I Become the God of the New World?, Second Part

☆Top Idol Lily

In the center of a dressing room that was quite large, Liliana who was buried in

bouquets and also presents and letters from fans was moving her pen with a terrific

momentum *scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch* while still dressed in a cute stage


Without even feeling bothered that her fingertips were dirtied with ink, she kept

moving her pen with a momentum that felt like it would even produce afterimage. The

reason for this was of course in order to draw her manga.

There wasn't even thirty minutes until her next show. And then once she stood on the

stage she wouldn't be able to make it to the deadline. Therefore, she had to finish her

manuscript in less than this thirty minutes!

*whoosh* Liliana's left hand reached out. What that hand grasped was a Calory ○te. It

was a really excellent ration if you ignored how it would turn lumpy inside the mouth.

She had no time to eat since the morning, so she replenished her nourishment like


And, at that timing, regardless of how Liliana's had asked the staffs so that no one

entered the room until the decided time, the door of the dressing room was knocked.

Liliana whose princess skill was lively even in this kind of time was replying brightly

with a voice that would make anyone who heard it to feel happy despite how Liliana's

eyes didn't even look away from her manuscript and how her hand also didn't stop


"Ye~~s. The door is not locked~"

"Eerr, excuse us."

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"E, excuse us for the intrusion."

Seeing the people who entered, then indeed, they were people who weren't a problem

even if the staffs let them enter.

"Ah, Kaori! Also even Shizuku! You two really came for me!"

Just as Liliana said, the people who timidly entered inside the dressing room were

Kaori and Shizuku. The two of them were making a really speechless expression

toward Liliana who was surrounded by bouquets and many other things, wearing a

showy dress, yet her fingertips were dirtied by ink while diligently drawing pictures.

"Somehow, you really feel like an entertainer here.... Eer, so, Lily. You suddenly sent

that kind of mail, [Emergency! Emergency! Hee~lp-. Especially Kaori!] , just what in

the world with that?"

Just as Kaori said, Liliana sent reinforcement request to the wives.

It seemed that she especially needed Kaori's reinforcement, the reason for that was,

"Yes, I'm glad that it's Kaori who arrived first. I'm sorry for the hurry, but please use

the magic to prolong time. Also, it has to be finished in about twenty minutes...for

now, please expand the time difference to ten times. Ah, Shizuku sit over there, please

help with the inking."

" "Eee~~~" "

It seemed this former princess at last found herself lacking time and she now

attempted to solve the problem using magic. Asking to use magic that interfered even

with the principle of the world in order to finish a manuscript――it was a special

bargain sale of an age of god magic. In a sense, it could be said that this was really

fitting for a wife of the demon king.

Kaori and Shizuku couldn't hide their complicated face after hearing the reason they

were called here.

"I understand that you are really in trouble but...somehow I don't really feel it at all."

When Kaori unconsciously muttered that, Liliana lifted her face and showed a crisp


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And then,


"Eh, wha, what is it, Lily?"

"I am Liliana. A woman who will do anything if it's to protect the deadline."

"Aa~, yep, that's right."

Kaori went "Well, isn't it fine" and sent a half-smile at the crisp Liliana while releasing

her age of god magic. With this, a ten-fold time difference was created between inside

this room and outside it.

For a while, the sound of *scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch* and the

sound of *splat splat, plop plop* resounded inside the room. Putting aside the content

of the manga, both Kaori and Shizuku knew very well that Liliana was working hard,

so they seriously endeavored to help her.

Like that, after around an hour, some more reinforcement arrived. It was Hajime, Yue,

and Shia. Even while they too showed an exasperated face at the reason they were

called here, their thought toward Liliana was already like "Good grief, just go until as

far as you can go" , and so they began to participate in helping her.

"Hey, Lily. When we passed through beside the stage just now..."

"Yes? What is it?"

While Yue and Shia were obediently helping, Hajime suddenly started talking.

"Somehow, two people who I recognize really well were wearing black suits and

sunglasses while doing otagei with really smooth move. That wasn't just my

hallucination right?" (TN: Otagei=Fans who were yelling and dancing at pop concerts)

"Aah, about Shinji-san and Yoshiki-san."

"...As I thought, it's those two huh."

"Yes. You don't know Hajime-san? Those two right now are starting up a security firm

and working as bodyguard that specialized in protecting celebrity. This time they are

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accepting to guard my concert also because they are acquaintance."

Liliana was tilting hear head while saying incomprehensible thing like "Since they

became a hot topic that "the otagei of the black suited bodyguards is godly", it seems

they are also undertaking the role of the captain of the groupies" .

Nakano Shinji and Saitou Yoshiki.

Those two who were the bunches who once were doing spiteful harassment toward

Hajime, after the death of Hiyama Daisuke and Kondo Reiichi who the often hanged

out with, they began to change little by little. They displayed a desperately earnest

fight in the legendary decisive battle even when facing the apostles and right now they

didn't hold any antagonism even against Hajime.

Such Shinji and Yoshiki, after graduating from high school they were living aimlessly

without doing particularly anything, but just recently they started up a security firm

that specialized in guarding celebrity.

