An Adventurer’s Job

"Fufu, today is the day I finally uncover what secrets you're hiding!" The waxing

moon's light pierced through the patchwork veil of clouds that partially obscured it

and illuminated the ground below. Pale beams of light danced back and forth as clouds

blew past the moon. One of the rays fell upon a certain building. Or more precisely, it

fell upon a certain girl that was currently rappelling down a rope attached to one side

of the building. She looked like a special forces operative, with the apparent ease and

skill she slid down the bricks.

After she made it down to the third floor window she flipped herself upside-down,

then peered over the upper sill into the room inside.

"Asking Crystabel-san to teach me how to climb has finally paid off. I bet you'd never

expect me to be up here, kukuku. Now, show me just what kind of crazy erotic

roleplaying you two do in bed!" Hanging from the roof of the Masaka Inn and panting

excitedly was none other than Sona, the daughter of the innkeeper. The bright,

cheerful, straightforward, hardworking girl loved by most of the town. True, she was

by no means a stunning beauty, but there was a simple rustic charm to her looks. More

than one guy had their sights set on her.

Right now, that same girl was using the skills she'd acquired to spy on a certain room.

If the men smitten with her saw her now they'd be completely disillusioned… Sona

looked more like a perverted old man than a charming young girl right now.

"Gah, why is it so dark? I can't see properly. Maybe if I adjust the angle a little…"

"Like this?"

"Yes, that's perfect… Still, why is it so quiet? I was certain I'd hear someone moaning

at the very least…"

"Well, it's not hard to dampen sound with magic."

"Hah!? I see! Kuh, how crafty! But I won't give up! I'll unearth their steamy secrets if

it's the last thing I do…"

Just as a refresher, this was third floor. Unless someone was doing something as

ridiculous as Sona, it didn't make sense for her to be able to hear anyone's voice. A

waterfall of sweat cascaded down her brow as she creakily turned around. Behind her,

floating in the air, stood Hajime, a cold smile on his face.

"I-Ish's not what you shink, dear guest. I, uhh, well, oh! I'm inspecting the walls!"

"Oh really? This late at night?"

"Y-Yes. See, if I do it at night, no one will notice. If people saw us doing repairs in the

middle of the day they'd think we're a run-down establishment."

"I see. I suppose an inn's reputation is important after all."

"E-Exactly! We have to keep up appearances!"

"By the way, I've been hearing disturbing rumors lately about a peeping tom in the inn.

What do you think about that?"

"Th-That sounds like a serious problem! O-Our inn d-doesn't tolerate such indecency."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Peeping is intolerable, right?"

"Y-Yes, completely intolerable…"

Hajime and Sona both started laughing. Though neither of them actually looked happy.

There was a cold gleam in Hajime's eyes, while on the other hand there was a trickle

of sweat dripping from Sona's forehead as she trembled nervously.


"Hiiii! I'm sorry!"

Hajime stopped laughing as suddenly as he'd started and grabbed Sona by the face.

His metallic fingers creaked as he dug into her skin. Sona screamed, begging for

forgiveness as she struggled inside his grip.

Sona was just an average girl, so the amount of force Hajime was putting into his grip

was a bit overkill. Had this been her first offense, Hajime wouldn't have been so harsh.

But ever since they'd returned from the Reisen Labyrinth and booked a room at the

inn, she'd been using every means at her disposal to try and peep on them, so Hajime

was starting to get sick of it. The reason they'd still come back to the inn despite

knowing this might happen was because of how good the food was.

Around the time Sona started twitching a little, Hajime sighed and finally adjusted his

hold on her so he was carrying her under his arm. Sona let out a sigh of relief, but then

when she looked down… she saw a demon waiting for her. Her mother, the demon,

was smiling, but just like Hajime's smile it didn't reach her eyes.


She noticed Sona had spotted her, so she beckoned gently, a mother calling to her child,

like a devil beckoning her down into hell.

"It looks like a hundred spanks wasn't enough. Perhaps more will work."

"Nooooooooo!" Sona let out a terrified shriek as she thought back to other spankings

she'd received when she had been caught. Her buttcheeks were going to be swollen

come breakfast time. Hajime sighed again. He was getting tired of repeating this farce

every night.

After handing Sona over to her mother, Hajime went back up to his room and flopped

down into bed.

"…Well done."

"Welcome back."

Yue and Shea greeted him as he returned. The faint moonlight pouring through the

window, the only lighting inside the room, dimly outlined the two girls.

Both of them were sitting on the bed across from his. And both of them were wearing

nothing but their negligees. Their beauty was such that even a second-rate painter

would be able to create a masterpiece simply by using them as models.

"Yo. I don't get it, why's that girl so hell-bent on peeping on us… Normally, you wouldn't

rappel down the roof just to catch someone having sex, would you? I'm starting to

think we should pick a different inn, even if the food isn't as good." Shea let out a small

chuckle, walked over to Hajime's bed, and sat down next to him. Yue too, headed over

to Hajime's bed and lifted his head onto her lap. Hajime let himself momentarily enjoy

the sensation of being given a lap pillow. It really was quite wonderful.

"Our relationship must have sparked Sona-chan's teenage curiosity, is all. You can't

really blame her, can you? Besides, I think it's kind of cute."

"Though, I am a little… worried about how elaborate her schemes are becoming."

"Yeah, yesterday she made a snorkel and tried to hide in the bath… Finding a pair of

eyes staring at me from the bottom of the tub was quite a shock."

"Yeah, having the innkeeper's daughter basically stalk us is kind of… Especially since

it seems like she's only after us…"

Shea snuggled closer to Hajime while they talked. She inconspicuously put her hand

over his and tried to guide it to her breasts. A faint blush spread across her cheeks as

she nervously thought about what would come next.

Hajime gave Shea's hand a little squeeze. Shea jumped in surprise. She happily

increased the strength of her own grip. In return, Hajime squeezed back even harder.

This cycle repeated itself a few times until Shea finally noticed what was happening.

"Hey, Hajime-san! You're crushing it! You're crushing my hand!" Creak!

"Hiiii! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I got too full of myself, okay!? It won't happen again! Please

let me go! You're breaking my hand! I can feel it cracking!"

"I saw you casually trying to set up a good mood, you know? Why are you even here,

anyway? Your room's over there." Shea struggled to free her hand, but Hajime's grip

was as tight as a vice.

"I-I was hoping to slowly sneak my way into bed with you. Come on, we've already

kissed. Can't we just have a little alone time?"

"Hell no. I only did that to save your life."

She was, of course, referring to the time Miledi Reisen had flushed them out of her

labyrinth like they were unwanted pieces of offal. Because of the strange fish creature

Shea had seen, she'd nearly drowned and had to be saved via CPR by Hajime. She had

somehow had enough of her consciousness left to know she was being kissed, and

upon waking had assaulted Hajime with all her inhuman might, which had resulted in

Hajime being kissed over and over.

He'd pulled her off and thrown her into the fountain quickly enough, but for Shea that

was still the precious memory of her first kiss.

No matter how coldly Hajime brushed her off, this worthless rabbit just didn't know

when to give up. Shea smiled smugly, like a famous detective that had finally deduced

who the criminal was.

"No, I can tell. You've already started to fall for me, Hajime-san! You're way nicer to me

than you used to be! If we think about all the evidence piled up it's clear that…

Guhehe." Creaaaaak! "Owww! You're bweaking me!" Unwilling to hear any more of

Shea's blabbering, Hajime squeezed harder.

Shea let out a garbled shriek and finally managed to pull her hand away. She nursed

her throbbing fingers as she sulked over in one corner of the bed. Her rabbit ears

flopped about dejectedly.

Hajime ignored her and turned toward Yue. Since he was still resting in her lap that

basically meant looking straight up. Yue, too, looked down at Hajime.

"By the way, Yue. You haven't been stopping Shea as much. Did you have a change of

heart or something?" Yue tilted her head to the side, thinking. As Hajime had said, her

attitude toward Shea had grown far more tolerant since they'd cleared Reisen's


In the beginning, Yue had mercilessly stopped Shea anytime she'd attempted to get

close to Hajime, but lately Yue had become a lot more lax about Shea's overtures. Even

when Shea went for something big, like a kiss, Yue just pouted unhappily.

"Shea worked hard. And she's going to keep working hard to stay with us. Plus, she

likes both you and me."

"Well, I guess, but…"

"…And I… kind of like her."

"Figured as much. It's obvious just by looking that you get along pretty well."

From what little Yue had said, Hajime could tell that she treasured Shea a great deal.

It made sense, honestly. Since mana was dispersed with far more intensity within the

labyrinth than even in the gorge, Yue hadn't been able to exhibit her full strength. The

same had gone for Hajime. With just the two of them, conquering the labyrinth would

have been quite a hassle. Sure, Hajime might have been able to tackle the labyrinth on

his own, but he'd probably have had to burn through a few of his Ambrosia vials in

order to do so. It was only thanks to Shea that they'd been able to clear it without

wasting any resources.

