The Seven Most Important Things for an Otherworld Summoning

"Hajime… Come down!"

I hear my mother's voice calling me from downstairs. Looking at the clock, I realize

it's 6:15 PM. Time for dinner. But right now, I'm fighting the demon lord's army, so I

don't have time for dinner.

"Well, if you're in the middle of a fight, I suppose dinner can wait."

As always, mom manages to figure out what I'm doing without me saying a thing. My

mom, Sumire Nagumo, is a popular shoujo manga artist, and a bonafide otaku as well,

which is why she understands these things better than most moms. I open my mouth

to shout back that I'll eat once I'm done preparing against the demon lord's attacks,


"Just know that if you don't eat dinner now, I'll make your beef bowl without this super

high-grade beef we got as a gift."

"A beef bowl without beef is just rice!"

Mom got high-grade beef as a gift? This isn't the time to be fighting the demon lord! I

hurriedly drop my controller and get to my feet. Mom never makes empty threats.

"Hajime! Leave the dinner arrangements to me and focus on your battle!"

I can't believe my dad, Shuu Hajime, wants my meat so badly that he's trying to convince

me not to come down for dinner. My back hurts, but I nevertheless hurtle down the

stairs. Time is of the essence! I burst into the living room and dad clicks his tongue.


He reluctantly puts the beef he took out of my bowl back where it belongs.

"Dad, you realize normal dads don't try to steal their kid's food, right?'"

I take my seat and glare at my dad.

"Well, I'm no normal dad. The Nagumo family doesn't believe in lax parenting!"

"Stealing my beef has nothing to do with whether or not your parenting is lax!"

"I'm just teaching you that it's survival of the fittest out there."

I look over at Dad's beef bowl. It's time to hunt. If survival of the fittest is the law of

the land, then he can't complain if I make his beef mine.

"Alright, that's enough, you two. Stop fooling around and eat. Fufufu, there's nothing

tastier than free meat."

Mom brings the miso soup over, and dinner begins. The moment the three of us take

our first bite, we fall silent. The beef's so soft that it melts in your mouth. Like starving

savages, we tear into our beef bowls.

Once dinner's over, we all sigh in contentment. High-grade beef really is something

else. While we're basking in the afterglow, the evening news starts playing on TV. The

beautiful newscaster's voice fills my ears. Apparently, some high school boy who went

missing a while back was found safe and sound. He hadn't been kidnapped, just went

hiking in the mountains without proper gear and got stranded.

I guess he just couldn't control his urges… I take a sip of my tea.

"I see. So he was summoned to another world."

Dad sips his tea as well. Nice one, Dad. You managed to come up with an even nerdier

explanation than me.

Dad's an even bigger otaku than me, and he's the president of a video game company,

so I guess it makes sense that he's always thinking about stuff like this.

"But since he managed to make it back, he'll be able to use all the superpowers he

gained while in that fantasy world to live an easy life."

"Can we please stop pretending he was actually isekaied? There's no way that happened."

His family was probably worried about him. If all he said after being found was, "Oh, I

just went to another world for a bit!" his life's already too fucked up to be easy. Dad

sighs and shakes his head.

"Don't be so sure, Hajime. Nothing in this world is certain."

"He's right, you know. The two of us often hoped we might have wild fantasy adventures

when we were young."

The isekai boom only started a few years ago. Meaning Mom and Dad were way ahead

of the curve when they were young. I don't know if I like this.

"Oh yeah! Let me show you something cool, Hajime!"

Dad dashes up the stairs. A bunch of strange noises start coming out of his room on

the second floor. After thirty seconds of banging and crashing, he comes back down.

"Here. I bequeath this to you, Hajime."

"What is this?"

Dad hands me an old notebook. It's bound in leather and looks needlessly fancy.

"Oh my, now that's nostalgic!" Mom says, her eyes sparkling.

Before I can open it Dad grins and says, "This is part three of my what-if series! It's the

isekai edition!"

"The heck does that mean!?"

