Unexpected Aid

"Tio-san, isn't your time about to run out?" Shea asked via telepathy. She was currently

nestled inside one of the scales on Tio's neck. She'd been transferred there the same

way Tio had transferred all of the equipment she'd been wearing when she


"Yes, I can't maintain this form much longer. Let us clear up the remaining enemies as

quickly as possible!" Tio replied. She had, at most, ten more seconds before her

transformation ran out.

The monster army had been reduced to a hundredth of its size, and there were barely

even ten thousand of them left. Tio could wipe them out with ease. As she whipped up

more fire tornadoes and flaming thunderstorms, she let out a triumphant roar and

began gathering as much mana as she could around her. That roar also stopped the

monsters that were trying to flee in their tracks, and they looked up at the massive

black circle Tio had created above her. That circle shrank down to a tiny point, and Tio

created yet another circle, which she again shrank down. She repeated that process

multiple times, and the air around her began to rumble.

She paused for a moment as she finished charging, then unleashed a spherical burst

of breath so powerful it obliterated all sound. Her night-black mana covered every

inch of the floating island dimension, destroying anything and everything in sight. No

monster was able to escape Tio's wrath, nor could they do anything to defend against

it. Every living creature within range was immediately and utterly annihilated.

Eventually, the wave of destruction came to an end.

"Ngh, I… I'm at my limit," Tio groaned, and the storm of fire and lightning that had

covered the sky suddenly vanished. The fire tornadoes also petered out, as did the

flames that had been burning through all the monsters on the islands.

There was a burst of black mana from Tio's body, and her dragon form dispersed,

spitting both her and Shea out into the sky. Naturally, as a result, the two of them

started falling.

"T-Tio-san! We're still in the air!"

"Oh, curses. I don't have the strength left to stop our descent. Shea, help me out."

"Are you kidding me?! I don't have any strength left either!"

It would have been better if Tio had landed before canceling her transformation, but

she really had been at her absolute limit. She couldn't have held out longer even if

she'd tried.

"Heh, fret not. We can simply have one of my dragon familiars pick us up."

"Oh yeah; I forgot about them!"

"Come, my black dragons. Rescue ussssss."

Unfortunately, Tio's dragons didn't respond. She'd ordered them to evacuate far away

from the battlefield when she'd transformed to make sure they didn't get caught up in

her attack, which was also why Freid had thought they'd run away after she'd been hit

by Uranos's breath.

Shea and Tio exchanged glances. Upon realizing that the black dragons were too far

away to save them, both of them went pale, their expressions stiff.

"Nooooooooo! We finally won! I don't wanna die like thiiiiiiiiis!" Shea wailed.

"The Skyboards! Shea, get out your Skyboard!"

"I don't have the strength to even grab it!"

"Neither do I! But what if you summon it right below us so we land on it?!"

"Guess that's our only choice!"

Sure, both Tio and Shea were too exhausted to move, but Tio was fully drained of

mana, while Shea still had a little bit left. It wasn't enough to grab Tio and Aerodynamic

safely to the ground, but it was enough to summon and activate a Skyboard.

However, it was a difficult feat to properly summon it at the right spot when they were

falling at such speed, with the wind buffeting them this way and that. Shea desperately

called her Skyboard, but because it was unaffected by air resistance, it slipped past

them like a floating leaf.

"Ah…" both of them mumbled at the same time.

"Hajime-saaan, Yue-saaaaaan, I love you twoooooo!"

"This isn't the time to be saying your farewells! Don't worry; I'm sure we're strong

enough to survive the fall!"

Just then, Shea and Tio heard a high-pitched squeak.


A furry white figure streaked toward the two of them, grabbed them both by the arms,

and suspended them in the air with a jolt. While the two of them felt their arms nearly

be ripped out of their sockets, their fall was mercifully stopped a scant five meters

from the ground. The furry white rabbit had saved their lives.

"Inaba?! You're Inaba, aren't you?!" Shea exclaimed.

"Did you say Inaba?! Why is he here?!" Tio shouted.


Inaba had apparently grabbed on to Shea's and Tio's arms with his long bunny ears

and then used Aerodynamic to halt their descent. However, their body weight had

nearly ripped Inaba's ears off, so he was trembling in pain as he held them, tears

welling up in his eyes. Nevertheless, he had most definitely saved them. Inaba kicked

off against the air and gradually lowered Shea and Tio to the ground.

"Th-Thank you. We owe you our lives, Inaba," Tio said gratefully.

"Thanks a lot, Inaba. But wait, what are you doing here?"

"Kyuu, kyuu! Kyu?"

Inaba shook his head as if to say, "Don't worry about it" to Tio, then started caressing

his stretched-out ears. In response to Shea's question, he simply nodded into the

distance, and Shea turned to see Shizuku and the others heading over on their

Skyboards. They closed the distance pretty quickly, then alighted on the ground next

to Shea and Tio.

"Are you two…? No, you don't look very okay."

"Looks like you had a pretty tough fight."

