about that part of his brain. Kage Brain starts to feel numb and it almost like Kage is exiting Reality.)

Abigail: Kage!

(Abigail snaps her fingers at Kage's ears and Kage snaps back to reality)

Abigail: Focus!

Kage: Sorry.

Abigail: it's ok….

(Abigail touches Kage's chest)

Abigail: Your mother is here.

Kage: Right.

(Kage closes his eyes once again and tries to listen to his heart. There is silence for a few moments)

Abigail: What does your heart say?

(Kage opens his eyes and looks at his mother Abigail in the eyes and it's almost like he could see himself as a Baby through his mothers eyes)

Abigail: Kag—-

(Kage rushes to his mother Abigail and gives he a big harm hug as Abigail hugs back)

Kage: My heart says....that your my mother. Your the one that raised me….the person that knows me best….the person that——

(As Kage is saying all these nice things about his mom Abigail Tries to hold back the tears but then she remembers why she's here)

Abigail: You can write the rest down on an mother's Days card. Cause there's another reason I'm here.

(Kage and Abigail stop hugging)

Kage: Another Reason?

Abigail: Kage I know all this Crap with Rameer is…..annoying.

Kage: It truly is….

Abigail: But Kage that's leading you to the wrong path.

Kage:...I'm not going to turn into a bad guy mom…

Abigail: That's not what I mean. When was the last time you looked at the world to see if there's trouble?

Kage: It's….been a while I'll admit

Abigail: Exacty. And you remember why you wanted to be in the position.

Kage: Yes mom. It short terms I'm I the position to save lives.

Abigail: Yes and lately you haven't been doing that. All you was really focused on was being ready for Rameer's next attack. Meanwhile there's innocent lives being killed or traumatized.

Kage: I know…..I've lost focus. It's just that…Rameer has really been a pain in my a….

(Kage realizes that he talking to his mom)

Kage: Butt...a pain in my butt.

Abigail: Well that's what it's like to have an arch nemesis.

Kage: Yeah. I guess Rameer is my arch nemesis. You know I think this might actually be my first arch nemesis.

Abigail: He probably is Kage. But that doesn't mean that he's stopping you form being a hero!

Kage: Yeah. But enough of that. I wanna know how my mothers doing.

Abigail: Me? Um...

(Abigail thinks to herself for a moment)

Kage: Mom?

Abigail: I'm doing fine! Yeah I'm doing fine.

Kage:… sure?

Abigail: YES! Yes…it's just that I've haven't seen my son in a while so I didn't really plan out what I was going to say.

Kage: Yeah that's fair again.

Abigail: And besides…..

(Kage and Abigail here's the alarm ringing)

Abigail:….our time is almost up.


(All of the sudden the reality around them starts to unravel)

Kage: What is…..

Abigail: This is goodbye Kage…


Abigail: I'm sorry Kage. But you'll have to answer those Questions on your own.


Abigail: You don't get it Kage.


(As Reality continues to unravel, Abigail starts to unravel as well)

Kage: Wait… not…your not alive? Your just a…a type of sprit.

(Abigail shakes her head)

Kage: No…..NO NO NO NO!!!

(Kage Grabs Abigail by the shoulder)


Abigail: It's too late Kage….I can't tell you.

Kage: Why???? WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME!!!

Abigail: It'll be….hard to explain.


Abigail: Kage. You have to go.

(Suddenly a Black hole Starts to suck back to reality.)

Abigail: Let go.

Kage: I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!! I've might be that last time I'll ever see you!

Abigail: Kage don't be selfish! The people out there need you! Lavonia needs you.

(Kage thinks to himself.)

Kage: Your right...Your so right.

Abigail: Mothers are always right.

Kage: Just please promise me I'll see you again.

(Abigail places her hand on Kage's hand and smiles)

Abigail: I promise…I love you Kage.

(Kage tries to hold back his tears)

Kage: I love you to.

(Kage lets go of this mother and he lets him self get sucked in the black hole. Kage wakes up form his dream. It is the next day.)