What was truly amazing was that Shea had never held a weapon in her life until just a

few weeks ago. In fact, she'd actively avoided conflict as much as possible. She was one

of the rabbitmen, the race known as the weakest of the beastmen species, that hated

fighting above all else.

She must have been scared that entire time in the labyrinth, and yet she'd never once

said that she wanted to go back. In order to stay with Hajime and Yue, she'd braved

the hell known as a labyrinth. She'd grit her teeth and pushed valiantly onward, crying

all the while.

Because she cared that much about Yue and Hajime, her devotion had let her

overcome her fear.

It wasn't that Yue hadn't been jealous. In fact, that was precisely why it had been so

hard for her to accept Shea's feelings for Hajime. After all, she'd been pretty harsh on

Shea too. But no matter how many times she was rebuffed, Shea kept on trying to

befriend Yue. On top of that, she'd shown her determination when she'd stuck with

them through the entire labyrinth. Her constant efforts had moved Yue.

Come to think of it, Yue didn't have any friends, did she? Even before she had been

sealed, she'd been busy leading her country. Her position hadn't allowed her to make

any friends. She'd been a loner the whole time.

And so, the appearance of Shea, who had no ulterior motives in wanting to become

Yue's friend, was a true blessing. That was why Yue had justified it to herself with

"Well, if it's Shea, it's okay…" and let her get away with more and more.


"Hm?" Hajime looked back up at Yue. Her eyes were a whirl of emotion. Confidence,

charm, resolution, sincerity, all mingled together as she smiled down at him. She

looked so majestic that Hajime involuntarily held his breath. He found himself lost in

her gaze, her eyes deep pools that sucked him in. They stared unblinkingly at each

other for a long time.

"…Your heart already belongs to me."


No matter who falls in love with him, no matter who else he decides to let into his bed,

the one most important to him will always be me.

Of that, Yue was sure. And so, this was her declaration of war. Her declaration of war

against all those Hajime had already met, and all those he might come to meet.

Hajime was speechless. Bewitched, he gazed intently into Yue's sparkling eyes. Gently,

ever so gently, he placed a hand on her cheek. She covered his hand with her own. Dim

moonlight framed the two figures as they drew close together, their shadows merging

on the wall behind them.

Just before they completely overlapped—

"Ugh… You could at least pretend to remember I'm still here. I feel so lonely… Hic…"

Shea was hugging her knees on the other corner of the bed, tears streaming from her

eyes, bunny ears drooping sadly. Even Hajime felt a little uncomfortable seeing her so

depressed. Yue awkwardly beckoned her over.

"Yue-saaaaan!" Shea cried out as she leaped into Yue's bosom, sniffling. Yue patted her

head gently, and soon enough the steady breathing of a sleeping bunny girl could be

heard. Hajime smiled wryly as he looked down at Shea.

"You're more like her mom than her friend."

"If I'm going to have kids, I want them to be yours."


"Don't be too hard on Shea, okay?"

"Alright, I'll try."

"Mmm… I love you."

"Me too."

In the end, Hajime ended up sleeping sandwiched between the both of them.

From that day onward, Yue gave Shea permission to sleep in the same room as them.

Naturally, Shea let this get to her head and tried to assault Hajime every night, to no


Shea's screams of pain served to stimulate Sona's imagination even further, and she

went to even greater lengths to spy on the trio's nightly activities.

The Brooke adventurer's guild's door opened with a cheerful clang. Three people

walked inside. Hajime, Yue, and Shea, who had grown famous around the town.

As always, there were a few people sitting around inside the guild. A few of them raised

a hand in greeting as Hajime and the others walked by. Many of the guys still gazed at

Yue and Shea with longing, and glared at Hajime with burning envy, but there was a

distinct lack of malice in their stares.

In the week they'd spent back in Brooke, countless scores of men had tried to profess

their love to Yue and Shea, but they'd all been shot down. Some of them still

remembered Yue's ball crushing incident, so instead of going to her directly, they had

tried to get on Hajime's good side first.

Hajime had, of course, ignored them entirely. The truly desperate ones had tried to

challenge Hajime to a duel, only to find themselves on the receiving end of his rubber

bullets. Many an unfortunate soul had found themselves spinning through the air and

kissing the dirt before they'd even drawn their weapon.

Rumors had begun to spread about Yue the ball crusher and her partner, Hajime the

duelist crusher. Their fame had steadily been on the rise.

Though they hadn't registered a party name with the guild, people had taken to calling

them the "smashers," much to Hajime's chagrin.

Meanwhile, Shea was lamenting the fact that no one seemed to remember she was

part of their group too.

"Oh, all three of you are together today?" Old lady Catherine was manning the

reception desk. The reason for Catherine's surprise was that this past week, Hajime

had either come alone, or Yue and Shea had visited as a pair.

"Yeah. We're heading out tomorrow, but we wanted to come thank you for everything

you've done for us first. Oh, and to see if there's any requests related to our

destination." That "everything" had included lending Hajime one of the guild's rooms

for free. He had wanted to see what kind of stuff he could do by combining his

newfound gravity magic with his creation magic, but he'd needed a wide open space

for that. When he'd come to Catherine to ask where he could find one of those, she'd

offered to let him use one of the guild's rooms for free.

In the meantime, Yue and Shea had been spending time outside the town training their

gravity manipulation abilities.

"I see. Leaving already? Guess it'll get lonely here again. The town's been a lot livelier

since you three returned."

"Give me a break. I've had enough of peeping perverts, clothing store perverts,

perverts begging Yue and Shea to step on them, perverts stalking them and calling

them 'onee-sama,' and idiots challenging me to duels… This town's full of nothing but

them. Seventy percent of the people I've met are perverts, and the other thirty are

idiots… There's something seriously wrong with this place." Hajime's complaints were

more or less on the mark. Sona was one thing, but every time he'd gone to Crystabel's

shop, he could feel a hungry gaze devouring him.

There were also three factions in Brooke that were constantly feuding with each other.

The first was the "I want to be stepped on by Yue-chan" faction, the second was the "I

want to be Shea-chan's slave" faction, and the last was the "I want to become Oneesama's apprentice" faction. Their names were rather self-explanatory, and the three

factions were constantly competing for members.

Hajime and the others did their best to steer clear of all of them, though.

Yue was already having nightmares about all the guys that prostrated herself before

her, begging her to step on them. And Hajime had no idea just how some of the other

guys had come to the conclusion that they wanted to be Shea's slave. Beastmen were

supposed to be discriminated against, and it wasn't clear how becoming her slave

would help their chances with her, but trying to understand their motives was more

effort than it was worth, so Shea just eliminated them.

Meanwhile, the female group's primary objective was trying to remove Hajime. One of

them had even tried to stab him with a knife, going "How dare you leech off of Oneesama, you parasite! I'm gonna cut your balls offfff!"

Obviously killing a young girl in the middle of the street would've led to some

complications, so Hajime had just stripped her naked, tied her up bondage style, and

dangled her from the roof of the tallest building in town. To top it off, he'd stuck a sign

to her that read "I'll kill the next person that tries that." That managed to scare the

girls into submission.

Hajime grimaced as he thought back to his time in this town, while Catherine smiled


"Now now, you can't deny things were interesting at least."

"Interesting in a bad way, maybe."

"So, where are you headed next?"

"Fuhren." They continued chatting idly while Catherine rifled through the requests,

looking to see if any involved Fuhren.

Fuhren was the independent merchant state Hajime had read about when he'd first

arrived. Hajime's next destination was the Grand Gruen Volcano, which was located

within the Gruen Desert. As the desert lay on the western edge of the continent, the

trio had decided to make a quick stop in Fuhren, as it was on the way. Once they

cleared the volcano, their next destination was the labyrinth located at the bottom of

the sea, the Sunken Ruins of Melusine. Those were even further to the west, past the


"Hmmm, oh, here we are. Found something. There's a merchant convoy looking for

guards. They've got room for one more person… What do you think? Want to accept

it?" Hajime scanned the document Catherine handed to him. Like she'd said, it seemed

to be an escort mission. His job would be to escort a medium-sized caravan, and it

looked like they wanted around 15 guards. As Yue and Shea still weren't registered

adventurers, having one slot open was just perfect.

"It's fine if I bring these two with me still, right?"

"It should be alright. Bringing a large crowd with you would be a different story, but

most adventurers bring along a porter or slave to carry their luggage anyway. Besides,

Yue-chan and Shea-chan are quite strong. They're getting a steal, hiring all of you for

the price of one. I'm sure they'd happily let them tag along."

"I see. Hmmm, what do you guys think?"

