Morning at the Nagumo House

[...Wake up. Wake up, Hajime.]

His dozing off awareness was led to awakening by a soft voice and a gentle shake.

Because of the brightness seen through the back of his eyelids, he could tell the

curtains had been opened. It was morning, and the sun was insisting on its presence.

[...Don't mind me. Go on, ahead.] (TN: Here Hajime is using a line like a hero who will

stay behind so other can escape safely)

[...It's no good using clichéd line like that. Breakfast will get cold. So wake up.]

He tucked himself into the bed like a bagworm and tried to take a journey into the

dream world, this man who was trying to journey to the dream world with a voice

that was going to disappear anytime, was the eldest son of this household――Nagumo

Hajime. And then, the one who was making a troubled smile to such Hajime even while

kept urging him gently to get out of the bed, was Hajime's beloved vampire princess

that came from another world――Yue.

Yue sat down beside the bed and she gently stroked the black hair of Hajime who was

curling in to himself. Her slender fingertips caressed through Hajime's hair, combing

them down. And then, her eyes squinted affectionately and she quietly brought her

lips toward Hajime's ear.

A small *chuu* sound resounded and Hajime twitched in reaction. Perhaps enjoying

that reaction of Hajime, Yue's look was increasingly bursting open in happiness, next

she held Hajime's earlobe into her mouth. Hajime once more twitched in reaction. Yue

kept playfully nibbling then. And Hajime kept twitching from that.

Yue separated her lips from Hajime's ear with *chupa* sound before she opened her

mouth while blowing a feverish sigh on Hajime's ear.

[...If you don't wake up...Hajime will be the breakfast.]

[I'll wake up.]

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It was a lovely speech, but there were his parents downstairs, other than them there

were also the freeloaders and his daughter. Making a ruckus complete with moaning

sound [aah-] from morning would be problematic in various meaning. The neighbors

too would be guaranteed to look at him later with grinning expression saying [oh my]

. Therefore, Hajime pushed aside the futon with a snap and woke up.

[Good morning, Yue.]

[...Nn. Good morning.]

Hajime's hair that was curling up here and there was fixed attentively by Yue using

her hand as comb. Since the morning the atmosphere of the two was already teeming

with mushiness. It even felt like the morning sunlight brightly shining in through the

window was growing dim in reservation from these two's lack in prudence.

Hajime who was exposing a dazed waking up face which was unthinkable if it was at

the period when he was journeying the other world Tortus, was narrowing his eyes

toward his lover that was caressing his head in front of his eyes. While he was at it he

was also running his gaze through the surrounding relaxedly.

Inside the room, seventy percent of it was buried in bookshelves and the books and

the games that were put there, and then there were a desk and reclining chair, a good

quality desktop PC, and also a closet between the bookshelves. A window was

attached at the wall that was facing south, a navy blue curtain the same color with the

bed was hanging over it.

(…..I'm still feeling that this room is 'nostalgic'. it must be because the experience at

the other side is too strong. If I still feel like this after going home for a year, then it

might take a half more year to be able to live without feeling anything is out of place.)

Hajime sighed a bit inside his heart. And then, he clenched his left hand repeatedly as

though to ascertain it. That arm didn't shine with dull metallic gleam, its appearance

was that of a normal human arm. It had elastic skin and slight mark of suntan similar

with his right arm.

Furthermore, Hajime also gently traced his right eye with his fingertip. There, he

didn't feel the sensation of eye patch that was in the process of becoming his

trademark in Tortus. Far from that, there wasn't even the bluish white shine that was

the trait of god crystal. The eye's appearance was a dark brown eyes that looked like

the eye of a normal Japanese as expected.

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[...Nn? Hajime, what's wrong? It feels uncomfortable?]

Yue noticed Hajime's state, she then brought her face closer until their nose tip almost

touched while tilting her head. The sweet fragrance that tickled Hajime's nasal cavity

made him got slightly bewitched while he shook his head.

[No, there is no discomfort in both my arm and my eye. Thanks to Yue and others'

cooperation, the artificial skin and the artificial eyes are all in extremely excellent

condition. No one would notice as long as they don't get scanned in detail at hospital.

If I have to say, perhaps I'm feeling discomfort from this situation where there is no


[...? Hajime feel discomfort from the appearance of your body?]