Apparently, Mom and Dad had written down tips and guides in case various fantastical

situations ever occurred to them. They'd called them the what-if series. The situations

varied from a zombie apocalypse to an alien invasion, to what to do if your left arm

started throbbing all of a sudden. Apparently, this notebook was about what to do if

you were isekaied.

The really scary thing here was that Dad had put this twenty-year-old notebook

somewhere he could access it within thirty seconds.

Even though I told my parents I didn't need something this ridiculous, they kept

insisting. Eventually, they managed to enter "The seven most important things" I'd

need to know in case I was summoned to another world into my cell phone. They even

locked the file so I couldn't delete it. That just pissed me off, so I decided I'd never read

them no matter what.

Then, around the time I was beginning to forget they were even on my phone—

Mom, Dad. I'm sorry, I was wrong. I never thought I'd be sitting in a palace in another

world… I actually was summoned to another world, along with the rest of my class.

Tomorrow, we're going to delve into our first dungeon.

Unfortunately, I'm the most worthless member of our class. Not only are my stats

really low, but my job is also a generic blacksmith one that plenty of people in this

world have. All I can do is process and shape ore. No one in my class likes me either.

Hiyama's bullying is getting worse by the day, and now he's got magic and souped-up

stats to make my life hell. It's like giving a toddler a gun.

But worse than that is the church that worships the god that brought us here, Ehit. I'm

gonna be honest, the pope and his followers scare the shit out of me. The pope's always

smiling and acting polite and giving us everything we want, but he's definitely scary.

I'm scared of the king and the other nobles too. They all seem to love the pope. This

whole time, I've been haunted by that image of Ehit smiling that I saw in the cathedral

we were summoned into.

Also, it's the church that wants us to fight in their war. I'm scared of fighting, both

against monsters and other people. On top of that, I'm pissed at Hiyama. So this whole

isekai thing honestly isn't all that great. I mean, there are a few really cool things, but

I'm more worried than I am awed.

Granted, it's not like I have my back against the wall or anything. And I'm still doing

my best to do everything I can. But I'd really like it if there was at least one thing in my

life right now that wasn't out to get me. I'm just tired. I guess maybe that's why I'm

suddenly remembering that dinner when you gave me the seven most important

things I needed to remember for an otherworld summoning.

I go back to my room and open up my closet. My uniform's hanging up there. I reach

into my pocket and pull out my cell, which is useless in this world. Since I turned it off

right after we were summoned, I've still got a good amount of battery left.

I relax as the light of civilization hits my face. Then, I navigate through my folders until

I find the file I'm looking for. I smile as I read the ridiculous title.

There's a total of seven pages here. Each page contains a single tip, it looks like. I scroll

down to read the first tip.

"If you get summoned alongside other people and someone in your group looks

useless, make sure to befriend them! They've definitely got some hidden strength you

just can't see!"

"Dad, Mom, sorry, but I'm the useless one."

Also, I definitely don't have any hidden powers. This isn't any help at all… Let's see what

the next tip says.

"Be careful! The princesses of the country you're summoned to are often evil bitches!

If you're going to trust someone, trust the princess of another country!"

"I can't believe how biased you guys are…"

Unlike the fanatical king and his nobles, Liliana's a surprisingly nice princess. She's

already become good friends with Shirasaki-san and the others. And she's even really

nice to me. Probably because I'm useless… If even her kind smiles are actually hiding

an evil interior, then I don't think there's anyone I can trust.

What's next…

"Hurry up and seal your left arm!"

"Dad, Mom, my left arm isn't throbbing and it doesn't have an evil god in it."

"If you hear a mysterious voice, make sure to listen to it! It's probably a spirit or

something! It'll definitely be a helpful ally!"

I'm not hearing any voices! Next!

"Register at the adventurer's guild!"

"Now you're just writing down the stuff you want to do!"

God, my parents are so useless. Oh well, maybe the next one'll be useful!

"Befriend the assassin in your party! They're probably the strongest of the group!"

"The assassin, huh…? I guess we do have one."

This is the first decent piece of advice they've given. I pocket my phone and go look for

our class' assassin. I end up looking for half a day.