Location: Kage's House.

Date: November 14th 2042

Time: 6:30am

Kage:…Damn it.

(GunDamn wakes up as well)

GunDamn: Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey!

Kage: No one says that Anyone GunDamn.

GunDamn: Aye man just let me be old.

(Kage gets out of bed and walks pass GunDamn)

GunDamn: Aye. Your ok Kage? You had a bad dream?

Kage: It's…complicated. But yeah I'm fine. You don't gotta worry about me.

(Kage walks downstairs to get some breakfast)

GunDamn: (whenever someone says to not worry that useally mean that you should worry. But knowing Kage. I've probably have nothing to worry about.)

(After Kage finishes Eating he showers and does his usual morning routine stuff and next thing you know Kage is already outside ready for school)

Kage:(Hopefully Lavonia slept well. Since she's sleeping by herself for the first time in a long time. But I'm sure she'll be fine)

(Kage walks to Lavonia house and he sees that She was already waiting outside for him)

Lavonia: Heyyyy Kage!

Kage: You didn't have to wait for me.

Lavonia: What? Of course I had to. We always walk to school together.

Kage: Yeah. But I don't want you waiting for me. How long ways to waiting anyways?

Lavonia: Well actually I literally just liked walked outside like 30 seconds ago.

Kage: Oh I was bout to say I thought you was out here for a 30 minutes.

Lavonia: Nah. I mean I would've still waited though.

Kage: Come on Lavonia you don't gotta do that.

Lavonia: Don't act like you wouldn't do the same thing.

Kage: It's not about me right now.

Lavonia: See? Look at you trynna avoid my statement.

Kage: Let's just start walking.

(Lavonia and Kage start there walk to school)

Kage: Did you sleep well? Since you was sleeping by yourself this time.

Lavonia: Actually I slept really well. Like a baby!

Kage: That would explain why your more energetic so early.

Lavonia: Yeah maybe. But what about you? You slept well.

Kage:…(should I tell her? Nah I'm not going to) yeah I slept well. But it was wayyy more quiet since you wasn't there talking and running around.)

Lavonia: Damn I really talk that much?

Kage: Yes Lavonia…Yes you do.

(Lavonia and Kage talk for a while until they finally made it to the school and they see Rochi and the other already there.)

Rochi: Ayeeee what's up my people! Yo Kage I really gotta tell you how I cooked this man Rakai in FortKnight.

Rakai: Yeah and then I cooked you the other two times.

Rochi: No you didn't bro let's be honest here.

Kage: I thought FortKnight was a Battle Royal Game.

Melly: It is you but you can also One v One people there to.

Rymid: Yeah it's like a whole different game mode.

Kage: Oh.

Quiet Kid: Cooked.

Rakai: Yeah I'm Not gonna lie you was cooking in Battle royal Quiet Kid.

Quiet Kid: Indeed.

(While the boys are talking about Fortkinght The girls are talking about….girl stuff)

Miyah:…girl yesterday was crazy.

Kelly: I know right??? I was so sure that I was going to die.

Miyah: Right??? But luckily your friend Kage was there to save to the day right Lavonia?

Lavonia: Yeah. Why you said friend like that?

Miyah: You know why.

Lavonia: oh my god.

(Meanwhile while everyone is talking Kage is thinking to himself. Thinking about the dream he had. The voices around him slowing start to blur out soon the sound of the environment blurs out to. Once again it feels like Kage is exiting Reality. And Lavonia starts to notice that something is wrong with Kage.)

Lavonia: Is Kage…..

Miyah: Oh your worried about you friend again?

Lavonia: Shut up.

(Lavonia walks up to Kage and smacks him at the back of his head)


Lavonia: Kage. Your ok???

Kage: Yeah…..I'm fine It's just that I had a very weird dream that's all.

Lavonia: oh. Well that was the dream about.

Kage:….you wouldn't get it


ENTER REALITY Chapter 47: Truth Unraveled. This will be the FINAL chapter of Enter Reality Volume 1

Coming Soon

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