
A single man's footsteps echoed loudly through the palace's grand hall. Everyone he

passed by was startled by the grim expression on his face.

"Lord Freid." A strained voice called out to him. Though the man was clearly in a hurry,

he turned around.


"Lord Freid. Is-Is Cattleya really dead!? I heard from the others when I returned from

my mission. Tell me it's not true! Cattleya can't possibly be dead! She had your greatest

monster, Ahatod, by her side, so she can't have—"

The man Mikhail had addressed as Lord Freid put a trembling hand on his

subordinate's shoulder. The strength he put into his grip told Mikhail everything he

needed to know. It was true. Freid's beloved Cattleya truly had perished during her

mission to conquer the Great Orcus Labyrinth.

"Why… How? Was the hero just that strong? If they're strong enough to kill a monster

of that caliber, then our hopes of winning are…"

"Calm yourself, Mikhail. Our investigations were thorough. The current hero is

nowhere near as strong as Cattleya."

"Then… how did she die!?" Mikhail clung to Freid, despair filling his eyes. Freid just

shook his head and changed the topic.

"The plan to subjugate Ur ended in failure as well."

"Wha? Did the target not betray his allies like we expected?"

"No, he did. He raised an army of 60,000 monsters and should have had no trouble

burying the 'Fertility Goddess' along with the town. However, his army was crushed

by an unforeseen opponent."

"Unforeseen opponent?" Mikhail tilted his head in confusion. Freid's eyes narrowed,

and he gazed sharply at some unseen enemy.

"A small band of four crushed the entire monster army. Reiss, who was in charge of the

mission, even lost his arm. He had to use his emergency teleport to escape, and likely

won't be able to return to the front lines."

"No way, even Reiss lost? I know the monsters there weren't strengthened by your

ability, Lord Freid, but can four people really take down an army of that size? Surely

you jest."

Freid returned his gaze to the shaking Mikhail.

"I wish I was… At any rate, it seems that insane party of four rushed off to the Great

Orcus Labyrinth after they finished at Ur. They must have reached Cattleya around the

same time she made contact with the hero party."

"So you're saying they were the ones that killed Cattleya?" A tiny red droplet fell to the

floor. Mikhail was clenching his fist so hard his nails had broken skin. Anger welled up

within him.

His hand still on Mikhail's shoulder, Freid warned him in a stern voice.

"The enemy's strength is beyond measure. I'm planning on heading to the volcano

next. We must gain more ancient magic, no matter the cost. It's our only hope of

balancing the scales."

"Lord Freid…" Mikhail couldn't believe their strongest general would ever admit to

being outmatched. He shivered, and Freid gave him a look that chilled him to the bone.

"Everything we do, we do for His Majesty, and the god which we serve. Hold down the

fort while I'm gone, Mikhail. The war will begin in earnest soon. Polish your skills with

what little time we have left."

"Ah. Yes, sir. I swear I will avenge Cattleya."

Freid nodded to him and turned on his heels. He saw Mikhail salute to him out of the

corner of his eyes as he walked to where his partner was waiting.

When he was finally out of sight, his stern expression crumbled. He'd been holding his

anger back in front of his subordinates, but there was no one to see him now.

"I don't know who you are, but you'll pay dearly for interfering with my holy mission.

God is with me. The day we finally meet will be your last. Heretics have no right to

live." He muttered darkly to himself for a few more minutes before summoning his

horde of monsters and leaving the castle.

The castle that lay at the heart of Garland, the demons' capital.

Freid was the demon who had single-handedly destroyed the delicate balance

between the humans and demons. And as fate would have it, he was headed to the

very same place the monster of the abyss was.

Who would the goddess of victory smile upon when they finally met?