The Hero Returns Part 2

For some reason, Altina smiled and held her hand out to Hajime. She'd fallen for Cam's

taunts hook, line, and sinker. Naturally, Shea stepped in and slapped Altina's hand out

of the way.

The two of them locked eyes. Sparks flew between the two of them.

"Thanks so much for guiding us Altina-san."

Shea smiled at Altina. It was a warm smile, befitting of a rabbitman of Haltina.

However, her bunny ears betrayed what she was really feeling. They were projected

outward in an attempt to intimidate Altina.

"No problem, Shea-san. But the crowd's rather dense, so I think it would be best if we

held hands. It wouldn't do to get separated, would it?"

Altina smiled back. It was a warm smile, befitting of a princess of Haltina. However,

her pointed ears betrayed what she was really feeling. They were twitching rapidly in


Everything's going according to plan. Cam grinned to himself, something Hajime didn't

miss. He guessed what was going on, and gave Cam a smirk that could cause

nightmares. A torrent of cold sweat poured down Cam's forehead, and his grin

vanished. He gave Cam the evil eye, and pointedly took Shea's hand.

"Ah…." she gasped. A second later a smile split her face and she hugged Hajime's arm.

Surprised, Altina looked up at Hajime. His gaze was colder than ice. He didn't seem the

least bit happy that a beautiful girl like her was trying to flirt with him. "Just take us to

the conference hall already," his eyes said.

Crestfallen, Altina dejectedly led them out of the square. She'd known from the start

that she had no chance against Shea, who'd gone through all sorts of hardships

together with Hajime, but she'd still wanted to have hope. And Hajime had crushed

that hope so ruthlessly that everyone aside from Yue gave him a somewhat

reproachful look. While they didn't want any more girls vying for his affection, they

still thought he could have been nicer about it.

When they arrived at the hall, the elders took their customary seats at the head of the

room. Cam and a few of the Haulia sat across from them. They sandwiched Gahard

between themselves, and Hajime, who'd sat to their right. It was only when the

emperor himself confirmed that he had indeed surrendered to the Haulia and agreed

to their demands that the elders finally had to admit this was all real. They all reacted

to this historic event in different ways. Some howled with joy, others looked up at the

roof, while yet others covered their eyes and sighed deeply.

One of the elders, the tigerman Zel, narrowed his eyes and glared at Gahard. He didn't

like how the emperor was still smiling fearlessly despite being smack in the middle of

enemy territory.

"For a defeated emperor, you sure look pleased with yourself. Do you even realize how

much most of the people here despise you? You don't honestly think we'll let you go

home in one piece, do you?"

Zel's pupils narrowed to slits, and he made no effort to hide his hatred. Bloodlust

oozed from his every pore. Most of the other elders and beastmen soldiers in the room

were the same. Gahard was their sworn enemy. It was impossible for them to stay calm

in this situation. However, Gahard didn't seem the least bit perturbed by their glares.

"Of course I do. There's no way you'd dare to kill me. Unless you're all just a pack of

morons anyway."

"What was that, you bastard!?"

Ulfric held out a hand to hold Zel back.

"Calm yourself, Zel. I understand full well how you must be feeling. But remember, the

reason the Haulia brought Gahard here was to prove to us that his oaths are as binding

as they claim. If we kill him here, the victory the Haulia risked their lives for will

become meaningless."


Zel's face twisted in frustration, and he slammed a fist into the ground. Gahard simply

harrumphed in response. The atmosphere in the room was quickly becoming

dangerous. In an attempt to smooth things over Ulfric gave Gahard a warning.

"Gahard, you will afford us the proper respect. Or else we may have to become the

morons you claim we are. Many of the people here are having a difficult enough time

holding their emotions in check as is. Know that that is the extent of the pain you

caused us."

Ulfric's voice was even, but his words carried weight. Enough weight to wipe the smirk

off Gahard's face. He had lived longer than any other beastman in the room. That also

meant that he'd experienced the most pain, the most suffering, the most anger, and

the most hatred.

Gahard stretched his legs lazily and observed Ulfric for a time. Finally, he straightened

his posture and spoke.

"If you want my respect, then draw your sword."

Ulfric looked at him suspiciously, and Gahard explained,

"I, along with everyone else in the empire, only pay respect to the strong. If you don't

like my attitude, then make me obey by force. Petty words alone mean nothing to the

emperor of Hoelscher."

Gahard felt absolutely no remorse about enslaving beastmen. Unlike Heiligh, he didn't

look down on them because they were an inferior race that couldn't use magic and

had been abandoned by god. Nor did he have any issue with their bestial nature. He

simply looked down upon them because he considered them weak.

"I didn't lose to the beastmen of Verbergen. And so, I have no obligation to show you

any respect. The ones who risked their lives to defeat me are the Haulia, and the Haulia

alone! It's only their strength that I recognize!"

Gahard's spirited shout sent tremors across the room. His stare clashed with Ulfric's,

and invisible sparks danced through the air. The tension in the room was so thick you

could cut it with a knife. The two of them were engaging in a silent battle of wills. In

the end, the one who broke this strained silence was none other than Hajime.

"Oi, Gahard. You're making everything a huge pain, so you can go back now."

"Huh?" As always, he didn't even bother trying to read the atmosphere.

Ulfric looked at Hajime in confusion, while a suspicious frown formed on Gahard's

face. Ignoring Kouki and Liliana's incredulous looks, Hajime grabbed Gahard by the

scruff of his neck and opened a portal in front of him using spatial magic. Beyond the

portal, the familiar landscape of the imperial capital was visible.

"H-Hey! You're not really gonna just throw me outta here are you!? Wasn't this

supposed to be a historic meeting between our two countries!? I can't believe I'm the

one saying this, but read the damn atmosphere for once!"

"Like I give a shit. I only brought you here so you could testify to the elders. I'm not

here to babysit your meeting. I was gonna have to send you back eventually anyway,

so there's no point in waiting." Hajime didn't bother waiting for a reply, and further

drove his point home.

"You guys have had different values and been at odds with each other for centuries….

It's not like a single talk's going to make all the bitterness and resentment magically

go away. Or are your feelings really that shallow?"

In truth, Gahard and the elders' discussion was going nowhere. They wanted him to

show remorse, or at least promise to change his ways, while he continued to assert

the righteousness of his doctrine to the bitter end. They were two parallel lines that

would never cross. It would take a number of long conversations by level-headed

leaders on both sides to work through the massive gulf between races, governments,

and ideologies. And Hajime had no interest in sticking around to wait for them. Like

Gahard had said, it was the Haulia who had defeated him, not Ulfric and the others. He

was only hear to corroborate their story as per his contract. Nothing more, nothing


"Ngh, you do have a point, but…."

"And so, I'm gonna send you back before you start a fight."

"You bastard, don't treat me like some rebellious kid! Hey, stop pulling! Let me go!"

Hoelscher's emperor struggled with all his might, but he was no match for the

inhuman strength of Hajime's artificial arm.

"Nagumo-san, that's the Emperor you're holding by the scruff of his neck. You

shouldn't treat him like that~"

"Why do you look so happy about this, Princess Liliana!?"

Liliana remonstrated Hajime in a singsong voice; she clearly wasn't the least bit mad

about his treatment of Gahard.

"Even an emperor's just a kid to Nagumo-san~ I'm not the only one he treats like

that~" Liliana hummed softly to herself in an impromptu tune. Were she to give a

name to this new song, she would have called it "Comrades in arms."

"Lily…. Oh, you poor thing."

"Hajime-kun, you could at least be a little nicer to Lily!"

Shizuku dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, while Kaori tearfully pleaded with

Hajime. Unable to watch their princess, Helina and Heiligh's royal guards turned away.