Hajime turned around, seeking input from the two girls behind him. He'd personally

been hoping for a delivery request. That way he'd be able to use his magic motorcycle

to get them to Fuhren way faster than any caravan could. Purposely slowing down his

pace just for a quest didn't really sound all that appealing.

"We're not in any hurry."

"Yeah. Besides, it might be fun to travel with other adventurers for once. Who knows,

some of the veterans might be able to teach us a few things."

"I suppose it's true we're not in any real hurry, and it might not be so bad traveling

with others…" Hajime nodded pensively and accepted the request. Like Yue had said,

they were in no rush to conquer the labyrinths. Hurrying too much could lead to a fatal

mistake, and Shea was right that some of the adventurers might be able to teach them

useful tricks for the road ahead.

"Very well. I'll let them know, so make sure you're at the main gate first thing

tomorrow morning."

"You got it."

While Hajime was filling out the paperwork, Catherine shifted her gaze to Yue and


"Make sure you take care of yourselves, alright? If this brat ever makes you cry, then

make sure you drag him back here. I'll wallop him good for you."

"Okay, we will. Thanks."

"Bye, Catherine-san. Thanks for everything!"

Yue and Shea smiled at Catherine. Shea's smile especially was dazzling.

The way Catherine and the people of this town had treated her had almost made her

forget how beastmen were usually treated in human settlements. Naturally, not

everyone had been so accepting, but Catherine, Sona, Crystabel, and even her fans had

treated her like a normal girl. She wasn't sure whether more tolerant people just

gravitated toward this town in particular, but to her this place had felt like a second


"You better not do anything that'd make these girls cry, you hear? Even if you manage

to escape my wrath, God will surely punish you if you do."

"You sure like lecturing people. Don't worry, I know." Hajime smiled wryly. Catherine

handed him a piece of paper. Puzzled, Hajime took it.

"What's this?"

"It look like you three have got a huge burden to bear. Think of this as my apology for

all the trouble the townspeople caused you. If you ever get into any trouble with the

guild branches in the other towns, just show that letter to them. It'll help you out."

Catherine winked conspiratorially at Hajime. Just who is this lady? One letter from her

and even the adventurer's guild's upper management will fold?

"Oh, and don't ask me why. Every girl's entitled to a few secrets, don't you think?"

"Haah, alright. Thanks for the help."

"Girls like an obedient man. I don't know what your future's got in store for you, but

you better not die on me." For an old guild receptionist working in a small town in the

middle of nowhere, Catherine sure had a lot of mystery surrounding her. A contented

smile split her lips as she watched Hajime and the others leave.

Next, they went to visit Crystabel. Hajime had been staunchly against the idea, but Yue

and Shea had insisted, so he found himself tagging along as they went to say their

goodbyes. But when Crystabel learned it was their last day in town, he turned into a

monstrous bundle of sadness that tried to attack Hajime, which resulted in an odd

situation of Hajime trying to destroy Crystabel with his wave motion cannon while

Yue and Shea desperately tried to hold him back. Needless to say, the goodbyes were

completely forgotten.

Lastly, when Sona had heard it was their last night there, she had pulled out all the

stops in her attempt to peek on Hajime in the bath and in his room. When she'd

eventually been turned over to her mom, instead of a spanking she was strung up in

front of the inn all night, tied up in grand bondage fashion. Why Sona's mom knew

how to make those knots, no one could say.

The next morning. Reminiscing about the "pleasant" memories they'd had in this

town, Hajime and the others made their way to the main gate. They found the caravan

manager waiting for them, along with the other adventurers who'd accepted the

request. It appeared they were the last to arrive, so when they got there the other

adventurers all broke into a clamor.

"H-Hey, don't tell me the smashers are coming with us!?"

"No way! Man, I don't know whether to be happy or terrified."

"God, my hand won't stop trembling."

"That's just your withdrawal symptoms, man."

Some people were happy to see Yue and Shea, others reflexively covered their balls,

and yet others tried to blame their alcohol addiction on Hajime. Hajime frowned as he

approached. Once he was closer, the caravan manager called out to him.

"You're the last guard, right?"

"Yep, here's the request paper." Hajime pulled out the form he'd filled out. The caravan

manager glanced at it, nodded, and introduced himself.

"My name is More Nos. I'm the leader of this expedition. I've heard from Catherine that

you're a very accomplished adventurer even though your rank is still blue. I'm

expecting good things from you."

"More Nos? Must be exhausting work, managing a caravan…"

The caravan manager's name reminded Hajime of a certain energy drink. More tilted

his head in confusion, but then replied with a smile.

"I suppose, but I'm used to it now."

"Well, I'll try to live up to your expectations at least. The name's Hajime. The two

behind me are Yue and Shea."

"Glad to hear it… By the way, that rabbit girl of yours… you wouldn't happen to be

interested in selling her, would you? I'd be willing to pay more than a fair price for her."

More looked over Shea appraisingly. Not only did she have pale hair, a rarity for the

rabbitmen, she was quite the beauty. As a merchant, it was in his nature to try and

obtain rare goods whenever possible. And he was quite the excellent businessman,

discerning instantly that Shea must have been Hajime's slave and moving right into


Shea scowled unhappily and hid behind Hajime. Yue glared daggers at More. But from

an objective viewpoint, More was simply doing what was natural for a businessman.

Normally, one would assume any beastmen living outside the sea of trees had to be

someone's slave. More wasn't to blame for his misconception.

"Oh, she seems quite attached to you… I see that you must treat her well. I promise to

treat her just as nicely, so what do you say?"

"You look like a shrewd businessman… I'm sure you already know what my answer


More tried to press onward, his hungry gaze fixated on Shea, but Hajime curtly turned

him down. A good judge of people, More could already tell Hajime wouldn't part with

her, but the thought of the profits he could reap made him unwilling to give up so

easily. He thought frantically for anything he could use as a bargaining chip.

Hajime could see where he was going with this, and repeated himself more firmly.

"Even if the gods themselves asked, I wouldn't part with her… Understand?"

"…Alright, I get it. I give up. Still, if you ever change your mind, please come to Nos'

trading company first. Anyway, it's about time we set off. Ask the adventurer over

there to fill you in on the details on the way."

Hajime's words had been quite dangerous. Had the Holy Church heard his declaration,

they would have branded him a heretic. Technically, even the Holy Church admitted

there were gods other than the supreme ruler, Ehit, and that the demons worshiped a

different one, so simply mentioning that there were other gods wasn't a heretical


But the way Hajime had phrased it, that all the gods were somehow equal, was

borderline at best. That was why More had realized Hajime was serious about never

letting Shea go. But his enterprising spirit led him to still try one last futile attempt,

and he urged Hajime to come to his business first if he ever changed his mind.

Hajime trudged over to the wagon where all the other adventurers were gathered.

They were all watching him in awe as he approached.

"Amazing… to go so far for one girl… That sent shivers down my spine, man!"

"I see now why everyone respects you as the duelist smasher. You won't forgive anyone

who lays a finger on your girls… Heh, what a man."

"I hope someone says something like that to me one day."

"Come on, you're a dude. No way anyone's gonnaaaaaa! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Hajime could feel a headache coming on and he tiredly rubbed his temples. Everyone

living in Brooke is a moron.

Suddenly, he felt something squishy press up against his back, and found himself being

hugged from behind. When he looked behind him, he saw Shea resting her chin on his

shoulder. She was blushing bright red and smiling triumphantly.

"Look, there's no special meaning behind that, okay? Don't misunderstand."

"Ufufufufu… I know. Ufufufu~"

Hajime had just meant that he would never abandon anyone important to him, but

even when he said as much to Shea she didn't look convinced. After all, the man she

loved had just said he'd fight the gods to keep her. Regardless of his intentions, that

would still make any girl happy.

Too late, Hajime realized he might have gone a bit overboard in his desire to cut

negotiations short as quickly as possible. Yue tottered over to him and tugged at his


"Hm? What is it, Yue?"

"Mmm… You looked cool, so it's okay."

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up." Hajime gratefully stroked her cheek, and Yue

contentedly closed her eyes.

Hajime stood in the early morning light, staring out at the road with two beautiful girls

hanging off his arms.

All of the women watched the spectacle warmly, while all the guys looked on with dead

eyes. In a way, one could say Hajime was reaping what he'd sown.

It took roughly six days by carriage to go from Brooke to Fuhren.

They struck out from the road just before sunrise, and usually stopped to camp right

before sunset. The first three days passed uneventfully. They were already halfway to

Fuhren. Only three days left. Their progress had been smooth. Hajime had been

entrusted with the rearguard, but he'd had no reason to draw his weapons the entire


The fourth day passed peacefully as well, and they were stopping to make camp.

Everyone was responsible for their own meals. The adventurers all ate while they

stayed on watch for any incoming threats. None of them seemed comfortable taking

their meals with the traders. It had pretty much become an unspoken rule that they

ate separately.

