As the Daughter of Demon King, Part 2

Part 1

A group carrying assault rifle and masked face was rushing through an underground

corridor in a dark building. The place they were heading toward was the place where

the children who were taken as hostage were imprisoned. Their comrades who were

going there went out of contact one after another, so understanding that something

strange had happened to them, this group rushed to that place in panic.

In total there were nearly twenty people in this armed group that was in the middle

of running. One of them who were running at the very back heard the sound like

something jumping at a room the group was passing and he came to a stop reflexively.

His other comrades were gradually rushing ahead, but the comrades nearby him also

stopped running and looked at him questioningly.

He made a gesture that conveyed to his comrades how he heard a sound came from

inside the room, and just in case, he proposed to investigate inside. The men who came

to a stop were six in total, they nodded to each other and left behind two people at the

corridor, and then they passed through the opened steel door and stepped inside the


Immediately after, *kii* the door was making such sound while it automatically, no, a

small hand that wasn't noticed by anyone was quietly reaching down from the ceiling

and closed the door.

One of the men who was left at the corridor spontaneously charged at the door, while

the other man tried to let out warning voice, but just before that, gunshot sound

echoed consecutively inside the room.

[Gah!?] [Guah] Pained voices could be heard, bullets that flew from around the ceiling

granted severe impact at two men who exposed the back of their head defenselessly

and their consciousness was instantly blown away. The remaining two men turned

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around and sprayed bullets at the door from where they entered, but there was no

scream of enemy that resounded inside the room.

In exchange,


Such sinister sound resounded from behind them. The two men moved only their eyes

to look at each other, then matching their breathing they turned around all at once.


[Slow nano.]

Dangling upside down from the ceiling, with a pair of handgun――"Donneer-Schlaag"

aimed at the forehead of the two men, was a figure of a little girl. The two men were

about to spit out some swear words but, before they could do that, the girl――Myuu

pulled the trigger. The head of the two was snapped backward grandly.

*gon* Like that their head clashed on the door and interrupted the intrusion of the

two remaining men that tried to enter inside for an instant. That instant was a fatal

opening against the beloved daughter who had received the teaching of a monster


The moment the door opened with a force that knocked back the body of their

comrades, the dry sound of *pan pan* resounded, at the same time the two men

crumbled down.

...That figure dangling on the ceiling, lured the enemy into the room before shooting

them down still in upside down posture――was truly like the hit man Le○n! (TN: A

character from a French movie, 'Leon'.)

[Now, everyone, before those guys are coming back, we are going out nano.]

When Myuu called like that at the corner of the room, right after that, the corner of

the room where there should be nothing suddenly distorted, from there the figure of

the children appeared. Every single one of them was holding a large cross in their

palm. Those crosses were the artifact "Don't Touch, You Pervert", but as

supplementary function they also had the concealment ability that made use of light


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[He, hey, Myuu. Just now, how did you stand up on the ceiling?]

While moving, Natalia became unable to endure and asked that. To that Myuu

answered with a word[Guts] . Natalia's shoulders dropped while saying[At least I

want you to say that it's magic...] . Of course, the cause that Myuu could be like Leo○

wasn't because of guts, but because of the "gravity stone" and "Air Force" inserted into

her boots.

But, at that time, a sound of explosion resounded from quite a distance.

[Myuu-chan, just now...I think that came from around the place where we were at


[Myu. Perhaps, they got caught up on the trap that Myuu set up there and went pyuu

nano. Their weapons are excellent, but those criminal-san's movement is relatively


[Is, is that so...]

Emile's cheeks cramped from knowing that it appeared Myuu had even did something

like that by taking into account the movement of the enemy while they didn't notice.

Or rather, to listen at a ten year old girl finding fault at an armed caused

him to become bothered about Myuu's true identity all the more.

Like that, Myuu beautifully used gun kata with twin gun art, war hammer art, whip

art, and two sword art to thoroughly take care of the enemies she encountered while

moving. The children were sending sparkling eyes at such Myuu as though they were

looking at a hero while following behind her. And finally, they discovered a door that

had the word "EXIT" written on it.