Reality was too cruel to their poor mistress.

Even Yue felt so bad for Liliana that she tried to heal the princess with spirit magic.

One of spirit magic's signature spells was one that stabilized a person's mental state.

A sympathetic golden light washed over Liliana. However, it appeared to have no

effect, and she continued singing her deranged song.

Desperate, Tio tried to help with her own spirit magic. It was just as ineffective,

however. The princess had been scarred deeper than anyone expected. Even Gahard

gave her a pitying look. He then turned to Hajime and said,

"See, look. It's because you don't treat royalty with the respect they deserve that your

princess ended up like this. Now hurry up and let me down—"

"Not my problem," Hajime replied bluntly. Then, without warning, he threw Gahard

through the gate.

"I won't forget this, Hajime Nagumooooooooo!" Gahard yelled as he vanished.

Hajime's irreverent treatment of Gahard had given Verbergen's elders a vicarious

sense of satisfaction, temporarily satiating their desire for revenge. Kouki was the first

to realize this, and he leaned close to Ryutarou and muttered,

"Don't tell me this was his plan from the start?"

"Nah, I think that's just how he is."

"I'm with Ryutarou-kun on this one."

Though neither Ryutarou nor Suzu agreed with him, Kouki still wasn't convinced. It

was only when Hajime then tried to throw the still humming Liliana through the same

gate that Kouki was forced to admit defeat.

Fortunately for Liliana, she narrowly managed to convince Hajime that she still had

unfinished work here and that he couldn't send her back just yet.

Like she did with Gahard, Liliana explained to Verbergen's elders what had happened

in the kingdom along with the truth about Ehit. She then went on to discuss what kind

of relationship she wanted to have with Verbergen in the future. While the kingdom

hadn't kept slaves like the empire, it was only because they'd considered beastmen

subhuman. Naturally, the beastmen were aware of that too, and it made it difficult for

talks to proceed smoothly. However, the beastmen still had less hatred for Heiligh than

they had for Hoelscher, meaning they were at least willing to hear Liliana out.

"Haaah, fine. We'll go exploring Verbergen for a bit, so just find me once you're done

talking. And don't cause any trouble, Princess. If you make a scene, I'll throw you back

to Heiligh on the spot."

"Nagumo-san, I'd like to remind you once again that I am the kingdom's princess."


"Yes yes, I already know you don't even care about status or royalty. It's my fault for

expecting anything different from you. Fufu, I guess you just throw princesses back

into their castles on a daily basis. Ahahaha."

Liliana was obviously sulking. It would be a difficult road, conveying the love that had

blossomed during the ball. In an attempt to cheer Liliana up, Helina brought her one

of her signature teas, while Shizuku and Kaori comforted her.

Meanwhile, Kouki and Liliana's guards glared at Hajime, but he ignored them.

In truth, Hajime had long since guessed Liliana's feelings for him. He'd had to have

been colossally dense not to figure it out after the dance. But he had no desire to

nurture those feelings, so instead of treating her with halfhearted kindness he just cut

her off at every turn. Whether that was because he was loyal to Yue, or just because he

was cold by nature was anyone's guess.

He sighed wearily to himself and turned to Cam.

"Cam, it looks like the princess wants to keep talking with the elders, but what about

you guys? If you're not planning on staying, could you guide me back to your village?

Driving Fernir across half a continent with thousands of people on board was

exhausting. I want to rest for a bit."

"Hmm. Well you will be challenging the labyrinth starting tomorrow, so rest certainly

would be a good idea. We'll take you back, Boss."

Cam still had to take care of inaugurating all the new recruits and leading the Haulia

left in Verbergen, so he decided to have one of his men guide Hajime and the others.

But before he could snap his fingers and call his subordinates from the shadows, he

was stopped by Ulfric.

"Please wait, Nagumo-dono. We have yet to repay you for all you've done for us. Would

you mind staying here just a while longer?"

"Like I said, thank the Haulia, not me. They're the ones who did this."

"Naturally I intend to reward them as well. However, that doesn't change the fact that

we owe you a great debt. We wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if we didn't at least

do something."

"I mean if you want to believe you owe me, you're welcome to think that, but…. There

really isn't anything I need right now."

"Mmm…. Then at the very least, let us provide you lodging and food while you're

here…. Would that be acceptable?"

Hajime shot a questioning glance back at Yue and the others. None of them seemed to

mind, and Shizuku and Suzu looked like they wanted to stay and explore the beautiful

capital filled with fluffy beastmen. All the other elders seemed like they were fine with

it as well. In fact, they showed none of the hostility that they had to Gahard, or any of

the wariness they were showing Liliana. When it came to Hajime, it seemed all of the

elders loved him. From the bottoms of their hearts, they seemed to sincerely want

Hajime to stay.

Looking at it objectively, Hajime had rescued countless beastmen, had healed all of

their injuries and even repaired their city. Furthermore, so long as none of the

beastmen opposed him, he wouldn't hurt any of them. Compare to when he'd first met

the elders, they had a lot more reasons to like him. However, Hajime hadn't done any

of this to earn their goodwill, so it made the situation a little awkward. Still, he wasn't

one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"If that's what you want, then I guess we can stick around," Hajime said with a shrug.

Ulfric breathed sigh of relief, then turned to Cam.

"Now then, Cam. Though you were exiled from Verbergen, you saved our capital, and

then went on to defeat the empire and force them to return our enslaved brethren.

These are debts that must be repaid. To begin, I would like you to know that the elders

have unanimously agreed to rescind the Haulia's exile. That was decided in the

meeting following the demons' attack. You and your clan are free to visit Verbergen as

you please. If you so desire, we would even be willing to create a residential quarter

for your kin."

To think the elders would actually reverse their old decision, Hajime thought with some

surprise, I guess that's just how big Cam's achievements were.

However, Cam's response was surprisingly lackluster. "I see," was all he said flatly. He

didn't seem particularly happy about no longer being exiled.

Ulfric cleared his throat awkwardly and went on to list the other rewards Verbergen's

elders had decided to bestow upon the Haulia.

"Furthermore, I would like to propose that the council open a new seat to be filled by

the current head of the Haulia, Cam Haulia, as a reward for his meritorious service. Do

the other elders agree?"

The other beastmen in the room looked at Ulfric in shock. For the past few centuries,

the number of elders and the clans from which those elders were chosen had

remained unchanged. The elves, tigermen, bearmen, foxmen, dwarves, and harpies

were the six most prominent beastmen races, and the ones from which elders had

traditionally been chosen. For the rabbitmen to be included into the council of elders

would be a historically unprecedented honor.

The other elders conferred with themselves for a few seconds, then nodded to each

other and unanimously confirmed Ulfric's proposition.

"Well, there you have it, Cam. Will you accept this seat on the council?"

"Absolutely not."


The elders' jaws dropped open. Considering the festive atmosphere, they'd all been

accepting Cam to agree. But he refused without a second thought. It made no sense to

the elders.

"May I ask why?"

Ulfric quickly recovered. He kept his voice level even as he wondered why anyone

would want to refuse the greatest honor a beastman could be awarded.

"It's not really a question of why. In the first place, you guys seem to be under a

fundamental misconception about our position."

"And what would that be?"

"You probably think our goal was to save all the beastmen, but that was just an

unintended consequence of our true aim. The reason we attacked the empire was to

save our brethren, the other rabbitmen. In all honestly, I could care less about all the

other beastmen."

"What did you just say?"

The elders looked at Cam in disbelief.

"Don't get the wrong idea here. We Haulia aren't your allies. If you let our victory get

to your head and start thinking you might stand a chance against the empire

yourselves, our next targets will be you. We won't allow you to act recklessly and cause

us or our boss any trouble."