Besides, since they were out on a request, the adventurers had all made sure to bring

portable rations. The more extravagant food one brought, the more luggage they'd

have to bring to prepare it. And in the case of a fight, that would just get in the way. In

return, they usually gorged themselves on a feast once they completed their request

and obtained their reward.

Or at least, that was what Hajime had heard from the adventurers he'd talked to on

their second day out. While he'd been eating a scrumptious stew complete with a loaf

of freshly baked bread on the side.

"Soooo good! Man, this is delicious. I don't care if you're a beastman or what, Shea,

please just marry me!"

"Mmmph… Mmmgh… Gulp… Hey, get your hands off her! Shea-chan's my wife!"

"Pah, who'd marry a dirty little urchin like you? Learn your place, you commoner! By

the way, Shea-chan, would you be willing to accompany me to dinner once we arrive

in the city? My treat, of course."

"Th-Then I'll take Yue-chan! Yue-chan, please have dinner with me!"

"Yue-chan's spoon… Haah… Haah…"

The adventurers all heartily tucked into Shea's stew.

On the first day, while the other adventurers had all taken out hardtack and dried

jerky, the trio had pulled out pots and pans from Hajime's Treasure Trove and set

about to cooking. The adventurers had all been drawn in by the pleasant smell, and

they drooled with envy as they watched Hajime, Yue, and Shea chow down on a

delicious meal. Finding it hard to keep eating, Shea had offered to share, and now this

was what mealtime had become every day.

Of course, Hajime had had no issue eating his food while the adventurers looked on

like starving dogs. He had had no intention of sharing, either.

But as Shea had become the de facto cook of their party, she had the final say in all

food-related matters. It wasn't like Hajime or Yue couldn't cook, but most of their food

ended up relatively bland. Hajime was a guy, and Yue formal royalty, so neither of them

were very well versed in cooking. And so, if Shea offered to share, Hajime couldn't

exactly say no.

At first the adventurers had just been grateful, flocking like starving hyenas at

mealtime to be delivered from their hell of hardtack and dried meat. But as time went

on, they grew bolder and bolder, and now they were making passes at Shea and Yue

every chance they got.

When the noise became too much, Hajime silently activated Intimidation. The

adventurers, who'd been warmed by Shea's stew, suddenly felt chilled to the bone.

Hajime gulped down a piece of meat and slowly looked up at the gathered

adventurers. His voice was barely a whisper, but everyone heard him clearly.

"So, who wants to volunteer to be my punching bag first?"

"We're sorry for getting ahead of ourselves!" They all apologized in unison. Almost all

of them were seasoned veterans far older than Hajime, but they still prostrated

themselves before him. His Intimidation skill was part of it, but part of it also stemmed

from the reputation he'd earned himself within Brooke. None who knew the tales

dared oppose him.

"Oh, lay off, Hajime-san. It's dinnertime, what's wrong with a little talking? B-Besides,

no matter what anyone else says, you're the only one for me."

"Like I care."

"Hwau!?" Shea tried to sneak in a cute comment there, but Hajime shot her down



"Hm? What is it, Yue?" Hajime faltered slightly when he saw Yue's sharp glare.

"Hmph!" Yue flicked Hajime's forehead with her finger. She was reminding Hajime of

the promise he'd made to be a little nicer to Shea. Since Hajime wasn't exactly in love

with Shea, he figured treating her like he would a member of his family was good

enough… but apparently it wasn't for Yue.

"Hajime-san! You better be nicer or I won't give you any of the meat skewers I made!"

Yue's lack of interference had made Shea bolder too. She was no longer deterred by

Hajime's barbed dismissals. True to her optimistic nature, she bounced back from any

setback quickly.

"Seriously, where does all that… Never mind. Fine, I'll be nicer, so give me a skewer."

"Fufu, you want it that badly? Then say aaah."


Blushing slightly, Shea brought the skewer closer to Hajime's mouth. She really wants

to feed me? Hajime glanced back at Yue. She happily picked up a skewer of her own,

then waited patiently. She probably wanted to feed him after Shea was done.

Feeling the gazes of all the other adventurers directed at him as well, Hajime sighed

and reluctantly opened his mouth. Shea beamed with joy.

"Say aaaah."

"...…" Hajime silently bit off a piece of meat and chewed slowly. Shea was beet red

now. A second later, another skewer was offered to Hajime.

"Say aaaaah."

"...…" Hajime bit down silently once more. Once he was done chewing, Shea offered

him another. When he finished that, Yue had another at the ready.

Leaving aside whether or not Hajime was actually enjoying the situation, the

onlookers were all seething with jealousy. Go die, you fucker! They all screamed angrily,

but only internally. The reason the please was added in there was because they still

feared Hajime's might.

Two days later. A mere day before they reached the safety of the city, some brigands

interrupted their travels. Shea was the first to spot them. Or hear them, rather. Her

rabbit ears picked up the sounds of movement coming from the forest that bordered

the path, and she quickly called out a warning.

"Enemy attack! They're coming from the forest! There's more than a hundred of

them!" The adventurers all stiffened up. It was true that their path took them right

next to the forest, but it shouldn't have been that dangerous a place. Especially

considering that it led to the most renowned trading city on the continent. They would

have taken pains to make sure the highways heading to it remained safe. True, people

still encountered monsters on the path, but they usually didn't run into hordes of more

than twenty, maybe forty at worst.

"Shit, more than a hundred? I'd heard there hadn't been any monster attacks the past

few weeks on the road… Could they just have been gathering their strength? Sheesh,

you'd think the patrols would at least check the forest!" The captain of the guards,

Gartima, grimaced and spat out a curse. They only had fifteen guards. Even if he

counted Yue and Shea, that only brought the numbers up to seventeen. It didn't seem

likely that they'd get out of the fight unscathed. They'd just get overwhelmed by sheer


Also, the reason the adventurers included Shea as part of their combat strength,

despite the fact that rabbitmen were known to be peace-loving creatures, was because

of the stories that had been told about her in Brooke. One time her overzealous fan

club had annoyed her to the point that she'd blown them all away with a single punch,

causing her reputation to spread.

Gartima called for all the guards to halt, hoping that if they tried to hold the horde

back here the merchants at least might manage to escape. However, Hajime proposed

an alternative solution.

"If you're worried, how about letting us kill them all?"


Hajime spoke casually, as if he was simply offering to go buy groceries. Stunned by

how unbelievable a suggestion it was, Gartima could only manage a foolish

questioning sound.

"Like I said, just leave them to us. We'll wipe em all out."

"B-But it'll be difficult just to protect the caravan as is… Umm, are you sure you can do

it? The monsters that show up around these parts aren't that strong, but with that


"The numbers are no problem for us. Don't worry, Yue will finish them in an instant."

Hajime put a hand on Yue's shoulder. She didn't look very concerned either, choosing

to simply affirm Hajime's statement.

Gartima hesitated. He had heard the rumors about Yue's powerful sorcery. He

presumed that even if they couldn't annihilate them all, with how confident Hajime

looked they'd at least be able to whittle down their numbers a good deal. Perhaps it

was worth letting them try instead of risking splitting their forces.

"Alright. We'll do it your way. It's alright if you can't get them all, as long as you lower

their numbers enough. We'll get as many as we can with our own magic after that, and

hopefully there'll be few enough left that we can take them down. Got that, guys?"

"Yes sir!" The adventurers all shouted in unison. None of them believed Yue could

actually wipe them all out.

There really isn't anything to worry about, though. Well I guess it makes sense from their

perspective, since mages like Yue aren't all that common.

The adventurers formed a defensive wall in front of the caravan. A mixture of

determination and nervousness settled over their faces. There was no light banter to

be had among them right now. Hajime had heard a lot about these veteran

adventurers' travels, but it was only now that he fully appreciated how long they must

have been doing this. The merchants were all timidly hiding inside their carriages,

occasionally peeking out to see what was happening.

Hajime and the others climbed up to one of the carriages roofs.

"Yue, I know you don't need to, but chant the spell. It'll be a pain to explain otherwise."

"Chant… the spell?"

"Uhh, do you not know how to?"

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

"That's only making me more worried…"

"Ten seconds until they reach us." Hajime had wanted to avoid any unnecessary

questions, but as Yue had never needed to chant a spell before, she wasn't even aware

of what the words were. It would have been fine if she'd just mumbled something

random in a quiet voice, but the problem stemmed even deeper than that. It looked

like she didn't even know that spells came with chants.

Shea's warning cut Hajime off before he could explain. Yue raised her right hand and

pointed it at the forest.

"Illuminate the darkness with blinding crimson. Shatter the fetters of my eternal

prison and break through all in thine path. We who would be the strongest call upon

this power, and together we rend the heavens— Draconic Thunder!" The clouds that

had gathered split apart as Yue finished chanting. A fearsome dragon forged entirely

of lightning descending from opening. It resembled a serpent as it snaked its way

down to earth.