"I can't find Endou-kun!"

Why!? Why is it that no matter who I ask, no one has any idea where he is!? When I

checked the dining hall and the training grounds, I found traces that he was there, so

why can't I actually find him!?

"Dad, Mom. You were right. Endou-kun's the strongest one among us."

He's always been hard to spot, and even teachers occasionally forget to call his name

during roll call, but he's never been this hard to find. I'm pretty sure he's not avoiding

me… Also, I feel like I've been hearing someone whisper my name the whole time I've

been searching. I think I'm just getting tired. I'll look for Endou-kun later. He's harder

to find than Waldo.

I go back to my room, my shoulders drooping. Then, I flop onto my bed and take out

my phone. I'm expecting the last piece of advice Mom and Dad have for me to be just

as useless as the rest.

"If things look dicey, run! Your life takes priority! I know you normally take it easy, but

you always act recklessly when things get dangerous, so make sure you take care of

yourself! It doesn't matter what kind of dirty things you have to do to survive, just

come back alive! We'll forgive anything you have to do, as long as you come back to


My vision blurs, and my hand starts to shake. But I can't start crying yet. There's still

one sentence left.

"Don't give up! Make sure you come back to us no matter what!"

"What the hell… None of these are actually useful tips. How seriously do you guys take

your delusions… Sheesh!"

I stare at the screen silently for a while. Drops of water drop onto the LCD screen,

making it hard to read. But I don't look away.

Time slows to a crawl. I have no idea how long I spend staring at my phone, but by the

time I come back to my senses, my battery's nearly dead. The sun's set, too, and my

room's dark. The light from my phone is the only light in the room.

Normally, I find the mechanical light of an LCD screen to be cold, but right now it feels

surprisingly warm and gentle. But then the battery dies and the light vanishes.

My cell phone won't be turning on again. At least not until I get home. I wipe my tears

with my sleeve and get to my feet. I open the closet and put my phone back into my

uniform pocket.

I feel like I have something supporting me now. My heart no longer feels trapped in a

haze of unease. The warm light of my LCD display has settled inside me, guiding me


It was thanks to that light that I was able to ask Shirasaki-san to protect me the night

before we entered the labyrinth, as embarrassing as it was. It was thanks to that light

that I was able to tell her I'd be fine. To be honest, I thought she looked beautiful when

she smiled at me in the moonlight.

If nothing else, I'm grateful to Mom and Dad for giving me the courage to reassure her.

But at the same time, I'm sorry, Mom, Dad. I didn't listen to what you told me. When I

should have ran, I chose to stay and fight. In the end, I couldn't prioritize my own life.

I knew it was dumb to try and fight that giant Behemoth. When I was falling into the

abyss, all I could think about was how sorry I was for failing you guys.

From there, I changed. Thinking back on it, it was probably those words from my

parents that helped me endure all those hardships down in the abyss. If it wasn't for

them, I wouldn't have been able to stand back up to challenge the Claw Bear.

"Don't give up! Make sure you come back to us no matter what!"

Even when my heart and soul had been crushed, I still held on to those words. Which

was why I—


I slowly opened my eyes and found Yue staring down at me.

"Sorry, I fell asleep."

"Mmm… It was only for five minutes."

Shaking the sleep out of my brain, I looked around. I was in the living room of the ice

palace at the end of the Frost Caverns. Taniguchi and the others had just come back

and everyone was resting.

I guess I fell asleep while everyone was talking…

"You made a lot of faces in your sleep… Are you okay?"

Yue clambered onto my knees and I looked into her eyes. She stared sleepily at me,

her crimson eyes glowing faintly. I brushed her blonde hair back and stroked her


When I first met her, I thought she was as radiant as the moon, illuminating the

darkness of the abyss. That was why I gave her the name Yue. A few other names, like

Tsukuyo, Luna, and Selena had popped into my mind as well, but Yue was the one that

seemed to fit best.