That wasn't a threat. It was a mere statement of fact. Cam's tone made it clear he really

would raze Verbergen if he felt it necessary. After all, if the other beastmen did

something to Gahard or his family, it would destroy everything Cam and the Haulia

had fought for. Without their contract with the empire, all that awaited the rabbitmen

was a dark future. And while Cam's decision was a rational one, the blunt way in which

he said it made it difficult for Verbergen's elders to swallow.

"Y-You would turn your blades on your own people!? Are you insane!?"

"Hmph, you other beastmen persecuted us rabbitmen as much as the empire did.

Don't try and pretend like we're old friends. Well you can if you want, but it won't

change anything. Point is, we fight only for the sake of securing a better future for

rabbitmen. You'd do well to remember that."

Cam resolutely stared down Ulfric and the others. At the same time, he gave the Haulia

behind him a thumbs-up over his shoulder, as if to say "I sure told them!" His

subordinates returned his thumbs-up and grinned in satisfaction. They were all

thinking the same thing. Don't think you can trick us into joining your council and then

use our strength however you please, you damn cowards!

Part of the reason Ulfric had invited Cam was because he had wanted to add the

Haulia's strength to Verbergen, so he couldn't deny it.

Meanwhile, the people around Hajime all simultaneously turned to glare at him. Cam's

statement bore a striking resemblance to Hajime's ideology of protecting what was

important to him and ignoring everything else.

"You make it sound as if the rabbitmen are walking down a different path than other


"I'm glad you're so quick on the uptake, Ulfric. That's exactly it. From now on,

rabbitmen will only be following their own rules. We have no interest in joining with

Verbergen, and thus being subjected to the nation's laws and regulations."

Short-tempered as always, Zel bristled at Cam's haughty remarks. He didn't take

kindly to Cam's dismissal of Verbergen and the elders. Cam maintained a neutral

expression, but the Haulia behind him responded to Zel's physical posturing by

attempting to intimidate him in kind. Ulfric, who'd been thinking to himself this whole

time, sighed wearily and gave Cam a look similar to the one he'd given Hajime when

they'd first met.

"In that case, Cam. How about we recognize the Haulia as a tribe equal in status to the

nation of Verbergen? Naturally, you will retain your right to claim a position on the

council if you so wish. This way, you won't be obligated to follow Verbergen's customs,

or any of the council's decrees. On top of that, you'll still be able to influence our


"Hoho…. Now that doesn't sound to bad." Cam's grin made it clear that he'd been

hoping Ulfric would say that. In truth, he'd wanted an alliance with Verbergen in order

to prepare for the eventual, inevitable invasion from the empire. However, had they

joined Verbergen as just part of the council, they would have been bound by the city's

laws and unable to move as freely as they wished. They could have of course ignored

the council's decrees and done as they pleased anyway, but that would just destroy

their relationship with Verbergen. That was why Cam had believed his best options

were to either form an alliance on equal grounds, or remain a separate, neutral entity.

Naturally, Ulfric's proposal was met by complaints from the other elders. They thought

he was giving the Haulia far too preferential treatment. In response, Ulfric just sighed

and stated the fact to them.

"They defeated the empire on their own. Verbergen would never be able to manage

that even if we mustered every soldier we could. I'd say that's a good enough reason

to treat them as equals, wouldn't you? Besides, if we do nothing we'll lose any

connections to the Haulia that we might have had. I'm sure you all aren't so foolish as

to see how harmful that would be to us. If we welcome them as allies, we'll be able to

reforge the bond of trust that was lost when we first exiled them. These concessions

are a paltry price to pay, considering what they've done for us."

The elders grit their teeth in frustration, but none of them could come up with a valid

argument against Ulfric's reasoning, or a better alternative. So in the end, they

swallowed their pride and agreed to Ulfric's proposal.

"There you have it, Cam. As the council agrees, we will henceforth welcome you as an

allied clan. I trust you have no objections?"

"Well whether you'd agreed to recognize our independence or not, we would have

done what we wanted regardless. Still, we're fine with that. Oh yeah, we're claiming

the land around the Grand Tree and the patch of forest to its south as Haulia territory.

So from now on, don't let anyone go there without permission. We can't guarantee the

safety of any trespassers."

Cam really didn't know when to quit. On top of everything else, he was now claiming

land for his new nation. Even Ulfric couldn't help but twitch a little at that.

Next to Hajime, Shea buried her face in her hands. Her father's arrogance was an

embarrassment. Her rabbit ears folded over themselves in an attempt to block out his


After a few more rounds of negotiations, Ulfric and Cam finally came to a settlement

they could agree on. Hajime left the exhausted elders to work out the details of the

alliance and went to see what his accommodations in Verbergen were like.

As he left the conference hall, he found the citizens still reveling in the streets. Finally

free to explore the city as they wished, Kouki, Ryutarou, Shizuku, and Suzu all eagerly

ran off into the crowd. It was the first time Hajime had seen them so cheerful in a


Hajime also thought he saw a group of crazed Kaori worshipers out of the corner of

his eye, and he decided to give them a wide berth. Just in case, Kaori put on a pair of

sunglasses Hajime had made for her, along with a ski mask and a knitted cap. For some

reason, the unorthodox getup suited her well.

A few hours after that, Liliana finished up her talks and decided to go back to the

kingdom. Recent events meant she had a lot of work waiting for her back home. The

kingdom would need a new direction if it was to survive. Unfortunately for her, her

return trip was as unceremonious as Gahard's. Originally Hajime had just opened up

a gate and waited for her to walk through. However, she'd just stood nervously in front

of it, fidgeting. She had obviously wanted to say something to Hajime, as evidenced by

the cheers Helina and her guards sent her way. But he had no time for her crush, so

Hajime had just thrown her in before she could do anything.

As she'd vanished through the portal Liliana had screamed, "I don't care if you don't

treat me like a princess, but at least treat me like a girl!" At the very least, it had

sounded like she'd yelled that. Hajime preferred to believe he'd just imagined it


That night, Verbergen's celebration had dragged on, and the sounds of residents

partying could still be heard despite the late hour. Meanwhile, Hajime, Yue, Kaori, and

Tio were relaxing in the room they'd been given.

It was just the four of them, as their lively rabbitman companion was nowhere to be


"Shea's late."

"Mmm…. She said she was just going to visit her family, but…."

"Are the Haulia holding their own victory celebration?"

"Hrm. Well, I am certain there is no need to worry about Shea. Even if something were

to happen, she would no doubt blow it away with her monstrous strength."

Hajime and the others nodded in wholehearted agreement. None of them looked too

worried to begin with. Hajime was nodding off in Yue's lap, and was practically asleep

already. In fact, he would have already been in dreamland, but for some reason

something kept nagging at him. Not even Yue's lap pillow could calm him down.

Sensing his vague feelings of unease, Yue smiled and gently ran her fingers through

his hair. Kaori and Tio shot her jealous looks, but before they could say anything,

someone opened Hajime's window from outside.

"My apologies for intruding so late, Boss."

"What's up, Cam?"

Cam casually vaulted Hajime's window, which was a good ten meters off the ground.

He then dropped to one knee and continued.

"Boss, I know you need your rest, but would you be willing to accompany me for a

short while?"

"At this time of night?"

"Yes. Please."

Hajime scrutinized Cam. It was rare for the rabbitman to be so curt, or so insistent.

However he knew it wasn't an emergency, since Cam didn't seem the least bit


"Did you run into some kind of trouble? Do you want our help too?"

"No, that's not quite it."

Cam smiled cryptically at Kaori. Realizing what this must be about, Yue nodded to

herself and turned to Kaori and Tio.

"Kaori, Tio. Do you want to give Hajime a lap pillow?"