It was a door that connected to the outside.

While the expression of Natalia and others burst bright in joy, Myuu's expression

turned complicated instead. But, at the same time, she could hear the sound of a lot of

footsteps from deep at the path they had just passed through, so while sighing deeply,

she opened the door while telling Natalia and others to hold at the cross firmly.


[So, you are the devil that slipped in among the children huh.]

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A masked group of nearly thirty people that was fully armed was lying in wait while

aiming their rifle muzzle at the door. Natalia and others screamed[Hii] a bit

witnessing that.

Myuu didn't answer at the question of the man who seemed to be the leader of the

armed group, instead she ran her gaze at the surrounding. The place they came out to

appeared to be a huge warehouse. If it was normally, there should be a lot of material

put into container that was placed in here.

The nose of Myuu who was a sea dweller race sensed the smell of salt, from there she

understood that this place was adjacent with a harbor (she understood that from the

beginning already though). Yes, this place was a warehouse district to deposit the

luggage of cargo ships.

Right now they were in a warehouse that was jointly established with the

management building at the corner of that district. However, inside that warehouse

was crowded with quite a strict security. Not to mention the dozens of armed people,

there were also a lot of heavy weapons and a lot of computers for command room

lined up, in addition, there were also things like armored vehicle that was in the

middle of being camouflaged or a vehicle that looked like a mobile selling car for ice

cream in outside yet had gatling gun and so on attached on the inside.

[Uu~n, from the weaponry and the hostage taking, I have imagined that by some

chance it might be like this expected, you all are not mere kidnapper, but a

terrorist group nano.]

[Just what the hell are you? A bodyguard prepared by the government?]

The terrorist leader was recalling the kid soldier of his own country in the back of his

mind while speaking out his conjecture. Be that as it may, it was hard to believe the

fact that a single girl like this was able to beat up his organization's soldier, and he

was also concerned from where this girl got her weapon.

By all rights, this girl was an irregular existence, someone like Myuu whose identity

they couldn't confirm should be quickly killed, but her abnormality made this leader

to question her.

[Myuu's smartphone, where is it nano?]

[...Answer my question.]

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Even though it should be a checkmate with nearly thirty guns aimed at them, but

Myuu's composed attitude didn't break and she instead questioned back. This caused

the leader's voice to become lower.

[I want you to answer first nano. If you do that, then I'll answer.]

[Do you think you are in the position where you can negotiate?]

Myuu's way of speaking was responded by the leader with the rise of one of his and.

Immediately, a gunshot resounded. One of his underling aimed at Natalia and fired.

But, naturally, because Natalia's hand was clutching "Don't Touch, You Pervert", the

bullet was blocked by an invisible wall and stopped midair.

The terrorists became agitated and went noisy. Amidst all that, the leader was also

looking in wonderment but he then opened his mouth without losing his calm.

[...What is that? So America has even developed something like that.]

[Rather than that, where is the smartphone nano?]

The leader guessed that the cause of Myuu's composure was because of that invinsible

shield, however, at the back his mind immediately a solution appeared, that they could

just directly take away the shield if gun didn't work. And then, if they could steal that

shield, it would be advantageous for their terrorist activity from here on. Thinking

like that, he snickered in his heart.

Perhaps the leader felt whimsical from the composure that he had just obtained. He

answered Myuu's question by moving his gaze. The place where his gaze pointed was

a corner of the simple command room where there were a lot of computers gathered.

Most likely the smartphones of the other children were also there.

[So, who are you?]

This time the leader questioned. Because he had taught Myuu the smartphone's

location, he felt that this time it was Myuu's turn to answer. In response to that, Myuu

was making an exasperated expression while,

[There is no way I will answer nano. You must have something wrong in your head if

you are accepting what your enemy said seriously like that nano.]

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The leader was wearing a mask. But, surely right now a vein was throbbing visible on

his forehead. Really, he wanted to see the face of the parent that was raising this girl.

[Are you thinking, that because you have that shield all of you are absolutely safe?