[Yeah. After all the experience over there was just too dense. The metallic arm, the

crystal eye, and also the white hair, all those were already me. That's why, rather than

calling this appearance getting back to normal, it feels like that I changed again. Well,

it going to be really bad if that kind of unknown automail and strange crystal eye get

discovered in this modern earth, so that can't be helped though.]

While smiling wryly, Hajime tapped on his left hand using his right hand. The artificial

skin that used metamorphosis magic had reproduced a splendid skin texture, making

the one touching wouldn't be able to sense the existence of metallic artificial arm

hidden behind it.

The one who accomplished this was Tio. The technique of Tio that was the only expert

in metamorphosis magic among his comrades, added with Hajime and Yue's help,

remade the artificial hand smartly and disguised it as a normal arm in outward

appearance and texture.

Also, Hajime's artificial eye was something that was remade using creation magic,

while his hair color was due to Kaori's regeneration magic returning the hair color to


Of course, for Kaori whose hand had reached to the territory of time intervention, if

she used regeneration magic seriously then it was possible she could even restore

Hajime's altered body to normal human body. Whether it was his loss of limb or his

change due to eating monster, all of those could be reverted if Kaori just returned

Hajime's body to its previous state.

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But, Hajime didn't wish for that. Actually, by returning to earth, things like tough body

was unneeded, but for some reason it felt like turning his body to how it was before

was like making light of his journey at that other world. And above all else, he couldn't

be growing senile first and left behind Yue who would be living for a long time.

In the end possessing a monster class body where it wasn't even definite that it had

life span was in agreement with Hajime's own wish. By the way, if they were using

Yue's secret technique of apostle creation, then the problem of life span could be

resolved to a certain degree even if they were using their original normal body, so

Kaori and others also didn't view this matter as a problem.

[...Nn. Personally, there is no problem for me because I can enjoy various Hajime.

Rather I feel happy.]

Yue said that and gave kisses in turn at Hajime's left shoulder, right eye, and his head.

Every single action of Yue was overflowing with affection.

At that day, after they established the method of going home, since that day when Yue

was proposed under the great tree of [Haltina Sea of Trees] , Yue's expression of love

was increasingly became polished. She had never been seen without the ring that was

fitted in the ring finger of her left hand, and when Yue saw the matching ring that was

fitted in Hajime's left ring finger, an aura of happiness would be scattered in full from


[Speaking of that, what about Yue? Have you get used with the world over here?]

[...Nn. There are still a lot of things, that I don't know, that I am not familiar with.

This is really, a different world. There are a lot of unbelievable things.... But, it's fun.

Every day is fun like opening jack-in-the-box.]

[I see.]

[...Nn. Besides, I will be happy anywhere if that is a place where Hajime is. Motherin-law and father-in-law are also really kind. They treasured me like their real

daughter, it feels really happy. Everywhere in Hajime's world, is filled with


[I, I see...somehow, it feels hot even though it's morning huh.]

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The gaze of Hajime who ate a straight punch of love was wandering around. Yue who

understood that Hajime was being shy chuckled [Nfufu] while snuggling at him like a

cat. Hajime's hand was subconsciously moving and gently caressed Yue's fluffy hair.

An atmosphere that was overflowing with sugar content was running rampant since

the morning. Yue quivered her long eyelashes while quietly closing her eyelids, her

faint pink lips were pushing out to Hajime. Hajime easily surrendered seeing that

obviously coaxing pose. His face was approaching near...

[Geez~, Yue-oneechan! Is Papa still not awake nano!?]

The one who opened the door of the room loudly with a bang while entering with a

huff was a five years old girl who puffed up her flat chest. She was Hajime's daughter

Myuu. However, now her emerald green hair became emerald blond, while her fan

shaped ears that were the trait of merman race had changed into small and cute

human ears.

The cause of the change was the illusion that was created by the ring artifact hanging

down from Myuu's neck. The artifact was something excellent that surprisingly could

reproduce even the touching sensation, so even if Myuu's ear was touched the person

touching wouldn't feel the texture of fin, but the sensation of human ear instead. And

so, Myuu's appearance was completely that of a beautiful little girl with blond hair.

The moment that Myuu energetically entered the room, she pointed her finger at the

clichéd childhood friend morning scene which entered her eyes and raised a

protesting voice[Aa~~!] .

[Geez-, Yue-oneechan! I always told you every time! Doing that to papa right from the

morning is a no-no! Why aren't you protecting your promise nano!] (TN: Here Myuu

said 'me-' to Yue. This is the way people in Japanese scolded their naughty child or pet,

it's like saying 'bad' with scolding tone in English, though I translated it into no-no here.)

