Christmas Special After Story – The Small Santa-san of Nagumo Family

At the time of year that was already beyond the middle of December where snow was

sparsely falling from the cloudy sky. In order to resist the severe cold, while the

kotatsu and heater were raising humming sound, the people of Nagumo family were

eating with relish a warm specially made stew (the ingredient was an UMA lurking at

an unexplored region of earth).

"It will be Christmas soon huh.... Myuu, what kind of Chrstimas present you want

this year?"


The lovely beloved daughter asked Hajime with her cheeks stuffed with the meat that

came from UMA but was terribly delicious, looking like a squirrel.

Myuu hurriedly swallowed the meat of something *mokyu mokyu* and then she

showed a thinking gesture for a bit before answering with a wide smile.

"Pile bunker!"


Papa stiffened spontaneously still with a smiling face. Indeed, he gave her present of

numerous artifact weapons at the amusement park last year, but as expected Hajime

was troubled of how to answer when he was getting coaxed for a demolition weapon

with this kind of pure smiling face without any cloudiness.

Myuu who seemed to treat Hajime's speechlessness as refusal got dejected. And then,

with an upturned gaze and reserved tone, she coaxed for another thing as though to

observe at Hajime's reaction.

"It's fine, even if it's just Hyperion."

The destructive power was raised. Just what in the world was reserved from this


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Sumire and Shuu were desperately enduring their laugh with trembling shoulders at

the dialogue between Hajime and Myuu. Yue and Shia looked exasperated, and Tio

looked admiring. Amidst that, Remia who was unable to just watch spoke justification

in the place of her daughter.

"I'm sorry dear. Good grief this child, she is pleading for something outrageous

again.... Regrettably, it looks like that she is influenced by the game she is recently


"Game? A game that make you want pile bunker or sunlight convergence laser, just

what kind of game that is?"

"It looks like a war game with the stage at the near future."

Hajime turned his gaze at Myuu with a question "Is that so?" in his eyes. Myuu made a

gun shape with her fingers and then spoke words that seemed to be a signature phrase

with a posed look.

"I'm gonna dye everything crimson yeah! Nano"

"I'm confiscating it right now. Tou-san, we are putting restricting in Myuu's PC! A

strong one! Help me later!"

Surely the geography of somewhere would change the next day after a Hyperion was

gifted. Hajime who was shuddering asked for cooperation in a hurry at Shuu.

But, Shuu in question was instigating "Hyuu-, Myuu-chan is so cool!" together with

Sumire. And then, Myuu was also saying terrifying thing like "That's cruel papa! Myuu

had finally obtained a nuclear nano! Even though I'm looking forward to use it in the

next war!" .

Hajime in his own way was responding "It's no good picking up something like that!

Toss it away, far away!" for some reason. Myuu puffed up her cheeks like balloon. It

seemed she was dissatisfied.

Hajime felt that it appeared he was at disadvantage talking about Christmas present

and for the time being he beat a tactical retreat. ...The demon king-sama who came

to kill even a god right from the front was running away from an argument about

present with his daughter.

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'Cough' Hajime papa cleared his throat and diverted the topic.

"Aa~, come to think of it Myuu. What about the condition of Belfegoor and others? Are

their transformation mechanism working normally?"

"Yep! It's amazing nano! They went gashon-gashon, it's totally cool nano! Also the

other artifacts are just like Myuu want it nano! As expected from papa! Thank you


"I see. That's great. But...there is nothing dangerous in there so I created them

normally without particular care, in the end, what are you going to use them for?"

Hajime who breathed out in relieve at the successful topic change asked Myuu

casually. It was about around a week ago, Myuu suddenly strongly begged him, she

said she wanted the living golems to be installed with transformation mechanism and

also several artifacts that felt like they could become necessary tool for a spy


Recalling that, Hajime asked curiously after this late, but ahead of his gaze, his beloved

daughter who he believed would surely answer him with a smile was...

"...My, Myuu will put them to use for a peaceful activity, nano."


For some reason her gaze was swimming around and she returned a vague answer.

The mouth of the little girl who was saying the desire to dye the world crimson just

now, was speaking peaceful activity suspiciously. Hajime papa's eyes naturally turned

staring fixedly.



