Downtown Date?

At the station plaza several block away from the neighborhood of Hajime's house,

there was quite a splendid fountain that was installed there, many people were

bustling there in this holiday.

Naturally, there were a lot of young males and females in that spot who seemed to

have rendezvous appointment, their gaze often moved alternately toward their watch

and the direction that the person they were waiting for would come from, or they

were playing around with their smartphone to kill time.

Amidst those young people, there was the figure of Hajime. What seemed to be

different from him compared to other people, was that he never particularly looked

at his watch or played with smartphone, he kept sitting on the bench beside the

fountain while staring absentmindedly at empty air, like a father who was taking his

children out to play at holiday while slackening from the fatigue of his everyday work.

Yet, regardless of his slackening atmosphere, there was a vague presence from him as

though his back was standing straight, perhaps it was because of the abnormal

experience a normal youth of the same age would never encounter that Hajime had

piled up.

While Hajime's body was in a really relaxed posture, the attention of the surrounding

was naturally attracted to him because of that presence he exuded. Despite the

strange sense of security that his calm atmosphere caused, there was also the slight

aroma of danger that came from him.

Due to that, perhaps it could be said as only natural that sometimes there were group

of girls who kept glancing toward Hajime. There were also girls whispering to each

other with slightly reddened cheeks among those groups, who were in the verge of

doing reverse picking up. (TN: Gyaku nanpa: Instead of man calling out to woman on

the street, it was the woman who called on man in reverse.)

It was a popularity that was unthinkable for Hajime before he got summoned to the

alternate world Tortus.

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[...Should I use presence isolation like this?]

Naturally for Hajime who possessed monstrous specs, those movements of the

surrounding were leaked into his ear, he muttered such thing while his posture and

gaze stayed unmoving still.

Like that, a group of girl with courage(?) finally approached timidly in order to call

out to Hajime, at that time when the surrounding girls and boys were observing

carefully, an energetic calling voice that caused them to open their eyes wide in shock


[Ah, you are there nano~. Papaa~~~~!]

*sutetetetete―* The one who dashed from the street of the station was Myuu, her

emerald blond hair was lightly fluttering while a full smile was pasted on her face.

That lovely figure of a foreigner beautiful little girl running with her all caused the

gaze of all the people at the station plaza to move at her.

As though to say 'who cares about those gazes!', Myuu didn't show any reaction at all

and keeping her momentum she dived at Hajime who was slacking up on the bench.

Like a bullet, Myuu leaped in full power without a single shred of reservation or

mercy. Normally, Hajime would match the timing and swayed back to perfectly kill

the impact and gently caught her, but right now he was sitting on the bench, so he

couldn't do that.

And so, one of Hajime's hands gently scooped the jumping Myuu's shoulder and he

skillfully converted the charging momentum into rotation. So to speak, it was

something like Aikido. Just before Myuu impacted the stomach of Hajime in midair,

she was twirled in a rotation and like that she was dropped down to sit on the lap of


[Oy, Myuu. I told you many times already, don't jump because it's dangerous,.]

[Ehehe~, I'm sorry nano~]

Myuu blinked for a moment because she didn't understand what happened, but seeing

Hajime who was warning her with a wry smile, she immediately grinned loosely and

leaned back snugly at Hajime's chest.

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Hajime made a troubled smile seeing the state of his beloved daughter who didn't

seem to reflect on her action at all, he then used his hand to change the way he held

her and then he stood up.

From the surrounding,[E, eee? Papa? Just now, that girl called him papa?] or [Lies, he

has a child!?] , or [Oi oi, how old is that guy...if that kid is his child, then just when

were she born...] , or [Rather than that, just now is amazing isn't it? That kid is

rotated in full circle you know?] , the topic was spreading with an amazing momentum

in the plaza.

But, the entrance of Myuu was still only the beginning. All of them would witness even

more shocking scene after this.

[My my, Myuu. Mama told you that it's no good for you to run off alone right? After all

it's easy to get lost in this world...]

[Mamaa. But, Papa is here so...]

[Ufufu, Myuu really is a papa-girl. Dear...thank you for waiting.]

With her sandal making cute sounds *patapata* from each step, wearing a long skirt

and elegant cardigan, also swaying emerald green hair that was braided with hair tie,

Remia finally arrived.

Seeing the entrance of an older, or rather a foreigner onee-san who had plenty of sex

appeal of a widow, *gulp* the sound of someone gulping their saliva could be heard

from somewhere. Several men were already sending piercing gaze of envy toward

Hajime who had beauties as his wife and daughter.

But, still not yet. It still wasn't over yet with this!

[Hajime-saa~n, thank you for waiting~

[My apologize for making you to wait, Goshujin-sama.]

The ones who were saying that with their arrival were Shia with her faint bluish white

long strait hair swaying, wearing miniskirt from where her white slender beautiful

legs were generously exposed, and Tio who wasn't wearing her usual kimono, and

instead wore loose trousers and V-shirts, and also a long cardigan.

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Both of them were owner of good looks that could make idol or actress to run away

barefooted in shame. Such two girls were approaching toward Hajime who seemed to

already have a child and wife with obvious good will coloring their whole face.

The gaze of the people at the station plaza was already in a glued state toward Hajime

without being unable to take off their gaze. Their curiosity kept rising over the limit.