Something like that can just be wrestled off directly and taken away, and that's it. I

thought that you are someone that had received special training, but you cannot even

make a proper situation assessment, did I overestimate you? Or else, are you thinking

that you can do something against this number of people with that tiny guns or those

primitive weapons?]


The hand of the leader rose quietly. A man at his side guessed what the leader wanted

and whispered something into a wireless, then further group of armed men with more

than ten people appeared from the door behind, in addition, a group of thirty men

flooded in from outside the warehouse and surrounded Myuu and the children.

[Don't take up our time too much. We are going to be busy with our operation after

this. There are still more than fifty men outside. There is no place for you all to escape.

Go back to your prison obediently. Perhaps you kids will be able to return home alive

depending on your parents' attitude you know?]

The leader slapped the children with despair. He showed them the overwhelming

difference in battle strength and also dangled a slight hope in front of their eyes.

Natalia clutched tightly at the sleeve of Myuu's clothes. The other children were also

snuggling at Myuu with scared expression.

Myuu looked over her shoulder to them, while showing a smile that had not even a

speck of despair. It was a fearless smile that would make anyone gulped, her canine

was exposed, her eyes were glaring with fierce atrocity, and her back was straight and


Myuu turned at the leader again, then stored "Donneer-Schlaag" into their holsters.

[That's right, that's how you――]

[Difference of strength? That's too much even for a misunderstanding.]

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The leader took a step forward thinking that Myuu had resigned herself, but his step

reflexively stopped from Myuu's words that interrupted his own words. At the same

time, he saw the figure of Myuu quietly rising her hand straight up.

And then, the crimson jewel that was fixed on the ring finger of that left hand was

beginning to shine for some reason. Noticing that the leader gazed in astonishment.

Myuu fearlessly grinned while resounding her words boldly.

[Since when, you are under the delusion that Myuu is alone?]

[Wh, at?]

Right after that, crimson light burst out. And then, the terrorists who pulled the trigger

spontaneously witnessed it. The bullets they fired were blocked, not by invisible

shield, but by physical obstruction.

Six metallic arms. Multiple legs like spider. On the back, on the front, were multiple

weapons that looked brutal even just from a glance. Stylish head, and then eyes that

suddenly flashed! Strange looking warrior with metallic composition――there were

seven of them.

Walling in Myuu and the children, those bodies that boasted the greatest hardness

blocked all the bullets, yes, they were...

――Grave Sin Squadron Demon Rangeeeerrr!!!!

*DOPAAN!* Out of nowhere smoke screens of seven color exploded, and the seven

living golems took cool poses as they pleased.

Dumbfounded, amazement.

Without distinction of enemy or ally, all the human stiffened.

'Because, this is impossible mon!' It felt like such a tsukkomi of someone that had

retrogressed into an infant could be heard from somewhere.

[If you want to stop Myuu, then at least prepare apostles of god in double digit number

before speaking, nano.]

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[Wwha-, wha-]

Myuu smiled fearlessly at the agitated leader while giving her order.

[Everyoneee~, kill them nano!]

"Aye aye, Ma'am–!!" As though saying something like that, the demon rangers saluted

smartly with adoration, then at the next moment, *gashun* their weapons deployed

with mechanical sound.

The curbstomp began, on the terrorist who was threatening their princess.

The two gatling guns that were attached to one body turned everything inside the

warehouse into mere trashes, the small missile pods attached on the shoulders rained

down missiles like a meteor shower and turned the area into sea of crimson until

outside the warehouse.

Rushing around freely with high speed movement as though they were gliding using

the rollerblade attached on their multiple legs, the portable Acht Acht as their back

weapon and the super electromagnetic cannon fired. The opponent who carried

explosive and launched suicide attack with the resolve to explode themselves was

instantly cut into pieces using the laser blade attached on their two arms and many

legs, the person who tried to use the heavy weapon loaded on the camouflaged truck

was pulverized and sent flying together with the truck body by the giant stake "Pile

Bunker" fired by a Demon Ranger who showed a jump that didn't suit its large body.