Hajime papa's fixed eyes were staring fi~xedly. The gaze of the suspicious Myuu was

swimming around even more.

Stare~. Fidget fidget. Stare~~. Twitch-, fidget fidget.

"...Well, I'm not going to forcefully ask though."

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After everything, Hajime had faith that Myuu wouldn't use it for something stupid and

he made a small wry smile before removing his pressing gaze. Myuu let out a relieved

sigh while her cheeks loosened up limply at Hajime papa who gave her his trust.

Hajime also smiled gently.

"...Really, what a similar parent and child."

"Isn't that right. Like their way to dodge the topic or the way they escape. Every year

they are turning more similar."

"Rather, doesn't Goshujin-sama noticed? Before thinking about game, Myuu's

dangerous speech and action art mostly coming second hand from Goshujin-sama."

"Ufufu. For Myuu, Hajime-san is also her idol after all."

"Even so an elementary school student asking for pile bunker or laser cannon is still

not normal though. As expected from my granddaughter!"

"That! My granddaughter is in different level compared to those other elementary

school students."

The whispering conversation of the wives and Nagumo spouses caused Hajime and

Myuu to feel like running away and they concentrated at the stew pretending to not

hear anything. That harmonious behavior of the parent and daughter made the dining

table to be enveloped in laughter.

"...Putting aside the present, where is Myuu want to go at the Christmas day?"

Myuu began to be troubled "Uu~n" at Yue's question. Was it fine if they went to the

same amusement park like last year? Or else, should they called her friends and papa's

underlings(classmates) to party?

Myuu hummed 'un un' while wracking her head about what kind of Christmas should

they have. Seeing her like that, Hajime suggested with a smile.

"Then, how about staying over somewhere at the Christmas Eve day? Like overseas,

or another world."

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If Myuu wished it, then he would take her anywhere for sure. Hajime papa declared

that full of vigor, but it seemed that today was a day where he would eat the counter

of his daughter to the utmost.

"Ah, that's impossible nano."

"? Impossible? It's not that you don't want it?"

"Nano. Myuu have a plan for the whole day in Christmas Eve."

"You are going to go play with your friends ?"

Hajime asked while putting UMA meat into his mouth,

"It's not playing nano."

He stiffened. In the day of Christmas Eve, she wasn't going to play with her friends, or

spent time with family. However, she had a plan that wasn't playing. What's more it

would take the whole day. *drip* A cold sweat trickled from Hajime papa's forehead.

"Myuu. What's your plan?"

Without even any leeway to feel doubt at Yue who was holding her laughter beside

him for some reason, papa asked with a feeling of "Don't tell me" , but

"...It, it's a secret from papa nano."


*clang* Hajime dropped his spoon. His expression was in shock. Hajime papa couldn't

hide his shaken feeling at "the secret of his beloved daughter" that he had never met

even once until now.

"Spe, speak honestly, Myuu. Surely in that plan of yours you are going to meet

someone, and that someone is a girl right?"

"...Myuu will meet various people, so of course there is also man nano."

It was a critical hit at Hajime's mind. His beloved daughter said that she would meet a

man at the Christmas Eve! What's more, it wasn't "boy" but "man". Okay, finally it's

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your turn after so long pile bunker. For the pervert lolicon bastard who dare to aim at

the family's daughter, a present of lovely scrap time!

Perhaps feeling the turbulent sign from Hajime who stood up wordlessly, Myuu gulped

down her remaining stew and said "Thanks for the food!" before she left the living

room with fast pace *sutetete-*. The overly fast movement caused Hajime papa who

was in the middle of feeling shaken unable to even call out at her.

But, just when he thought so, Myuu's face popped out from the living room's entrance.

And then, she stared fi~~~xedly at Hajime and,

"Papa. If papa try to follow or investigate Myuu's matter at the Christmas Eve...Myuu,

won't speak to papa anymore nano."


Hajime's knees collapsed. Without being able to even stop Myuu who rushed

*sutetete-* once more to her room, he was crawling on all fours without even the

slightest twitch. The damage was grave!

"A godslayer crushed with a sentence...fumu. Perhaps it's only Myuu who art able to

do something like this whether before or after."

"Ahaha~. Hajime-san is weak against Myuu-chan even more than against Yue-san in a

sense after all."

Tio and Shia were giggling leisurely. Yue and others also nodded at them in agreement.