"Wh-What the…" Someone whispered in awe.

The adventurers ignored the incoming onslaught of monsters, their attention entirely

focused on the lightning dragon. Even the mages in the party had never seen nor heard

of a spell like this. Their mouths were hanging open in wonder as they watched.

It wasn't just the adventurers who were looking up in awe, however. Even the

bloodthirsty monsters stopped in their tracks and looked up, frozen in place by the

sheer majesty of the dragon bearing down upon them.

At Yue's signal, it opened its jaws wide and hurtled toward the army of monsters.





The dragon's bore down onto a clump of monsters, swallowing them whole. Without

even an opportunity to fight back, they were all incinerated. Then, at Yue's command,

the dragon coiled around itself, surrounding all of the monsters.

Any who tried to flee were consumed by the wall of lightning, leaving only ashes

behind. The dragon opened its massive jaws once more. The monsters didn't even

have time to feel pain before they were obliterated, some of them seemingly jumping

into its maw of their own volition when they realized escape was impossible. The last

thing they saw was the majestic dragon bearing down on them. Once they were

annihilated, the dragon let out a thunderclap of a howl and dispersed into a thousand

lightning bolts.

Fearing for their lives, the adventurers and merchants all screamed and dove to the

ground. When the danger was finally past, they tentatively opened their eyes and

looked around. Nothing remained. Only the charred ground gave any indication of the

battle that had taken place here, if it could even be called that.

"…Hm. I overdid it."

"Holy crap, I didn't even know magic like that existed…"

"Isn't this one of Yue-san's originals? She probably took the description of a dragon

that you gave her and mixed it with her own spell."

"So this is what you were up to while I was holed up in that guild room… By the way,

Yue, that chant…"

"Yeah… I modeled it after our meeting, and our future." Though she spoke in the same

deadpan manner as always, Hajime could tell she was rather proud of her


He smiled wryly and ran his hands through her hair. He'd wanted her to use an actual

chant to avoid suspicion, but didn't have the heart to tell her off for it given how proud

she looked.

This was Yue's original spell, made by combining gravity magic and lightning magic,

Draconic Thunder. Specifically, by combining Reisen's gravity magic with the advanced

level Thunder Hammer spell.

By giving the lightning proper weight, Yue could control its direction instead of just

letting it strike straight and true. The reason she's molded it after the mythical dragons

Hajime had described to her was simply because she thought they sounded cool.

The area near its jaw was a gravitational field, which sucked in anything nearby. That

was why it had looked like the monsters had leaped into it earlier. It took more mana

than even the strongest advanced level spells to cast, but its power was proportionally

more massive as well. It was clear Yue was proud of her achievement.

Meanwhile, the adventurers finally returned to their senses. They turned to Yue and

all started shouting at the same time.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what was that!? What the hell was that!"

"Th-That thing… came from… from the sky and… I must be dreaming."

"Hehe, I'm going to get married once we get to town."

"I know we just saw something insane, but keep it together, man. You don't even have

any female friends, let alone a girlfriend."

"I just saw magic that was alive! If living magic can exist, then I can get married!"

"Look, magic doesn't normally spring to life, okay? That was clearly something weird."

"What was that, you bastard!? Are you calling Yue-chan weird!?"

"Calm down, everyone! Yue-chan's clearly just a goddess, that's all!"

"I see!"

Yue's spell had been so shocking that the adventurers had lost their wits. It was only

natural. There was no magic in the world that could make living things. And freely

manipulating a spell once it was cast was something even master magicians couldn't

do. Honestly, just being able to use the Thunder Hammer spell was something only a

few genius magicians could do.

Only the leader, Gartima, managed to keep his head. He sighed as he watched the

others yell out "All hail our goddess Yue!" and walked over to Hajime.

"Haah, you have my thanks. Because of Yue-chan, we avoided any casualties."

"We're comrades. There's no need for thanks between comrades, right?"

"Yeah. I was just doing my job."

"Haha, I see… So, what exactly was that?" Gartima was curious too.

"…An original."

"W-Wait? You mean like your own original spell that you created? That looked like an

advanced, no a master class spell."

"I didn't create it. I just merged spells."

"Merged? But just what spells could you possibly merge to make…"

"Trade secret."

"Well, I guess that's fair enough. No adventurer would easily give up their trump card

like that." Gartima sighed again. It seemed not poking one's nose in too far was an

unspoken rule among adventurers. He shrugged and returned to his comrades. Hajime

hoped he'd rein in his other comrades before they started the sect of Yueism.

They resumed traveling, but now everyone looked at Yue with newfound respect.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, and they reached Fuhren the next morning.

There were six people checking goods and identities at Fuhren's eastern gate. Hajime

and the others got in one of the six lines as well. With how long it was, he guessed it

would be a while before their turn.

Hajime was lying in Yue's lap atop a carriage's roof, with Shea sitting next to him, when

More came up to him. It looked like he had something to say. He looked up at Hajime

with a mixture of admiration and exasperation. Hajime nodded casually and jumped


"You sure are bold. Aren't you worried about other people seeing?" More was referring

to how Hajime would earn everyone's jealousy by being so openly flirtatious with Yue

and Shea. And now there were quite a few people looking at Shea hoping to sell her

off because of her value. In a large city like this, it was to be expected. It wouldn't just

be lewd gazes Yue and Shea would attract, but the attention of dangerous people

hoping to profit off them.

"Well, it does get kind of annoying, but there's no point in worrying about it. Not like

there's anything I can do." Hajime shrugged his shoulders.

"It'll only get worse once you're inside Fuhren. Are you absolutely sure you don't want

to sell…" More casually tried to bring up selling Shea again, but Hajime just glared

pointedly at him. Catching the hint, More raised his hands in surrender.

"That can't be all you came here to ask. What do you actually need?"

"Well, I actually did come here to buy from you. Just not the girl. I'm interested in those

artifacts you possess. Is there any chance you'd be willing to sell them to me? I'd be

willing to pay you enough to live out the rest of your days in luxury for even one of

them. Most merchants would kill to get their hands on your artifacts, especially that

Treasure Trove of yours."

More wasn't exaggerating, merchants really would kill for that. Not only would it

ensure the safety of their goods, it would make them easier to transport. The two

problems that constantly plagued all traders. Hell, they'd slaughter an entire town for

it if they had to.

When More had first seen Hajime take things out of the Treasure Trove, he'd looked

like a starved dog that had just been shown a bone. Tired of his constant pestering,

Hajime had used Intimidation to get More to reluctantly back off.

However, he hadn't given up. He had returned once more to negotiate for Hajime's

artifacts, including Donner and Schlag.

"How many times do I have to say it? These aren't for sale. Give it up."

"But these artifacts are too valuable for just one person to have. Once others learn of

their abilities, they'll come after you for sure. Surely you don't want to deal with the

hassle that comes with carrying such precious equipment around… What if someone

tried to kidnap those two girls to try and coerce you?" There was a hint of madness in

More's eyes as he looked up with manic zeal at Yue and Shea. The moment he did so,

however, something cold and hard was pressed against his forehead. Bloodlust oozed

from Hajime's every pore.

But he kept it focused, so no one else felt it. They were hidden in the shadow of the

carriage as well, so no one was watching.

"Is that a threat?" Hajime's voice was barely a whisper. But it chilled More to the bone.

Hajime's single eye bored into More, his gaze a physical force. Cold sweat poured down

More's back.

"N-No. Please… I… just… thought… maybe you should… be more cautious… is all…"

More did have a point. Hajime hadn't bothered trying to hide the power of his artifacts

at all. He had taken some precautions, in that he'd asked Yue to chant her spells, but

only just that bare minimum. He had no intention of exercising prudence if it called

for any real effort on his or the girls' part. He saw no reason to conform to the

expectations of this world. Anyone that got in his way, he'd kill. That was what he'd

sworn he'd do back in the abyss.

"I see. I'll leave it at that, then." Hajime holstered Donner, his bloodlust vanishing. More

crumpled to the ground. Rivulets of sweat cascaded from his forehead as he panted


"You're welcome to do whatever you want. You can even spread rumors about me if

you'd like. I don't really care what anyone else does, either. Just know that anything

that stands against me… won't live to tell the tale. Whether that be a person, a country,

or the entire world. I'll drown everything in a sea of blood if I have to."

"I-I see. I suppose this isn't a trade worth dying over…" More was still pale-faced, but

he still managed to squeak out a reply. He had a surprisingly strong will. Hajime had

noted he was respected among the other merchants. Normally, More wouldn't have

been so insistent about Hajime's artifacts. It was just that their allure had been so great

that it had overridden his good sense.

"Anyway, I'll let you go this once, but there won't be a next time. Am I clear?"