"Ha ha… It felt like I was watching the battle of the ages. Thank god Shizuku and the

others brought me back so I could see this."

"I was worried when Inaba-san suddenly ran off, but… you guys can't move, can you?

Hang on a second; I'll heal you up."

Suzu cast healing magic on the two of them, while Shizuku pulled out some potions

for them to drink. Shea rested on Shizuku's lap, while Tio rested on Suzu's. Meanwhile,

Ryutarou and Kouki looked around at the crumbling islands in awe.

Smiling, Shea replied, "I'm glad you guys made it out okay. Seems like that idiot over

there's finally reflected on his actions too, huh? That's great."

"More or less," Shizuku said with a somewhat bitter smile, prompting Kouki to avert

his gaze awkwardly.

"But where is the other…? No, forget it. I'm sure you did your best," Tio said, gently

stroking Suzu's cheek.

Regardless of how things had turned out, and regardless of whether or not Suzu

herself had accepted the outcome, Tio knew for a fact that she must have done her

absolute best. And because Tio knew that, she knew it wasn't words of comfort that

Suzu was looking for, as that would only be insulting her resolve, hence why she chose

to praise her instead.

Tears welled up in Suzu's eyes, but she quickly blinked them away and smiled

wordlessly at Tio. It was a very mature, very stunning smile.

Shizuku smiled as she watched Tio and Suzu talk, then said, "But I have to say, that was

quite a shock. After we jumped through the portal that led us here, we thought we'd

accidentally warped into the end of the world."

"I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like we'd been sent straight to hell."

"That sleek black dragon was you, right, Tio-san?"

"It was. I had originally planned on unveiling that form after we'd reached Master to

help him fight Ehit, but… I suppose it was worth using it here if it meant getting rid of

the Sanctuary's entire supply of monsters."

It was at that point that Shizuku and the others realized the level of the battlefield

they'd been fighting on was completely different from what Tio and Shea had been

facing, and an awed look dawned on their faces.

"Anyway, I'm impressed you guys got here so fast. You didn't even have the compass to

guide you," Shea said, sitting up now that she could move a little.

Most of the zones Shea and the others had passed through had been veritable mazes.

While they had killed all of the obstacles that had inhabited those zones, it should have

still taken Shizuku and the others longer to catch up.

Shea gave Shizuku a questioning look, then replied in a confused voice, saying, "There

wasn't really much room to get lost. Since the clock tower you guys went through got

destroyed, we lost some time finding another ruin with a portal to pass through, but

once we did, it took us straight here."

"Hmm. Did you get lucky, or did the composition of dimensions change after we passed

through them? Well, either way, this is good for us! If you hadn't gotten here as fast as

you did, we might have ended up splatting on the ground!"

"That's really not the kind of thing you should be laughing about, Tio-san…" Suzu

mumbled in an exasperated voice. Laughing, Tio got to her feet as well.

"Anyway… where's Hajime?" Shizuku asked. It was clear that had been the foremost

question on her mind since she'd arrived, but she'd held back because Tio and Shea

had needed immediate attention.

Suzu and the others' expressions stiffened. Seeing as Shea and Tio had survived,

Shizuku doubted Hajime had been killed, but—

"Oh, whoops. We probably should have mentioned that first, huh?"

"Indeed. We're sorry for worrying you."

Shea and Tio gave a brief summary of what had happened before Shizuku and the

others had arrived.

"I see… We should hurry and catch up to him, then," Shizuku said determinedly, and

the others nodded. But just then, there was a loud rumbling noise, and the entire

dimension began to shake.

Shea and the others glanced around, instantly wary. They could see cracks forming in

the sky, and it looked like the entire dimension was starting to fall apart. Furthermore,

the islands that had been damaged in the fight were unable to withstand the

dimensional earthquake and started crumbling.

Shea and the others hurriedly took out their Skyboards and rose into the air.

Looking down, Suzu exclaimed, "I-Is that… the ground?!"

The sea of clouds had finally parted, and as it dissipated, the area below it finally

became visible. However, the sky below was distorted, as if everyone was looking at it

through a fish-eye lens. And far below that distorted space was a familiar sight. Suzu

and the others could see a fortress sitting in the middle of a flat plain… with thousands

upon thousands of people fighting against an army of apostles. But then, the distortion

suddenly vanished, and other distortions appeared elsewhere in the sky in multiple

places. They showed the dimensions Shea and the others had passed through, as well

as other areas they didn't recognize.

The ominous rumbling grew stronger, and the distortions that connected to other

dimensions started appearing and disappearing more quickly and more frequently

than ever.

"I bet this is Hajime-san's doing. He must have started fighting Ehit!"

"Indeed. This Sanctuary is a creation of Ehit's, so it stands to reason that he has the

most influence over this space. If it has become this unstable, then it's quite likely that

Ehit is being driven into a corner."

Of course, Tio had no proof to back up her conjecture. This dimension might have been

simply dissolving because Ehit had begun enacting the final stage of his plan to destroy

this world. However, no one thought that was the case for even a moment. Everyone

smiled, certain that Shea and Tio were right.