Just recently I'd learned what her original name was. Aletia. I couldn't imagine what

she must have felt when she threw that name away and asked me for a new one. But

at the very least—



The happy look she gave me whenever I called her by her new name reassured me

that I'd made the right choice. I was confident I'd gifted her a new name that was much

better than her old one. Names held power. They could be used as a curse to restrict

people… or in my case, to bind two people together.

When Aletia became Yue, she was reborn. Despite carrying the deep trauma of

betrayal, Yue had nevertheless trusted me. And when she'd smiled at me for the first

time, she'd bound me to her. I stopped being a mindless monster and turned into the

vampire princess Yue's partner. It was thanks to her that I could be both the monster

of the abyss and also human.

In truth, choosing to answer Yue's pleas to save her was one of the biggest turning

points in my life. Meeting Shea was another. But back then, it was Yue who'd convinced

me to let Shea tag along.

Likewise, my meeting with Tio was the same. It was because of Yue's words that I

began to question my personal creed of killing everyone who opposed me and decided

to spare Tio. All three of them followed me without complaint when I wanted to go

save Myu and Kaori, too.

Like my fake had said, I might be using Yue as an emotional crutch. At the very least,

she was the one person I knew I'd never be able to hold a candle to.

Smiling to myself I muttered, "Thank you."

"Mmm? Mmm… Mmm…"

Yue cocked her head for a second, then smiled at me. That smile made it clear she'd

understood everything I was trying to say.

"You should enroll in school once we get back to Japan, Yue. I want to see you in a

school uniform."

"Mmm… You got it."

I'm looking forward to it. I wonder what Mom and Dad will say when I introduce Yue to

them? They might be even happier about the fact that I brought Yue back than the fact

that I came home. Nah, not might. They'll definitely be happier about that. Those two

otaku love cliched crap like vampire princesses and stuff.

"I'll do my best to impress your parents…"

"Sounds good."

"I need to ask them how many grandkids they want, too…"

"S-Sounds good…"

"And I need to apologize…"

"Huh? Apologize for what?"

"'Mother, Father, please forgive me! I stole your son's virginity before asking you

whether or not you accept me as his bride!'"

"Yue-san, please don't say that. I'm begging you."

Crap. I'm gonna have to teach Yue about how Japanese customs are different from here

before we go back. Especially since Mom and Dad would actually play along if she started

saying stuff like that.

The last thing I wanted was to bring chaos to my house. I opened my mouth to explain

to Yue how talking to my parents was going to work, but before I could say anything,

she was lifted off my lap.

"Sheesh! I take my eyes off you for a second and you're all over him again!"

Kaori was the one who'd lifted Yue up, and she threw the tiny vampire girl onto a

separate sofa.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yue said coldly as she launched herself at Kaori.

Kaori responded in kind, and Shea was forced to jump in and mediate between the

two of them again.

Tio and Yaegashi were so used to the sight that they barely even spared the three of

them a glance. As I watched them, I thought back to my journey up till now.

The first thing that flashed through my mind was my first meeting with Shea. At first,

I'd only helped the sobbing useless bunny girl because I'd wanted her to guide me

through the sea of trees. But then that same girl who'd been terrified of fighting

managed to beat up Miledi's Golem. Honestly, I was impressed.

And then afterward, she jumped in without hesitation to save Sensei, even though she

didn't know anything about her. All because Sensei was someone I cared about. Then,

when she fought against her sworn enemy, the Hoelscher Empire, she was so

dazzlingly bright that even I was captivated by her.

If anything, she's better at seduction than I am. She managed to capture Yue's heart and

mine… There was no doubt that it was this clairvoyant bunny girl with more pluck

than any protagonist I'd ever read about that had brought color and joy to our lives.


"Yeah? What is it? I'm kinda busy—"

"Thank you."

Despite how much we rejected her in the beginning, she stubbornly stuck with us. She

even managed to make me fall for her. Shea stopped trying to pin Kaori's arms behind

her back and looked blankly at me. Her surprise was so cute that I smiled.

"C-Come on! Surprise attacks like that aren't fair!"

She started fidgeting, her tail swishing back and forth. Then, she covered her face with

her bunny ears, embarrassed. It looked like she'd been able to figure out how deep my

gratitude for her ran as well. Her embarrassed reaction really was cute though.