They were wearing uniform of black suit and sunglasses which would make anyone

want to give a straight-man retort that they watched too many movie, but their skill

as bodyguard was super first class. Their experience in facing monster and god's

apostle in another world was something that couldn't possibly be surpassed by the

like of suspicious person, so it could be said that this was only natural. They had

already piled up many achievements and received deep trust from the world of show


And those two, from piling up many days of being the security of idol concert, they

saw the groupies who were doing otagei activity and it seemed that for some reason

they got triggered. While those two were standing at both sides of the stage to keep a

watchful eye for anyone suspicious, they displayed generously the physical ability

their body was blessed with and completely and thoroughly copied the otagei moves.

Since a video of two bodyguards wearing black suits and sunglasses doing otagei with

really smooth move was uploaded in a certain video site, they were treated as god of

otagei world and won a popularity that wasn't inferior even against the idols at the

present from a part of the community.

Rather, their fame was so much that there were even people who came to the concert

just to witness the "dancing black suited bodyguards".

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"Nn, their dance was really amazing."

Yue said that while lifting her hand midair. She connected spaces using space magic

and tried to secretly have a look.

Like that a hole manifested midair and the spectacle at the other sight of that hole


"Lily-, Lily-! Fuuh, fuuh, fuuh, fuuh!!"

"You guys-, put your soul more into it! Heat up the concert with your whole body and

spirit! Here are the audience seats. But this place is also another stage-"

Shinji was waving around a light stick with really smooth moves while inciting up

more shouts of support for Lily. Yoshiki was showing a movement that was completely

synchronized with his partner while passionately leading the groupies.

"Ca, captain. The movement is just too intense, my stamina is already..."

"These dancing bodyguards...they are monster."

One person, then one more person, the group of otaku was collapsing before the

concert was starting. By the way, the captain referred to Shinji, while Yoshiki was

called as the demonic vice-captain.

Shinji who was dancing single-mindedly while dressed in a smart black suit shouted

at the collapsed otakus.

"Is this fine with you? Ending it here like this."


"Are you fine with this, giving up on everything."

"Cap, tain?"

The group of otaku who was heaving and drenched in sweat, turned their eyes toward

Shinji who was smoothly dancing.

"We are, the people who protect the idols. We protect their body, their heart, we are

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the people who offer them our life so they can shine!"

The smoothness in Shinji's dance was gradually increasing. It was truly a master-class

otagei that was filled with soul and spirit!

"Stand up you guys! Never Give Up! If someone doesn't give up, then they will surely

be able to reach the summit of their dream! A man taught that to me!"

The gazes of Yue and others turned toward Hajime. Surely if talking about a man who

exerted strong influence to Shinji and others, then it could only mean Hajime.

Shinji's words that were overflowing with spirit caused one of the collapsed otaku to

ask in amazement. Even during that time, Shinji was drawing a beautiful trajectory of

light stick in the air while demonstrating an artistic dance.

"Captain. Just what is your dream? Just what is it, that make you go until this far!?"

It was a heated question that came from an otaku who was somehow swallowed by

the place's atmosphere. Right now, the people who collapsed, and also the people who

didn't, everyone was drenched in sweat while directing a serious gaze at Shinji.

"What is this for, you ask? That's obvious."

Shinji looked at them, and then he looked at his pal, then he declared powerfully!


*DOLL DOLL DOLL~~*, the proclamation of Shinji was echoing inside the concert

venue that was in the middle of preparation. It echoed really clearly.

...It seemed, that was the main reason why they founded a security firm that

specialized in celebrity. Yoshiki beside Shinji was looking up to the sky while his lips

formed a thin line as thought he was biting his lip against something.

"Wha, what are you saying!? Something like that is obviously impossible! It just cannot


The otaku who asked just now argued. But, such words didn't reach Shinji. The reason

was, because Shinji had seen it. In a world where he was walking along right beside

death, he had witnessed the indomitable spirit of that man!

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"No, it's not impossible! Because I know! I know a man who even though he was

dropped into the bottom of hell, even though he faced nothing but despair-, yet he

continued to struggle without giving up and created a harem-. A man who day after

day, is always having a debauch party with transcendentally beautiful girls-. The man

who reached the summit-"

*gachari* A sound rang. When Yue and others came back to their senses with a 'hah'

and turned their gaze toward the sound, over there they saw the figure of Hajime

drawing out Donner. It seemed he was planning to snipe at Shinji through the

connected spaces. In panic, Shia moved to stop him using Cobra Twist.

"Even we, if we don't give up we should be able to achieve a shotgun wedding with

idol! We should be able to do it! Or rather, about this matter, even if we put aside

Nagumo, I just cannot grasp how the hell that Endo can create harem-. Why, why

Endo? Why am I no good huh? Forget harem, there ain't even any sign I'll be able to

get a girlfriend y'know. Or rather, there ain't even any encounter. There ain't even a

tiny bit of it! I ain't popular at the level 'am I actually cursed as retaliation for harassing

the demon king in the past?' level already here! GODDAMN IT ALLLLLLLL-"

Right now the light stick was leaving behind afterimages while Shinji's otagei was

showing a movement that was unthinkable to be at the level of human. That was, the

dance of someone who had stepped their foot into the territory of god! The

manifestation of the overflowing yell of the soul!

