Shia Arc: Yes, With Pleasure!!

The scene of death that Shia's characteristic magic, "Future Sight" showed.

In the end, something that could possibly kill the demon king and the bug bunny.

Shia was glaring at the black metal box she sent flying from Hajime's hand with her

rabbit ears standing tense on end alertly.

Hajime too also put up his guard fully seeing Shia acting like that.

But, after contemplating for a while, he approached the metal box with brisk steps.

And then he casually picked it up.

"Yosh, let's open it."


Shia retorted


while slapping Hajime's hand. Hajime lightly dodged it.

"Hajime-san, are you listening? That is bad news you know? Something that can kill

even us is inside it you know? And yet why are you going open it so calmly like that!

Hah, don't tell me, do you have some kind of worry that you cannot say to us!? Please

don't be rash! Suicide is no good, absolutely――"

"Calm down."

Sure kill artificial arm finger flick burst on Shia's forehead. Shia bent backward as

though she was just sniped on her forehead. She was holding her head saying

"NUOOOOOH, my brain is shakiiing!?" while arching like a bridge.

"Uu, why is it I'm unable to defend against Hajime-san's tsukkomi? The current me is

alert and my physical ability is also increased, so just a finger flick shouldn't be this


"That's because it's "Super Penetrating Finger Flick" after all. I have a lot of penetrating

type skill to transmit impact to the inside that I mastered for your sake."

"…Why is that, for my sake?"

Shia's posture was flexibly returning from the bridge shape to normal while she asked

with fixed stare.

Hajime returned a complicated expression in response.

"Because you, ain't you a Termin○tor bunny who made *kan-* sound when fired with

normal bullet and repelled it like it's a normal thing. Railgun is too dangerous, and as

expected I don't want to seriously try to hit you. In that case, I'll need a technique that

can go through you to a certain degree even if it's just a blow right?"

Just as Hajime said, Shia in a state using "Steel Clothes" could use her flesh body to

repel attack if it was just at the level of normal bullet. Although the bullet wasn't

electromagnetically accelerated, as expected even Hajime would look at Shia with

twitching expression thinking "This girl ain't living thing anymore" when a bullet

made *kan-* sound and got deflected back at training time.

Although, Hajime was also a man. He didn't want to take the option of not doing

anything while his card was sealed by his lover. There, so that he could inflict a telling

blow even against Shia in the state of "Or rather this rabbit, don't mention blade, even

bullet doesn't work anymore, seriously", he mastered a technique of the type that

penetrated to the body's internal.

"U, unknowingly, I was strengthening Hajime-san even further."

"Not just my artificial arm, I became able to do it even with my flesh body. I also

developed a special stun bullet that give pain but no damage――I named it "Gag


"What pointlessly high technological strength."

'Wait, that's not the point!', Shia returned the deviating talk back on track.

"If Hajime-san isn't trying to avert your eyes from particularly harsh reality, then why

the heck you are going to leap head first into your own death?"

Hajime's answer toward Shia's question was extremely simple.

"No, I'm not gonna die."

"Eh, no, but…"

Certainly, Shia's Future Sight that informed her of her death had activated. Thus Shia

couldn't hide her bewilderment toward Hajime who for some reason was convinced

that he wasn't going to die.

Hajime spoke the truth toward such Shia with an exasperated face.

"Now see here, try recalling it carefully. That ability of yours, it's simply showing "the

possibility of death" in the end, it's not like it's settled that you are really going to die

for sure if you are following that path."


"For example… try remembering when you saved Aiko at the city of Ur. At that time

you should see the image of you pierced by the magic of a devil race together with

Aiko and die."

"That's right. Because I was accidentally on the line of fire. But but, I was saved

because I avoided that future you know?"

"What are you saying. You wouldn't die even if you didn't dodge for sure. At your

position that time, even if your heart was pierced, I got the god water on hand



Shia finally guessed what Hajime was trying to say.