Unfortunately, I'd need to find some way to hide her ears when we went back to earth.

Regardless of whether people thought they were real or fake, her ears combined with

her looks would attract too much attention from other guys. Actually, considering Cam

was converting all the rabbitmen in the forest into merciless assassins, Shea might

actually be the last super cute bunny girl left.

I guess that's my fault, huh?

"Shea… Uh, I'm sorry."

"I think I can guess what you're apologizing for, but in that case, shouldn't you sound

a bit more sincere?"

Shea slid her ears off her eyes and glared at me. I looked away, feeling too guilty to

meet her gaze. That aside, I'd need to tell Mom and Dad all about Shea as well.

I should tell them about Altina too. Those two looove elves… If I recalled correctly, Dad

was insisting that his dev team put elves into the most recent game he was working

on. In fact, one of his employees had come to me to convince Dad to stop, since the

game they were developing wasn't set in a fantasy world.


"Hey, Shea."

"Yue-san, Kaori-san! I'm having a moment with Hajime-san here, so could you stop

pulling on my— Oh, what is it, Hajime-san?"

"I'm thinking of kidnapping Altina and gifting her to my dad. What do you think?"

"I think you've lost your mind!"

Hey, that's rude. Don't look at me like I've actually gone insane. Oh no, now she's asking

Kaori to cast restoration magic on me. Aaand Kaori's doing it.

"Let me explain. Dad's a huge fan of elves. Especially seductive elves. Though, I guess

Altina's more of a masochist than a seductress. Still, I'm sure he'll like her. If we put

her in a cage and kept her as a pet, she'd probably be harmless, right?"

"Kaori-san! We need more restoration magic, now!"

Can you please stop casting that on me! The light's blinding…

"Think about it. Dad'll be happy. And Altina'll be overjoyed to be your pet, Shea. It's a

win-win situation."

"No, it's a lose-lose situation!"

Shea smacked me on the head. I don't get it. What's the problem?

"Master, why settle for her? I would gladly be your—"

"I want to introduce you as one of my comrades, so rejected. I can't treat you the same

way I treat Altina."

"O-Oh, I see…"

Tio fidgeted in embarrassment. Blushing, she muttered, "You've been acting so kind to

me recently, Master. I'm not sure how to react…"

I guess telling Tio the truth is more effective at keeping her in check than treating her

like dirt… I thought back to my first meeting with Tio. It all started with me trying to

drive a stake into her ass. As a result, she turned into a huge pervert.

Wow, that's really all there was to that meeting. There weren't any emotional scenes or


"Wh-What is it, Master? Please don't stare so intently at me."

If she knew all I was thinking was that we really don't have any emotional memories

together and that me trying to stick a stake into her ass is the most vivid memory I have

of us, she'd probably be mad, huh? Actually, she'd probably get turned on…

I was worried that Tio's clansmen would get mad at me when we went back to see her

family. I hoped they wouldn't blame me for turning their princess into a pervert. Oh

yeah… I totally forgot Tio was royalty until just now.

"Hey, Tio."

"Wh-What is it?"

"Do you want me to fight god for you?"

When I asked that, the room fell quiet. Yue and Kaori stopped fighting, and Shea and

Yaegashi looked from Tio to me and back again. The blush vanished from Tio's face

and she gazed solemnly at me. Her draconic eyes, brimming with intelligence and

endowed with the power to see the truth pierced through me.

After a brief pause, she smiled and said, "I appreciate that you care so much for me…

Truly, I do."

Tio brought a hand to her chest and closed her eyes. She looked so stunning that

everyone's breath caught in their throats.

"It's true that my clan has dreamed of the day someone would appear to strike down

god for us."

"Yeah. The whole reason you left your village was because you wanted to see if that

time had finally come, right?"

"Indeed. At present, you are the only one capable of fighting god, Master."

"Thought so."


Tio spoke firmly, with conviction.