"Captain...a person like you is..."

"Are you trying, to challenge the impossible..."

"Heh. What an idiot. But, I don't hate it yeah, a passionate idiot like you."

The otaku group was starting to stand back up! Perhaps they felt sympathy at that yell

of the soul that laid everything bare. A fearless grin was emerging on every single one

of their――

Yue closed the space.

"...Nn. Lily. Is this okay?"

"Ah, yes. Yue-san. Your precise work really helps."

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"Yes, Lily. I also finished here. What's next?"

"As expected from Shizuku. That's an excellent work. Please do this next."

They resumed their work as though nothing had happened. It seemed they decided

that they didn't see anything. Even Hajime who ate a smooth transition from Cobra

Twist to Triangle Choke by Shia also obediently go back to his seat.

"Come to think of it Lily. Is there anything particular in your surrounding?"

"Anything, particular?"

Hajime asked while he was rubbing his neck. Liliana sent Hajime a glance while tilting

her head without dropping the speed of her pen at all.

Hajime was putting tone on his manuscript page while nodding "Yeah" .

"Look, recently my existence became known right? Especially because Kaa-san

dropped the bomb."

"Yes. Well, even if Hajime-san called it dropping the bomb, but I too am calling Sumireokaasama as "okaa-sama" normally, so it became known with natural flow though."

"No, not just about your relationship with me, but also about this and that in private."

Those words caused Liliana's face to spontaneously turn red.

Just some time ago, when Liliana received interview in television, Sumire also

participated there as a special guest. At that time, Sumire jokingly said "Liliana is the

wife of my son you know, so don't make a move on her okay~" .

If that was all then it would be nothing big because it was something already known,

but Sumire who got carried away then dropped the bomb by frankly exposing a part

of the married private life between Liliana and her son. That was already a talk that

could smash apart the dream of the male fans into pieces.

Furthermore, Sumire also casually said "It's not just Lily-chan you know~" while

giving hints that Liliana's partner actually also had other women and he had an

indulging relationship with those women too.

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Naturally, there was no way the media wouldn't bite at the impure private life of

Liliana-sensei who was a beautiful manga artist and also an idol who was at the peak

of her popularity, though Hajime crushed the commotion before it could create a stir.

Thanks to that, for some reason the topic wasn't getting excessively discussed in TV

shows and the like, but even so it didn't mean that there wasn't any effect at all.

One of the effects was the rash acting of a part of the wildly fanatic fans.

"Before this too, you almost got attacked by a reckless fan right? Who knows what can


"Perhaps that is so but, currently there is no sing like that. Besides, I'm not so weak

that a civilian can take me by surprise. I have also trained much in "Hauria-style close

quarter hand-to-hand combat art ~This is the bunnies' way y'know~" from Shia-san's

direct teaching."


Hajime's gaze turned toward Shia. Shia looked aside. When Hajime muttered "It's

really fresh how the style name is accompanied with subtitle there" , Shia's cheeks

blushed with a puff. There was no doubt that her currently invisible rabbit ears were

surely a flopped down rabbit ears from shame.

"Rather than that, everyone. Can you all come to listen to my concert today?"

Liliana changed the topic to wave off Hajime's worry and also implying that she was

fine. Hearing that question, Hajime and others looked at each other's face.

This was the stage where their important family was standing on. Although they had

attended her concert several times before this, it was impossible for them to go home

after coming this far. Their answer could only be one. With an unanimous decision,

they would cheer at the idol wife, and idol fellow wife.

After that, Liliana who somehow managed to finish the manuscript before the

deadline handed it over to her editor with a really nice smile. The editor gave a thumb

up with a posed look before she straddled her beloved motorcycle Kawasaki's Ninja

ZX10-R and vanished into the city. ――Though she was a woman who finally welcomed

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her 60th birthday this year...

Like thatthe last concertfor today began. Liliana in her fluttery and frilly dress lavishly

sent winks and *twinkle-☆* and heated up the venue.

Below that stage, even the two black suited and sunglasses bodyguards who were

taking position as security while demonstrating smooth otagei like they were

possessed, they were greatly heating up the venue by becoming one with the otaku

group whose gaze seemed to conceal some kind of determination.

After the concert closed the curtain with enthusiasm and excitement and fulfillment,

surprisingly there was still works for Liliana to attend an autograph and handshake

session. Even while Hajime and others were getting exasperated with just how much

work she was doing, they still stood from slight distance away and watched over

Liliana who was currently mass producing fans with her 'former princess & real idol


Fan number 1――a silver haired and mismatched eyes young man with atmosphere

like a stepping stool reincarnator. (TN: Fumidai tenseisha(stepping stool reincarnator)

= a term for characters who are used as foil to make other character look good, or

characters that tried to carry out wicked scheme only to meet unfortunate end

themselves at the end. Like Kouki or Hiyama, I guess. I just looked up thisterm in a hurry,

so please correct me if my understanding is wrong.)

"Lily-sensei. I'm a great fan! It's a lie that you have a husband right!?"

"Thank you very much. Can I trouble you to teach me your name?"