While completely ignoring those people, Hajime shrugged with him still carrying


[You all wanted to try having a rendezvous right? I don't really mind. Spending time

not doing anything, only staring absentmindedly at nothing is not bad sometimes.]

Yes, it was just as Hajime said, if it was asked for what reason these people who were

living at the same house were meeting at the station plaza in an appointed time, that

was because of the request of the female camp. Hajime thought in his heart that it was

better to go together, but if he was requested for something like this then he couldn't

reject it. It was a cute request for him.

[So, what about Yue? You all come together right?]

Hajime tilted his head seeing that there was only one of his lovers who hadn't yet

appeared in this place.

[Aa, I think Yue-san will arrive soon. There were some guys picking up women in the

train, so Yue-san was taking care of them while telling us to go ahead.]

[Taking care...don't tell me, she isn't going to smash them right? Spare me from that.

If the monster of clothing store will be overflowing even until this world...I'm

prepared to even wage war you know?]

[Even though Goshujin-sama is a godslayer, thou art still not very good against

Christabel and others huh.]

Hajime's expression cramped from listening to Shia's explanation. Tio was being

somewhat exasperated seeing that state of Hajime, but when she thought from the

point of view of Hajime whose ass kept getting stared feverishly each time by those

manly women of another world, her gaze was changing into sympathy thinking that

it might be something that couldn't be helped.

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By the way, according to Shia's additional explanation, it seemed that Yue would only

toy with the guys' memory and mind using soul magic, and she wouldn't use the crotch

smash. For the time being, Yue and others had also learned of the proper method of

dealing with trouble at Japan which had strict law to maintain order compared to the

other world.

While they were talking like that, Hajime suddenly felt a restless sign from the

direction of the station street, so Hajime turned his gaze there.

Sure enough, from there he could see a figure of a beautiful girl with crimson eyes and

golden hair that looked as though she came out right from the screen, walking with

calm air majestically, and also with elegance and gracefulness at the same time, as

though she was a queen walking on a red carpet.

Yue wasn't in her girl mode that was normally in the appearance of twelve years old.

She had transformed her appearance similar with Hajime, into an age of around

seventeen years old. There was no need to mention her bewitching air, the faint smile

that was pasted on her lips might be from her feeling toward her beloved that was in

the end of her sight. That smile also exposed out tenderness, which was magnifying

the charm of her perfect beauty by several times over.

Yue who should be called as a peerless beauty from just a glance was exuding out adult

charm, but the clothes that she came wearing were a loose parka and lacy skirt that

were honestly seemed to be rough yet cute, that style of clothing pushed aside the

difficult to approach aura that was characteristic in a beautiful person which further

boosted up her charm.

Anyone who caught sight of Yue, regardless of their age or gender, they would have

their gaze drawn in without exception. The sounds of *gon-*, or *gashan-*, or

*bachikon-* that could be heard from here and there, were the sounds of disaster that

were played by the victim of Yue. In a sense she could be called as a walking disaster.

A youth crashed into a telephone pole because he was walking while watching Yue, a

group of boy that seemed to be students were stampeding over a store's signboard, a

girlfriend who came back to her sense visited her slap at the boyfriend beside her to

drag him back into reality.

However, Yue didn't pay attention to those at all. She walked forward dashingly, and

before long, amidst the gathered attention, she had approached until Hajime's side.

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[...Nn. Hajime, thank you, for letting us to have "rendezvous".]

Saying that, Yue put her lips on top of Hajime's. That act was really natural, as though

doing that was only a matter of course, like how if the wind blew then the leaves would


Yue put her hand gently on Hajime's chest with her feet standing on her tiptoes to

make herself a little taller in order to kiss Hajime. Seeing such Yue caused the

surrounding to be shaken.

[Geez, Yue-oneechan is unfair nano! Myuu is going to do 'chuu' too!]

[My my, then I too...]

[Uu, it's a little embarrassing in front of a crowd like this desu but...]

[Art that so? Rather, this makes me a little excited though?]

Right after Yue separated from Hajime, Hajime nonchalantly evaded the octopus kiss

of Myuu who aimed at his lips and redirected it on his cheek, after that he accepted

Remia and Shia's kiss while gifting a slap at Tio. At the end there were the female camp

whose cheeks were blushing, and one pervert who was going 'haa haa' while holding

her slapped cheek.

The scene of a real harem, where one man with a child was exchanging kisses with

multiple beautiful girls and women caused the tension of the people at the area to

break through the limit. [What the hell is that!? What is going on!? Is this a shooting

of some show!?] some panicked,[Tha, that man, what kind of person he is!? Is he the

son of a financial conglomerate somewhere?] some was imagining the true identity of

Hajime,[Thi, this is Japan right?] and some was doubting their own whereabouts, the

crowd were all getting really busy with their thought.

At last, some people with smartphone camera appeared, deciding that there was no

way they were going to let go of this rare scene.

But, without a single exception,

[E, eh? Wai-, the screen light vanished suddenly!?]

[What's this, it got noises all over!?]

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[No way, is it broken!? Spare me from that!]