"Forcing people to fight when they do not wish to would go against the dragonman



"Master, I am glad that you are willing to ask me what my wishes are, despite your

desire to return home being so strong that you were able to craft concept magic

around it. But answer me truthfully. Do you wish to kill god for the sake of this world?"

"Nope, not really."

I answered immediately. I had no interest in fighting for the sake of thousands of

people I didn't even know, or a world I didn't care about. For better or worse, I'd always

prioritize the people close to me.

However, if, after I returned home, there came a time where Tio had to return to Tortus

and fight to protect her family…

"Then there would be no meaning in asking you to fight," Tio said gently, with a smile.

"You have already made other promises you need to keep, have you not?"


I promised Yue I'd show her my hometown. I promised Myu that as well. Shea and the

others all wanted to go to Japan as well. I'd promised everyone I'd take them there,

and I intended to keep that promise.

"In that case, you must fulfill those first."

Man, Tio's way more mature than I am…

I glanced over at Amanogawa. He twitched, then looked away, pretending he didn't

notice me staring at him. He'd been going on about how he'd save everyone from god

for a while now. I had no idea what was going to happen in the future, but I knew a guy

like him would never give up. There was also the possibility that someone else with as

much potential as Amanogawa showed up in Tortus and cleared all the labyrinths as


However… I thought back to our time in the Grand Gruen Volcano. When I'd been

gravely injured by Fried or whoever, Tio had transformed without hesitation, even

though it meant her existence would become known to the world. So if the time ever

came that Tio had to go back and fight…



"We're going home… to Japan."

"I see."

"I want to show you my hometown too. I want to introduce my parents to the

dragonman who helped me so much in this world."

"I-I see."

"I want to go back to living a peaceful, normal life. But if the time ever comes that you

need to go back to Tortus to fight…"


Everyone gulped, looking worriedly from Tio to me. However, I had eyes only for Tio,

and she likewise was looking only at me.

After a brief silence, I said resolutely, "Then I'll make a new promise with you."

"A new promise?"

"Yeah. As for what kind of promise… Well, we can decide that when the time comes."

"Indeed, we can… Thank you, Master."

Tio covered her face with her sleeves, while Yue and the others grinned at her. They

crowded around her, trying to get a peek at her expression. Right now, Tio was nothing

like the calm, Super Tio she became when things got serious, or the usual perverted

dragon she normally was.

Hey, Sensei. I made the right choice, didn't I?

When I'd first met Tio, Sensei had lectured me. She told me that if I abandoned

anything and everything that wasn't important to me, that I'd end up living a lonely

life. That my choices wouldn't bring happiness to me, or the people I cared about.

In the end, my priorities still hadn't changed. I wasn't capable of fighting for justice or

equality or abstract ideals like that. But at the very least, I was willing to fight for the

things that were important to the people I cared about. After all, it was only thanks to

Tio and the others that I'd made it this far.

I watched with a smile as Yue, Shea, and Kaori tried to peel Tio's hands away from her

face. Then, I looked over to Yaegashi and the others, who were also watching the scene

with a smile. Seeing how happy everyone was made me feel relaxed. My emotions

must have been showing on my face, since when Yaegashi turned to me—


She stiffened up. After a second of shocked silence, she suddenly blushed. Wondering

what had gotten Shizuku so flustered, Kaori and the others turned to me as well. When

they saw my face, they stiffened too.

"What?" I asked Yaegashi, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I-It's nothing… Just… you looked surprisingly gentle for once, so…"

Confused, I touched my face. My expression didn't feel any different. I turned

questioningly to Yue, and she nodded in agreement.

What the hell? You guys are making me blush… I quickly tried to change the topic.

"Oh yeah, I've gotta do something about your body too, Kaori."

"Huh!? Wh-What do you mean… 'do something about my body?'"

Blushing, Kaori glanced over at a nearby wall. I was pretty sure there was a bedroom

behind that wall. I opened my mouth to say something, but Yue beat me to it.

"You damn pervert… Hajime's talking about what he's going to do with that body

you're in right now after you go back to your original one!"

"Oh! O-Of course that's… I-It's not what you think, Hajime-kun! I wasn't expecting

anything at all! Besides, I'd like to have my first time with Shizuku-chan present, too!