"Eh, ah, I'm Satoshi."

"...To Satoshi-san, here. Thank you very much for always coming to my concert.

Please come again next time okay?"

"Yo, you remember me...yes-. I'll absolutely come! I will cheer for you!"

Fan number 2――a girl with her front hair styled like Sada○.

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"Sensei. What do you think about love between the same gender?"

"Can you please tell me your name?"

"u...○ko, desu."

"Aah, you are the person who were always cramming your fan letter with the words "I

love you" aren't you? Thank you very much. I'm happy that a cute girl like you is

supporting me."

"a, u"

"Please support me from here on too."


Fan number 3――A male hero wearing a high-class suit that had the embroidery of

super-deformed Lily.

"Lily-sensei. I come here today bringing a marriage registration. Plese, give your sign

at here."

"That's a splendid embroidery no matter how many times I see it. What's more, it

always has different pattern each time. If I remember correctly, you sewed it yourself

right? I feel embarrassed somehow, thank you very much. So it's fine if I sign here then.

Fufu, what a humorous person."

"Say, Lily-sensei. I cannot read this though...are these letters from a country


"They are Hairihi Kingdom letters. ...Is it, no good?"

"-. Don't be absurd. Though I will be happy if next time I can have you write it in


"My. Ufufu. Then, please come again at the next concert okay?"

"Of course."

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Fan number 4――An onee-sama person who was strangely muscular

"Lily-chaaan! The concert today is also reeaally great!!"

"Dear me, I'm totally moved"

"Fufu, thank you very much for every time. It's because all of you onee-sama are

always cheering up with loud voices(deep voices) that I immediately notice when

onee-sama's group is coming."

"Oh noes, how embarrassing. When we are excited, our voice unconsciously turned

ju~st a little bit burly you knooww"

"Oi, just now, someone said [It's not the level of burly anymore. That voice was

completely like the voice of beast] , who's the guy saying that, aaa!? I'm gonna

butche――cough-. I'll give him punishment mon."

"Now now, Kenji――cough-. Reika-san. If you make that kind of gallant face(berserker

face), everyone will be charmed(traumatized) you know? Rather than that, please

come next time too without fail. I also want to meet all the other onee-sama."

"Ah geez, Lily-chan, you always know what to say to make us happy. Yes, of course, we

will come to cheer for you again. After all we, the members of "Manly Woman Path", all

of us love Lily-chan so much!"

Even while conversing intimately with the fans, Liliana was still handling the long

queue so swiftly it was a mystery.

Seeing her like that, Hajime commented briefly.

"So deep."

It seemed he commented about the fans.

By the way, all those fans would participate in the event where Liliana appeared every

time without fail, so Hajime and others also knew their face. And then, Hajime became

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really uneasy with their speech and conduct, so he investigated their background from

feeling worried.

What he understood from the result was, for example the fan number 1 the young

man, his appearance was completely like a stepping stool reincarnator, but actually he

was a splendid monk with priesthood. He disguised(?) himself using wig and colored

contact and attended Lily's event secretly.

Furthermore, fan number 2 the girl, she was actually the young daughter of Japan's

preeminent great conglomerate that managed long-standing department stores. Fan

number 3 the male hero was the oldest son of a lawyer family that had continued for

generations, a son of the current chairman of JF○A. Fans number 4 were the Japan

version Chrysta――the leaderships of an organization that took control of the

underworld of the underworld of the pleasure district of the whole Japan. (TN: Japan

Federation of Bar Associations.)

Other than them, there was a frog faced virtuoso doctor that was said to possess god's

hand, a detective that often said 'in the name of my grandfather', a super high school

student level female high school student, an unfortunate looking young man that

called a fat kitty cat "sensei" , a foreigner whispering "The human of this star is――"

while holding a canned coffee in one hand...etc

Certainly they were really deep. Those fans came from a deep fan stratum. There was

no doubt that inside Liliana there was an ability to attract people. And then, she

conversed intimately with those men and women of dee~p character, sometimes she

ignored them, sometimes she led them on, and she then ended the conversation in a

pleasant note and sent them back. Seeing her figure like that reminded Hajime and

others of the princess who once fiercely fought against the nobles and empire

diplomats using smiling face and dignity and words (thorn and indirect implication

are optional).

"It's true they have deep personality but...how should I say it, Lily's personality, it's

different from normal idol, it's..."

Kaori spoke in hesitation while her cheeks were twitching. Yue and others

supplemented on her saying with an expression that seemed to say that they really

understood what she meant.

"...They are clingy."

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"I can feel obsession from them desuu"

"Perhaps this is saying too much but...recently I also feel something like worship

from them."

Exactly like they said, actually a really small proportion――in places like BBS in

internet and so on, a topic that talked about 'there are a lot of fellows with screw loose

among Lily-sensei's fans' was spreading.

"Is this really fine?"

Kaori was staring at Liliana worriedly. Following her, Hajme and others were also

staring at the figure of the idol princess who was showing a natural and perfect smile

that was overflowing with so much elegance and intimacy.