Like that, all the smartphones were suddenly became out of form and the people

couldn't take picture using their phone. The cause of this was naturally, Hajime. By

performing a minute adjustment to his characteristic magic "Lightning Clad", he

emitted out electromagnetic wave that disrupted the electronic. Of course, if the

electronic got away from Hajime then they would return to normal.

[...Nn. It becomes noisy. Hajime, let's go soon?]

[No no, what are you trying to do attempting to depart naturally like that. There are

still members who haven't arrived yet here.]

[...? Hajime, you are feeling tired right now.]

[You think I'm Agent Mu**er. Don't try to avert the topic with X-Fi*e make-believe.]

(TN: X-File series, FBI agent Fox William Mulder. Don't know what this refer too though,

never watch X-File)

Even while knowing that there were members who hadn't arrived yet, Yue urged

them to depart with a really natural gesture. To that, Hajime smiled wryly while

making retort.

[...It's fine, there is no problem. Those two has severe constipation and cannot


[Yuee~~~~! What are you saying~~!]

[Wait a second, no matter what, that lie is just too cruel don't you think!]

Yue's deceiving words that were too cruel to be targeted to a maiden were cut off by

Kaori who was running to here wearing a feminine one piece dress, with her body

returned to her original body, and Shizuku whose trademark ponytail was swaying

behind her.

The further addition of beautiful girls caused the surrounding to become hectic, Kaori

only gave that a glance before glaring sharply at Yue right away. And then she

immediately turned her gaze at Hajime and smiled gently.

[Sorry, Hajime-kun. You've waited long?]

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Hajime was going to open his mouth, but before that happened,

[...Nn. He waited feeling bored to death. As punishment, Kaori is to go home right

away. Now, quickly go home. Now, now]

[I won't go home! Yue you bully-. Yue who is saying something like that is the one that

has to go home!]

Yue kept pushing away on Kaori, to that Kaori reacted honestly and pushed back at

Yue. This was what was called as "Hand Four" in pro-wrestling. The two girls were

grappling with each other putting all their strength in it. Both of their foreheads

pushed at each other without any side taking a single step back. (TN: Don't know if

that's the correct name, Yue and Kaori here were pushing at each other with their hands

grasping the other's hands and also their forehead coming into contact.)

By the way, Kaori was able to face Yue equally despite not being in a body of apostle

was because Kaori's original body itself was inserted with the factor of apostle flesh

and changed into a specially made body.

It was a body reconstruction for the sake of clearing the problem of the difference in

lifespan between her and Hajime and others, but that wasn't all, she was also able to

activate "Apostle Mode", in that case her hair would change to silver and she could let

out wings from her back. Of course, she could also do disintegration ability and twin

sword art without any problem. ...Though those were something extremely

unneeded in this peaceful Japan life.

Yue and Kaori were always quarreling about something, but the one who took the lead

in the body reconstruction of Kaori was none other than Yue. Perhaps due to the

influence when she was taken over by Ehito, Yue somehow understood the method to

create apostle, so by using all age of god magic and with the help of Hajime and Tio,

the apostlefication of Kaori succeeded splendidly. Their closeness was as great as how

much they were quarreling...perhaps this phrase existed to describe these two.

[Err, Hajime. I think we come right on time but...I wonder if we made you wait?]

Even while looking troubled at the quarrel of the two, Shizuku asked timidly at

Hajime. Of course, Hajime said no to the question. Shizuku sighed in relieve hearing

that, and then after she looked around feeling a bit embarrassed, she asked Hajime

with reservation.

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[Say...I wonder if I look strange?]

That question was naturally referring to the fashion she was wearing. Shizuku before

she was summoned to another world and even while she was in another world was

basically kept wearing pants, but today her appearance was wrapped in a flare skirt

and no-sleeve shirt. Although looking from the length of her skirt that reached around

above the knee, and the properly fastened buttons on her skirt, this appearance was

also really like Shizuku.

[Yeah, I think you look cute. Or rather, before this too, I told you already that you don't

need to get that shy just from wearing a skirt right? After all, it really suited you.]

[Is, is that so? Fufu, thank you.]

The appearance of Shizuku who was shyly fiddling around with her skirt, if the selfalleged little sisters who idolized her as Onee-sama saw this then they would surely

fainted without doubt. That was just how lovely the figure of Shizuku who was letting

out her natural girlishness in front of Hajime.

And then, Yue and Kaori whose hands were still grappling each other with only their

head turned toward that exchange between Hajime and Shizuku were,

[...So nonchalantly, taking the delicious part like that. Shizuku, what a terrifying


[Shizuku-chan...recently, you are not stopping me even when I was quarreling with

Yue aren't you...]

Even those whispers of the two didn't reach at all to the ear of the swordswomansama whose maiden power was in full throttle right now.

After that, Kaori who noticed that Yue and others had kissed Hajime pressed Hajime

for a kiss as expected, while Shizuku whose face became bright red thinking 'such

thing is impossible in front of the crowd!' got a little depressed that it would be only

her who didn't get a kiss, but Hajime who was unable to be indifferent to that state of

Shizuku forcefully kissed her which caused her to faint, it went without saying that

the station plaza became a pandemonium after that.

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Like that, seeing that the commotion was also getting larger, Hajime and others set

out to the city for a date until five o'clock, when the dinner party with the summoned

classmates would start.

[I have...seen something amazing.]