Her question caught them off-guard. Why ask this now? That being said, there could

only be one answer.

"Really? You'll let us try too?"

"Hrm? Of course I wish to."

Seeing their hopeful responses, Yue grinned and spoke up in a mocking tone.

"Just wanted to know."

"...…" "...…"

Veins bulged on Kaori's and Tio's foreheads. The sight of Yue snickering at them irked

them to no end. Then, as if to deliver the final blow, Yue hugged Hajime's head in a

lavish display of affection.

"Are you trying to pick a fight, Yue?"

"Fufufu, I consider myself a tolerant person, but even I have my limits."

"You wanna go?"

The two flared up at Yue's provocation, and they soon continued the fight they had

began that afternoon. Incidentally, that afternoon's battle had ended in Yue and Shea's


"If you can catch me, I'll let you sit next to Hajime for a day."

"Really!?" "Do you…. truly mean that?"

Yue didn't want to destroy Verbergen with an all-out fight, so she proposed a game of

tag instead. One with a very enticing reward for the victor. Kaori and Tio both felt

adrenaline start pumping into their system.

After making sure they were engrossed in the challenge, she transferred Hajime's

head to the pillow and stroked him one last time. She then hopped gracefully over to

the window and did a pirouette as she landed. Hajime was still confused by this

sudden development, but he realized what was going on when Yue gave Cam a

surreptitious wink. While Hajime didn't know what to make of her "consideration,"

Cam clearly appreciated it. He bowed his head in thanks.

"Mmm…. Let the game begin." With that, she shot out of the window and vanished into

the starry night sky.

"Ngh, mark my words, I'll catch you this time!"

"Fufu, this is one challenge I have no intention of losing!"

Two spirited yells filled the room as Kaori summoned her glittering silver wings and

Tio sprouted dragon wings from her back. The two of them leaped after Yue, but then

simultaneously turned back. Kaori looked a little reluctant, while Tio winked casually

at Hajime. Then, the two of them threw themselves into the case.

"Everyone sure likes Shea, huh?"

"As her father, I'm proud she's so cherished."

Hajime and Cam smiled at each other. Then Hajime followed Cam out of Verbergen

and into the sea of trees…. toward the old Haulia village.

A lone girl stared up at a large, gnarled tree. Its roots were so thick that they were

bulging out of the ground. She neither moved nor spoke; just silently looked up at the

tree. Her usual cheerful demeanor was nowhere to be seen.

From the side, her face had a mystical beauty to it, and the effect was heightened by

her pale blue hair fluttering in the breeze. Anyone who saw her at this moment would

undoubtedly be smitten.

That girl, Shea, felt someone approaching, but she didn't turn around. The newcomer

seemed reluctant to break the silence, and he walked up to her as quietly as possible.



Shea casually called out to Hajime, so she'd obviously been expecting him.

He continued walking until he was shoulder to shoulder with her. And for a few

minutes, the two of them just looked up at the tree in companionable silence. Finally,

Shea opened her mouth.

"Did Dad bring you here?"

"Yeah. He already left though."

"Fufufu, he's more perceptive than he looks."

As one might have guessed, Cam's business with Hajime had been to bring him to Shea.

Alone, if possible. Yue had guessed as much, hence why she'd challenged Kaori and

Tio to that contest. It was the best way to get everyone else out of the way.

Of course, Kaori and Tio had figured it out right before they'd left too. However, they'd

been willing to permit Shea some time alone with Hajime.

"Is this where your mom's buried?"

"Yes. Under the roots of this tree."

It was customary in Verbergen to bury the dead under the roots of trees. Supposedly

that way they could once again become one with nature. Having fulfilled their purpose

in life, beastmen were returned to the forest in death, so that they could create new

life and ensure the continued prosperity of the woods. All beastmen respected the

circle of life and death. The tree in front of Shea had a small gravestone marking the

location she was buried.

"I wanted to be a hero."

"Hm?" Hajime tilted his head quizzically.

However, Shea kept her gaze on the tree and continued.

"I wanted to be able to protect my family. I was tired of running and hiding all the time.

If I became a hero, I could fight back anytime someone tried to take away the people

special to me. I could protect everyone."


"That was something Mom told me when I was young. No matter what happened to

her, she always had the same determined passion."

Even though she'd been a member of the weakest race, and ill to boot, Shea's mom,

Mona Haulia, had possessed an unshakeable will. It was why Shea had respected her

so much.

"That explains how you ended up the way you did."

"Ehehe!" Overjoyed, Shea finally turned to look at Hajime, who was staring

respectfully at the tombstone.

Mona had wished for her daughter to grow up strong. And she had, in both body and

mind. Shea hadn't inherited just a powerful body, she had also inherited her mother's

unbreakable spirit. Even Hajime had to admit her determination was unbelievable.

Shea smiled bashfully and blushed. Then, she turned back to the massive tree and


"Mom, you were right. The world's a harsh place, but sometimes it can be really nice

to you. I finally found the person you said I would. I'll introduce you to him. His name

is Hajime Nagumo…. and I love him very much."

Mona had once told Shea that there were definitely people out there in the world who

could understand her. And that when she met one of them, it would change her life.

Even though Mona couldn't see the future, her prediction had been one hundred

percent accurate.

I guess I still have nothing on you, Mom. I wonder if I'll ever manage to become as

awesome as you? It would definitely take a lot of effort to get there. There was at least

one thing she'd already achieved though.

"Oh yeah, Mom. Me, Dad, and all the other Haulia became heroes!" Shea wondered

what kind of reaction her mom would have to that if she'd still been alive. Would she

have smiled proudly at them, or scolded them for being so reckless?

She closed her eyes, losing herself in thoughts of her mom.

After a few seconds, Hajime spoke up.

"I'm grateful."

"Huh? Hajime-san?" Shea opened her eyes and turned back to Hajime. He was still

looking up at the tree, and Shea realized he was talking to her mom, not to her.

"When Yue and I crawled out of the abyss, we were ready to take on the world with

just the two of us. Even if it meant we'd be alone forever, we were still determined to

overcome everything fate might throw at us…. But you know, if we'd kept going like

that, life probably wouldn't be as fun as it is now. The one who brought color to our

dull journey, our empty hearts and our boring lifestyle was without a doubt, your



Shea choked up. However, Hajime simply smiled softly and kept going.

"Thank you for bringing Shea into this world."

Shea looked up at the sky. It was the only way she could keep the tears in her eyes from

spilling out.

The two of them stood there in companionable silence, looking up at the great tree.

Even the bewildering fog that normally confused interlopers seemed to be gently

wrapping itself around them.

After a few minutes, Shea finally responded.

"Umm, Hajime-san?"


"Thank you. I don't really know else to say it, but…. really, thank you so much."

There was so much she had to thank him for. For saving her family, for taking her along

on his journey, for fighting an entire country for her sake. For entrusting his back to

her, and bringing her along to even the most dangerous of trials. For trusting her so

much. And finally, for spending time with her together in front of her mother's grave.

Embarrassed by Shea's sincere gratitude, Hajime averted his gaze. It was unusual for

anything to get to him.

"Yeah, you better be thankful. I'm still counting on you to help me with the remaining


"Fufu. Can't you just say 'you're welcome' like a normal person?" Shea snickered.

However, her expression then grew serious and she posed a question.

"What will it take to repay you, Hajime-san?"

"You already thanked me, didn't you?"

"But those were just words. I want to do something meaningful for you. What can I do

to make you happy? If it's for you, I'll do anything. I mean it…."

Her bunny ears twitched back and forth as she sidled up to Hajime. Her burning,

passionate gaze made it clear what she was hoping to do. Hajime wasn't so dense that

he didn't pick up on that, but his only response was to smile wanly and respond coyly.