For Liliana who had been competing against veteran nobles and foreign diplomats

since her childhood, it was a trifling matter to pound a degree of information of her

fans into her head. If she could exchange words with them for just once, she would

never forget their face, and if she conversed with them just for a bit, even from just

that she would see through what kind of gesture and way of talking they would like

and dealt with them using that.

Against someone like that, there was no way an idol fans wouldn't have their heart

captured, which continuously increased the production of fanatic fans even now.

Like that, by the time the line was handled until only half remained, the worry of

Hajime and co became reality.

"Sorry but, you can stop right there."

Before Hajime and others moved, Shinji who was standing by near Liliana quietly

walked forward and called at one of the fans to stop moving. At the same time, Yoshiki

moved casually beside Liliana.

"Eh, eh? Wha, what is it?"

"...I won't say anything bad. Just go home for now. I don't want to create a disturbing

topic in this kind of place."

It was a man who looked like a fan who was told right to the face "Please leave" by a

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black suited bodyguard. The fan looked cowering without any composure, but behind

his hanging down long hair could be seen a glaring gaze peeking out.

The young man argued vehemently with small stifled voice why it was only him that

got stopped like this. Shinji's gesture and gaze expressed that he would never let the

man pass. The overwhelming pressure from Shinji that was different from a civilian

greatly scared the young man while also made him lost a bit of temper.

The bright atmosphere until now completely changed and the fans and staffs at the

surrounding felt a strained tension in the air. While they were starring uneasily

between the young man and Shinji, Liliana who guessed the situation stood up.

"Shinji-san. I'll be fine, so please let that person through."

"No, but still. This is also pretty much my work..."

Liliana called at Shinji. Shinji frowned with a troubled look while looking behind over

his shoulder.

But, at that time, the atmosphere of the young man who was shrinking away from

Shinji suddenly changed entirely. His fingertips that were moving restlessly stopped


"Shinji? Right now, you called that man by name? That man who should be a mere

security guard?"

That voice was small and sounded a bit stuttering like before. However, a hint of

dangerousness that came from boiling great emotion could be felt from it.

Perhaps the people at the surrounding also felt that hint of danger, they were starting

to take distance like a tide drawing back.

In the middle of that, it was only Liliana who kept staring straight at the young man

and she nodded.

"Yes. I called him by name just now. Because he is my friend."

"You act as you please again in a place where I don't know. What a bad child. You always

always, with other man at a place where I don't know. Even though I have been this

patience like this. Even though I was thinking of forgiving you about that self-

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proclaimed husband too."

"Forgiving? Why, do I need your forgiveness? What is that forgiveness for?"

"Shut up-. I won't forgive you anymore-. Unforgivable-"

The young man was talking incoherently, however, seeing Liliana who was staring

straight at him without faltering and asked him back, the young man faltered in return

and he shouted.

Like that, he entered his hand into his breast pocket and took out a kitchen knife from

there. Before this the security had carried out inspection when audiences entered at

the beginning, so it was unclear how this young man could bring in something like

that. Shinji and Yoshiki grimaced at the hole in security.

The surrounding people screamed and they backed further away. They were forming

a circle around Liliana and the others where there was nobody else other than them.

Hajime looked like he was going to move at the corner of her sight, but Liliana stopped

him with her gaze. In respond Hajime scratched his cheek before he leaned his back

on the wall to show he that he was watching carefully. That gestured showed his trust

toward her, at the same time it also expressed Hajime's intent that no matter how the

situation ended up he would help her dealing with it. Liliana's cheeks loosened slightly

seeing that.

Although, for the young man, it seemed he saw that smile as something that was

mocking him. He shouted "So you are also laughing at me-" while charging forward

with the kitchen knife raised high.

Shinji sighed while clenching his fist to subdue the young man. But, beside him a

silhouette stepped forth smoothly.

Of course, it was Liliana. Behind, Yoshiki leaked out a stupid voice "Ah" .

"You-, you forever, belongs to meee-"

"First, you should hear what other people say."

The kitchen knife was swung down. The surrounding people held their breath. They

screamed and averted their eyes from the tragedy that would happen in the next

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In an instant.

The up and down of the young man was reversed.

"Ah, eh?"

The young man leaked out a confused voice at himself who before he knew it was

rolling on the floor with just a light impact.

"I don't know what kind of life you have experienced until now, but I'll feel troubled if

you are demanding from me the responsibility for that feeling where things cannot go

as you wished it."

The young man came back to his senses from those words of Liliana. He forcefully

stood up once more and rushed while shouting again. He thought that surely just now

he only slipped.

But, the result was the same.

Just before he could touch Liliana, his field of vision was overturned in a circle and he

then faced up to the sky along with a light impact.

This time he understood. That he was thrown down by Liliana.

The humiliation and the reality that wouldn't move like how he wanted caused the

young man to spew out words that were already hard to comprehend while this time

he charged forward trying to stab his knife.

But, perhaps it should be said as expected. The arm that he thrust out was softly

grasped, right after that the young man's body revolved around Liliana once like a

satellite in contrary to his wish. He was swung around back to the path he just came

from and then he was pushed away by one of Liliana's hand.

"I'm very good in remembering people's face. However, I don't remember you."

