A New Meeting Part 2

"What's a member of a lost race doing here of all places, and why are you so

determined to kill a single adventurer… I'm pretty interested in the answer myself. I

suppose I can delay shoving this all the way through to your mouth until you answer

at least. If you want to show me your gratitude, hurry up and talk."

The dragonman's actions had been so unnatural that he was willing to delay killing his

enemy until he figured out the details of what had happened. Of course he didn't stop

pounding the spike in, just slowed down a little.

"Aah n-not sho hard~ I-I'll talk, so stop!"

Aiko and the others were appalled by Hajime's callous attitude, but he ignored them.

But if he kept going the dragon probably wouldn't be able to talk so he stopped. He

kept his hand on the spike so he could resume at any time though.

Relieved, the black dragon let out a sigh. She hurriedly began explaining what had

happened. Hajime wasn't sure if the sensuality he sensed in her voice was just his

imagination or not

"I was being controlled. I had no intention of attacking you people. However, the man

who took control of me ordered me to find and kill that young man and his comrades."

She beckoned to Will with her gaze. Will started trembling again, but he bravely met

the dragon's gaze. Something inside him had changed after watching Hajime's fight.

"But why? And how?"

"Allow me to start from the beginning. I am…"

In short, this was what happened:

There was something the black dragon needed to do, which was why she had left the

dragonmen's hidden village. That something was to investigate the visitors that had

been summoned from another world. While there were many more details, the gist of

it was a dragonman with especially good perception had sensed a huge outpouring of

mana a few months ago, and had surmised that someone had come to this world.

The dragonmen had a policy of non-intervention when it came to the affairs of the rest

of the world, but they couldn't afford to remain ignorant about these mysterious

visitors, and thus sent someone to investigate.

That someone had been the black dragon Hajime had just fought. Originally her plan

had been to cross the mountains, then transform into a more human appearance and

mix in with the people. From there she would have hidden her heritage as a

dragonman and set about gathering information. On her way here, she had stopped

for a rest in the valley between the first and second mountain ranges. As there were

still dangerous monsters roaming that area, she had used the special magic granted to

all dragonmen, Dragonification, to transform into her black dragon appearance before

settling down to sleep.

While she was still sleeping, a man hidden in the shadows of a black robe had

appeared before her. He had used a combination of dark magic to brainwash her and

erode her mind little by little.

Of course most people would have been woken up by such an assault. However, this is

where the dragonmen's bad habit worked to the man's advantage. As More had

mentioned before when he was explaining the proverb, dragonmen were notoriously

hard to wake in their dragon forms. Only a good kick to the arse could rouse them from

their slumber. That being said, dragonmen were also known for their immense

willpower, and a dragonman of her caliber wouldn't have been easy to control.

The reason that man had been able to take over her mind so perfectly was because…

"He was a truly terrifying human. His proficiency with dark magic was so great that I

daresay he must have been some kind of genius. And he had had nearly a whole day

to work his magic on me. I may be fearsome, but even I cannot withstand such an

attack…" She trailed off sadly, as if that had been the greatest blunder of her life.

Unfortunately for her, Hajime was merciless with his words.

"So what you're telling me is that you were in such a deep sleep that you didn't even

notice when someone was hovering over you casting magic on you for an entire day?"

Everyone looked at her like she was an idiot. However the dragon only stared off in

the distance and continued as if he'd said nothing.

She did, it seemed, have some semblance of an excuse. Flying across the sea had been

an exhausting ordeal, but her mission required speed. So when she had stopped for a

rest, she'd placed herself in a deeper slumber than normal. Either way, it was

obviously her mistake that led to this situation, though she didn't admit it.

The reason she knew this mysterious sorcerer had spent an entire day taking her over

was because even under his mind control, her original personality and memories had

remained. They had just been locked inside her. And it seemed her ears had picked up

someone muttering "I can't believe this took a whole day…" after she'd awoken.

After that, she'd been forced to do the robed man's bidding, and had assisted him in

bringing the monsters on the second mountain range under his control. Then one day

the herd of Bulltaurs he'd sent over to the first mountain range had been spotted by

Will's party, and they had been ordered to eliminate all witnesses. The robed man was

worried survivors might report their appearance, which, while unlikely, could have

led people to guess there was someone in the mountains controlling monsters. In

order to make doubly sure everyone was annihilated, he'd sent the dragon over as


Then, right as she'd found Will, she'd been attacked by an unknown entity who'd beat

the living shit out of her. Fearing for her life, she'd started to panic. Which is what had

caused the earlier mana explosion.

