
[Warning: Smut]

"My head," oh how I had forgotten about these pesky fucking hangovers... I want my old liver back.

I gripped the pillow and shoved it over my face, blocking out all the light.

"Come on."

Something nudged me, trying to lull me out of my blanket and pillow cacoon.

"Wake up wifey, take this," his overly enthusiastic voice made my heart skip a beat and my face scrunch. No noise. Please no more noise.

Peeking from my pillow I saw the sunlight make his skin practically glow. He wore only loose pyjama bottoms, exposing his six-pack for me to drool over.

"Eyes up here," he teased, leaning to pinch my chin to lift it. Then kissed my lips.

My lashes fluttered quickly in confusion. Why was I here?

"Do I need to put you on an alcohol ban?" System cursed at me internally.

I should have known that this body would react differently to alcohol. I should have been more cautious drinking inside of it for the first time...

Oh well, what's done is done.

"Where's breakfast?" I asked him, feeling my stomach ache and rumble.

"So demanding," he tutted, then reached to hand me a glass of water and two pills from the bedside table.

"What's these?" I asked, but still shoved them in my mouth and swallowed them down.

"Just extra strength paracetamol," he replied, sitting on the bed's edge, then setting the now empty glass back, "how are you feeling?"

"Do you need to ask?" I grumbled then swallowed the pills and downed the glass.

"They are really paracetamol by the way, just in case you were wondering..." System chided.

"Whatever, if I die, I'll just get a new body," I internally rolled my eyes.

System was rendered speechless.

"Power, Souls..." it eventually whined, likely regretting having bonded with such a useless Host. Oh well. It's loss, my gain.

I had zero intentions of becoming some almighty Goddess any time soon. Too much responsibility.

Where are my cocktails and summer tan already?

"Hungry?" His baritone voice lulled me from my internal monologue.

Glancing at him I licked my lips, sure I felt hungry...

"For food," he chuckled, shaking his head and walking towards the door, "come on, I'll make you something."

Nodding, I clambered out of the bed, almost falling flat on my face.

In the kitchen, I hovered at the breakfast bar, nursing the fresh cup of coffee from the fancy machine. I should get one of those for the dorm room.

Whilst I tucked into the bacon and egg sandwich, he tutted, leaning over to wipe the egg yolk creeping down my chin, then licked it from his thumb.

Damn, why was everything he did so damn sexy?

"What day is it?" I pondered, wondering if I had time to drag him back up the stairs.

"Saturday," he replied, then took a long drink of his own coffee.

I was sure I was supposed to do something today. My hand reached for my nonexistent pocket. Instead of my own clothes, I grabbed the first shirt I saw in the wardrobe on my way out.

Back up in the bedroom, I noticed the faint sound of vibrating from my body bag.


Quickly I pulled the phone out to see the countless missed calls before it rang again.

"Good morning," I answered.

"Fay," Sam's wronged voice shrieked my new name. "Where are you, are you okay? What happened? What's with the post on the uni forums?"

"What post?" I frowned, pulling the phone from my bleeding ear.

"Are you okay?" She asked again, her voice now calmer.

"I was, but now my head," I groaned, sprawling back onto the soft silk sheets.

"Sorry," her voice turned adorably mousy, "there's a photo of you and a man on the uni forums, they're saying a bunch of shit."

I put the phone onto loudspeaker and searched for the forums, racking Fay's memories for the login details.

"I'm a rich boy's plaything?" I chuckled bitterly at the blurry photo of Zane kissing me against the brick wall, it almost looked consensual.

"Who is he? They're saying so much bad stuff," she whined.

A heavy breath behind me startled me, since when had he come into the room?

"Honey, it appears you're not rich enough to keep me," I gloomily smirked.

He ignored me, reaching for his own mobile on the bedside table. His sword-like eyebrows furrowed as he began to type away in a trance.

"Who are you talking to? Is that him now?" Sam asked, all her previous grievances gone as she dug for the gossip.