The screaming young man charged. Liliana's arm rolled up his arm, and then she

twirled beside him as though she was dancing on the stage and she flung away the

young man with a really natural flow.

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"In other words, you had never came to an event where I participated even once. Isn't

that correct?"

The young man was only thrown without any pain. The young man whose face was

dyed bright red from shame and rage was rapidly approaching while swinging around

his kitchen knife senselessly, but...the arms of Liliana who smoothly stepped close

to the young man gripped his collar, at the same time, the young man was thrown

down to look up to the sky without being able to offer any resistance.

"Most likely, you had watched me through television at home. And then, it caused you

to hold an emotion that lead you until you are causing something like this. But, is that

really something that you wished for?"

Irimi Nage(Stepping-in Throw)

Kote Gaeshi(Wrist Reversal)

Shihou Nage(Four Directions Throw)

Tenchi Nage(Heaven and Earth Throw)

Kokyuu Nage(Respiration Throw)

Kaiten Nage(Rotation Throw)

Liliana was talking about the situation while continuing to knock down the young man

unharmed with her techniques at the center of the empty circle.

"Oi, Shia. Is that the "This is the bunnies' way y'know" you taught Lily?"

"Please don't mention the subtitle... I don't really teach her anything. I taught her the

basic of hand-to-hand fighting, and also the basic of Aikido more or less, but in the

first place I'm not someone who is using that kind of flowing Aikido."

"But, isn't that guy practically handled by bunnies there?"

"That's why please stop it with the bunnies, Hajime-san. That's something that Lilysan learned by herself. It seems she watched the technique in internet video and

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copied from that."

"What's with that learning aikido through correspondence. Is that girl actually a

hidden buggy character huh?"

"Isn't that right desu. She is already in the level where it might be dangerous for me if

I don't use physical reinforcement in our bout. I tasted the terror of Aikido before this.

Well, even so I don't really have the motivation to learn it though. As I thought, for a

rabbit it has to be an impactful battle that made your blood boil and your flesh dance."

"Just what kind of rabbit you are huh? Ah, you are a rabbit from another world."

While Hajime and Shia were conversing about Liliana's hidden talent, a sobbing sound

was starting to echo in the venue before one knew it.

When they looked at there, the aforementioned young man was crouching while

raising a sad weeping voice. As for Liliana, there wasn't even a single crease on her

frilly idol dress and her breathing also wasn't disordered at all.

The audiences were still petrified from admiration and shock. Shinji and Yoshiki were

taking out Uma○bou from somewhere and turned completely into spectators. What

happened with being a bodyguard?

Liliana approached the young man who was continuing to do nothing but crying in a

posture that looked like half prostration. And then, she began to gently brush the

young man's head.

"It's painful isn't it? It's so tiring, so much so that you cannot stand up anymore isn't


It appeared that while Hajime and Shia were conversing, Liliana had gotten out the

circumstance of the young man from him. And it seemed that Hajime and co had

interest in the young man's circumstance and emotional state as much as they had

interest with the darkened skid mark on the road that they completely failed to hear

the story.

Feeling the sensation of the gentle brushing on his head, the young man raised his

head in astonishment while crying. Liliana smiled gently to him. And then, she

whispered something into his ear.

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When the young man received those words, his face that got soppy from tears and

snots became even more disheveled and he broke out crying loudly once more.

Liliana gently brushed the young man's head once more. She looked like a mother

consoling her child.

It appeared that she succeeded in persuading the madly rampaging young man. A

completely speechless air was flowing inside the astonished concert venue.

Hajime ran his gaze through the venue, before he suddenly started clapping. Of course,

it was in order to prompt the praising toward Liliana who even though she was

attacked, instead she admonished down the attacker. He did this because he didn't do

anything, so in exchange he would at least give cover fire.

The scheme of Hajime who took the role of being a hired applauder splendidly struck

home. At first there was only sparse applause, but gradually it was getting louder

before at last grand applauses reverberated like thunder along with cheers.

Even though there wasn't any encore or anything, yet the venue was filled with

repeated call of "LILY-! LILY-!" .

In the middle of that, Liliana who seemed to guess Hajime's intention sent a glance at

expressed her thanks to him with her gaze. Right after that,

"...Oi, did you see?"

"...Nn. Her lips, for an instant, really it was only just for an instant but――it grinned."

"It felt like she said [Just as planned] ...don't tell me, this assault situation is planned?

...How terrifying."

"No, Shia. There is no way, surely it's impossible to plan for that young man to be here.

Everything from the persuasion and then Hajime's applauding act until the reaction

of the fans, it isn't anything like 'just as planned'."

"Shizuku-chan. As for me, rather than saying it's [just as planned] , I think it's more

like [Ku-ku-, seizing the mentality of the mass is no trouble at all] . Remember, even at

that time in the decisive battle she also said something like [Manipulating the mass is

just too simple] ."

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When Hajime and others returned their gaze to the scene while feeling slight shudder

in their back, over there they saw the figure of Liliana responding to the applause of

the fans while smiling gently like a holy mother and helping the young man to stand


What was truly terrifying was this most excellent queen who properly possessed both

purity and impurity.