After that someone among the people who were left behind whispered like that, that

sentence was exactly something that represented the feeling of everyone in the

station plaza.

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At the street that was slightly distanced from the downtown main street, in the fastfood restaurant that was facing the street. At the window-side seat in that restaurant's

second floor, the figures of three young men who seemed to be high school student

could be seen slacking up listlessly on the chair, as though to say that they had too

much free time to spare.

Above the tray that was put on the table in front of the three, burger wrapping that

had been crumpled up into a round shape and empty French fries container were

scattered about carelessly.


While scowling at the juice which had became thin due to the melting ice, one of the

high school students was discharging out a strange groan. Hearing that, the remaining

two students directed an annoyed gaze and an understanding gaze at the first student.

[I know that we got nothing to do, but don't make that kind of voice. It's


[You are saying something like that huh. In this precious holiday, three men are

jabbering like this...haaa~. On top of having nothing to do, this is just empty...]

[Don't say that. That'll just make you feel emptier.]

These three who had been friends since middle school were currently first year high

school students. Harboring a faint hope, that if they advanced to high school then it

would be an exciting springtime of their life that didn't exist in middle school...that

something would happen, but in actuality there wasn't really anything particular that

happened, they were spending normal days that had no difference with their middle

school period.

Actually, the school they were enrolled into, was the high school where the worldshaking occult case happened a year ago, and among the current third year there were

also the seniors who were directly related with that case. That too became the

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primary cause that inflated the hope they were harboring that "something" might

happen in their high school life (they received fierce opposition from their parents

that they chose this school as the first choice but they persuaded their parents)

but...there wasn't really anything happened.

Of course, there was also decisively different point before and after the occult case,

and that was something that undoubtedly made them delighted from the bottom of

their heart that they enrolled into their current high school. That point was...

[Aa, I want to have a date with Yue-senpai.]

[I want to marry Shia-senpai.]

[ great isn't she]

The three were facing up the ceiling while leaking out their wild delusion, that rather

than with these male friends with whom they had a stuffily undesirable but

inseparable relationship, they would rather walk around the city in holiday with the

senior they yearned for. And then hearing each other's words, they exchanged glances

among them. And then, they spoke words to each other at the same time.

[ [ [Don't say something like that. It feels empty.] ] ]

The three simultaneously sighed so deeply to the degree that it would surely let out

all the happiness that they possessed. While the image of the senior they yearned for

was floating at the back of their mind, at the same time they lamented the fact of how

the gaze of their yearned person was directed only at a single person, furthermore

that person was the same person for the three different girls they yearned for, and

that fact was known not only in school, but even the whole neighborhood had already

knew of that fact. (TN: In Japan there is the saying that sighing will cause your happiness

to get away from you.)

In addition to that, it didn't stop with just that three seniors, something like that was


[Shit, even though in this world, there are many people in love poverty like us, that

shitty bastard-]

[O, oi. Stop that. Did you forget already, about the guys that were turned like that after

speaking ill of that "you know who" behind his back?]

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[...Are you talking about the captain of the karate club, how he got transfigured into

a big sis the next day?]

[There is also that, but there also people like the ace of soccer club who got planted

with phobia of female, or the math teacher who even though he was always acting

sarcastically, but one day he was suddenly using polite language at "you know who"

like a military...]

[Bu, but, those were lies right? Those were just like urban legend right? Look, those

guys, they are the 'returnee'. Those kind of story were created a lot half for

fact, there aren't any seniors or teacher like in those rumor.]

[That's, you're right but...]

Stories that sounded like urban legend――but speaking about that, even the story

about "real harem" also "sounded like urban legend" in that the end, that

was what the three of them came to think but they didn't say it out loud. It was the

truth that students and teacher that became the basis of the rumors couldn't be found

in the school, but at the same time, there were also rumors that those rumored guys

had transferred school or changed job.

It was unknown what was the truth and what was the lie. And that also granted uneasy

feeling that they couldn't describe. Especially because the new first year didn't know

about the returnee――the people who returned back from being spirited away in mass

were called like that by the society and like that the naming stuck――'s school life right

after they returned from the occult case.

Naturally, there were also a lot of first year students who were ignorant of the ways

of the world and get carried away, they attempted to go in offense toward the

beautiful seniors and foreign students that were among those returnee group

but...most of them were turned into ash after being shown the relationship of those

beauties with "that person", or they were stopped by the male seniors of the returnee

group with kind gaze when they attempted to take malicious action from jealousy, and

after a few months passed those kind of people eventually became a little bit adult

from understanding in their heart that "it's just how it is".

Even so, as expected there was no way the yearning toward the seniors who were so

beautiful that even celebrity couldn't win against them would disappear, and that

went even truer with the jealousy toward that "you know who" who was literally

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monopolizing those beautiful seniors like a joke, grumble or cursing would sometimes

leak out suddenly toward that you-know-who like this.

[ O, oi, that]



One of the male students for some reason turned his gaze outside the window, and

then he noticed of that group and raised his voice. The other two got curious and

moved their gaze following him, and there, in an unbelievable timing, the rumored

group was walking on the street at the other side.

It was that "you know who" ――Nagumo Hajime, and his wives.

[Oi oi, just why are those people here?]

[That is, no matter how you see it, this must be a date.]