"It's my rich, handsome hubby, who else?" I smiled, taking pleasure in how his lips twitched at my words.

"You're actually married? You're not messing with me again?"

Poor girl had trust issues.

"Faaaay," she whined again, her tone nagging on my brain more so than System.

"I could just not speak at all you know," System huffed.

"Yes, apparently I am married," I replied, rolling onto my back, and began scrolling through the comments.

Oh, this one looked fun...

[SummerGoddess: I knew she is struggling since she was disowned by her father, but to go to this extent... the man in the picture is rumoured to have a fiance.]

Tracking their IP I confirmed it was my bitch of a sister. Out of spite, I posted a rather raunchy selfie of hers onto the forum.

"Oh my lord, Fay, have you seen this new post," Sam gasped, then laughed heartily, "I had no idea your sister had it in her."

"Oh..." I smugly grinned, going through the other comments.

A text from 'my dearest hubby', attached with some medical records, came through. I glanced up at him.

"Your handiwork?" He asked, his voice cold but his smirk playful.

"Is that your hubby?" Sam almost screeched, "damn is he as sexy as he sounds?"

My face flushed, recalling she was still there.

"Yes, it is her hubby," he spoke slowly, emphasizing the hubby, as he tossed his phone aside and crawled between my legs, plucking my phone from my hands, "she will call you back." He abruptly ended the call before Sam could reply then tossed it to join his.

His hands traced down my bare thighs, rising his shirt to expose my core to his greedy eyes.

"Want me to do anything?" He asked, his thumb digging into my hips, pulling the skin taught.

Instead of answering I bit my lower lip.

"Just tell me if you change your mind," he murmured, his focus entirely on kneading my skin like dough until I felt like putty in his hands. He hadn't even done anything yet.

I had really lucked out in randomly stumbling into this fine broad chest of his that night. This world's God must really love me.

Pushing myself up, my hands tugged at the elastic band of his pyjama bottoms.

A devilish grin spread across his face flashing a sharp canine, making me unconsciously clench.

"If he touches you again..." his honeyed voice grew bitter, "I'm not sure I can hold myself back."

"Then I will not let him touch me," I beamed up at him, eyes lingering on his chest. My hands wandered up to stroke the smooth, taut muscles.

Lips smashed into mine, hands digging deep into my tangled black locks, pulling my face as close as possible to his. His tongue invaded, claimed, and conquered my own as I breathlessly whimpered beneath him.

Not even bothering to strip, he simply adjusted his pants a bit lower and entered into my already wet folds.

Gasping, he took advantage of my widened mouth, to ticklishly tease me as he pulled out to thrust again.

Abruptly he pulled apart, to rip open his shirt, the buttons ripping off as he exposed my breast and abdomen.

His rough, calloused hands gently stroked down my neck, collarbone, my breasts.

Gripping tightly, he plunged into me again. My hands hovered hopelessly in the air, before reaching down to the silk sheets beneath.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he pounded into me slowly, but hard. Striking right at that sweet spot each time as my hips rose to match his pace until the whole world unraveled around me.

Limply I writhed as he thrust in and out, varying his speed and strength, not wanting the ecstasy to stop. My throat felt hoarse as unintentional moans escaped.

Just as I was about to climax he paused deep inside me, "who is your hubby?"

"Y-you," I stuttered, feeling my cheeks flush from exhaustion and embarrassment. The sunlight from the opened curtains glowed on his slightly tanned skin, making his golden eyes practically glow.

"Say my name," he sternly ordered, making me gulp.

Name. Name. What was his name? Hubby. No. Lucifer. No. "Lu-Lucien."

He laughed, pushing in harder. "Again."

"Lucien," I called out as he built up the speed.

"Again." I wanted to slap that smug smirk from his handsome face. But after. After.

"Lucien, fuck," I screamed, stars in my eyes as I felt my walls clamp and then spasm hard on his pulsating dick.

He leaned forward to kiss my forehead softly, "now be sure to try and remember it..."