The beautiful girl that was a famous shoujo manga while also being an idol, she had

suppressed an assailant right from the front using martial arts, and she didn't stop

there, due to the dramatic development where she reformed the assailant, the fans in

this place became delirious with passion and went wild with enthusiasm.

Surely this unexpected occurrence would become news at night today that would be

broadcasted to the whole country. Like that, Liliana's fame would be going to a new

height without knowing any place to stop.

After that, just as expected, Liliana's fame was climbing high with a momentum that

pierced the sky. Even people who held no interest to manga and anime watched and

read the dramatic and touching news and began to hold interest to Liliana's existence


And then, Liliana freely used her inherent princess skill and responded to the people's

wild enthusiasm in entirety.

And not just that.

The young man who was reformed from Liliana's words talked how Liliana was a

being that was overflowing with kindness, that he was saved by her, that she was

exactly the goddess of kindness and salvation who descended to the present world,

and with a respond to a television's news coverage as the impetus, sometimes there

were fan letters or blog posts with content that talked frankly about the sender's

troubles reaching Liliana.

Naturally, Liliana wasn't able to personally go to resolve those troubles, and she also

didn't have any intention to do such thing.

But, even though Liliana herself was unable, Liliana knew a lot of acquaintance who

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were able.

There was the chunibyou monk, or the yandere young daughter of a great

conglomerate group, or the lawyer wearing a painful-to-look suit, or the group of onesama who were running in full speed through the path of manly woman, or a doctor,

or a detective, or an apparition, or an alien...

Of course, she also had a lot of connection that she obtained from her days of working


And then, Liliana was a former princess. She excelled in using people more than anyone


After that it went without saying.

With pure virtue and correct calculation, Liliana used her fans to help her troubled


If you ask then you will be helped.

When such story spread, naturally the quality and quantity of people asking for help


When six months passed, the number and content of the requests for help became

something that Liliana couldn't possibly deal with by herself. However, if she said "I'm

stopping already" here, a riot would occur with certainty. After that Liliana devised a

plan while feeling that she became unable to pull out.

That plan was,

――Liliana Aid Network

Such thing, in a manner of speaking it was the starting up of a "jack of all trades".

The difference with the normal jack of all trades was how it didn't have any employee

who would bind the contract or act at the scene other than employee that dealt with

the paperwork.

Liliana who categorized the gathered troubles in the dedicated site, aggregated them,

and scrutinized their degree of priority and the content would then make her

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judgment. And then, she would choose from among the registered members of her fan

club the person capable to resolve that problem.

There wouldn't be any reward. If there was any reward, then it would be the direct call

from Liliana that asked "please" and preferential right for her event. And then, the

words of "thank you" that they received directly from Liliana at the dawn when the

trouble was resolved.

But, this system was surprisingly functioning.

The Liliana fan club members with de~ep personality and who were ridiculed by a

part of the community as bunches with dozens of screw loose in their head, they

would move with the readiness to work like a slave for the sake of "please" and "thank

you" from Liliana.

That was already a kind of great wave. The great wave that was sometimes generated

at the turning point of the era, that also should be called as the flow of the world.

The saved people became fan club members, and then those members would then

saved other people, and those people who were saved would become the fan club


That cycle was without end, and before long it surpassed Japan and spread even

overseas. "Liliana Aid Network" became a foundation before she knew it and even

began to reach out its hand toward world scale relief activity.

One time it stopped a regional dispute, one time it established infrastructure in a

developing country, granted education and goods to unfortunate children, planted

greenery on a completely withered land...

And then when she realized...

" " " " "Your Holiness-! Your Holiness-! Your Holiness-! Your Holiness-!" " " " "

" " " "Holy Mother of Kindness! Holy Mother of Kindness! Holy Mother of Kindness!" "

" "

Hairihi Volunteer Association, became Hairihi Religion.

"How did it turn out like this..."

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In an event that commemorated the production of her manga's live-action movie,

Liliana who was standing on the stage in order to sing the theme song was muttering

with twitching cheeks.

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☆Living God Lily

"Uu, really, just how did it turn out like this..."

Liliana who was doing the final check of the paperwork while doing ten second charge

inside the office in preparation for her conference with the secretary general, returned

to reality from her long reminiscence that she did before she knew it. It was actually

really like Liliana for her to verify her paperwork and eating simultaneously even

while reminiscing. (TN: Ten second charge seem to be the slogan of a jelly drink in


Liliana was unconsciously letting out her complaint while thinking that recently she

wasn't able to meet Hajime and others again. But suddenly a reply came back in

respond to her complaint.

"That's obviously because you are a princess."


There should be no one other than her in this office. Naturally, Liliana who let her

guard down because there should be strict security in this place raised a strange voice.

When she turned her gaze, she saw there a rift in space and the figure of Hajime who

came out from there.

"Hajime-san! Geez, please don't startle me."

"That can't be helped. Even though I'm your family, but in this place with a really strict

security where the secretary general of the UN is also in attendance, how I can say

something like 'I came because I just want to talk a bit though, I'm also family so please

let me in'. There is a limit even in being unable to read the atmosphere."

"...Hajime-san. Before I realized you have become someone who is trying to read the

atmosphere. You have really become an adult. Just as I thought, a person will mellow

when he have as many as seven children."