I'm not a pervert! Please believe me!"

Yaegashi glared at Kaori, as if to say, "Don't include me in your delusions!" Meanwhile,

I spotted Amanogawa trembling off in the corner. Sakagami and Taniguchi noticed he

was acting off too, then exchanged a look. They both wanted the other to go and calm

him down.

This is one lively party we have here. I remember way back then, when Kaori and

Yaegashi were the idols of the class. I never thought both of them would end up falling

for me. Especially Kaori…

I thought back to that conversation we'd had the night before I fell into the abyss. Kaori

had sworn she'd protect me. And even after I'd fallen, she was the only one who

believed I was still alive. After we were reunited, she constantly felt inferior to Yue and

the others. So much so that she swapped bodies after dying once. Her devotion to me

was so great I couldn't help but be moved.

She was a clumsy girl, with a habit of getting so focused on her goals that she forgot to

take stock of her surroundings, but she was kinder and stronger than anyone else. If I

hadn't fallen into the abyss, she likely would have been the ideal I looked up to.

"U-Umm, Hajime-kun?"

It seemed I'd ended up staring unconsciously at her. Blushing in embarrassment, Kaori

averted her gaze.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about our lifespans."

"O-Our lifespans?"

Kaori wasn't the only one surprised by that response. Everyone looked confused.

I smiled ruefully at her and said, "Since I've eaten all this monster meat, I have no idea

what's happened to my lifespan now."

I hadn't really thought about it before, but it was pretty important. Kaori, Yaegashi,

and Shea gulped, looking worried. Kaori looked especially worried, as if I'd just

announced I was dying tomorrow or something.

I raised a hand to calm everyone down and added, "Considering I've been strengthened

in every conceivable way, my lifespan's probably a lot longer than a normal human's


"O-Oh, that's what you meant."

Kaori sighed in relief. I smiled at her and said, "Regardless, I have no intention of dying

and leaving Yue alone. But Kaori, once you go back to your original body, you'll have

the same lifespan as a regular person, right?"

The same was true for Yaegashi and Shea as well. Both of them muttered, "Oh…" while

Kaori said, "That's… true. I…"

"Don't look so worried. Miledi managed to attach her soul to a golem and live for

thousands of years, so we know there are ways to stay alive for longer. Worst case

scenario, we can do that to you guys. But chances are, we can find a way to lengthen

all of your lifespans if we study the body of that apostle a bit more thoroughly."


Kaori stared intently at me. I cocked my head, wondering if I'd said something strange.

But a second later, she smiled just as gently as Tio had earlier and said, "Hajime-kun,

you're always thinking about the future, aren't you?"

"Is that wrong?"

Kaori vehemently shook her head and her smile grew deeper. At the same time, Yue,

Shea, Tio, and Yaegashi all smiled at me as well.

"It's just, we've always been struggling to just make it out of the next crisis alive so…

I'm happy. Especially since the future you're thinking of includes me. Fufu, it feels like

my heart's floating!"

"I see…"

I didn't know what else to say. When I saw Kaori and everyone else's smiles, it felt as

though any words I might have would be pointless anyway. Feeling the heat rise up

my face, I awkwardly looked away again. The moment I did—

"Kaori… You should take that body of yours and float away with your heart. And then

never come back."

"Yue, how could you say that? Do you have no soul?"

I didn't know whether it was to spare me everyone's gazes, or just because Yue enjoyed

teasing Kaori, but she started insulting her again. Naturally, Kaori's smile went from

happy to threatening, and she turned to Yue. As always, the two started scuffling.

Sighing, Shea went to break them up while Tio just watched and Yaegashi shook her

head. Taniguchi joined in as well, deciding it'd be more fun to participate than to rest.

As chaos descended upon the living room once more, I thought back to my parents'

words again.

"Don't give up! Make sure you come back to us no matter what!"

The last of their seven tips had come in handier than they ever realized.

Don't worry Mom, Dad. I'm coming home soon. Together with all the wonderful people I

met in this world.