17 - A God, Restored


What they say about having a bath or shower after a long time is true - it's replenishing.

It seems that I am a God restored.

Last night was fun. I dressed up as an Ankou (I guess it was a cute Ankou, though Ankou aren't supposed to be cute. Sod this baby face of mine.), and I drank a ridiculous amount of chouchen with my ancestors and my nice neighbour, who I watched the wrestling and some Netflix with.

He really enjoyed the chouchen, lol.

I don't think I've slept so soundly in a while, nor felt as relaxed as I have over this past night and day.

Maybe I needed to cleanse more, who knows?

Today I'm going to speak to the police about what bin boy and nopeman did to me.

I have to. I can't let either of them walk free knowing what they're capable of.

If I'm honest, it does make me a little bit nervous. But I need to do this, even if I don't remember everything.

I wish I remembered more, but then again, I suppose that also comes with the price of further trauma.

The police are literally supposed to turn up in less than ten minutes. Knowing my luck, they'll either be early or late.

If my caseworker is late, I hope they turn up late, too. I'd rather have time to prepare than worry.

Also, the wifi in this house keeps checking out. 

Screw BT, honestly.

Enough ranting from me. I've had a good run of everything as of late, aside from my debit card no longer working.

That will be sorted.

Let's just hope that today, I can eat well and perhaps write some plots.

We'll see.

As I contemplate this, a white seal plushie apports onto the nemeton.

Robb again?


There's a small note attached to it, so I pull it off.

"My dear grand-nibling,

I hope this can be of solace to you in this turbulent time. And if you ever need me, I will always be here. Just call for me.

- Great Aunt Hera"

Aunt Hera bought it for me?

That's sweet of her.

Hera is my grandmother's sister on my Maman's side, so it's no surprise that she would have some contact with me. Though I do have to say that I am surprised that she decided to bring a gift to my nemeton.

I ought to send something back.

I rummage through my box of offerings again and pluck out a bumblebee brooch.

I think she'll appreciate that.

I leave the brooch on the offering altar and watch it disappear.

Trugarez, Auntie.

It sounds like the police will be here soon, so I'll probably have to go.

This time, I will get justice.