"Just keep smiling like you always have, you airhead. It's thanks to you that we're

always having so much fun."

"Jeez, why'd you have to add that airhead bit!? Besides, didn't you hug me and say you

cared about me in front of the emperor? This is where you're supposed to jump on me

and say 'Alright then, you can thank me with your body, Guhehe!' Can't you read the

mood even a little!?"

"I think we need to have a talk about what exactly your mental image of me is."

"An earnest, spineless wimp."

"Can't we just cut it off at the earnest bit?" Shea puffed her cheeks out into a pout. She

then hung her head, and her rabbit ears drooped over her face.

"Joking aside, I really do want to thank you. You've helped me so much, but I haven't

done anything back for you. Both you and Yue-san keep saying it's fine as long as I

keep smiling, but I just do that naturally because being with you guys makes me happy.

That's not really thanking you at all."

"I said it before didn't I, you've already done more than enough."

"Mrrr, that's not good enough. I want to do something tangible for you both. But no

matter how hard I think, I can't come up with anything. And since you said you don't

want my body…. even though you said you cared about me…."

"Come on, stop sulking about that already…." Hajime scratched his cheek awkwardly.

He understood Shea's feelings, but he really did feel like she'd done more than enough

for him already. She'd stubbornly stuck with the two of them, even when the journey

got so harsh she was reduced to tears. And it was thanks to that Hajime and Yue hadn't

been alone. If anything, he was the one who owed her. Still, he knew telling her that

wouldn't change her mind.

"This would be so much easier if you just fell for me, Hajime-san. I'd service you every

night…. Haaah, oh well. I guess I'll just have to work even harder to pay you back

during our journey."

"Yeah, I guess."

Shea shrugged her shoulders, and Hajime smiled awkwardly. She looked up at the sky

again and saw a glimmer through the fog.

By sheer coincidence, the fog had grown thin in the area above them, and the light of

the moon reflecting off the water drops in the air had become visible.

"Hajime-san, Hajime-san. Can you come with me for a second?"

"Hm? Sure."

Ears flapping wildly, Shea started leaping her way up the large tree. Hajime lithely

followed after her, using the tree's hollows and branches as hand and footholds.

They kept going until they broke through the foliage at the top of the tree. Normally

the top of a tree had only thin branches, but here a number of them had twined

together to create a cavity sturdy enough to seat people.

"The reason we buried Mom here was because this was her favorite spot."

"I see, so this was like her secret base."

The two of them picked their way over to the natural sofa and sat down next to each


"Look up there, Hajime-san. You can see it pretty well tonight!"

"Hm? Whoa…. This is…. amazing."

The fog above them had thinned out considerably. They could see the sea of clouds

that lay beyond the mist. The fog was dense around where Hajime and Shea were

sitting, but it thinned out sharply above that. What little remained reflected moonlight

from all different angles, making it appear as if the veil of fog was shimmering. Seemed

almost like someone had thrown a million jewels into a pure white sea.

"You barely ever get to see it this well. But this view used to be Mom's favorite. We're

pretty lucky the fog was thin today."

"Don't give me that cliched crap." Hajime was certain of it. Somewhere up from heaven,

Shea's mom had performed this miracle for her. It was her reward to her daughter for

hanging in there so long. Hajime explained as much to Shea, and her bunny ears

flapped back and forth in a mixture of embarrassment and joy.

For a long time, they just sat there and stared at the sparkling mist. Then suddenly,

Hajime turned to Shea. Her hair was shining as brightly as the sky above. The pale blue

strands fluttered in the wind and caught the moonlight perfectly. As he stared at her

profile, Hajime idly thought back to when he'd hugged Shea and Yue in front of Gahard

earlier. In truth, he'd done it almost unconsciously. But before he'd realized it, they

were both in his arms.

He could still say with absolute confidence that Yue was the only one he thought of as

"special." But the reason he'd hugged Shea as well was most likely because— Hajime

cut off his own train of thought and smiled forlornly to himself. He finally realized how

selfish he was being.

Though he kept telling himself no one could be as important to him as Yue, he still

wanted Shea all to himself. He had no idea when it had happened, but he knew now

that he cared a lot more about Shea than he thought. Enough that he'd unconsciously

hugged her alongside Yue.

While no one would ever matter more to him than Yue, he could no longer deny what

he felt for Shea. And now that he'd admitted it to himself, he couldn't pretend he didn't

have these feelings. In which case, shouldn't he at the very least treat her the way she

wanted? After all, she'd worked so hard to stick with them, even when she'd barely

had any strength at all.

"U-Umm, Hajime-san? Is something wrong? You've been staring at me so long it's

getting kind of embarrassing…."

As Hajime returned to his senses he realized Shea was blushing and fidgeting

awkwardly. Her bunny ears were drooping too, though they occasionally perked up in

Hajime's direction every few seconds.

Hajime smiled and stretched out his hand. He reached over to Shea's ears and patted

them gently.


"Hey, Shea. Can you do something for me?"

"You're…. asking me for a favor? Of course! I'll do anything!"

Surprised, Shea still eagerly jumped at the opportunity to pay Hajime back.

"Uh, it's nothing that grand. I just want to lay down for a bit. Is it cool if I sleep on your


"You don't even have to ask. Here, you can use it whenever you want."


Shea looked a little disappointed for a second, but then smiled and patted her thigh,

inviting Hajime to lay down. Hajime smiled again and rested his head on her legs.

Since Shea was in a mini-skirt, as usual, his head was touching her bare thighs. Their

warmth and softness enveloped the back of his head. A sweet scent, similar to the one

Yue had, wafted across his nostrils.

"Fufu, I know Yue-san does this all the time, but I feel kind of bad for Kaori-san and


"It's just a lap pillow, you don't have to feel guilty about it or anything."

"Jeez, you can't say stuff like that. Those two are working so hard to get you to fall for

them, Hajime-san. A lap pillow, or even spending time alone together like this is really

important to them. Really, why don't you just give up and fall in love with them


"I don't suppose I could convince any of you to give up yourselves?"



Shea gently brushed Hajime's hair. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her

fingers on his scalp. At the same time, he ran his fingers through Shea's hair, as if to

return the favor.

The moon shone bright overhead. Despite her happy-go-lucky attitude, the

mysterious light of the moon suited her oddly well. The stronger its light, the brighter

her hair and smiled shined. Anyone who saw her now would have fallen in love at first

sight. The two of them snuggled closer, enveloped in a wreath of fog illuminated by

the gentle light of the moon.

Had anyone seen them, they would have likely clutched their heart and gone

HNNNNNNGH. That was just how cute they looked. In fact, right now the two of them

were surrounded by an atmosphere similar to the one Hajime and Yue created when

they were together.

Sadly, Shea herself didn't realize that she'd finally achieved what she'd always watched

jealously before. After all, she was still a worthless rabbit in the end. Regardless of

whether or not she realized it though, the atmosphere was there. The two of them sat

there like that until the thick fog rolled back in, and blotted out the sky of artificial


Let us turn back time to a short while before Hajime threw Liliana back to Heiligh via

his portal. Back when it was still evening, a good hour or so before dinner.

A single girl walked across the palace courtyard, toward the mess hall. She had

chestnut-colored hair, slit-like eyes, and a brace of daggers hanging from her coat—

Yuka Sonobe. After Eri's unexpected betrayal, the death of one of her classmates, and

Kouki's departure, many of her classmates had almost given into despair. It was only

thanks to her stellar leadership that they were still holding on.

Yuka didn't really see herself as a leader, but now that Kouki was gone, she had filled

in the void he had left naturally. Not only was she the one all the students went to when

they needed help, she was also assisting Heiligh's soldiers in rebuilding the city, and

resolving any disputes that cropped up. She was also helping shore up public safety,

and many of the students looked up to her as a role model. It wasn't just the students

either. The new pope, the queen, and even the prime minister came to Yuka for advice.