[...uu. Tha, that is because Hajime is...]

[Blaming others is no-no!]

[ I'm sorry.]

Toward Myuu who pointed her index finger at Yue's nose while saying [Bad-] , Yue

could only dejectedly hung her head down regardless of her big sister status.

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It had been about a year since they moved into earth. Recently Myuu who had grown

up remarkably was acting really proper and strict. When all the onee-chan who often

became hopeless character that couldn't read the atmosphere when they got

entangled with Hajime, like Yue right now, Myuu would remonstrate them with 'Bad'

like this.

Actually, in order for Myuu to become used with this world quickly, and also because

it was desirable for Myuu to have education in good taste, she was then enrolled into

a nursery school about two months ago, but it seemed that in the school Myuu became

awakened as 'onee-san' for some reason.

There was the factor of how based on her age she was included in the senior group in

school, but additionally there was also how she had been piling up experience that

should be too dense for a mere infant. She had been kidnapped, auctioned, traveled

through desert, struggling through a scene of carnage at the devil king castle, and even

participated in a legendary decisive battle. Looking from the point of view of such

Myuu, the children the same age with her who were born in peaceful country like

Japan were as expected looked really young and naïve.

Thinking 'I have to be proper and strict!', she imitated the outrageous onee-chan

group around her and her mother that was overflowing with kindness, like that she

acted too helpful toward the other kindergarteners...when she noticed, she had

became the trusted and beloved leader of the kindergarteners.

However, her call of [Gentlemen! And ladies of Myuu's friend!] when she was

gathering the kindergarteners, or how she said [Right now is exactly the time to blaze

our soul!] when encouraging a child that felt down, or how she showed a fearless grin

when there was a child that looked uneasy, those actions that looked a little bit unlike

a kindergartener were conspicuous so the teacher there reported it to Nagumo

household...regarding the state of Hajime when he received that contact from the

teacher, let's just say that he was rolling around on the floor for real at that time.

[Really it's my bad, Myuu. Come on, I've already waking up here.]

Yue who possessed the absolute dignity as the legal wife toward the other wives was

seriously feeling down from getting scolded by Myuu. Hajime sent a glance at such a

Yue while crawling out from the futon. Myuu listened to Hajime's words and nodded,

she then faced Hajime and reached out both her hands.

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[Myuu? What's with those hands?]

[Papa, Myuu want to be carried nano.]

Even though she was scolding Yue just now, but right after that Myuu demonstrated

a spoiled kid request. Yue went 'hah' in shock and moved her gaze to Myuu. Her eyes

were clearly narrating her dissatisfaction [Even though I was scolded when acting

spoiled...] which was looking a bit lacking in maturity.

Toward that, Myuu said,

[Mama said, 『When Yue-san pulled back, immediately act spoiled(attack)』, like that


[...I'm going to speak a bit with Remia.]

Yue became enveloped with faint golden light, right after that she became adult mode.

And then, in order to speak a few words with the mother who taught woman battle

tactic to a little child, Yue silently, but quickly exited from the room.

And then, Myuu who kept holding her pose asking for hug directed a shuddering gaze

toward Hajime who was left behind. This little girl in front his eyes was steadily

mastering the lesson from the seniors around her. From here on, just what kind of

growth this beloved daughter would show him after accepting the teaching of the

women who had one or two peculiarities Hajime wondered...

[Papa, carry me nano.]


With a cramped expression, Hajime hugged Myuu who was making a cute request

with cute grin, and then he exited the room while listening to the tumult that was

audible from downstairs.

Hajime who entered the living room at first floor with one of his arms carrying Myuu

witnessed the scene of Yue laying down complaints incessantly to Myuu's actual

mother Remia. In regard to Remia, similar with Myuu she was also exposing emerald

blond hair and human ears, right now she was showing her usual [my my, ufufu] smile

while dodging Yue's complaints flightily――was how it looked like, but her cheeks

were faintly blushing.

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With the adult mode Yue as her opponent, as expected even a professional widow

would find herself at disadvantage. Even though they were the same gender, yet being

stared by adult Yue fixedly from very close range would make anyone unable to calm

down. Adult Yue-sama, how terrifying.

[Ah, you finally woke up Hajime-san.]

[Fumu, as I thought perhaps having Yue in charge of waking up art no good.]