But, the next moment, Hajime stood up in a flash. And then, with an expression that

gave uneasy and emaciated impression,

"Nagumo family meeting! The, the...the whatever many times of Nagumo family

emergency family meeting will be hold! The topic is about the trashy scum bastard

following about our daughter!"

Naturally, everyone was continuing their meal normally.

The day of Christmas Eve.

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In the palace of another world Tortus, work was being done routinely without

anything particular happening. The busy officials were running about or else they

were dealing with paperwork bit by bit on their desk.

In a room of such palace――in the office of Hairihi kingdom's king, a boyish king who

still hadn't really fit the atmosphere or the desk size yet was moving his pen with a fed

up expression.

"Your majesty, will you take a rest soon?"

"Mu. No, I'll do it a bit more. Elder sister is not here. If work is piling up during such

time then it will be too shameful. Or rather, just how did elder sister finished this

amount of work always in that kind of short time huh?"

"She was doing them normally you know? Only, it was done with astonishingly fast

motion though."

"...Since I was enthroned and also did my duty, now that I've recently get used with

the work, I often think this but...elder sister is human right?"

"...Your majesty. You will be scolded by Liliana-sama you know?"

The warning voice from the troubled private secretary made Liliana's little brother,

his majesty the current generation king of Hairihi kingdom――Randell to sigh deeply

"Haa" , while thinking "Elder sister, won't he come back quickly I wonder" .

"If I remember correctly, she was invited for earth event called "Kurushimasu" right?

She looked really merry when she was picked up directly by that guy." (TN: Christmas

in Japan is read Kurisumasu. Kurushimasu meant suffering.)

"Your majesty, it's "Christmas". Your pronunciation makes the supposedly joyful event

to sound like a hell torture."

Recalling his sister who was in high spirits since the morning thinking of that hateful

son of a bitch, Randell let out a deep sigh. His first love was taken away by that person,

but he didn't stop there, that man even bared his poisonous fang toward the sister that

he respected. Randell swore "I'll punch you flying someday" . Inside his heart. He

wouldn't say it out loud no matter what.

Randell's feeling became as though he had bitten something bitter, but suddenly, he

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recalled a certain character and he muttered to himself.

"...Is it no good, if I also go there?"

"It's no good."

He was cut down easily by the private secretary. Randell went "But you see""However,

still" acting fidgety and restless for some reason with an indecisive attitude. The

private secretary who knew what was inside the heart of such boyish king held back

from sighing while opening his mouth to say something in persuasion――

At that time,


"Hiih!? What's going on!?"

Suddenly the office's window was threw open loudly, from there a red shadow flew in

like a bullet. Randell hugged himself with both hands like a girl while jumping to his

feet. The private secretary also twitched from the sudden happening, yet he rushed

forward to protect his majesty from the intruder.

"Wait, Myuu-sama!?"

"Whaaat!? Myuu you say!?"

Shocked voices were raised when they saw the true identity of the intruder. Randell

who was shaking in his boots behind the desk also threw his gaze at Myuu who was

quickly smoothing over her appearance.

"No, I'm not Myuu. I'm Santa Claus!"

Myuu who was wearing red and white clothes was indeed wearing the appearance of

Santa. Her lower body was clad in mini skirt and short boots, it was a cute clothes that

were arranged with frills and fluffy pompon all over. Her head was wearing a droopy

Santa hat and she was carrying a large bag on her shoulder. All those factors certainly

made her a Santa-san.

Myuu twirled with a beautiful rotation as though to show off her exclusive Santa

cosplay created by her family for her. She stood sideways and winked with peace sign

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over her eye. It was the signature pose like a certain idol somewhere! *Sparkle-☆*

Such sound effect could be hallucinated from that!

"Cu, cute..."

The male Randell. It seemed he got one hit KO-ed from the *Sparkle-☆*.He was staring

at Myuu in intoxication.

The private secretary who sensed somehow that the king seemed to be of no use was

wondering 'Just what is the security of the palace doing.... No, this is the daughter of

his majesty the demon king, anything is possible isn't it, haha.' He whispered so inside

his heart while asking with a voice that was oozing out tiredness.

"Myuu-sama, just what are you doing? What about the plan of enjoying "Christmas"

with Liliana-sama?"