And then, 'I'm always getting a late start...' saying that Liliana's shoulders dropped

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in dejection.

"Just what are you saying? Even though you cannot even go home enough from getting

so busy with the work as the founder of a new religion."

"Uguu. It's harsh getting told that."

Liliana pressed on her chest as though she was getting stabbed, but she immediately

pulled herself together and made a fearless smile.

"But, that too will be over soon. If I can have this association recognized as an official

volunteer organization from this conference, I too will be able to beg off from all duty.

In the content of the agreement with the UN, there are requirements to establish an

inspection division that is configured with only UN personnel as a monitoring

mechanism, and also a decision-making body that has to accept at least one person

from every country where they will vote to make decision. This association will stop

being an organization where anything is decided with the will of just me alone. It will

be a democracy you know Hajime-san, democracy! Like that my authority will be

shaved and I will fade out naturally from here!"

"...Is that kind of plan going to be okay?"

"It's fine, there is no problem. ...Fufu, if the conference this time can go well, then I

will retire. And then, I too will make a child with Hajime-san and devote myself in


"Somehow, it feels like you are raising up flag there."

Hajime's expression turned lost for word seeing the holy woman going 'ehehe' in a

trip of delusion about her calm and happy future.

"Oops, come to think of it, Hajime-san, you want to talk? You are coming expressly in

this timing, does that mean there is anything important?"

Liliana noticed Hajime's expression and she went 'hah' and returned to her senses.

She tilted her head and threw a question at Hajime to varnish over her act just now.

Still with a complicated expression on his face,Hajime said "Aah,there is nothing really

important" while shrugging.

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"Well, how should I say it...what I want to say is, I also quite like Lily who is working


"...That's a surprise attack. What's more, I feel really complicated whether I should

be happy or not."

Even while she was saying that, Liliana's cheeks were blushing red.

"Wh, why so suddenly? Saying that kind of thing in this kind of timing, isn't that exactly

something like a flag?"

"I guess. But, I wantto say it ahead just in case. Remember, quite some time has passed

already since your workaholic behavior was identified, but in the end you are

undertaking completely staggering job like this. You aren't addicted to work anymore,

but in the end, Liliana S. B. Hairihi is unable to change her way of life, isn't that how it



She retired from being a princess and wished to grasp the happiness like a normal

girl――like that the kingdom's people saw her off and she came to this world. Even

though it should be like that, yet right now Liliana was going to tackle a conference

with the top of the world where her fate was at stake.

Even though she tried doing part-time work, even though she tried to become a shutin NEET, even though she tried to become a manga artist, even though she tried to

become idol, but in the end perhaps the path that the human called Liliana was

walking would always ended up converging to a path where she took responsibility of

many people and stood in the lead to guide them.

It was because she was a princess. It was because she couldn't stop being a princess.

Was it just as expected, that she was unable to live the way she aspired for? In the end,

was a person like her an existence who would put her beloved as secondary?

Liliana's shoulders dropped and she answered her own question.

Hajime who was watching such Liliana with a wry smile slowly approached her side.

And then, he gently pinched at the cheek of Liliana who was showing a depressed


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"I came here not to make you wear that kind of face. Didn't I say it? I also like Lily who

is shutting herself inside the office like this while getting chased by work."


"Isn't it just fine, even if your aspiration stay as aspiration. Isn't it just fine, even if you

put your husband as secondary. It is also not bad in its own way even if there is at least

one wife treating me roughly. You see, it's Liliana's individuality that other wives

doesn't have."

"I don't want that kind of individuality at allll"

Even while saying that, Liliana was fawning on Hajime by rubbing her cheek on

Hajime's cheek.

"Well, that's how it is. Just go without getting too worked up. Because no matter where

Lily is going, I'll properly run after you everywhere."

"Fufu, thank you very much. Hajime-san. But, as I thought, I will do my best here.

Because I am Liliana. A woman who won't let my aspiration stay just as aspiration. Or

rather, I want a child."

"That's what you're stressing on?"

They smiled at each other and their lips overlapped naturally.

But, at thattime, a reserved knocking sound that sounded like it was being considerate

to the two's tryst was resounding.

"Looks like it's time already."

"Ou, go do your best, your holiness."

"Geez, please stop saying your holiness. I am the chairman."

After joking, they smiled once more at each other and Liliana left the room behind.

She didn't look back at Hajime who was left behind and she straightened her back with


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And then the result of the started conference.

Before the mass media, the UN secretary general declared with blushing cheeks.

"She is truly-, the goddess who descended into this world! She is a living god! Hairihi

religion will bring about salvation to the world!"

The populace gathering outside the conference building while watching the broadcast

in real time, and the people watching television, they all raised cheers simultaneously.

"How did it turn out like this!?"

The scream Liliana raised was lost among the cheers that were raised even by the

press people and vanished in vain.

Before, at another world, an existence that introduced himself as a god talked about

his ambition that he would also become a god in earth. He proclaimed that he would

become the god in the new world for sure.

But, the result was that the mad god was defeated by the demon king.

And then right now, in the place of the mad god, a wife of the demon king――

Became the god (?) of the new world.