[As always, what amazing line up huh...wait, that child riding on "that person's"

shoulder, is that the rumored daughter? So it's true that he have a child? Isn't that


*bita-!* The three mob clung on the window glass, staring hungrily at Hajime who was

walking nonchalantly while being surrounded by extraordinarily beautiful girls and

women in enjoyment. Seeing from the view point of the people inside the restaurant,

the figures of those three were like geckos that were clinging on window, it was

relatively a strange sight. It almost caused the 0 yen smile of the restaurant waitress

to crumble. (TN: 0 yen smile=a free smile, a business smile)

[Yue-senpai, Shia-senpai...also Shirasaki-senpai and Yaegashi-senpai are there too.

Next are the black haired beauty and the blond beauty that were sometimes seen at

the school festival or after school...]

[Just what kind of perfect lineup this is. Dammit it all-]

[Aa, also that child...she is super cute. There is even a beautiful little


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The last statement caused the three to spontaneously leak out stupid sound while they

faced each other. Or rather, two of them were making[Eh, this guy is seriously, that

kind of guy?] look at the last one while drawing back. That last person seeing that tried

to solve the misunderstanding in panic then.

[Ah, those senpai are getting farther see.]

[Yosh, we got nothing to do anyway, let's try following them yeah. What kind of date

a realy harem man is having, this can be used for future reference.]

[Hey, you guys are misunderstanding okay? I'm not like that okay?]

[But, will it be okay? From the rumor, those people for some reason are really sharp I

heard. Won't it be bad if we got found out?]

[This is in the middle of city, there are also a lot of people so there won't be any

problem. Besides, this is that group of beauties we are talking about. There is high

chance some punks going to pick a fight with them. At that time, what kind of action

"that person" will take...perhaps we are going to understand a bit, whether those

rumors about the senpai that got turned into big sis or the teacher that got turned itno

pseudo military are the truth or not, don't you think so? You are curious right?]

[He, heey, listen to me. I really, don't have any interest for little kid at all. I was just


[Indeed...wait, this is bad, They are seriously getting farther. For now let's go first.]

[Yoosh. Well, even just paying respect at the figure of Yue-senpai and the others in

casual clothing at holiday is already the best anyway.]


[Oy wait! Don't ignore me here! You guys are seriously mistaken! No, really!]

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Until the end the noisy three students didn't notice the previous waitress whose eyes

weren't smiling anymore even though the lips were still smiling. They exited the

restaurant with noisy footsteps. And then, from the entrance downstairs, a yell

of[Rather, I am someone that get excited from adult woman, like female teacher, or

widow heree-] that would cause headache could be heard...the waitresses sighed

deeply hearing that.

[Heeey, you guys are really mistaken okay?]

[Geez, we got it already.]

[You like female teacher or widow. That was what you were saying right? Rather than

that, don't make so much noise. We are going to get found out here.]

[Even though I was on the brink of getting treated like a pervert lolicon just now, you


By the time he did a coming out with his outrageous fetish at the fastfood restaurant,

he was already definitely a pervert, but no one there made such retort. Rather than

that, it was more important to observe carefully the party of Hajime and others who

were currently enjoying window shopping at the end of their gaze.

While they were observing, Hajime's group entered a large three storey store that was

fairly famous for its ladies fashion. From across the glass window, the trio could see

how the shop employees and other customers were taken aback for a moment. But

the shop employees were immediately recovering their usual attitude like a pro, while

the other female customers were sending their gaze as though they had encountered

celebrity, and the male camp who were taken along with the female customers were

staring in fascination in a daze.

Amidst those, the aforementioned Hajime's group didn't look particularly bothered

with all the attention and they only looked around inside the store, sometimes the

female camp would ask for Hajime's opinion and tried some clothes. To that, Hajime

changed Myuu's position from on top his shoulder into carrying her with one hand,

and then he seemed to say one or two sentence back regarding his impressions to the

clothes. Just from looking it could clearly be seen that Yue and others were swinging

from joy and nervousness when they were listening to what Hajime was saying.

[...By any chance, that man is giving back different impressions to all of them


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[If he is just saying "that suits you", then at the very least it will be said six times from

only one round you know. That will make him look like a broken machine in that case.]

[Based from the expressions of all those girls, it seems that man is saying different

impression each time without fail. ...Is this, the true power of a harem man...]

The trio were continuing to observe by hiding at a shadow of merchandise even while

being seen suspiciously by other customers and employees. Their expression changed

into shudder. If it was them who were asked for impression by that many women

changing clothes multiple times like that...without a doubt in their case they would

be turned into a broken speaker saying the same thing.

But, after that, after the group was feeling satisfied walking around inside the store,

the three mediocre high school students (first year) were made to taste further the

dreadfulness of a real harem man's deed.

[Wa, wait-. Don't tell me, he is planning to pay for that many clothes!?]

[That's a lie right-. This store, it's really expensive you know! Even if each of them only

buy one clothes, there will be six that guy's financial strength a monster!?]

Ahead of the gaze of the trembling trio, were six clothes that were put on the register.

Yue, Shia, Tio, and Remia looked happy, while Kaori and Shizuku looked a bit

apologetic, even so they were staring with undisguised happiness at the back of

Hajime who was speaking with the clerk.