[Impossible, America has, created even this kind of weapon-]

(I think, that's absolutely not it...)

When the terrorist leader yelled that loudly while desperately commanding his

comrades to fight back, Emile-kun whose father was actually a US army lieutenant

general showed a dry smile while making such retort inside his heart.

[It's that brat-, kill that brat! They should stop if she is dead!]

"Lucifeeer" and "Mamon" and "Leviatan" were already rampaged until outside the

warehouse, scream and explosive sound echoed from outside. The leader who

survived obstinately amidst all that glared at Myuu like a demon while shouldering a

rocket launcher.

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In respond to that, Myuu took one of the jewels that was fitted on the gun belt on her

waist. It was a jewel that shined yellow like a topaz. But, inside that bullet sized jewel,

some kind of geometrical pattern――a magic circle was carved in.

Myuu held that jewel using her index and middle fingers and thrust it toward the

terrorist leader, as though to oppose the rocket launcher.

And then, she spun toward the world the power of words to cause a supernatural


[Order(Myuu commands)! Syvil Aul Tonitors(Get shocked by the golden lizard)!!]

At the next moment, the topaz emitted a golden radiance, and then in a flash that light

emitted enormous spark while taking the shape of a huge dragon.

[Ah? Ha? Eh?]

While coiling above the head of the princess who had summoned itself, the dragon

that was clad in golden lightning――the "Thunder Dragon" glared fiercely at the leader

who was leaking out idiotic sound, right after that, the dragon raised an intense

lightning roar.


The leader raised a scream like a girl and tried to escape, but there was no way

someone could escape the thunder dragon using human legs, the surrounding

underlings were also got dragged into the roar and the dragon's mouth snapped them


――Myuu's exclusive use jewel type magic invocation artifact "Yue-oneechan's Love"

This artifact would react to Myuu's soul and power of words where she would then

be able to use the magic that Yue sealed into specific jewel (one time use). The colorful

jewels fitted into the gun belt in place of bullets were each charged by Yue's handmade

magic, and only Myuu could invoke them.

It was just like the magecraft that was used by a certain careless family some...

something like that was surely couldn't be said. Before when Myuu was watching a

certain anime she was saying[Jewel magecraft is really cool nano. But, Yue-oneechan's

magic is more amazing nano] . Even though this artifact was the result of Yue's

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affection that gushed out when she heard what Myuu said, but if it was said that there

was no connection with that then there was no connection!

[Myu-myu-myu-myu, Myuu! Just now! Just noww! Ma, magic, magiicc!]

Natalia was getting all flustered while asking for confirmation that 'as expected, Myuu

is a magician!' with inarticulate words.

[Uh huh, that's "Yue-oneechan's Love" nano.]

[Eh? No, that was magic wasn't it?]

[Uh huh, that's "Yue-oneechan's Love" nano.]

[Eh? Huh? Love? No, but magic...]

[As expected, that's "Yue-oneechan's Love" nano.]


Natalia's mind was in chaos! It seemed, that after guts, next Myuu was causing a

supernatural phenomenon with love! 'Geez, isn't it fine already even if you confess

that it's magic!' Inside her heart Natalia was shouting like that.

A hand was put gently on the shoulder of such Natalia. When Natalia looked back,

there was the youth Emile beside her who spoke[Isn't it fine, love] with an enlightened

expression. The capacity of the youth Emile seemed to have met its permitted limit

since long ago. It felt like he could accept whatever was spoken or did as it was if it

was by Myuu. For the time being, Natalia shut up Emile with her fist.

The screams of the terrorists stopped less than five minutes after that.

Myuu left the liberation of the children who were imprisoned at another room to

Demon Ranger and she headed to the command room. There, she discovered her

normal smartphone and sighed in relieve.

[Hey, Myuu-chan. This is...]


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The youth Emile was taking back his own smartphone while looking at the PC's

display which he pointed at Myuu. The PC was mostly broken, so what was projected

in that display was only an image that stayed frozen but, what was reflected there,

was the scene of a destroyed airport somewhere and a smoking stadium.