"I'm not Myuu nano. I'm santa nano. Santa will distribute present in Christmas nano."

"Present, is it?"

The secretary tilted his head. With a glance at Randell who was still in a daze, Myuu

fished around inside her white bag. Like that what she took out was two beautifully

wrapped bundles.

"Merry~ Christmas! These are presents from Santa to the two good children nano!"

"My, Myuu is giving me present? Uu, Myuu, someone like you is really..."

"Oh, for me too? Fufu, this is truly a happy surprise."

The eyes of the secretary who received the present turned round while also accepting

it happily. He guessed that it seemed Myuu was going around distributing present in

accordance with this event called Christmas. It felt like his everyday tiredness was

blown away, and he was making a really warm expression.

On the other hand, Randell was whispering things like "Myuu is giving me present. To

purposefully go as far as crossing world for my sake.... Hah, don't tell me, Myuu is

actually having feeling for me!?" .

"Well then you two, work hard nano! Santa will give present to other people too nano!"

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"Yes, Myuu-sama. Thank you very much for the present."

While the private secretary and Myuu were exchanging harmonious words of parting,

Randell whose expression was feverishly delirious returned to his senses suddenly.

"Wa, wait a second, Myuu!"


"Tha, that's. It's. ...If you like, won't you spend today with me? I'll personally prepare

a return gift for you!"

The secretary gave a straight-man retort through his gaze "You, read the atmosphere.

Rather, she just said that she is giving present to other people too" . The young king

didn't even pay attention to his private secretary's expression and was desperate to

stop Myuu from leaving.

Randell kept prattling on and on while glancing repeatedly at Santa Myuu with

blushing cheeks.

Just from this, it could be guessed that Randell whose first love was scattered that

much was now falling into a difficult love once more. During the few times of his

contact with Myuu when she came to play in the palace when brought along by that

guy, Myuu who interacted with him friendlily different from other people of the same

age around him, and also seeing how their age was relatively close caused him to fall

for her so easily.

Myuu who was tilting her head at such Randell didn't know about what was inside his

heart, but she could guess that Randell was trying to make her stay and with a cheerful

smile she――

She declared to Randell whose expression turned bright seeing her smile.

"Randell's eyes are always indecent so no way."


Randell turned into stone. Myuu dealt additional blow at him still with a smile!

"Papa told me nano. Myuu must not get near that kind of man. That's why Randell,

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don't get too close to me nano!"


The male Randell. Even after becoming a king he fell on his knees. Seeing his majesty

who was on all fours while holding his chest, the private secretary sent him a look of

sympathy. Myuu said "Bye bye nano~" while jumping out from the window.

Later on at the palace, the voices of the servants and soldiers who were happy with

the surprise present from the cute Santa could be heard mixed with the crying voice

of the young king who screamed "That bastard(demon king), I'll murder him

somedayyyyyy-" in an outburst of anger.

*whoosh-* The sound of a sharp slash resounded, and a fiendish monster was

crumbling in two.

"Fuu. Is this the last of them?"

The one who whispered was a young man wiping the sweat on his forehead with his

hand――Amanogawa Kouki. After many twists and turns, he who had saved several

other worlds was even now working hard like this to remove the threat to people as

an adventurer.

"Kouki-san, great work."

"We are finished too over here, Kouki."

From inside the deep forest, the two who appeared pushing through the grasses were

Kouki's party members, the former goddess-sama and former queen-sama of another

world. These two were also female hunter who were currently competing for Kouki

also after many twists and turns.

"Aa, thanks for your hard work you two. You two aren't injured right?"

"Everything's fine. The strength of a goddess is not so small that monsters of this level

can possibly do anything."

"Former goddess you mean? Also, certainly what is small isn't your strength but your

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breast there."

"Aa? I'll turn you into cinders you know? Queen (lol)."

"Oh? Just try it if you actually can, no good goddess."

Just like usual, Kouki was starting to take distance bit by bit while staring with eyes

that looked like dead fish toward the former goddess and former queen at both his

sides who were glaring from really close as though seeing each other's parent's killer.

But, at that time Kouki's presence detection detected an unknown existence

approaching them with terrific speed.

(-, fast!?)

Kouki opened his mouth to warn the two at the same time when that fell from the sky.