Hajime handed a card at the clerk and finished the bill, then he wrote the address for

the mailing destination and turned back. He only shrugged toward the thanks that

were said to him by the female camp before urging them to continue the date. And

then there was Myuu who repeatedly hit lightly at Hajime's cheek in protestation

because it was only her who wasn't bought some clothes due to the lack of size that

matched her body, but as though to say that he got it, Hajime turned a gentle gaze at

her and nodded before leaving the store.

The customers who were accompanied with lover or friend, and the employers who

were left behind then let out deep sigh that was filled with various thought.

[Come to think of it, once, I heard a rumor. "That person's" parents, seems to be the

president of a game company, or a popular manga author. Also, it seems the person

himself also did some part time work, and it was said that he earned quite a lot.]

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[Aa. I also heard something like that. In addition, there was also some joking rumor

that the person himself was starting up a company related to jewelry. They said that

black haired beauty and that blond beauty are the company director or the secretary

or something.]

While following behind Hajime and group, the trio was laughing dryly after

conversing of the rumors that sounded like a joke, but now those rumors seemed to

have some truth in it after what they witnessed.

In fact, that rumor hit the bull's eye. When Hajime just came back to this world, he got

really busy with taking care of large problems like the forgery of everything that was

related with government administration including family register, etc., and also

countermeasure against the mass media. By the time all of those calmed down, he was

faced with the problem about providing for Yue and others, although he was still a

student, but as expected it was unacceptable for a man to keep relying on his parents

for that. In order to raise his dependability status, he pondered for a way to earn


One of his ideas was starting up a jewelry shop. If he was asked why a jewelry shop,

of course, it was because he was a transmutation master, and through that he

possessed an unfair method regarding processing technology of jewel. Depending on

the situation, even without any raw ore, as long as he had Structural Component skill

he could possibly create precious stone from scratch.

As for design, he left it to Remia who unexpectedly displayed good sense in her idea,

Hajime only transmuted following her design. Furthermore, just by wearing these

accessories that Hajime created, it would improve the physical condition of the

wearer, or improving the skin, or raising the memorizing ability, anyway the

accessories had miraculous effects.

At present the business was done in a small office with their sales mainly from

internet, but even so, Tio who in this one year was learning economy and management

carried out the administration of the business, so he could work while also going to

school. Rather, through word of mouth the good design sense and the miraculous

effects were promoted further and the business produced quite an earning.

Furthermore, Remia and Tio who weren't attending school respectively showed their

interest on the various design style or economic system of earth, so this jewelry shop

that Hajime established wasn't just killing two birds with one stone, it was already

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killing three birds with one stone where Remia and Tio also could pursue their

interest. Hajime himself was also stretching his hand toward various trades in his own


[Magic merchandise is selling like magic huh.] Seeing Hajime who was making a really

crooked smile while saying that, caused Shuu and Sumire to avert their eyes at the

same time, while it went without saying that Yue and others were enraptured with

that Hajime.

[O, oi, it's finally the development just as we thought! As expected from those seniors.

The predator that snapped at the bait is nothing half-assed.]

[Wait, is this, going to be okay? From their appearance, they feel like college students,

they are absurdly huge.]

[Le, let's at least, prepare so that we can contact the police.]

Ahead of the gaze of the trio who was hiding on the nearby signboard while seeing the

situation, Hajime and group who were going to enter into a children clothing shop

were being approached by five men with great body build that seemed to be college

students. The five college students were approaching with smile on their mouth. Dyed

hair, rough clothing, rough expression, rough atmosphere, from all those it was

obvious that they were the type of people you wouldn't want to get involved with.

The people at the surrounding were also somehow sensing the trouble that would

happen, uneasy air could be felt from them.

The approach of those fellows caused Hajime to look back and narrowed his eyes. And

then, the five men arrived before Hajime and group, the sound of someone gulping

could be heard from somewhere, immediately following,

[Hajime-san, also all the girlfriends, greetings ―su-!]

[ [ [ [Greetings ―su-!] ] ] ]

The five scary guys bowed their head simultaneously. Voices and expressions

of[Eee――!!] were overflowing from the surrounding. The unexpected development

also caused the trio to go[Whyyyy!?] with their body leaning out from the signboard.

Amidst those, Hajime was,

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[...Aa? Who are you guys?]

He returned a suspicious stare at the scary guys. Getting flustered and a bit shocked

from that reply, a man with dyed blonde hair and piercing opened his mouth in

panicked rush.

[I, it's me, me. Don't you remember me?]

[Hmph? So this is a "It's me, me" fraud right to the are quiet a novel guy

huh.] (TN: "It's me, me" fraud, when someone unknown called your phone and suddenly

said "it's me, me" without saying any name and in a panicked tone. They would claim

that your friend or family just got into accident and rushed you to transfer money to


[Tha, that's not it! Half a year ago, I picked a fight with Hajime-san together with

twenty of my friends, I am Hide that got beaten up black and blue at that time! After

that Hajime-san gave me introduction to my current workplace, and from that I work

together with Hajime-san a few times as information dealer don't you remembeer-]

[...Aah, yep. Hide huh. Hide. Yep. I remember you now.]