The rest everyone knew. She'd then attempted one last suicide rush at Will, as per her

orders, when Shea's skull-shattering blow had landed on her, followed by an extremely

painful object shoved into her ass. The combined shock of it had blown away the mind

control, returning her to her senses.

She wasn't exactly sure if it was the head blow or the butt-spike that had done the job


"…Are you fucking kidding me." Once the dragon finished her explanation, a low,

trembling voice echoed through the silence. Everyone turned around in surprise.

There was a murderous rage in Will's gaze as he glared at the dragon, his hands balled

up into fists.

"…Are you saying it's not your fault because you were controlled… that it's not your

fault you killed Gale-san, Navare-san, Lent-san, Wisry-san and Kurt-san!?" The anger

he'd felt at the death of his comrades had continually been building up underneath the

mountain of panic that had occupied his thoughts until now. Finally, it had boiled over

in a violent outburst of shouting.

"...…" The black dragon didn't reply. She stared quietly into Will's eyes, absorbing his

pain and anger. That calm attitude only served to enrage Will further.

"Besides, who's to say you're even telling the truth! For all we know this is all bullshit

you made up so we spare your life!"

"…Everything I told you just now is the truth. I swear it on my pride as a dragonman."

Will opened his mouth to protest again. But he was cut off by Yue.

"…She's not lying."

"What proof do you have that…"

One look from Yue silenced Will. After he trailed off Yue returned her gaze to the black

dragon and continued.

"Dragonmen are known for their integrity and loyalty. I've lived far longer than any of

you. And when I was around, stories of dragonmen were far more common. She staked

her pride as a dragonman on her story. It's no lie. Besides… I know what a liar's eyes

look like, and she's no liar."

Yue gazed off into the distance as she said that last part. She must be thinking about

what happened to her three hundred years ago.

There was no doubt her life before meeting Hajime had been full of lies and deceit.

Even the people she thought closest to her had turned out to be liars.

And it was because she'd averted her eyes from that truth that she'd been betrayed.

Her somewhat unique life experiences had made her very sensitive to lies and liars.

And her conclusion was that the dragon before them was no liar.

"Oh, I did not expect to see those who still knew of us in this day and age… Wait, how

long did you say you've lived?" Thinking that there were still people alive that told

stories of her people's race, the dragon spoke in a pleasantly surprised voice.

"…Long. I am a survivor of the vampire race. Three hundred years ago, our monarchs

looked to the dragonmen as models of how to live, as well as how to rule."

In other words, to Yue the dragonmen were symbols of righteousness. At the very

least, she spoke of them with respect. That had played no small part in her decision to

stop Will's tirade.

When she heard about Yue's heritage, the dragon was even more surprised.

"Unbelievable! A vampire… and three hundred years old at that… I see. Our sources

from the outside world had told us the vampires had been wiped out, but I see their

princess still yet lives. I believe your name was…" It seemed this dragon had lived at

least as long as Yue, if not more. But the way she spoke about events, it seemed that

while she kept a distance from the affairs of the world, she wasn't ignorant of them.

The dragonmen must send people out to mingle with other humans and gather news

relatively often. Which is why she was surprised when she'd heard the vampires'

princess had survived. Needless to say, Aiko and Yuka and the others were even more

shocked. Their jaws were hanging open.

Yue headed the dragon off before she could speak Yue's original name.

"Yue… that's my name. The person I treasure most in this world gave it to me. Please

use that." She was blushing slightly, and holding her hands close to her chest, like she

was cupping something dear.

Sparkling waves of happiness were radiating off her. When they saw her expression,

the girls all looked like they'd spotted a buffet of sweets, while the guys blushed,

captivated by her words. Even Will's anger dimmed slightly.

But then he thought back to the kind adventurers who'd taught him so much, and he

found his rage again.

"…Even so, it doesn't change the fact that you killed them… Even if it was against your

will… you still did it! Gale-san said he was going to propose once this mission was

over! Just what did they die for…" He understood logically that the dragon wasn't to

blame. But he couldn't help himself. Even if he understood it in his head, he couldn't

accept it in his heart. He ground his teeth together as a dark fog of anger enveloped

his thoughts.

That's a lot of flags he just raised. While appreciating the cliched nature of Will's

speech, Hajime suddenly remembered the locket he'd picked up.

"Will, did this belong to that Gale guy?" He pulled it out and threw it over to Will. Will

caught it and opened it up. As he stared at the picture inside, his mouth turned up into

a smile.

"This is my locket! I thought I'd lost it forever. I can't believe you found it. Thank you

so much!"