What landed with an impact that shook the ground was,

"Re, reindeer?"

Kouki was spontaneously dumbfounded.

Yes, it was a reindeer. With bright red nose. However, it was super big with length that

was almost three meter long.

The red nosed reindeer-san stared slightly at the dumbfounded three people, and then

its mouth suddenly fell open. Inside it there was a fiendish object that looked really

familiar for Kouki...

"Why is it hereee!?"

Kouki yelled such thing while he wasted no time to hold the other two and evaded

from the line of fire. It was at that moment, *dopan-* a bursting sound and flash that

were also familiar surged out, blasting away an enemy approaching from behind

Kouki and others that Kouki had also detected.

Kouki put down beside him the former queen-sama and former goddess-sama who

were still dumbfounded and he stared at the mechanical death god reindeer-san while

his cheeks were twitching. Thereupon,

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"Myuu-chan.... So it's you."

Kouki hung his head down crestfallenly. Santa Myuu's face peeked out all of sudden

from the reindeer's back, and with a hop she flew and twisted midair with a triple turn

before landing beautifully.

"Why are you in this kind of place? That outfit...aah, today is Christmas huh."

"Correct nano. For hero-san who has been a good child through this one year, there is

a present from Santa nano!"

"Hahah, I see. ...A Santa who make an entrance by riding a grim

expected from Nagumo's daughter."

Toward Kouki who was muttering with a subdued air, Myuu returned a package while

saying "Yes! Merry Christmas!". Myuu also handed over present to the former goddess

and former queen-sama who were still dumbfounded.

"Thank you Myuu-chan. Can I look inside?"

"It's fine, but Myuu is really busy getting around the world nano. That's why, I'm

leaving already nano."

Myuu jumped on the slaughter reindeer-san――actually the inside was

Belfegoor――and then she said "Bye hero-san! I wish you a good another world

summoning next year too!" while flying away.

"Don't give me that kind of ominous prayer!"

Kouki's shout ended in vain, the figure of the demonic reindeer-san that reached the

speed of sound instantly was already gone.

Kouki let out a long sigh while he tried opening the wrapping of the small present

carefully. Even after everything he said, he opened the wrapping while his cheeks were

loosening that he was also given a Christmas present.

"Hm? This is...ring?"

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What came out from the box were pair rings. On the small paper that was included

inside, "They are engagement rings! Please give it to someone that you love!" was

written with round characters.

Kouki got drenched with sweats from a bad feeling.

"Kouki-san, thank you very much. For you to prepare this ring of eternal oath, I'm

really happy."

"Kouki? Naturally, you will give it to me right? Right?"

Over both his shoulders, the former queen-sama and former goddess-sama were

peering in smilingly wrapped in muddy black aura. Kouki was about to activate

Ground Shrinker reflexively to take distance, but the two tightly grasped his shoulders




*creak* Unpleasant sound rang from Kouki's both shoulders.

Kouki's eyes turned into dead fish eyes once more while at the bottom of his heart he

yelled at the small Santa who presented him with pair rings despite preparing

presents for three people.


After that, it went without saying that the thunderous sounds of the struggle for the

pair rings resounded deep inside the forest. And then, it also went without saying how

later Kouki went around bowing his head at every related place for the reckless

destruction of nature.

At Britain in the bureau chief office of the national security bureau,


Such dee~~p sigh was let out. The one whose eyebrows twitched in reaction to that

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was the person who was wholly famed as a walking and clothed cool-headedness,

Chief Sharon Magdanese.



A sigh even deeper than before caused an irritating air inside the chief office. Vein was

starting to emerge on Chief Magdanese's forehead. There, even more sigh assaulted.



Chief Magdanese who snapped threw a paper knife. The owner of sigh who

immediately shook his head while raising a pathetic scream unconsciously――Allen

saw the paper knife passed through right beside his forehead, without stopping the

knife stabbed *pasun* on the wall behind him.

"Wai-, what are you doing, chief!"

"I said it already, it's depressing. Just what's with you since some time ago?"

Chief Magdanese sent a gaze that was even colder than the open air of winter at Allen

who was the cause of the irritating atmosphere in the chief office with his deep sigh.

Allen twitched from such gaze, even so he spoke his reason.