[Do, do you really remember mee-]

Hajime obviously didn't seem to remember, but it would be scary later if this Hide

kept asking doggedly (half a year ago, he had tasted "true fear") so he stopped

insisting. That scary face changed into a pathetic look like a puppy that was thrown


[So, beaten up information dealer Hide, what's your business with me?]

[That name feels like it's going to catch up as my nickname, so please spare me from

that. Eeerr, I don't really have any business, but I just caught sight of Hajime-san by

chance, so I only came to give a greeting, that's all.]

[I see. What a honest guy huh. Aa, somehow I recalled you. If I remember correctly,

you guys are that bunch who got cold shoulder from Yue and others, and then you

tried to take Myuu hostage as revenge, and in the end you guys did dogeza while

crying to me right?]

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[...Please don't say anything about that anymore. That is a past that I really want to


The eyes of Hide and his friends turned empty altogether while their body was

shivering. One of them looked like they could burst crying anytime.

After that, Hide and others who talked a bit with Hajime said that if it was children

clothing then they knew of a shop of an acquaintance nearby that was little-known

yet had good merchandise, receiving that information Hajime and others headed

there. Seeing the five scary guys who was like a well trained soldier from how they

continued to lower their head until the figure of Hajime's group disappeared from

view, it went without saying that it caused the gaze of the surrounding to become


[Somehow, it was different from expectation...]

[What we expected had already happened, and it was settled by "that person", and

this is the result huh.]

[..."Settlement" that made dangerous looking older bunch to act like loyal dogs

huh...those guys, did you two see they were trembling...]

[ [...] ]

For some reason the body of the trio shuddered suddenly. And then at that time when

they were pondering whether to continue tailing or to just stop it already, they

witnessed the spectacle of Hajime and group exiting the children clothing shop, and

the delinquent bunches who caught sight of that once more bowing their head to

Hajime just like before.

The trio somehow missed their chance to speak of stopping their observation. And

while that trio was still watching attentively, they saw Hajime and others who asked

for a good café this time before they walked away, and the delinquents who as

expected bowed their head for seeing them off.

Even during the walk until the café, the scene of young bunches who obviously had

preference of living in back alley standing up in panic to give greeting while bowing

their head when they happened to catch sight of Hajime, entered their sight many


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Even when they returned back to main street the same thing happened, bunch of guys

who seemed to be of that kind would suddenly lower their head with gaze that was

filled with terror and respect when they crossed over Hajime's path.

And the clincher of all that, was when a black foreign car stopped nearby Hajime and

group who was having pleasant chat at an open terrace café. From that car, bunch of

men wearing suits and clad in dangerous atmosphere that would blow away the likes

of the delinquents until now were getting off, and as expected even these dangerous

men were also greeting while bowing their head to Hajime. Naturally, the atmosphere

of the café froze due to this.

And then, the last man got off from the car, an old man around sixty years old wearing matter how anyone looked at him, that man couldn't be seen as

anything other than a yakuza boss. That man's villainous face distorted even more

villainous when he talked to Hajime.

[As always, you are in a nice position eh. Having women serving you in this kind of

open place in the middle of day, even though you are just a brat. I want to see the face

of the parent of someone like you.]

[If it's the face of my parents than you know them already right? After all when you

tried to take revenge at me who crushed your idiotic dealing, you thoroughly

investigated my surrounding. Rather, just what business you have with me here huh?

Just as you can see, I'm in the middle of date now. If you intentionally stopped your

car just for saying sarcasm at me, then I'm going to crush you underfoot again you


[Ka ka-, don't say something scary like that. As the side that actually got done in, I

cannot take that as joke here.]

"Don't run off your mouth like that against a yakuza you!" The guests and café

employees around, and also the trio were screaming like that inside their heart, but

when they heard the continuing words of the yakuza boss, this time they froze from

different significance. They thought[Just now, what did the boss said?]

[It's great that this is Japan, and I'm a virtuous Japanese huh. If that's not the case, by

this time you guys will already all become dust and dance at the world sky.]

[...Do you have the self-awareness, that your speech is more yakuza than the actual

yakuza? Haa, well that's fine. About why I called at you like this...]

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It seemed that the reason for the yakuza boss calling out at Hajime was, once in the

past various things happened and one group of this boss's yakuza got annihilated by

Hajime (all members of the group were sent to hospital half-dead while its young

leader had no hope of recovery), now this group was revived back, and the

replacement of the former young leader of this group had been formally decided, so

this boss came to Hajime in order to make the new young leader gave his greeting.

(TN: In Japan, the big boss of the yakuza (called oyabun) stand at the top of the

organization. The yakuza organization itself is divided into several groups where each

group is led by young leader (wakagashira) that answered directly to the oyabun.)

It seemed that it had become a new common sense, that if you wanted to survive at

the area around the city where Hajime was living, then you must not forget about

Hajime's existence. Due to that, the new young leader who knew about the hell

scenery of that time now carried out the inauguration greeting to Hajime

expressionlessly, while being unable to hide the cold sweat that was dripping from

his face.

There was no way Hajime would come if he was called to attend the inauguration

event, and it was unknown what kind of punishment they would receive if they

intruded on Hajime's house or school. However, if the new young leader didn't show

his face to Hajime, then they wouldn't be able to calm down no matter what when

thinking about the future. While the yakuza boss was at his wits end about what to do,

while traveling by car he caught sight of Hajime's group by accident, thinking[This is

the chance-! Let's take care of the unpleasant matter all at once! There is no way we

are going to get assaulted at public place, that's unthinkable!] , he called at Hajime like

this to give the greeting.