On top of that, she served as the head of the pope's guard whenever he needed to leave

the palace.

"Haaah, I'm hungry…." Yuka had spent the past few days running around the palace

and was starting to get exhausted. Her stomach growled loudly, complaining about the

inadequate nutrients it had been receiving recently. No one heard that, did they? Yuka

blushed and glanced around her. To her chagrin, there was someone nearby.

"Ahaha…. Are you going to get dinner, Sonobe-san?"

"Ugh, you heard that didn't you, Ai-chan-sensei?"

Aiko walked out of one of the nearby buildings and into the courtyard. Though Yuka

looked embarrassed, Aiko just smiled gently. In truth, Aiko was on her way to get

dinner as well. The two of them walked side by side and chatted about recent events.

"You look pretty worn-out, Sonobe-san. Are you sure you're not pushing yourself too


"I'll be fine. I just never thought kids could be so demanding."

"What happened?"

According to Yuka, all the children that had been orphaned in the recent demon

invasion were being taken care of by the church, and the new pope had asked for her

help in comforting them. Of course, Yuka had had absolutely no idea what to say to

kids who'd lost their parents or relatives. She was barely 17 years old herself.

However, despite her protests, the new pope had dragged her into the capital's church

and gathered all the kids. Once he had their attention he'd said, "Alright everyone, I

brought the super-pretty super-strong Apostle of God here for you!" It had been quite

an ordeal.

The speech Hajime had drafted and Liliana had delivered had hidden the truth from

the citizens, and so most of them still believed that Yuka and the others were Apostles

of God. And so, all the children had looked up to Yuka with reverence.

"S-So what did you say to them in the end?" Aiko asked, trembling slightly as she

imagined the pressure Yuka must have been under.

Unfortunately, Yuka looked off into the distance and replied dimly.



"Yep, nothing. I couldn't think of anything to say. 'Cheer up?' 'Your dead parents are

watching down on you from heaven together with Ehit?'"

Now that she knew the truth, those words sounded too hollow to Yuka's ears. She

couldn't bring herself to say that to the kids. And so—

"I juggled instead."

"You…. juggled? As in threw balls in the air and caught them?"

"Well technically it was ten of my knives, but yes."

"That sounds terrifying! What prompted you to do something like that!?"

Yuka tore at her hair and looked tearfully up at Aiko.

"I had no choice! I couldn't think of anything to say, and they were all looking at me

like I was their last hope! So then I totally lost it, and before I knew it I was juggling!"

"Oh my!" Aiko exclaimed, and shivered a little, thinking about how that must have felt.

"What did the kids think?"

"They totally loved it!" Yuka got so swept up in the excitement that she started adding

more and more knives. Once she'd exhausted the 20 she carried on her, she'd added

the nearby cutlery shop owner had suddenly started throwing in knives of his own,

and by the end of it she'd been juggling a full 100 knives at the same time.

It had been quite a spectacle, seeing her throw knives several meters into the air, and

catch each one with unbelievable dexterity and grace. She'd gone so fast that she'd

looked like a knife-spewing fountain. Thanks to that, the kids had forgotten their

sorrow for a while and watched with rapt attention. Her job wasn't Acrobat for


Yuka's impromptu performance had attracted kids from all around the neighborhood,

and she'd had a huge crowd watching before long. However she couldn't find a way to

bring the show to a close, and she kept on being badgered by the kids to keep going.

"That sounds like…. quite the ordeal. My condolences, Sonobe-san."


Aiko smiled sympathetically at Yuka, who was hanging her head in exhaustion and

decided to change the topic.

"Simon-san sure is a troublesome person to deal with, isn't he?"

"Yeah, I'm a little worried that our new pope is such a proactive old man."

The new pope that Yuka was referring to was none other than Simon Levellair. He had

originally been a bishop in the central church before he'd been banished for speaking

out against beastman discrimination. Then, at Liliana's request, he had returned. He

was an odd man, one who liked to play pranks and run away from responsibility

whenever the opportunity presented itself. More often than not, his granddaughter

Sibyl was forced to chase after him and drag him back to work. Despite being over 70

years old, he ran faster than anyone thought possible for his age.

However, he had proven himself worthy of Liliana's recommendation. Unlike the old

pope Ishtar, he was no fanatic. On top of that, he was a very tolerant leader.

"Oh yeah, didn't you go to Simon-san for advice before too, Ai-chan-sensei?"

"Huh? Oh…. yes, I suppose I did." Aiko seemed reluctant to reply. When Aiko and Yuka

had first met Simon, they hadn't been aware that he was one of the candidates to be

pope. They were only brought together by coincidence, but as they kept talking to him,

both of them naturally started trusting him enough to open up about the worries they

held deep in their hearts. Much to their surprise, he'd had very useful advice for both

of them. Afterward, when they'd seen him ascending the altar to accept the pope's

scepter, they'd both exclaimed, "Wait, he's that old man from before!" That was when

they'd learned they'd both consulted him about their problems.

Seeing Aiko's hesitation, Yuka tilted her head and replied casually.

"I guess you've got your own issues too, huh Sensei?"

"Of course I do. I may be your teacher, but I still have a lot of learning to do myself. All

I've been doing since we got here is making mistakes and worrying about everything."

Aiko knew this wasn't the kind of thing she should be burdening her student with, but

she ended up saying it anyway. She smiled bitterly at Yuka, and Yuka smiled bitterly


"Sorry for always making you worry about us."

"Huh?" Aiko replied with a blank look.

"Huh?" Yuka replied with the same blank look.

"Aren't we the things you're worried about?"

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes you are! I mean no, you're not!"

"Which is it!?"

In a sense, it was true that one of her students was what was causing Aiko all this

worry. However, it was a very personal worry, directed toward one male student in

particular. But of course, what Yuka had been asking was whether or not it was all her

students as a whole who were worrying her.

Accidentally agreeing to that had stung her consciousness, so she'd denied it right

after. However, her muddled responses only made Yuka more confused. I can't let her

find out how I feel about Nagumo-kun! Aiko desperately tried to find a way to change

the subject.

"By the way, what was it you were worried about, Sonobe-san!? I'd like to help you out

as well! Go ahead, tell me what's bothering you!"

"Why do you sound so desperate!?"

"I'm not desperate! You're just imagining things! Regardless, that's enough about me!

Hurry up and tell me what you're worried about!"

"B-But I already found a solution."

"Couldn't you like, make it a problem again?"

"Do you even realize what the words coming out of your mouth are right now, Ai-chansensei!?" It was obvious to Yuka that Aiko was forcibly trying to change the topic. What

kind of crazy thing did you talk to Simon about, Ai-chan-sensei!?

As usual, Aiko's efforts only resulted in her going around in circles. Yuka realized she'd

need to get Aiko to stop panicking before she made any sense.

"Ai-chan-sensei! Calm down!" Yuka gathered her resolve and slapped Aiko on the face.

"Hawawa!" Aiko exclaimed, and slumped to the ground. And after a few seconds, she

finally came back to reality and spoke up.

"Sorry, Sonobe-san. That was very unbecoming of me."

"I-It's fine. I'm sorry for hitting you."

They both fidgeted awkwardly. After Yuka helped Aiko up, she decided to tell Aiko

what had been bothering her in an attempt to smooth over the awkward atmosphere.

"Umm. So you know how Nagumo's helped me out a lot, right?"

"Huh!? Y-Yes?"

Aiko twitched when the word Nagumo came out of Yuka's mouth. However, Yuka was

too embarrassed at revealing her own feelings to notice.

"So I was wondering how I could repay him for everything he's done…."