"Oh that's yours?"

"Yes! There's no mistaking it, the portrait inside is of my mother!"

"Y-Your mother?" Hajime stuttered, surprised at how far off the mark his guess had


When he asked Will why she looked like she was in her early twenties, he got a

completely unexpected response.

"If I was going to carry around a portrait of my mother, it makes sense to have one of

her in her younger days, right?" Everyone present realized he must have had a huge

Oedipus complex. The girls all backed a few steps away from him. As an aside, Gale's

lover had been a guy. His full name was Gale Gaye. It was often said that a person's

name described who they were.

Will had calmed down a great deal after discovering his locket wasn't lost forever.

Though it was hard to ascertain whether or not that had actually helped. Even if he

had calmed down, that didn't mean his resentment had faded. And even after

regaining his composure, he still insisted that the black dragon be killed. His reasoning

was that there was no telling when she might get brainwashed again, but everyone

knew it was just an excuse. What he really wanted was revenge.

It was then that the dragon, in a voice full of remorse, proposed a solution.

"Whether it was by my will or not, the truth is that I stole the lives of many innocent

people. If you say I must die for my crimes, then I shall accept that punishment.

However, could you not give me some time? Before I die, I must at least destroy that

dangerous man. That man is trying to create an army of monsters. The dragonmen

have always kept their distance from the affairs of the continent, however after what

he did, it is my responsibility to stop him. I cannot allow him to run free… I understand

what I am asking of you is selfish. But will you please grant me the opportunity to stop

this tragedy before it gets any worse?" Everyone's expressions changed when they

heard the words "army of monsters." They all looked to Hajime. At some point, he had

become the effective leader of their group. The one who'd fought the dragon off had

been him, so it seemed natural to entrust the decision to him as well.

His response was as casual and swift as always.

"I really don't give a damn about your responsibilities. You caused us quite a bit of

trouble. So for that you'll have to die."

He raised his artificial arm and made a fist.

"Please wait! Y-You cannot seriously mean to kill me now, not after all I just said! I'm

begging you, please let me go. Once I settle my affairs I'll let you do whatever you want

with me! So please! Think of the future generations that might yet be saved!"

Hajime ignored her and brought his fist down. But it never reached its intended target.

Before he could pound the spike further in, Yue hugged him from behind. She lifted

her face to his ear and muttered some words in a hushed tone.

"…Are you really going to kill her?"

"Hm? I mean yeah, we were pretty much fighting to the death a second ago…"

"…But she's not an enemy. She never once directed animosity toward you. She was

being controlled."

Yue didn't want to let the dragon die. As she had growing up respecting the dragonmen

race, letting Hajime kill her would leave a bad taste in Yue's mouth.

And while the battle had eventually devolved into the death match, technically

speaking she had initially been after Will. And now they even knew the reason why.

She had been robbed of her will, and forced to carry out her controller's orders like a

machine. In the first place, the only reason it had devolved into a death match despite

how focused she'd been on Will was because of Hajime.

True, keeping Will alive was Hajime's current mission, so by making Will her enemy

she had made Hajime her enemy, but the truth was that Hajime's real enemy was the

man behind the dragon. If anyone should become the target of his ire, it would be him.

There was one other reason Yue had stopped Hajime.

Yue understood very well Hajime's worldview. But she couldn't see the dragon before

her in the same light as the enemies they'd killed before. After everything she'd

experienced as the vampires' monarch, Yue had a good eye for people. And Yue could

tell that the dragon truly had no intention of becoming Hajime's enemy. Yue didn't

want Hajime to kill anyone that wasn't truly his enemy. As for why, that was because…

"…If you compromise your own rules, you'll start losing your humanity. Is killing her

something you really have to do?" She was worried Hajime would start to break down

if he actually killed someone who wasn't truly his enemy.

Sensing Yue's worries, Hajime cocked his head and thought about whether that black

dragon really was his enemy. Hajime wasn't so naive as to worry about whether his

opponent was being controlled or not in the middle of a fight. He would kill anything

standing in his way.

But was there any reason to execute a former foe who had since been freed from her

mind control? Was that still killing an "enemy"? Hajime stared into Yue's eyes, inches

away from his own. As he considered his own principles, a strained voice interrupted


"Sorry to interrupt your flirting, but if you're still debating, could you please remove

this spike from my behind? At this rate I'll die soon regardless of what you do."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Any foreign objects inserted inside me in my dragon form remain the same way when

I revert to human form. Just imagine a woman with a spike this hard and large inside

her… Do you think she could survive?"