"We better hurry, then, or we'll miss the whole fight," Shizuku replied.

"Yeah! Let's get out of here and meet up with Nagumo-kun!" Suzu said with a nod, and

everyone started heading toward the obelisk. The island it had been on had crumbled

away, so now it was simply a pure-white pillar floating in the air.

Shea was still a little woozy, so she needed to lean on Shizuku's shoulder and ride on

her Skyboard, but she nevertheless reached out to touch the obelisk without



However, nothing happened when Shea touched the obelisk. When Hajime had last

checked his compass, it had definitely been pointing to this obelisk, and the portals

that Shea and the others had gone through on their way here hadn't required any

special activation rules.

Puzzled, Shea touched the obelisk again. Shizuku, Suzu, Tio, Ryutarou, and Kouki all

tried as well, but again nothing happened.

"Why?!" Shea shouted, slapping the obelisk over and over.

"It may have something to do with why this dimension has become so unstable. There

are more obelisks on the other islands. Let us see if any of them still work," Tio said,

though she had a bad feeling that they might be trapped here. Still, they all split up to

try the other obelisks in the distance.

Unfortunately, none of them activated. And to make matters worse, the cracks in the

sky were getting so big that they were breaking apart pieces of the sky… and there was

nothing but darkness beyond those shattered segments. If you stared at them long

enough, they looked like nothing more than black walls, but as a test, Shizuku tried

throwing a pebble at one of them.

"Looks like anything that goes in disintegrates," Shizuku said. The stone had turned to

dust and vanished as soon as it had hit the blackness.

"This doesn't look too good…"

"I doubt we're somehow special and won't get obliterated if we try to enter…"

"What about the obelisk we used to get in here?" Suzu suggested, and everyone

hurriedly headed back there.

Right now, they were more worried about their immediate survival than catching up

to Hajime. Even if backtracking lost them time, escaping this dimension was their top


While they hurried back to their starting obelisk, the dimension's destruction started

accelerating. It was like a cage slowly constricting around them. Floating islands were

swallowed up and destroyed one after the other. The group had to take several detours

when the space right in front of them cracked and shattered, exposing only blackness,

but eventually, they made it to the obelisk that led back to the abandoned ruins. But

unfortunately, that one didn't activate either.

"Oh no… we can't even go back…" Kouki said in a voice tinged with despair. A distortion

near the obelisk showed Shea and the others the abandoned ruins they'd come from.

It seemed that dimension was also falling apart. It wasn't just here, then. No, the

entirety of the Sanctuary was crumbling.

"Is this… as far as we go?" Kouki asked, resigning himself to his grim fate. No one could

bring themselves to contradict him.

There was no way out and nothing any of them could do. Shizuku, Suzu, and Ryutarou

gritted their teeth in frustration.

"There's still hope," Shea said, and the four childhood friends suddenly looked up.

Shea was looking up at the crumbling sky, her gaze resolute.

"That there is. Master may end up defeating Ehit before this place collapses and come

back with Yue to rescue us."

Tio was also looking up at the sky, her faith in Hajime and Yue unwavering.

"Yep. Besides, it's not like we're totally out of options. If things get really bad, we can

just dive into one of the distortions that are connected to Tortus."

"Hah, now that's a plan," Ryutarou said. "If we're gonna die anyway, might as well give

it a shot."

"Yes, but let's make that our last resort. Also, I'm not sure if it'll help, but I'll try putting

a barrier around us when we jump through."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You're right; we can't just give up. I'll help strengthen your


No matter how hopeless the situation appeared, they would continue to struggle until

the very end. That had always been Hajime's way, and it was the most important lesson

Shizuku and the others had learned since being summoned to Tortus.

The group was easily able to find a distortion that was connected to Tortus, and

probably because of the accelerated collapse of the dimension, the distortion wasn't

disappearing, so they could just wait there.

Just as they prepared themselves to jump through, someone came to get them, though

it wasn't the person they'd expected.

"Hm? Is something flying this way?!"

Indeed, something seemed to be coming up to them from the ground. The moment Tio

and the others realized that, there was a burst of light, prompting everyone to cover

their eyes. As they grew more accustomed to the light, the group looked down to see

a single arrow pushing its way through the distortion in space.

"W-Wait, isn't that—?"

Shea recognized that arrow… and there was only one person who possessed the rest

of those concept-magic-imbued arrows that were inferior copies of an artifact that had

long been lost.

The arrow bored a hole in the distortion, and a tiny robe-clad golem with a smileyface mask popped into the crumbling dimension Shea and the others were in. She put

her right hand on her hip, lifted one foot into the air, made a peace sign with her left

hand, and winked. Shea would have recognized that super annoying pose anywhere.

"Yahoo! How're you guys doing? Everyone's favorite beautiful genius mage, Miledi

Reisen, is here!"

The last living Liberator, Miledi Reisen, had arrived.