"I-I see. That's what you asked Simon-san for advice with?"

"Yeah, basically. In the end though, he just helped me realize I don't need to do all that

much. I'll just treat Nagumo to my family's—"

"Your family!? You're going to introduce him to your parents!? What are you thinking,

Sonobe-san!? Y-You can't do that! As your teacher, I absolutely cannot condone any

illicit sexual relationships!"

"You've got it all wrong! I was just saying I wanted to treat him to my family's westernstyle cooking!"

"So you're planning on making fall for you by going through his stomach!?" Aiko bore

down on Yuka, her eyes spinning. And in response—

"Ai-chan-sensei, calm down!" Yuka ended up slapping her again.

Aiko slumped to the ground once more. After a few seconds, she finally came back to

reality and apologized.

"Sorry, Sonobe-san. That was very unbecoming of me."

"I-It's fine. I'm sorry for hitting you."

Another awkward silence descended between them. Yuka helped Aiko up and decided

to change the subject again in an attempt to dispel the gloomy mood.

"Ai-chan-sensei. I know that you're dealing with a lot right now, so if it's okay with you,

why not share your worries with me? I'm here for you, so don't push yourself too


"….I really am sorry for acting out like that."

The evening sun cast their entwined shadows far to the east. It was a touching

moment, seeing student and teacher together like that. Though it was difficult to tell

who was the teacher and who the student.

Afterward, Yuka took Aiko's hand and led her to the dining hall. Since it was still a little

too early for dinner, the hall was mostly deserted. They'd decided to eat a little early

mostly because of how insistently Yuka's stomach was grumbling for food.

Yuka looked around the room, searching for a place to sit. As servants would bring

them their food once they'd settled in, they were free to sit anywhere. As she was

looking, Yuka spotted a few of her classmates sitting in a corner.

"Hey there. Eating dinner with the rest of your party today?"

Jugo Nagayama, Kentarou Nomura, Ayako Tsuji, and Mao Yoshino appeared to be in

the middle of an early dinner. Jugo turned around and waved a greeting at Yuka.

"Hey, Sonobe. Good work out there. You too, Sensei. Did you guys come here for dinner


"Pretty much. I'm starving, and I happened to run into Ai-chan-sensei on the way,"

Yuka said, then raised an eyebrow and continued, "Anyway, what's up with all the

serious expressions, guys? Did something happen?"

"Well…." Jugo fell silent, trying to decide how best to word his concern.

After a bit, Yuka turned back to Aiko with a smile and gave her a thumbs-up.

"We did it, Ai-chan-sensei! Now there are more lost lambs who need your sage advice!

Aren't you glad!?"

"Umm, Sonobe-san? Could you please forget all about that conversation? I'm not that

desperate to find someone else to help…." Aiko's smile stiffened.

"Really?" Yuka replied dubiously, then turned her gaze back to Jugo.

"By the way, where's Endou? He's part of your party too, isn't he….? I don't see him

anywhere, though."

For some reason, Jugo looked up at the sky with a forlorn expression, while Kentarou

covered his face. Ayako and Mao both smiled sadly.

Upon seeing all that, Aiko's expression grew serious, as did her words.

"Come to think of it, I didn't see him at breakfast either. He's been looking pretty down


"Yeah, ever since that day…." Kentarou muttered glumly.

"Yeah Ever since Nakamura…. well, you know…. Actually, ever since he found out about

Meld-san's death…."


Aiko and Yuka's faces fell. He'd been their mentor, someone they'd all looked up to like

an older brother. Among the people of this world, the knight commander was the one

they'd trusted the most.

"He was probably the last person to talk to Meld-san before he died…."

"Wait, really!?"

"That's what he said, anyway. Apparently, he ran into him on his way back from the

bathroom the night he died. Meld-san had looked really scared back then, according

to him. He hadn't thought too much of it at the time, but now he blames himself for not


It was only afterward that he realized that was the last time anyone had seen Meld

alive. In other words, he most likely had been the last person to talk to Meld before he


After a while, Jugo sighed and continued.

"Back when we were ambushed by demons in the Great Orcus Labyrinth, we all told

him to escape alone. Since he was the only one capable of making it back to the captain


"I heard about that. Didn't all the knights except Meld-san die during that fight?"

"Yep…. All to let Kousuke escape to the surface."

Everyone closed their eyes in respect for the departed knights. Then, Ayako and Mao

smiled faintly and added their peace.

"After that incident, Endou-kun grew really attached to Meld-san."

"He was really glad the captain survived the Orcus assault."

Which was exactly why he was having such a hard time accepting his death now. The

man he'd looked up to, the man who'd survived countless other death traps, had finally

died. Worse, Kousuke had even noticed there was something off about Meld when he'd

last seen him. He blamed himself for not paying attention, for not sticking with the

captain when he should have.

Looking at it rationally, it was obvious that none of that was his fault. But he couldn't

help but be tortured by the thought that he might have been able to save Meld.

"Is it really that bad?" Yuka frowned slightly as she said that.

Kentarou shook his head as he started speaking.

"Worse. The fact that you two noticed he's gone shows just how bad it is."

Yuka and Aiko tilted their heads quizzically. In response, Jugo and Kentarou said some

rather harsh things about their longtime friend.

"Listen up, Sonobe. Kousuke's so good at blending in with the crowd that no one even

remembers he exists. I'm not talking about just his job here either, he was like this

even back on earth."

"I mean, you're not wrong, but…."

"We're talking completely unnoticeable here. Even automatic doors didn't open for



"Even the two of us thought he might be a spirit or something for a while. We even

went to look for proof."

"Uh, Nakamura, Nagayama, you guys are his best friends, right?"

Both of them ignored Yuka's question.

"But there's one time when he becomes more noticeable."

Though with how easy he was to miss normally, his version of becoming more

noticeable just meant people remembered he existed more often. He didn't start

standing out or anything.

"Umm, is that when he gets depressed?" Judging from the way the conversation was

headed, Yuka guessed that was probably the case.

"Yeah, but only when he gets so depressed his heart breaks. I think the last time it

happened was…."

"Middle school, wasn't it? He'd finally worked up the courage to confess to the girl he'd

sat next to all year, and she'd just said 'Uh, what class are you from again?' He stayed

shut up in his room for a while after that."

"Whoa, no way."

Jugo's story was enough to move Ayako and Mao, who hadn't even known him at the

time, to tears. They shook their heads sadly.

"But you know, it's kind of weird. Even though we're in the same party as him, we

always forget he's there. It's only when he's gone that we remember him."

"Yeah. To be honest, it's kind of strange to hear anyone ever go 'Wait, where's Endoukun?'"

Yuka almost responded with "It's almost like Kousuke Endou's some kind of alien," but

she knew what was and wasn't okay to say, so she held her tongue.

Yuka and Aiko joined Nagayama's party for dinner, and they spent their time trying to

find ways to cheer Kousuke up. Along the way, the conversation got derailed with tales

about how he'd been left behind on family trips, and even on school field trips. By the

time dessert rolled around, it was hard to tell if they were still thinking of ways to

cheer him up, or just swapping stories about his past.

Suddenly, a hole appeared in the wall closest to their table.

"Wait, isn't that the portal Nagumo left here when—" Before Yuka could finish, Liliana

tumbled out of the gate.

"At least treat me like a womaaaaaan!" She screamed as she fell. She landed cleanly on

the table and slid easily down its polished surface. Everyone hurriedly picked up their

plates, keeping their dessert safely away from Liliana's face. She came to a screeching

halt right in front of Yuka. The way she held her hands out in front of her in the classic

falling pose was a work of art.

For a few seconds, everyone was stunned silent. Finally—

"Nagumo-sama, I can get—" Helina screeched as she came through the portal after

Liliana. "Home by myself," was probably the end of the sentence she'd wanted to say.