Everyone grimaced as they imagined the sight. Yuka and the other girls unconsciously

covered their butts sympathetically.

"I am maintaining this form with my mana, but that will soon run dry. I can last maybe

another minute like this… I am interested in seeing what lies beyond death, but dying

like this would be too unsightly to bear. Think of the future generations that might be

saved!" While that last bit seemed rather out of place, her voice was very clearly

strained. Hajime didn't have much time to make his choice.

"…Fine." With one hand wrapped around Yue, he decided that if he was hesitating this

much already, it couldn't hurt to listen to his partner's advice. People often didn't

understand themselves very well. In which case, it made sense to do what would put

the person he trusted most at ease.

With his free hand, Hajime grabbed the massive spike stuck in the dragon's butt. Then

he pulled with all his strength.

"Haaaahn! S-Slower please. I am still unaccustomed to such— Afwuu. Yaah, so rough!

This— Aaaahn! Something— something strange is coming!" The spike had been

driven pretty far up her asshole. So Hajime had to wiggle it around a bit and pull pretty

hard to get it out. For some strange reason, the rougher he got, the happier the

dragon's moans sounded. Hajime ignored her completely and continued pulling until

finally it came free.

"Ahiiiiiiiiiiiii…! A-Amazing. I asked you to be gentle, and yet you showed not even an

iota of mercy… This is the first time I've ever…" A few seconds after her incoherent

rambling, the dragon's body was wrapped in a cocoon of mana and gradually started

to shrink. When she'd shrunk to about human size, the cocoon of mana dissipated.

What emerged from the cocoon of black mana was a beautiful woman. She had black

hair and piercing golden eyes. She was sitting on her knees, supporting her body with

one hand and rubbing her butt with the other. Her luxurious, thick hair fell straight

down to her waist, and her disheveled bangs were stuck her blushing face. She was

panting heavily, and her expression was ecstatic. Anyone would find her current

appearance seductive.

She had the figure of a woman in her early twenties. Though her height was easily over

170 centimeters. She was very well endowed, and every time her shoulders heaved,

her twin mounds threatened to spill out of her clothes. If Shea's were melon sized,

then this girl's were watermelon sized.

"I can't believe it… This is amazing."

"S-So this is what a fantasy world is like."

"Dammit! I know you've got some juice left in you! Come on, phone!"

The dragon's beautiful appearance had a huge impact on Atsushi and the guys. The

three of them were in the height of their puberty, so it was only natural. They all

stooped over and spouted ridiculous lines. If this continued for any longer, they would

be forced on all fours to hide their boners. Yuka and the others were staring at the

guys like they were cockroaches.

"Haah… Haah… Thank you for sparing my life… My butt still feels weird… but it's

nothing compared to how much the rest of my body aches… Haah… Haah… to think

pain could feel so sweet…" Both her expression and her words were rather ominous,

or so Hajime thought. After a few minutes, she composed herself enough to sit up

straight, and introduce herself calmly. Though her intermittent panting ruined the

stately effect her sharp posture and crisp tone created.

"I have caused you all much grief. Please understand that I truly, truly am sorry for

what I have done. My name is Tio Klarus. I'm a dragonman of the Klarus clan."

Tio then went on to explain how the robed figure who was gathering a monster army

was planning on attacking the nearby villages. And that he had already gathered a mob

of three to four thousand monsters. Most of the monsters that inhabited the second

mountain range lived in packs, so all he'd needed to do was subjugate their respective

leaders, and the packs had followed.

The whole reason Hajime and the other students had been summoned to this world

was because the Holy Church had feared the demons had somehow discovered a way

to control monsters, so because of that, Aiko and the others surmised he must have

been a member of the demon race.

However, when they said as much Tio shook her head, Tio explained that the blackrobed man had been a black-haired, black-eyed human, and that while she'd called

him a man, he was young enough to be considered a kid. She also distinctly

remembered what he had said after taking control of her mind. Elated by his success,

he had yelled, "This proves I'm better than him. I'm the real hero here!" He had

seemingly harbored a massive grudge against this hero person.

A black-haired, black-eyed boy who knew the hero well and was a genius at using dark


There was one person who perfectly fit all of those conditions. Aiko muttered "But

that can't be…" and she and the other students all exchanged troubled glances. As

obvious as it was, they didn't want to believe it.

As they were worrying about what to do, Hajime, who had been using his Far Sight

skill, suddenly realized something.

"Oh, so that's…" When he'd heard Tio's story he'd sent his Ornises out to search for the

monster army and the black-robed man. One of them had spotted a large gathering of

monsters, but… the numbers were off.