It appeared, the terrorists not only did the kidnapping this time, but they also

performed terrorist activities at another places somewhere.

Myuu nodded with[Fumu] and walked away *tote tote* briskly, then she stood still

beside the leader who was charred black while smoking up, though it seemed that the

man was still barely breathing.

While Natalia and others were watching over Myuu wondering what she was going to

do, toward the leader who was lying upside down unmoving, Myuu...kicked his



[Quickly wake up nano.]

Leader-san opened his eyes while raising a queer shriek. He was writhing and rolling

on the ground while pressing on his crotch. Myuu called "Satan" to pinion the arms of

the leader to stop him from moving around. That figure who was limply restrained

with his arms spread wide, looked like as though he was being crucified.

[Yo, you, bast――]

[Don't talk as you please, nano.]

Saying that, Myuu once more launched a splendid yakuza kick at the crotch of leadersan.[Hahiiiiii] , leader-san raised a queer shriek once more from that. With the youth

Emile as the first, the other boys were also turning pale with their hands pressing on

their own crotch while standing pigeon-toed.

[The thing that is happening right now. Your plan, your objective this time, spit out

everything nano.]

[Who, who will――]

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Myuu suddenly took distances with brisk steps, then she took out the black whip "This

is Weapon Desu" into her hand. And then, *hyun hyun* she made the whip to move in

spiral around her that caused sound of cutting air.

[I want you to talk nano.]

[Su, such, th, threat won――aa―――!!?]

As expected, the crotch of leader-san who was refusing Myuu's demand while turning

pale, was whipped hard by tip of the whip that was swung fiercely along with *hyun*

the sound of cutting air. Leader-san who was shrieking, and the paling boys, and the

girls who were staring fixedly *jii* at the event development from between the gap of

their fingers of their hands that were covering their face.

[Now now, quickly speak nano! If you won't, then your son's life will be gone nano!]

[Thi, this, DEMON girl-――Aa――――!!!]

[Riight, leeft, riight, leeft, nanoo!]

[Stoopp-, don't lay your hand on my son anymoreee-]

[Until, you talk-, the whip-, won't stop nanoo-]


[Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora-, nano-]

*pan- pan- bishiiii, bashi bashi supaaaaa-*, the whip became a black storm, however,

with a superb strength management, "This is Weapon Desu" was torturing leadersan's son. To left and then to the right, the son was tormented with hellish torture as

though it was receiving Dempsey Roll!

The figure of a male terrorist shrieking from getting his crotch whipped hard by a ten

year old beautiful girl, was right there.

Before long, everything of the large scale terror plan this time was spoken from the

leader who was weeping his eyes out *hics hics* while pressing on his crotch with his

body rounding up like turtle. Myuu who listened to him then stored away "This is

Weapon Desu" and walked toward the leader.

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[I, I beg you. I've, talk already...that's why, please――]

Leader-san was earnestly entreating. The brutal haki that he displayed at first

couldn't be felt at the slightest anymore. Toward such frail leader-san, Myuu smiled

sweetly like a fairy. Leader-san, and also Emile and others, were forming a smile that

was colored with relive thinking that Myuu's forgiveness would be given...

[You can become a manly woman nano.]

[Wai-, do-, AAa――――――!!]

A single gunshot roared. In this day, leader-san's son was called to heaven.

Blowing 'fuh' at the smoking gun muzzle, Myuu then turned on her heel while leaving

a backward glance at the leader who didn't even twitch anymore. It caused the boys

to curl themselves thinking[That's just too merciless] , while Natalia and other girls

were sending Myuu heated gaze with red cheeks thinking[Myuu, how lovely...] .

Myuu who returned back to those children then took out her smartphone.

[Myuu, what are we going to do?]

[Tha, that's right. Terrorism is happening here and there isn't it? Quickly, we have to

inform this.]

Natalia and Emile talked at Myuu, telling her that they had to inform to their father

what was happening right now to the government.