She also slid across the table and came to a stop right next to Liliana. Unfortunately,

they were the only two with graceful landings.

"Your Highness, please get out of the waaaaaay!"

"God damn iiiiiiiiiiiit!"

Liliana's imperial guards were chucked through the portal one after another. It

appeared the perpetrator of this incident had been gentler with Liliana and Helina

than he had with the others. The imperial guards flew through the air with far more


"Liliana-sama, please get out of the— Bwah!"

"Wait, I— Gah!"

They rolled into Liliana and Helina with the force of a bowling ball and carried them

straight off the table. Liliana found herself pinned to the floor under her own guards.

Considering all the armor they were wearing, it must have been pretty heavy. The

princess groaned in pain.

At the same time, the portal that had opened from the painting on the wall vanished.

"Liliana-san, are you alright!?" Aiko said, then rushed over to Liliana's side. The

imperial guards all apologized, pale-faced.

"We're sorry, Your Highness, but surely that eyepatch demon is to blame for this!"

Ever since they'd seen his antics in the empire, the imperial guards had taken to calling

Hajime "eyepatch demon."

"D-Don't worry, I understand. And my body's fine. It's my heart that's broken…."

"How could he just throw a princess out like that…." Liliana muttered with dead eyes.

Yuka could more or less guess what had happened, and gave Liliana a sympathetic


"Nagumo's one hell of a dude…." Kentarou muttered.

"He's probably the only person in the world with the balls to throw a princess out like

that," Jugo added, half-impressed, half-angry.

"Umm, welcome back, Lily?"

"Oh, Yuka-san. And everyone else as well. As you can see, I've returned home."

Liliana got to her feet and curtsied. She didn't even try smooth over what had just


"Liliana-sama. I'll go tell your mother, Luluaria-sama, that you've returned. It will take

some time to gather all the ministers for an emergency meeting, so why don't you get

something to eat in the meantime?"

It was only going to take time because the kingdom's ministers would be too shocked

by Helina's report to think for a while at least. She suggested Liliana stay here, so that

the princess could tell Aiko and the others personally what had happened. Liliana

gratefully accepted Helina's proposal and sat down next to Aiko.

Meanwhile, Helina ran off to report to the queen, while the imperial guards returned

to their stations to make their own reports. Once fresh guards had come to replenish

Liliana's honor guard, she explained what had happened during her journey.

"Holy shit, Nagumo's insane."

"No wonder those guards are calling him eyepatch demon now."

"W-Will Amanogawa-kun and the others be alright going with him? And did he

seriously make them all wear masks?"

"Is Shizuku's stomach doing okay? She must be getting ulcers from all that worrying."

Kentarou, Jugo, Ayako, and Mao all looked pityingly to the east.

And to ease the tension, Aiko smiled wanly and provided some comforting words.

"But isn't that great for you, Liliana-san? I don't like speaking ill of the dead, but at

least you won't have to marry that horrid prince."

"By the way, Lily. How come you never told us about your engagement plan when you

left? I mean I guess it has nothing to do with us, but…. if you don't tell your friends

these things, how are we supposed to help you?" Yuka pouted a little.

Liliana blushed a little in embarrassment and responded.

"Aiko-san, Yuka-san, thank you so much for worrying about me. At any rate, the

kingdom's going to be busy repealing the discrimination laws it has against beastmen.

We can't have it turning into a hotbed for illegal slavery. Things are going to get busier

than ever here."

"We never had anything against the beastmen to begin with, so we're glad you guys

are going to stop discriminating against them too. I'm sure the more devout followers

of Ehit will have a hard time coming to terms with the decree, but Simon-san'll be able

to help with that."

"I see…. So Simon-sama agreed to become our new pope, then." Liliana breathed a sigh

of relief. She'd left before Simon had announced his decision to take the post.

Yuka and the others then explained what had happened in the empire during her


"I see. There's still plenty of issues to deal with, but at least they're all within

expectations. And now that we have a new pope, we should be able to rebuild the

church. Once that happens, the citizens will rally themselves too. Thank goodness

Nagumo-san came up with that story."

"It feels kind of bad to be lying to everyone like this though."

"I agree, but the main culprit behind that incident is me, the Fertility Goddess

everyone trusts so much. If they knew, their faith would be shaken," Aiko said glumly.

Everyone awkwardly averted their gaze.

"Honestly, I can't believe he's able to come up with such nasty lies on the spot. Lily,

make sure you don't let Nagumo brainwash you or anything." Yuka said it somewhat

jokingly, but for some reason, Liliana blushed at that.

"I-I'm not brainwashed at all…. Besides, we're not even close enough yet that he…."

"Not close enough yet?"

Yuka's expression stiffened. Aiko, too, glared at Liliana.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing."

Liliana couldn't meet their eyes. She wasn't able to maintain a poker face, despite

training for years to remain calm in all situations. Aiko's lips twitched, and she asked

a question in an ice-cold tone.

"Say, Liliana-san. Did anything happen between you and Nagumo-kun?"

"Wh-What could you possibly mean by 'anything?'"

"Lily, you just bit your tongue, didn't you?"

"Ugh," Liliana groaned. However, she wasn't a princess for nothing. She quickly

regained her calm and cleared her throat.

"Please don't misunderstand. There's nothing between me and Nagumo-san. In the

first place, he doesn't even treat me like a woman. You saw how he just threw me back

here, didn't you?"

"Uh, yeah I guess."

"How could I possibly have any feelings for such a savage person? I'm not Tio-san."

Yuka nodded. Liliana had a point. Thank goodness. I was worried for nothing, Both her

and Aiko thought simultaneously. Unfortunately, their original guess had been on the


"Honestly, it's unbelievable how mean he is to me. Even though he knows it'll cause

me problems, he makes a scene wherever he goes, and he doesn't even tell me what

he's up to!"

"Umm, I get that you're angry at Nagumo, Lily, so just calm down and—"

Liliana slammed the table a few times, which made Yuka hurriedly try to calm her


"Oh, I'm more than just angry! I mean, I'm grateful he saved me from Baius of course.

But he didn't even seem the least bit interested in me even after seeing me in my halfripped underwear!"

"Wait, what? What exactly happened between you two?"

Liliana ignored Yuka's question.

"Well, I guess it made me a little happy when he said my dress looked nice. And when

he danced with me it was the most fun I had ever had at a ball."

"Liliana-san, I really think you should explain what—"

"Can you believe it, though!? He said the only reason he saved me was because he

didn't want to make Kaori sad! Couldn't he have just said he did it for my sake!? I

suppose it was nice hearing he wouldn't let anything terrible happen to me, but still…."


Yuka and Aiko fell silent. They gave Liliana the same flat stare that Yue had a while


Jugo and the others turned to each other with knowing smiles. And finally, Liliana

realized that she'd said something weird and looked from one face to the other.

"Umm, everyone? Is something the matter?"

Yuka pursed her lips and muttered, "Nagumo, you absolute moron," under her breath.

Aiko looked angrier than anyone had ever seen her. Her cheeks were puffed out to

almost comical levels. It was then that Jugo and the others all thought to themselves,

Not again, Nagumo!

Later, at the emergency meeting Liliana called for she once again went on a rant about

Hajime, and so the queen and other ministers all learned about her not-so-hidden

crush as well.

"My my, you're finally growing up, Lily!" Luluaria was overjoyed that her daughter had

finally found her first crush, but it seemed she was the only one.

"Th-That insolent commoner! Not only has he taken Kaori from me, but he's stolen my

sister's heart as well!? I'll get you for this, you bastaaaaaaaaard!"

The future king's pained screams echoed throughout the castle.