"Crystal. I apologize, I let my greed blind me. Only a fool kicks a dragon's arse, after


"Only a fool kicks a dragon's arse" was a saying unique to Tortus. The dragon here

referred to a dragonman. Dragonmen were a race that boasted greater defensive

strength than any other. Their entire body was covered in scales, and aside from their

mouth and eyes, only their butts were unprotected. Because of how well protected

they were, they were heavy sleepers. Unless something monumental happened, it was

hard to wake them. However, if one smacked their butts, which were sensitive, they'd

wake instantly and their wrath would be terrible to behold.

Once in the past, a certain moron had for some reason decided to try it. And so, the

saying was born. It basically meant that only a fool would risk provoking the wrath of

someone stronger than them when they could just leave them alone.

The dragonmen race had died out over five hundred years ago, though. While the exact

reason was unclear, it was assumed that because they possessed the special magic

"dragonification," they were considered half-monsters by the "civilized" races, so they

were hunted to extinction. Another theory was that the gods themselves decided they

were impure and thus were purged.

"Come to think of it, Yue-dono's magic resembled a dragon as well. As a token of my

apology, let me give you a warning. It's better for people not to know that she can use

such magic. The Holy Church doesn't think very fondly of dragonmen. Though I guess

that looked more like a snake than a dragon, so maybe you'll be fine." More had

recovered enough to get back on his feet, and he patted down his clothes as he gave

that warning. He was quite the courageous businessman. It took nerves of steel to talk

so casually with someone who had been about to kill you just seconds ago.


"Indeed. They were a half-man half-monster race, and worse, they were heretics that

believed in no god. However, they were incredibly strong, far more so than humans.

You can see why the Holy Church, as dogmatic as they are, would hate them so."

"Yeah. Gotta say, you don't sound too fond of the Holy Church yourself. You should be

careful or they'll brand you a heretic."

"I believe in God, not the people who wield authority by claiming to speak for him.

People are customers, nothing more."

"I think I understand what kind of person you are now. You're a merchant to the core,

aren't you? No wonder you went crazy when you saw my stuff." Hajime fingered the

ring on his finger. More's smile was a mixture of embarrassment and pride. His manic

behavior from earlier was nowhere to be seen. Hajime's bloodlust had worked like a

bucket of cold water.

"I sincerely apologize for my earlier rudeness, so I hope you will still keep my company

in mind if ever you wish to broker any sort of deal, even one without artifacts. You're

no ordinary adventurer, that I can tell. Our company takes great pride in maintaining

amicable connections with those who stray from the ordinary path, so I hope this

incident hasn't turned you away from us."

"You really don't know when to quit, do you?" Hajime chuckled tiredly. More then

headed back to the front of his caravan with a "Now then, I shall be taking my leave"

and a bow.

In the meantime, Yue and Shea had managed to attract even more gazes. More was

already talking with another merchant, pointing animatedly at Yue and Shea. Hajime

had been intending to relax a while in Fuhren, but it seemed like their stay would be

more eventful than he'd expected.

The independent city-state of Fuhren. It was the largest mercantile city in the

continent, guarded by thick walls that stood twenty meters high and wrapped two

hundred kilometers around the entirety of the city. Craftsmen of all kinds competed

ruthlessly with each other day after day to sell their wares. Some made it big and had

their wildest dreams granted, while others were crushed by the dog eat dog nature of

the city. With the amount of tourists and traders that came in and out of the place, it

was easily the busiest in the world.

Because of its size, Fuhren was divided into four quarters. The bureaucrats' quarter,

where the city's various administrative affairs were processed, the tourists' quarter,

where most of the entertainment facilities were located, the makers' quarter, where

weapons, armor, tools, and furniture of all kinds were made, and the traders' quarter,

where goods of all kinds were sold.

Two main streets ran from east to west and north to south, intersecting in the center.

Generally, the closer to the center of the city one's establishment was, the higher the

quality of its services. On the other hand, the fringes of the city were filled with

unlicensed black market stores selling various goods and services. Occasionally, one

would become famous for its prices or wares, and a lot of rough and tumble types like

adventurers or mercenaries would begin to frequent it.

Hajime and the others heard this all from a tour guide while they sat at a cafe attached

to the Fuhren adventurer's guild branch, which was located in a corner of the

bureaucrats' quarter. Demand for guides in the city was high because of how big it

was, and it appeared being a tour guide was one of the more respectable professions

in the city. As there were a number of touring agencies in the city, each of them had to

compete for customers, which led to the overall quality of service to rise.

After they'd gotten through the city gates, Hajime and the others had said goodbye to

More's caravan and gone to turn in their stamped request slip to the adventurer's

guild. As they were new to the city, they had also hoped to find a guidebook of some

kind there, which was when they'd learned about the existence of tour guides.

And so, they'd hired a guide, Rithy, who was explaining the ins and outs of the city to

them over a light meal.

"So if you're looking to find an inn, I'd recommend heading to the tourists' quarter

first. There are a few inns in the bureaucrat's quarter as well, but most of them are

temporary lodgings for people working here, so their service isn't nearly as good as

the others."

"I see. Then I guess we'll head there next. What inn do you recommend?"

"Depends on what you're looking for. Each of them focus on different services."

"Let's see. Well, the main things are that it has to have good food and a bath. Location

or the like doesn't matter too much. Oh, and if possible, I'd like somewhere where

there's a guarantee."

Rithy nodded to herself as she listened to Hajime's preferences. The first two were

common requests. She started making a mental list of recommendations after hearing

them, in fact. However, Hajime's third request threw her off.

"A guarantee? Of what?"

"Ah, let me explain. Say, for example, we got into a dispute of some kind, and we clearly

weren't the perpetrators, the inn will make those responsible pay for the damages. I

want to stay somewhere decently high-end, but I want a guarantee that we won't have

to pay for any broken furniture or the like if the incident is clearly not our fault."

"Umm, you shouldn't run into any trouble like that in the first place, I don't think…"

Hajime smiled awkwardly.

"Normally I'd agree, but as you can see, my two companions attract a lot of attention.

And it sounds like most of the people that frequent the tourist quarter aren't exactly

the restrained type. I'm worried some of the more forceful merchants might try

something a bit… violent. But, well, like I said, only 'if possible.' If it's too difficult a

request, then you don't have to worry about it."

Rithy looked over at the two girls sitting next to Hajime, happily chowing down on

their food, then nodded.

"Those two certainly do stand out." Even now, they were attracting stares. Especially

Shea, since she was a bunny girl. Assaulting another person's slave was a punishable

offense, but that wouldn't stop some of the more zealous merchants, or a determined


"Would it not then be wiser to pick an inn with increased security? Since there are a

lot more people who value that as a service, I can think of a few inns that provide—"

"No, that's fine. People are liable to do some pretty crazy things when they're running

on hormones. Security isn't always perfect, so it's easier for me to assume we'll have

to persuade them by force."

"P-Persuade them by force… I see. So that's why you want a guarantee, then."

Hajime insisted once more that in the end it was only if possible, but Rithy was a guide

through and through. Now that it had been requested of her, she would see it done.

"Leave it to me," she said. Then, she asked Yue and Shea if there was anything else they

wanted out of their inn. Answering the needs of the customer to the best of her ability

was both Rithy's policy, and her company's. Hajime had picked a good guide.

"I just need a bath. Oh, but the bath must have mixed bathing times."

"Umm, as long as it has big beds, I'm fine."

After giving it some thought, Yue and Shea both told her their preferences. They were

trivial requests, but Rithy could clearly see what the two girls were aiming for.

She just said "Leave it to me," like before, but this time her cheeks were slightly red. As

her gaze shifted back and forth between Yue, Shea, and Hajime, her face grew redder.

The guys sitting at the surrounding tables were all glaring daggers at Hajime, but he

was used to it at this point, so he ignored them.

Rithy then began explaining the different quarters in more detail. Halfway through her

explanation, Hajime felt a strong gaze pointed their way. It was far more impolite than

any they had felt so far, including the ones they'd received from some of the perverts

that had lusted after Yue and Shea in Brooke. As they had grown accustomed to such

attention as well, they only raised their eyebrows slightly at it.

Hajime turned to see who was staring and saw… a pig.

There was no other way to describe him. He easily weighed over a hundred kilograms,

his face was greasy, he had pig snout for a nose, and his blonde hair was slick with oil.

The only thing positive about his appearance was the fancy clothes he was wearing.

Said pig was glaring hungrily at Yue and Shea.

God, what a pain, Hajime thought. At the same time, the fat pig started slowly

lumbering over to where they were sitting. Looks like it was too late to make a stealthy

escape. Not that Hajime would ever run.

Rithy must have noticed the change in her customers' attitudes, or perhaps the fat pig

simply stood out that much, but she looked up too. When she saw tub of lard walking

over, she forgot her business smile and let out a disgruntled sound.

He stopped next to their table and leered at Yue and Shea. When he saw Shea's slave

collar he frowned. He looked over at Hajime, as if just noticing him for the first time,

and demanded the following in a haughty voice.