"You said three to four thousand right? Are you sure you weren't a digit short?"

Everyone's eyes flew open in surprise. It appeared he'd begun his advance. The robed

man was almost certainly aiming for the town of Ur. If they continued at their current

pace they would be down the mountain in half a day, and reach the town in another


"W-We need to hurry back and warn everyone! Then we need to evacuate and ask for

reinforcements from the capital… And then, and then…"

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Aiko tried to think through her panic and

figure out the best course of action. Against an army in the tens of thousands, even the

ridiculously overpowered students didn't stand a chance. Besides, they still hadn't

fully recovered from their trauma.

Aiko had basically no combat ability, Will was barely even an adventurer, and Tio was

completely drained of mana. Forget stopping them, they wouldn't even be able to slow

the army down. Thus, Aiko's plan of warning and everyone and running until

reinforcements from the capital came was the best considering the circumstances.

However, while everyone else was panicking, Will quietly asked a rather odd question.

"Umm, Hajime-dono, couldn't you do something about…" At his words, everyone

looked expectantly to Hajime. Their eyes were filled with hope. Annoyed by their

expectant gazes, Hajime casually waved his hand as if to dismiss the thought.

"Don't look at me like that. My job is to bring Will safely back to Fuhren. I can't fight a

war if I've got to protect him. Hurry up and go warn the villagers." Atsushi and Will

were angry at how casually Hajime dismissed them. However, Aiko's concern was


"Nagumo-kun, did you happen to see the black-robed man too?"

"Hm? Nope. I've been checking regularly, but all I'm seeing is a horde of monsters."

Aiko hung her head sadly. After a moment of deliberation, she stated that she wanted

to confirm whether or not the black-robed man was really Yukitoshi Shimizu, the

missing boy they'd been searching for. As always, she put her students first. If the

cause of all this trouble really was one of her students, then it was her responsibility.

However, there was no way they could leave Aiko alone among an army of monsters,

and so Yuka and the others desperately tried to talk her out of it. Aiko hesitated for a

bit, but then came up with another idea… namely that Hajime could accompany her.

Tired of their constant arguing over whether to stay or leave, Hajime gave Aiko a cold


"If you want to stay behind you can. We're going to take Will back to the village." With

that, Hajime forcefully grabbed Will by the shoulders and started dragging him down

the mountain. Will and Aiko tried to protest, saying they couldn't leave this huge army

alone, that they needed to confirm who the black-robed man was, that Hajime was

strong enough to take on the whole army, and so on. Annoyed, Hajime let out a sigh

and rounded on Aiko.

"Like I said before, my only job is to see Will to safety. I can't fight an army if I've got

someone I need to protect. Hell, let's say for argument's sake that I could kill them all.

In a forested place like this full of boulders and rivers, there's no way I could be sure

I'd gotten every single one. Just give it a rest, okay. Even if we find out whether or not

the kid really is a student, who'll be left to warn the town? On the off chance that

they're actually stronger than us, we'll be wiped out and the town will be caught totally

by surprise. Just so you know, only I can drive Steiff and Brise, so if I go fight, you guys

have no chance of making it back before the town's attacked." Aiko and Will fell silent.

Hajime's argument had made it clear how pointless and reckless their insistence that

he go fight was.

"Well, my mast… Ahem, he has point. My mana is completely drained right now too. I

understand your desire to act, but right now there's nothing we can do. Our first

priority should be warning the villagers. After a day my mana will be mostly recovered

as well." Tio followed up after Hajime, supporting his reasoning.

Was she about to call me what I think she was about to call me…? It can't be, can it?

Realizing that was the best option in their current situation, Aiko reined in her worry

and prioritized warning the town and the safety of the students still under her charge.

Tio was so drained of mana that she couldn't move, so Hajime grabbed her by the

scruff of the neck and dragged her down the mountain.

Atsushi and the other boys had been ready to fight each other for the right to carry

Tio, but Yuka had quickly shut them down, and it seemed Tio herself wished to be

carried by Hajime, which was why he'd ended up with the job.

But of course, Hajime wasn't the kind of person to carry her nicely. Frowning in

annoyance, he had grabbed by the legs and dragged her at first.

However, Aiko's fierce protests had talked him into at least dragging her by the scruff

of her neck. No matter what anyone said after that he refused to compromise any

further. Tio herself had a look of ecstasy on her face too, which made everyone back

away, thus resulting in this being the style she was dragged down the mountain in.

The party hurried to Ur as fast as they could, an army of monsters not far behind them.