Chapter 5

Ina knew what it meant, everyone should stay in caves for the next two or three days. The city men haunted pretty frequently but usually for a short period of time, as soon as they got bored or caught someone they would leave.

"Tell everyone to stay in the caves. Is anyone out there?"

"I'm not sure but I think I have seen Noah." One of the warriors said.

Ina's face went pale, she couldn't find him so he had to be out there and it was now very dangerous. She had to warn him.

"Alpha, I need to look for him." She said spontaneously.

"We all will go looking for him. Lead us where you have seen him last time." The Alpha ordered and the warriors quickly shifted back to their wolf form Ina did the same and the Alpha followed. Other pack's members were already gathering in the cave spreading the information further.

Ina with two warriors and the Alpha left the caves together. They were on their way. Ina was anxious all she could think about was Noah. The passed the flat grounds and moved in the direction of a rock maze, behind it there was the entrance to a canyon. Ina was looking around in hope of spotting Noah somewhere. That wasn't his usual spot though, she was wondering what could have brought him here. It was deep silence, except for hearing her own pounding heart she could hear nothing more. A hushed bark informed them to spread. They did ,the warriors turned left and the Alpha led her in the direction of the canyon. It was a long way with steep walls and no way out, Ina knew it and kept thinking hard why would Noah be here? Her Alph led the way and she followed. They stopped abruptly, right in front of them she saw four men clad in black sitting on horsebacks. Fuck no, Ina stopped her eyes were in panic looking for any sign of Noah, but there was none. She wanted to back out of this place when suddenly the Alpha attacked her. He bumped into her and she landed on the wall hitting her ribs against the hard rock. She could barely stand up, running was no option for a moment and then she noticed the men rushing in their direction. The pack's Alpha made no other move in her direction, he backed away leaving her alone. Ina forced herself to move, she had problems breathing but she knew staying here ment death. Those who met the city people never came back. They were closer, she could hear the horses and smell their strong scent. The Alph was out of sight, the men circled her and all Ina could do was to bare her teeth and growl. Her ears were laid back and her posture ready to attack.

"Oh my, I thought we will go empty this time again. Look at this little treasure. My nose tells me it's a female Omega." She heard the men on her right commenting on her.

"Be careful Benji, don't hurt the cuite beast. She will bring us some money." The man next to him responded, forcing Ina to look at him. Ina was looking around trying to find an open space to make her escape. However any time she wanted to escape they tighten the ring around her. It was hopeless, they were playing with her. Her moves were frantic; she was tossing inside the space that was getting smaller as the men came closer. She decided to attack the horses or at least scare them enough to create an opening. She barked and went for the leg of the horse closest to her. The horse raised himself and Ina was almost kicked in the same time a net was thrown at her. She fell down unable to get out of that net. She was trying hard to bite it but in vain.

"Look, she's a feisty one." One of the men laughed.

"There, there little Omega, stop. You will only hurt yourself." A tall man approached her, he had those blue eyes fixed on her. "I guess you will not shift if I tell you so, hmm?" His voice was calm and almost tender, but at the same time Ina felt he treated her like a little child. She stopped her desperate moves. It was pointless, all she could do was look at him and wait for what will happen. Maybe she will manage to escape at some other point.

"You've got amazing eyes. I've never seen any desert wolf having such golden eyes. You will go for a good price." The man smiled and took out a strange object. It was thin and sharp on one end and had a container on the other. Ina has never seen anything like that before.

"I will put you to sleep, when you wake up I will welcome you in your new home." The tone in which he was speaking was calming and in the whole situation Ina wanted his words to be true. That she will be alright. There was a stab, not very painful but Ina didn't like it. They took away the net and Ina wanted to bite one of them in the hand but her muscles stopped working properly. She stood up and then fell to the ground. She was panicking, she couldn't feel her legs anymore.

"The sedative kicked in, we can transport her." She heard someone explaining her situation. They wrapped her in come cloth and placed her on the horse. Her heart was beating fast. Ina was scared. She wanted to call for help, but her voice got stuck in her throat. She threw a last glance at the rocks around them. She saw a familiar figure. It was the pack's Alpha. He stood there at the top of the canyon rock looking at her being tight and placed on the horseback. He stood there indifferent as Inas heavy eyelids closed.