Shia who was helping with the preparation of breakfast was saying such thing with

an exasperated face while giving her morning greeting, and Tio who was watching

morning news at the living room looked behind while also similarly greeting him.

There was no change in Tio's appearance, while Shia's prided rabbit ears were

similarly hidden with artifact like Myuu and Remia. Right now her straight faint blue

hair was put together using hair tie located around her neck and the bundle of hair

was hung down forward.

[My, Shia-chan and also Tio-chan, you two are saying such thing, but if it's the two of

you who are going to wake up Hajime won't you two also dive in?]

[Naturally desu, Kaa-sama.]

[Of course, Hahaue-dono] (TN: Both ways of calling have the same meaning of mother,

but the kanji they are written with has the meaning of mother-in-law.)

Carrying breakfast from the kitchen...wasn't how she appeared, this person who

appeared from the washroom as though to say that she had woken up just now, was

Hajime's mother, Nagumo Sumire. Sumire was a famous shoujo manga artist, so there

were a lot of times where she was staying until late at night in her workplace, she was

extraordinarily weak in morning. Because of that, in Nagumo household there was no

regular habit of taking breakfast properly but...

There, Shia who was in charge of cooking at Tortus and Remia who was a mother with

a child came. Hajime took home Yue and others from the other world, and not long

after the girls became freeloaders, the kitchen became entrusted to the two of them.

[Everyone, good morning. Maaan, it's great that the house is brilliant right from the

morning. Even after a year has passed, my heart is still dancing every time I see this.

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You damn son, how dare you came home after becoming a great man! Really thank

you very much-]

[You are full with energy from the morning huh, Tou-san. And then, don't grin like that

while looking at them. You are going to get punch flying you Kaa-san.]

The short haired middle-aged man with tall stature who had been continuously in a

state of 'Right now, I'm intensely moved!' since a year ago, was the central pillar of

Nagumo household, the company president who managed a game company, Nagumo


He who was a pure otaku seemed to be deeply moved everyday from witnessing Yue

and others who seemed to come out straight from 2D. And then most likely, being

called as [Otou-sama] by beautiful girls and women was also undoubtedly greatly

related with that.

Shuu laughed in good mood from being surrounded by the daughters-in-law, Sumire

was in a daze, and Hajime was doing Myuu's hairstyle while the breakfast was lined

up on the dining table.

By the way, Shuu and Sumire's yearly income far surpassed the earning of average

salary man, so Nagumo household was quite large. And so, even when their family

increased all of a sudden, the home didn't feel that cramped even when all of them

lived in one house.

Although, because of the sudden increase in residence right now the renovation of the

house was in progress, after several months passed the house would surely be

completed into a splendid building twice the previous size that the neighbors would


In addition, regarding the administrative concern of Yue and others like their resident

registration and the like, Hajime had sneaked into the government office and finished

forging the documents. For their peace of mind, Yue even used her soul magic to the

government workers to plant suggestion in them so there would be no problem. It

was a hard work because there was a lot of kind of documents that needed to be put

in order, for example passport and identification paper and so on, but at the very least

there should be no one that could discover any unnaturalness with their existences in


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Even for example that they got found out, they could just use soul magic to deal with

it every time, they were also planning to slowly left behind evidence of their

existences at the foreign governments too. The government officials of the world

would be opposed by age of god magic!

[Yup, Shia-chan, Remia-chan, today the food is also delicious. Before this I thought that

putting food into your stomach right from the morning, is that some kind of torture

huh?, like that...but if it's like this then I can eat no matter how much.]

[I get what you mean. Hajime, Tou-san is happy. My son became a splendid cheat

harem bastard when he returned back. There is nothing that I can teach you anymore

like this.]

[Tou-san, I don't understand whether you are praising me or speaking ill of me from

your words, but I have never received any lesson or anything about being cheat harem

bastard at all.]

Sumire sent an exaggerated praise at Shia and Remia excessively, while Shuu was

sending Hajime words with condescending attitude, hearing that Hajime replied back

with an exasperated state. To that, Shuu opened his mouth with irritating atmosphere

as though to say [Good grief, yareyare daze] .

[What are you saying? Haven't I beaten up the soul of otaku into you since you have

awareness of your surrounding? In other words, that was also me beating up the soul

of cheat harem into you. The reason that you were able to create cheat harem at

another world, is exactly because of that. How is that? Can you feel the gratitude for

your Otou-sama keenly in your heart now?]