...It was really unclear which side was the yakuza.

[I see. Well, as long as you guys doesn't do anything that involved the people at my

surrounding, you can do whatever you want. However, previously there was still

some extenuating circumstances that I took into consideration, so your guys got off

with only being half-dead, but there is no next time. If in the future, even if only

indirectly something happen...I'll present you guys with a really lovely second life.

Forcefully, got that?]

Saying that, Hajime's mouth split into a crescent moon shape.

[...As expected, you are more yakuza than yakuza.]

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The people at the surrounding heavily sympathized[It's exactly as you said, Oyabinsan!] inside their heart. And then, the yakuza boss was attacked with the impulse of

wanting to ask, "just what kind of experience it was that produced a brat like you"

based on his knowledge that Hajime was one of that "returnee", but his instinct from

his long life experience was raising a piercing alarm, so with effort he swallowed back

his words.

Before long, the yakuza bunch bowed their head simultaneously at Hajime before also

speaking in chorus at Yue and others[All of you Nee-san, pardon us for bothering at

the middle of your enjoyment] , leaving behind that bizarre scene they finally drew

back and left.

[Now then, it will be time soon, let's go.]

Yue and other stood from their chair hearing Hajime's words. When Hajime asked for

the bill at the clerk, the girl clerk around the same age with Hajime who had watched

the exchange just now faced the register while saying[Hyess! The bhill ishn't hit!

Thank you very mhucch!] in a state that was really like the template it made him

wondered if she was actually aiming for it.

However, the fact that this act wasn't something intentional was made clear by the

clerks finger barrage at the register buttons which looked like a certain kenpou

master going[Aa~tatatatatatata-] striking the secret points of human body. It was like

a clichéd template so much that she looked pitiful. (TN: I guess this is a reference to

Hokuto no Ken)

The girl clerk was looking for help at her coworkers and manager with a face that

almost burst crying, but they only clenched their fist to convey[Do your best!] without

any sign of lending a hand. The other guests and the trio were as expected only giving

support of[Fight on!] inside their heart without any indication of giving assistance.



Seeing that state of the clerk, Hajime sighed thinking whether this was his fault.

Hearing that the clerk twitched and her body trembled, the girl clerk's secret point

strike (register machine only) was increasingly reaching further height.

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Thereupon, on the hand of the girl clerk that was striking the secret point(register

button) a lot, a small hand was piled up there. The clerk spontaneously screamed[hih]

, but when she understood that the hand came from the little girl Hajime was carrying

she stared blankly in puzzlement.

Myuu smiled widely at that clerk.

[Clerk-san, it's fine nano~]

[A, yes, my, my apologize.]

As expected from Myuu. It was with just one hit. The girl clerk who recovered her calm

safely finished her divine fist training and typed on the register correctly.

Hajime who in a sense got his ass wiped up for him patted on Myuu's head with

gratitude, admiration, and praise. Myuu was smiling "ehehe~" while embracing


Settling the bill, the clerk prepared the change from the register and watched Myuu

and Hajime who were like that, her gaze was attracted at Hajime's unexpectedly

gentle expression and gaze. And then, when Hajime whispered[My bad for scaring

you] with slightly troubled face while receiving the receipt, the clerk swung her head

left and right energetically in denial.

Hajime exited the café while feeling the reproachful glare of the female camp on his

back for some reason. The energetic voice of the clerk[W, we are waiting, fo, for your

next coming――!] and the voice of the café manager that were trying to stop her from

saying that echoed behind him.

[Hey, let's go home already...I'm already, really at my limit in various meaning.]

[Yeah, me too. I want to go home.]

[The rumors were all true. I am convinced now. "That person" really had become a

harem king to the greatest degree...]

A while after Hajime and group exited the café, the trio exited the café with a

somewhat exhausted state. Their observation of Hajime's group forced them into

exhaustion in various meaning. At the same time, they also wordlessly convinced that

it would be real bad if they stalked Hajime's group more than this.

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And then, they turned back at the opposite direction from where Hajime and group

were that moment,


The face of one of the male student got covered by a paper that was carried by the

wind with a plop. That male student cursed[What the hell] while taking that paper

into his hand, he then dropped his gaze to that paper inadvertently...

――That young man stiffened as though he was frozen solid.

[Oi, what's wrong?]

[What are you stiffening for...]

The other two felt dubious while they were peeking from both sides at the flying paper

the stiffened young man kept holding, and there on the paper,

――Not a bad moment that you choose to quit. From now on too, be moderate with

your inquisitiveness, okay? From senpai

Naturally the other two also stiffened. Since when they were noticed? When did this

written? Rather, how did it arrive here? Eh, in the first place, just now, the wind is

blowing right...

Various questions circulated in their brain instantly, then the three moved their head

*gigigi* with crude movements like machine that was forgotten to be oiled and faced

each other. And then, a beat later,


Screaming like a girl, the trio dashed on the path toward their home like a startled


At the following week, it went without saying that additional anecdote was added into

the urban legend of that "you know who"