[Nn. That's also good but, I think that surely they won't be able to do anything about

the places that had been blown up already, or the plane that was being hijacked right

now, or all those besieged soldier-san that are stationed at foreign country nano. If it's


Indeed, it was just as Myuu said, the current situation was grave. There were already

several airports and stadiums that were blown up, there were also several planes that

were being hijacked. Near the coast there was ship loaded with missiles in anchorage

where it would soon fire toward a city, while the army that was being stationed at the

country of the terrorists were currently even now being besieged and annihilated in

an isolated situation.

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In addition, the terrorists had another base other than this base, there were a lot of

hostages that were being imprisoned there too, and it appeared that even an attack

targeting the president was being carried out right now. It seemed that the president

was attacked when he was in the middle of returning to the White House from his

outdoor official business in order to deal with these terrorism cases.

Like this it would be surely impossible to resolve everything without any problem. It

was easily imaginable that from here on too, within a few hours there would be great

damage that came out.

Yes, it was just like Myuu said, that was if it was normally.

Natalia and other children were showing anxious expression, however, Myuu was

ahem-ing proudly while puffing up her chest before making a declaration with a voice

that was filled with absolute confidence and trust.

[I'll call papa after this nano. That's why, everything is fine already nano!]

Part 2

*jiririririri*, A ringtone of a black rotary-dial telephone ringing was reverberating at

the living room of Nagumo household.

[Hm? Is that from Myuu? I guess right now is about time htat the party is over huh.]

The receiving phone was Hajime's smartphone. Hajime was smiling warmly from

recalling his beloved daughter going out in high spirits all dressed up while taking his

smartphone into his hand.

[Ou, Myuu. Is it the time to pick you――]

『Papaa! Right now, it seems that the world is in a pinch, so I want help nano!』


The first sentence of his daughter that came out from the smartphone caused Hajime

to spontaneously leaked out an idiotic sounding voice. Yue, Shia, Tio, Remia, Kaori,

Shizuku, Aiko, Liliana, Shuu, and then Sumire who were relaxing in the living room

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went[Oh?] and directed their attention to the conversation. Hajime turned the voice

into speaker mode and then he asked just what did she meant.

『Uu~n, see, when Myuu arrived at the party I was then kidnapped by terrorist. At

the place where Myuu was kidnapped, Myuu acted rashly. As the result of Myuu

having a talk with terrorist-san's son, it turned out that the world is in a pinch. Right

now that's how it is nano.』

[I see, I can understand...not-! Just what were you doing, that it become something

like that...]

『Because Myuu is papa's daughter nano.』

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [I see, I get it.] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

Yue and others nodded deeply at Myuu's words. While staring at them all with

reproachful eyes, Hajime changed his expression quietly.

[So? What do you want papa to do? I don't really get it but, Myuu had annihilated the

kidnappers right? Of course I'll cover it up but, where do you want papa, papa and

everyone else to go and what do you want us to do?]

『Ehehe~, as expected from Myuu's papa nano. Myuu love papa nano.』

Myuu hadn't gave any satisfactory explanation, but Hajime comprehended only the

important point and left behind the trivial circumstance and instead asked Myuu's

wish. Hearing that Myuu said such thing with a joyful voice. Since Myuu was an infant

she had been straight with her expression of love like this, but recently, perhaps was

it just Hajime's feeling, but it felt like there was charm that was excessively filled into

her voice.

When Hajime took a glance at "all the onee-san", for some reason, all of them gave him

a thumb up at once. Hajime could only smile faintly.

After that, Hajime used the compass and determined the locations of terrorism that

were currently happening. He left the house sitting at Sumire and others before using

crystal key to teleport to the locations all over the world.

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Although it was unintentionally, but the terrorists had kidnapped Myuu and intended

to publicly execute her important friend. And the wish of his beloved daughter to help

with that...

For Hajime, the ideal or the sense of value or the objective of the terrorist organization

was already something of no concern to him.

The one who indiscriminately scattered tragedy was them the terrorists. For the

daughter of a monster to be included among those tragedies, and because of that it

caused them to be exposed to irrationality, were nothing more than reaping what they


And that, would be proofed to them within the few hours after this.