"H-Hey, brat. I-I'll give you a million Luta, s-so hand over that bunny girl. And you,

Blondie. C-Come with me. You're going to be my concubine." His stutter didn't match

his arrogant tone. He reached out to take Yue by the arm, thinking she was already his.

That instant, a wave of bloodlust unlike any other washed over him. Even people

sitting a few tables away balked. Some fell out of their chairs in their haste to get away

from Hajime.

The walking pig, who had taken that bloodlust head on, screamed incoherently and

fell on his ass. He wet himself on the spot, unable to muster the presence of mind to

even crawl away.

Had Hajime activated his Intimidation at full power, the pig would have fallen

unconscious instantly, so he made sure to hold back.

"Yue, Shea, let's go. I don't feel like staying here." As he didn't want his meal to be

tainted by the smell of piss, Hajime opted to leave. Hajime had honestly wanted to kill

the bastard, but as he hadn't done anything more than talk to them yet, he wouldn't

really be able to justify it to the authorities. And no city would let a murderer roam

free. Unless he could reasonably say it was in self-defense, Hajime wanted to avoid

killing people as long as he was in a city.

The three of them stood up, with Rithy looking on in confusion. The only reason Rithy

hadn't been affected was because Hajime had specifically excluded her from his list of

targets when he'd activated Intimidation. Basically, it was the opposite of when he'd

focused his Intimidation on More alone. This was the fruit of his training.

From Rithy's perspective, the pig had just started talking all high and mighty before

suddenly falling on his ass and pissing himself, so her confusion was understandable.

Hajime had let the effects of his Intimidation leak out to the nearby tables on purpose.

Quite a few of the guys sitting around him had been glaring longingly at the girls, so

he'd decided to teach them a lesson too. "Don't even think about it," basically.

Judging by how pale they looked, it seemed they got the message.

Still, the moment Hajime left the guild and released his Intimidation, a huge man

blocked his path. He too looked to weigh over one hundred kilograms, but for a

completely different reason. His entire body was corded muscle, and a long sword that

looked like it had seen its fair share of battles was strapped to his waist.

Suddenly, Hajime heard the fat pig's stuttering voice again.

"H-He's the one, Reganid! Kill that brat! H-He tried to kill me! Tear his limbs off!"

"Young Master, I cannot just kill someone in broad daylight. I'll leave him barely alive."

"Get him! I-I don't care if you don't kill him, just get him! B-But don't hurt the girls.

They're mine!"

"Very well, but I expect to be well compensated."

"I-I'll give you as much as you want. Just get him!"

It appeared that this Reganid fellow was one of the pig's hired guards. He kept his eyes

on Hajime the entire time he was talking, then smiled in satisfaction when the matter

of money was settled. It was rare for someone to take no notice of Yue or Shea. He was

more interested in the money than the two beauties standing before him.

"Sorry about this, kid. But I'm being paid to beat you up. Don't worry, I won't kill you

at least. And well… sorry, but you probably won't get to see your two friends ever

again." Reganid cracked his knuckles. They were in the middle of the street, so

naturally he couldn't use his sword. Many of the spectators started murmuring

amongst themselves when they heard the name Reganid.

"B-By Reganid, does he mean Reganid the Black?"

"R-Reganid the Gale!? Why's a guy like that working as a guard…"

"Isn't it for the money? They say Reganid'll do anything for gold."

Judging from the surrounding people's conversations, Hajime more or less figured out

what kind of person Reganid was. He didn't know if Reganid had a combat class or not,

but if, as his name suggested, he'd risen to the third-highest adventurer rank, black,

he must be quite the experienced adventurer.

Reganid settled into a battle stance. Reasoning that he could justifiable beat to him to

within an inch of his life in the name of self-defense, Hajime made to pull out Donner,

but was stopped unexpectedly.

"Wait, Hajime."

"Yue? What's wrong?" Instead of answering his question, Yue dragged Shea with her

in front of Hajime. With her back to Hajime, she answered his question by addressing


"Fight us first."

"Huh? I'm fighting too, Yue-san?" Yue ignored Shea. Before Hajime could say anything,

Reganid burst out in laughter.

"Gahahaha, fight you two little girls? Now that's hilarious. I mean I wouldn't mind

fighting you in bed, but—"

"Shut up, trash."

Reganid's inappropriate comment was cut short by a blade of wind slicing past his

cheek. Blood spurted out of the wound in large gouts. It must have been a pretty deep


Reganid obediently shut up. Yue's magic had been so fast that he hadn't even seen it


When did she chant the spell? How come I didn't even see a magic circle? Reganid's brain

worked on overdrive, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Yue turned back to Shea and Hajime to explain what she was doing.

"It'll be faster if we show everyone else that we're not weak little girls that need


"Oh, I see. We're showing off that we're just as strong too."

"Yeah. We might as well do this too." Yue raised a hand toward Reganid and glared

sharply at him.

"Ah, I get it now. Well, it would be nice to show everyone the princesses they're trying

to claim are actually ferocious tigers. Plus, we've got plenty of witnesses here… Yeah

that's a pretty good plan."

"You didn't have to add the ferocious part."

Hajime nodded in understanding, then stepped back.

Yue then nodded to Shea, signaling that it was her turn. Shea grabbed Drucken off her

back, then swung it casually through the air as if it weighed nothing.

"Hold up, are you serious, bunny girl? You know, my employer wants you two

unharmed, so I'd prefer if you'd just quietly came along." Reganid kept his eyes on Yue

the whole time he was talking to Shea. Shea replied to Reganid's warning with one of

her own.

"Don't you think you should draw that sword of yours? I'll be holding back, but I don't

want to break too many of your bones."

"Hah, big words for a rabbitman. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to rough these two up a

little bit."

Reganid's focus was still almost wholly concentrated on Yue. With how fast she'd cast

her spell, he didn't think he'd be able to take her unharmed.

However, Reganid should have paid more attention to Shea. Warning bells should have

gone off the moment he'd seen a rabbitman, a race known for being weak, waving

around a war hammer. Furthermore, Yue and Hajime had both decided to let her deal

the first real blow of this fight.

Shea didn't say anything. Instead, she just pulled Drucken back close to her hip and

leaped forward. She was in front of Reganid before he even had time to blink.


"Yaah!" Shea's hammer headed for Reganid's chest with blinding speed. Though she

looked cute, her attacks were anything but. Surprised, Reganid still managed to barely

get his arms up in time to block. I can't stop it!? Realizing he would be blown back, he

quickly tried to cushion the blow by backstepping. However, the hammer was faster

than his reaction time.

There was a sickening crack, and Reganid was blown back into the wall of the

adventurer's guild. The air burst from his lungs and he let out a strangled cough. He

saw Shea looked down at him in disappointment through his hazy vision. It seemed

she'd expected a little more from him.

It was laughable that a black-ranked adventurer like him was not only beaten by a little

bunny girl, but she'd even held back on him. Plus, it looked like she'd been

disappointed with his performance. He smiled self-deprecatingly, then winced at the

pain it caused him. He made one last effort to get to his feet, but the pain was too great

and he collapsed. He turned his head and saw that his arm had been completely


Luckily, it looked like only one of his arms had been shattered, so he tried to lift himself

with his other good arm. His vision was blurring at the edges now, but he somehow

managed to get to his feet. Though it hadn't done much, had he not attempted that

backstep at all back there, then he probably would have been sprawled on the ground

unconscious already.

Though falling unconscious might have saved him from the pain to come.

Reganid was standing on willpower alone, so when he saw Yue coldly thrust out her

hand at him, he despaired internally.

Man, this isn't worth what you're paying me… A second later, Reganid had the very

unique and terrifying experience of literally dancing through the air.

"Petals of wind, dance and scatter— Flurry Waltz!" This was another one of Yue's

original spells, made by combining gravity magic with the wind spell, Air Cannon. As

its name suggested, Air Cannon created balls of wind to bombard the enemy. Gravity

magic allowed Yue to manipulate those balls freely. Additionally, the gravitational field

surrounding them meant anyone struck would be continually spun around the ball

until the spell vanished. Then, once they were crucified in the air, the helpless

opponent was made an easy target for other skills. Like before, the chant she'd spoken

was nonsense.

After Reganid was flung around in the air like a rag doll, he fell to the ground with a

wet thud and lay there unmoving.

He had, in fact, lost consciousness after the first few wind balls had hit him, but

whether Yue had realized that or not, she had mercilessly bombarded him with the

full spell, hitting his balls more often than not. The nearby spectators had all winced

and covered their own balls. It had looked painful enough that even Hajime had

winced a little.

The onlookers had just witnessed two impossible events one after the other. Silence

reigned on the street. No one dared to so much as twitch. Some of the guild staff that

had come out to stop the fight were frozen in place, their hands outstretched. Even the

veteran adventurers were too shocked to say anything.