"No, because, this situation makes me want to sigh. Chief, today is Christmas you

know! Through the world now lovers are having a date, they are preparing and flirting

in preparation for tomorrow, they are having their fill for that kind of embarrassingly

happy event, yet when it come to me, I'm doing work work work in this kind of place

from morning until night. Tomorrow will be work too! Just what is the meaning of


"Even if you say that, there are a lot of other staffs other than you who are also doing


"That's true! But, Paradis-san, she is normally having holiday giggling and making

merry! Aby-san and others too, they are having embarrassingly happy event! You

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know, yesterday she already wore Santa hat while working! Just seeing that

atmosphere of her that said [I'm really looking forward for tomorrow!] , my heart is

already at the limit..."

"Be relieved. I put Paradis's Santa hat into cutting machine right in front of her eyes


"Cruel-. No, not that, even if there is something like that but the emptiness inside me

isn't mitigated at all."

"You don't have a lover anyway so it's pointless whatever you say. Just keep with your

wild dream."

"Cruel-. Uu, isn't there a woman somewhere who will be kind to me..."

Allen grieved. There a voice resounded.

"Thinking that is the case, I came! Merry Christmas!"



Allen reflexively pulled out a gun and rushed toward Magdanese, and Magdanese who

held her breath. When both of them turned toward the ceiling from where the voice


"Merry Christmas! Granny Sharon! Also Allen!"



The pane of the ceiling was taken off and there was the upside-down face of Myuu

suddenly peeking out from there. Let's say this in advance,the ceiling of the chief office

wasn't constructed with detachable pane. It was protected with steel plate twenty

millimeter thick.

Actually, Magdanese and others accomplished having a meeting with demon king

family with Lord Abyssgate's introduction. Naturally, they also became acquaintance

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with Myuu. However, for some reason Myuu seemed to be pleased with Magdanese

and since then she called her "Granny Sharon" intimately.

Although it was a wide world, the one who called the national security bureau chief

who even terrorist would beg at for their life while crying as "granny" was surely only

Myuu. It went without saying that not just Allen, all the bureau staffs accompanying

them including Vanessa opened their eyes wide hearing that. The shock was so great

that Myuu was talked as a legendary super little girl within the bureau even now.

*thud* Myuu landed after somersaulting midair like a cat which caused Magdanese

and Allen to make a really speechless expression.

After [Berserk Case] which was the first case they solved with Lord Abyssgate, they

went through many more cases where there was quite a lot of chance for them to meet

Myuu. Therefore, they only knew too well that Myuu wasn't just a mere little girl.

But, for the specially strictly guarded chief office of the security bureau that should be

impossible to even be infiltrated by the average agent to be so easily penetrated...

"Granny Sharon! Merry Christmas! For granny who is working really hard this year

too, there is a present from Santa nano!"

"This naughty angel."


Magdanese turned into a mere Granny Sharon. Chief office's security? Security

bureau's honor? In front of the angel's smile those were trivial matters.

Allen's eyes opened wide seeing the warmly smiling Magdanese. Even now he felt like


When Magdanese tried opening the present, there was a simple necklace inside.

"See, about that, just by wearing it will make blood circulation better, and it will take

off fatigue. It's so Granny Sharon can be healthy all the time!"

"The words just now already make me able to fight for a hundred years more. Thank

you, Myuu."

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"No, chief. That's already just a monster――"

*sukon-* A fountain pen stabbed Allen's forehead. Allen screamed "Noo-OOOOH"

while flopping around with his hands pressing on his bleeding forehead. The pen was

pretty much stopped by Allen between his bare hands before it could go through, so

only the tip pierced in, but something painful was painful.

Myuu approached such teary eyed Allen with trotting steps and her small hand

caressed Allen's head.

"Are you an angel?"

"I'm Santa."

Toward Allen who became even more teary eyed from being treated kindly, Myuu

offered a present "Here, Allen. Merry Chris!" .

By the point of time he was called without any honorific by an elementary school

student, it could be seen just in what level Allen's position inside Myuu, but the

Christmas present from a girl although a young one caused Allen's tear duct to finally


"Uu, even though I'll absolutely make you happy if only you were born ten years faster"

"Sleep-talking when you are asleep, nano."

The ears of Allen who was in the middle of feeling moved beautifully ignored the

stinging words.