[I think I have already talked with you about my experience in another world, but

where is otaku soul is proving useful there――]

Shuu and Sumire had listened to all that Hajime experienced at the other world. About

how much effort it took to recover his normal appearance, about how his arm and eye

were artificial, about how his gaze turned sharp now, and above all about how his

atmosphere now was completely different from in the past, Hajime told all of those

personally without any falsehood or manipulation, nor he was even trying to do those.

In other words, Shuu and Sumire should have known about the sequence of event of

their son's grand experience starting from his experience in the abyss, in spite of that

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Shuu now declared that otaku knowledge was useful in those experiences, hearing

that Hajime was a bit unable to accept it.

And so, Hajime normally objected to Shuu, but Shuu and Sumire immediately grinned

widely while cutting off Hajime's words.

[『Ladies and gentleman-, all of you warriors-』]


[『Right now in this time, is exactly the time to blaze your soul-』]


[『If you said you are going to get in my way, I'll kill you.』]


[『I'll protect Yue, and Yue will protect me. With that we are――』]

[I got it already-! Otou-sama, really thank you very much-! That's why, stop it-]

Hajime writhed while asking them to stop with a voice that sounded like scream.

Toward their son who was enduring his shame that much, the father and mother were

mercilessly dealing the pursuing attack.

[Oi oi, what's wrong Hajime? What are you feeling ashamed for? You were cool you

know? In real life, there is almost no chance to say those kind of speeches you know?

When Tou-san watched the image recording Tio-san showed to me, my heart was

trembling hard. Oh man, it was really an amazing chuu――cough-, really an amazing

heroic you know?]

[Yes, truly. Not only to the girl partner, but you even said 『she is my woman』to the

girl's parent, when I watched that I thought, just from what galgame this conquering

character came from. Really...]

After giving a glance at Hajime who was shaking in while holding his chopstick, Shuu

and Sumire paused with a superb timing before continuing with splendid harmony.

[ [Hajime-san, those were seriously awesome –ssu. Trully, thank you very much-!] ]

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[You two are noisy-. Don't screw around, stop messing with me using that material-]

Shuu and Sumire knew about the events in the other world not only from Hajime's

story. While keeping it secret from Hajime, Tio used regeneration magic to leave

behind recording image of every memory――obviously the events in the abyss were

included, other than that, the time when Hajime accepted Shia, the time when Hajime

spoke resolutely to Tio's grandfather Adol, and even Hajime's speech at his classmates

in the devil king castle, etc.――and showed it to Shuu and Sumire, since then at every

opportunity Shuu and Sumire would praise Hajime[As expected from our son-!] with

teasing mixed in it to mess with Hajime.

The corner of Hajime's eyes lifted up fiercely and brutally put pressure on Tio in an

outburst of anger. With a cough, Tio choked in the middle of slurping her miso soup.

Miso soup was dripping fromher nose while her breathing was getting rough 'haa haa'.

[A, as expected from the parents of Hajime-san. Recently I have become used to it, but

as I thought seeing the figure of Hajime-san being toyed around, the uncomfortable

feeling that I get is not half-baked desu.]

[...Nn. But, the bullied also nice.]

[My my, Yue-san. Recently, it feels like if it is about Hajime-san then everything is fine

for you. Fufu, Myuu too has to work hard like this. Also Tio-san, this is the dining table

you know? Please don't go haa haa while dripping snot like that, eat your food

properly. Right now your face is looking quite "over the age limit" you know?]

Shia smiled wryly toward the exchange between Hajime and his parents, while Yue's

cheeks reddened for some reason, Tio was going 'haa haa', and Remia was going 'my

my, ufufu' smilingly. This was the ordinary day of Nagumo household recently.

Just when Hajime was going to snap from the mess, Shuu and Sumire easily drew back

and concentrated on their breakfast as though nothing had happened. Hajime who

was trembling from losing the target of his anger was then comforted by Yue and

others altogether.

With a sidelong glance at their son who was being taken care by beautiful women and

girls, Shuu and Sumire faced each other and their expression burst into a smile.

[Nevertheless, that time when Hajime suddenly returned home, and in addition he

also introduced Yue and others, it was really shocking huh.]

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[You're right. For him to really go to another world and went home bringing cheat

harem, that's something that I had never even dreamed of.]

While exchanging words with small whisper, both of them recalled that time when

Hajime came home.