Finally, the silence was broken. Hajime's footsteps echoed across the cobblestones as

he walked forward. Everyone's eyes followed him. He stopped right in front of the pig.

"Hiii! S-Stay back! Wh-Who do you think I am!? I'm Poom Min! You think you'll be able

to get away after harming a member of the Min family!?"

"Apologize to all the pig mascot fans in the world, you damn hog." Hajime grimaced as

he thought about how the Poom's name resembled a certain famous mascot character

back on earth, as he stepped angrily on Poom's face.

"Oink!?" He even let out a pig-like squeal when he screamed. Hajime bore down

harder, until he could hear Poom's skull cracking.

The more Poom screamed, the harder Hajime pushed. His face was a mess now, his

nose broken and his eyes pushed into his skull. Poom finally quieted down when he

realized his screaming was only making it worse. Or maybe he'd just exhausted


"Hey, pig. Don't ever show your face to me again. You ever try to do anything to me

again, directly or not… and I'll kill you." Poom desperately tried to nod, his face still

stuck underneath Hajime's foot. He didn't even try to act tough. His pride had been

completely shattered.

However, Hajime wasn't satisfied with just that. Letting this pig live happily once this

incident was past was just too lenient for his taste. Since Hajime couldn't just kill him,

he'd just have to carve terror so deeply into his soul that the pig would never recover.

And so, he raised his foot a little, transmuting his soles into spikes. Then, he drove his

foot into Poom's face once more.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" The spikes drilled countless holes into Poom's face. Poom let

out a single high-pitched squeal before losing consciousness. After Hajime moved his

foot, Poom's ugly face was exposed for all to see… Well, his face had already been ugly,

but now it was covered in blood too.

Finally satisfied, Hajime walked back to Yue and Shea. They were waiting for him with

a smile, seemingly unaffected by the carnage all around them. Hajime smiled at his

tour guide, Rithy, as well.

"Now then, shall we head somewhere else?"

"Hiii! U-Umm, I, well…" Terrified, Rithy tried to compose herself. It was obvious from

her expression that she wanted nothing to do with them any longer. That was how

intimidating Hajime and the others' display of force had been.

Hajime understood that he'd probably scarred their current tour guide, but he didn't

really feel like searching for a new one after all the commotion that had happened.

Realizing Hajime didn't want to let this guide escape, Yue and Shea causally walked to

either side of her and took her by the arms.

Rithy let out another terrified scream. But then her savior, the guild attendant, finally

showed up.

"Umm, excuse me, but would you be willing to answer a few questions for us?" Three

other guild attendants warily surrounded Hajime. None of them looked eager to get

close. The crowd had begun to grow, as more people came to look at what had

happened to Poom and Reganid.

"Well, that pig over there tried to kidnap my companions. When I tried to stop him he

went crazy and ordered his guard to attack me, so I fought back. That's all there is to

it. This tour guide and all those spectators are witnesses. Especially those guys sitting

at the tables over there, they seem to enjoy eavesdropping." Hajime glared at the men

that had been listening in earlier, and they all nodded vigorously, fearing Hajime might

tear their heads off.

"I understand, but as this happened on guild property, we need to go through the

proper procedure. Both sides need to present their case so justice can be dispensed…

Those are the rules, so if you would just be so kind as to…"

"Both sides, huh?" Hajime glanced over to where Poom and Reganid were lying. It

didn't look like either of them would regain consciousness anytime soon. The guild

had sent some medics over to treat them, but he doubted they'd wake up for another

few days at least.

"You want us to wait in the guild until they wake up? Even though we were the

victims…? You've gotta be kidding me. Maybe I should just drag them out of the city

and kill them there." Hajime glared angrily at the guild attendant. He looked just like

an American ready to sue someone.

"Please don't glare at me like that, I'm just doing my job," the attendant said in a

panicked voice. But when Hajime suggested killing them, he still diligently tried to

stop him.

Grumbling to himself, Hajime decided to try and forcibly wake the two up. The guild

attendants were in the middle of trying to stop him when a new voice cut through the


"What are you doing? What's going on here?" A slender man in glasses stared sternly

down at Hajime.

"Chief Secretary Dott! Perfect timing! You see…" The attendants all rejoiced at the

appearance of this man called Dott. After he listened to their explanation of what

happened, he returned his sharp gaze to Hajime.

Looks like things are just getting more and more complicated. Hajime sighed to himself.

Dott adjusted his glasses with his middle finger and calmly addressed Hajime.

"I more or less understand the situation now. And it appears there really are quite a

few witnesses. I do think you might have overdone it a little, but… well, they're still

alive, so it's fine. I was hoping you would at least be willing to stay inside Fuhren until

they wake up. May I at least ask for your identification and the address you're be

staying at… I'm sure that's not too much to ask, right?" His tone was surprisingly firm.

Hajime shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, that's fine. In fact, if that pig starts causing trouble again, I'd like you to contact

me. I'll be gentler next time, don't worry." Hajime tiredly handed over his status plate.

"As for where we're staying, we haven't decided yet, so… ask that tour guide over there.

We were planning on staying wherever she recommended."

Rithy got a little startled when Hajime mentioned her name, then sadly muttered, "I

guess I'm stuck guiding you after all…"

"Hmm, very well… I see your rank is blue. That man lying on ground over there is

black… May I ask for your two companions' status plates as well?" Dott raised his

eyebrows when he saw Hajime's rank was only blue, the lowest rank. But since the

eyewitnesses had said it was Yue and Shea who had defeated Reganid, he thought

maybe they were a lot stronger.

"Well, Yue and Shea both lost their status plates, and we haven't been able to get

replacements yet. I mean, they're pretty expensive, aren't they?" Hajime lied without

batting an eyelid. Hiding their strength after they'd displayed so much of it already

was pointless, but Hajime still wanted to avoid letting anyone know exactly what they

were capable of.

"However, we must confirm their identities. In the event that you start constantly

causing trouble for the guild, regardless of whether you're the victim or the aggressor,

we will need to blacklist you. Thus, we need a record. If you would like, the guild will

pay for their replacements." It appeared Dott wished to confirm their identity no

matter what.

But if Hajime got them new status plates now, he wouldn't have time to hide their stats

and skills column. Everyone would see they could use special magic. Worse, they'd

know they both could use magic from the age of the gods. There was no doubt in his

mind that it would cause a huge uproar. Even if that did happen, Hajime wouldn't mind

killing everyone that came after them. The problem was that it would make it

impossible for them to stay in towns anymore.

Man, this whole thing's turning into more of a pain than I'd have liked. As if reading his

thoughts, Yue offered a suggestion.

"Hajime, the letter."

"Huh? Oh yeah, that letter…"

Yue was, of course, talking about the letter Catherine had given them before they'd left

Brooke. The one Catherine had said would help them out if they ever got into any

trouble with other adventurer's guild branches.

Not like we have anything to lose. Hajime pulled the letter out of his pocket and gave it

to Dott, thinking they could just flee town if things really turned south. After all, while

Catherine had explained what it would do, he had no idea what was actually written

in it. He regretted not checking the contents now.

"I'm not sure if this will work in place of identification, but a friend of ours from

another guild branch told us to show this to someone high ranking if we found

ourselves in any trouble."

"Hm? A friend from another guild branch…? Let me take a look." Dott found it

somewhat suspicious that Hajime was unwilling to pay for new status plates

considering he and his companions were rather well dressed and didn't seem

strapped for money. However, he still obediently took the letter and skimmed through

his contents. When he reached the end, he let out a startled gasp.

His gaze shifted from the letter to the trio multiple times. With the way he kept poring

over the words, it looked like he was trying to determine the authenticity of the letter.

Finally, he folded it back up and placed it neatly into the envelope it had come in.

"If this letter is authentic, then it will indeed serve as identification… However, I myself

am unable to determine whether the sender is really who she claims she is. I shall

confirm the details with our branch chief, so could you please wait inside the guild

until? I promise it won't take long. Ten, fifteen minutes at most."

Who on earth is Catherine, really?

"Alright, if it's only that long I don't mind. We'll wait."

"The attendants can guide you to a waiting room. I'll be back shortly." Dott called an

attendant over and instructed him to guide them before vanishing inside the guild

building. The attendant motioned for Hajime and the others to follow him. As Hajime

and the others followed after him, Rithy asked him a question in a confused, but

somewhat hopeful voice.

"Umm, what should I do?" Since they were now entangled with the guild, she was

hoping she wouldn't have to guide them anymore. With how dangerous they seemed,

she wanted to be free of them as soon as possible.

Hajime nodded and replied to her question with some questions of his own.

"Wait for us… You won't run, right? You're a professional, right?"

"Okay…" Rithy drooped her head sadly and went to sit down on one of the empty chairs

in the cafe. No matter what world one was in, employees had to take on unpleasant

jobs for their company