Floods of tears were flowing from Allen while he opened the thin sealed envelope. It

felt complicated to call the item a present when it was something that only looked like

a letter, but for the current Allen it was something irrelevant.

And then, while he was reading the letter inside the envelope, tears were starting to

flow out even more like a waterfall from Allen.

"Thi, this is, real? It's not a prank, or a fake for surprise?"

"Yep. Myuu was only entrusted with the letter. What's left depend on Allen nano."

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"Hi, hi, hi――"


Magdanese directed a disgusted gaze at Allen who was suddenly starting to repeat"hi"

as though he was convulsing, but the moment she quietly evacuated Myuu away, Allen

yelled "Hyaho―――――――ii!!" while jumping up.

Without pausing he then got so high spirited it made anyone wonder if he was going

to ascend to heaven soon while hopping around inside the office.

"Myuu. What is that letter?"

"It's from an onee-chan that is papa's former classmate. Before when they were

together just for a bit at the case before this, she felt interested at Allen she said."

"...That's, really...what an owner of rare taste that girl must be."

A present for Allen. That was a letter that had the writing of a contact number of a girl

of a certain group that was summoned to another world. The girl who previously got

a bit involved with a case that dragged in Lord Abyssgate had the opportunity to act

together with Allen for a short while.

The middle aged agent who lamented his inability to get a lover despite actually being

a brilliant agent was greatly joyful that the spring finally came for him too.

"Ah, right. There is one more present for Granny Sharon nano."

"My, what is it I wonder?"

Magdanese tilted her head. Myuu smiled cheerfully at her and handed over a piece of

memo paper. Magdanese accepted it and saw that there was only an address written

there and his head tilted further.

"Myuu, this is?"

"You see, that's the address of the building where a group of half dead terrorist-san is

locked in nano!"


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Magdanese's eyes spontaneously turned into dot. And then, Allen also stopped his

joyful dance.

Myuu shouldered his white bag and crossed over the room until right below the

opened hole.

"See, these terrorists-san, looks like they planned to make a concert venue where

famous people gathered for Christmas go boom nano. That's why, Myuu destroyed

them a bit nano. It will be terrible if granny cannot return home in Christmas day


"Ah, yes. Right, thank you?"

"...Myuu, chan"

Myuu said "Then, have a nice Christmas!" at Magdanese and Allen whose face was

greatly convulsing, and then she leaped up to the ceiling. And then, at the next moment

the opened hole in the ceiling became like before as though nothing had happened.

Inside the chief office where death silent had returned, Allen spoke something that

was too late already.

"...Chief. I more or less read the mood and pretended to not notice but..."


"Myuu-chan's Santa clothes. Weren't there strange spots on them? As though, there

was red liquid that got splattered on them."

"...Send personnel to this address. Quickly. Send ambulance too."

"Yes ma'am. ...Since when the red of Santa became the color of blood spurt I wonder."

"...Surely since the daughter of the demon king was born."

There was slight smell of blood remaining. The Santa of Christmas was hungering for


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"Fuu. Somehow I delivered all the presents nano. Santa-san has it hard nano."

Myuu who returned home using gate whispered so while stretching her body. The sun

was already sinking, delicious smell was drifting from Nagumo house.

She had literally went around the world to deliver present for the people related to

Nagumo family. Although it was possible to teleport using gate, it was a really hard

work for Myuu who was still little.

But, this too was something necessary for her to do to not let the connection that her

beloved papa and his underlings(friends) had formed to be severed. Because she

didn't have great power like her family, because she was powerless that she had to be

helped by someone else, what she could do was only to convey that she treasured,

loved everyone.

And then, for the last, Myuu would do the greatest that she could do for her most

important people.

Wanting to make it a surprise, she deceived her papa in various things but.... Yueoneechan and others who knew about the circumstance surely had explained it to

papa skillfully. Myuu believed in that and pulled herself together.

She opened the entrance's door. Right away, the sound of a demon king somewhere

rushing near with loud footsteps as though in a rush entered her ear. 'Nyufu' A strange

laugh leaked out. Myuu sucked in a deep breath following her overflowing emotion,

"I'm home & Merry Christmas! I'm bringing a lovely present yeah! Nano!"

It went without saying, a lovely present for Nagumo family was the large love of the

small Santa.