Yes, regarding the happening that connected to Shia's death, her "vision of death"

didn't go as far as including the "response" after that to make the judgment whether

she would die or not. Till the end it was only showing her the happening that was

directly connected to her death.

At that time, Shia got hit directly by the magic and got lethally wounded. Certainly, if

after that "nothing was done to her", even if it was Shia, no matter how tough her body

and life force were, she should be died.

However, if she was made to drink god water by Hajime, naturally she would be saved.

In other words, other than "evading beforehand" the happening that would directly

connect to her death, "the vision of death" could also be averted by "evading death by

dealing with the aftermath".

"Certainly, the inside of this metal box could possibly kill us if we are planning to get

killed obediently. But, naturally we are going to react, so, well, surely we aren't going

to die."

"Uu~, I see desu. We also have healing medicine here."

"Of course, this is "something"in the level that expose me who have resistance against

poison and you with your bugged physical ability to danger. It's possible that our

countermeasure might not be effective but…"

There Hajime paused for a moment, then with smartphone on one hand,

"Even if we die, it's fine if we are resurrected."

"Ah, yes. That's right isn't it."

That thing that was referred with light tone as though saying 'if there is no bread

then~' was――resurrection of the dead.

Actually, one of the smartphone's functions was to continuously take the vital data of

the owner, and in the case the owner's vital entered critical stage because of some

abnormality, the smartphone would automatically open a small gate.

What would fly out from the gate, was the light of the satellite type resurrection magic

radiator artifact operating outside the earth's atmosphere――Bel Agarta.

Today too Bel Agarta

light of blessing and ressurec

was shining above the head of the demon king.

That's why it's okay even if you die isn't it! You will be able to come back to life you


"And so, just in case, I'll put up a barrier and try to open it quickly now."

"U, uu~. I, guess. I understand that it's all right but…"

Even though she was the bug bunny who always made do somehow with fighting

spirit, but now she was being really indecisive. Her rabbit ears were timidly moving

limply *henyon henyon*. Her rabbit ears were telling "But still, in the vision Hajimesan somehow looked really suffering see~, it's fine even if that box isn't opened I

think~" more eloquently than anything.

Honestly speaking, for Hajime even if he was told that this thing might possibly kill

him, but at the end it would be no problem at all with the light of resurrection magic,

so he wasn't worried at all and his curiosity won out.

Conversely speaking, it also meant that he was purposefully going to risk danger just

because of curiosity.

(This is troubling… I didn't intend to cause her to make that kind of face though… Did

I get too high spirited?)

Hajime wouldn't keep insisting until it made Shia worried. Above all else, it also could

be said that his sense of danger was slightly dimming just because they were in earth.

Perhaps he was unknowingly being too conceited. Thinking that, Hajime smiled

bitterly at Shia whose rabbit ears were still going *henyon henyon*.

"I got it already Shia. I won't open it. I also don't have the intention of ending up like


"Hajime-san… ehehe, that's right. That way is better desu."

The expression of Shia who sensed he was considering her feeling burst open into

wide and loose grin *nihee~*. She immediately hugged Hajime's arm and rubbed her

rabbit ears on him. Though Hajime's expression became really conflicted when rabbit

fur entered inside his mouth.

"Although, I wonder what's the deal with this. If those guys above are aiming for this

thing, they surely don't have decent thinking."

"Honestly speaking, I want to just leave this thing here untouched but… it feels like

those guys absolutely will reach until this far."

"Leaving it as it is certainly isn't a smart plan. Yosh, we couldn't snatch ahead any

precious treasure, but let's implement that."

"The phantom thief "Demon King and Rabbit"! Isn't it!"

The highly murderous treasure that was being searched by a company. There was no

way such thing could just be handed over to them carelessly, so the two would take

only the metal box with them.

While they were at it, just like their initial plan, they would leave behind a message

that would without a doubt rub the wrong way the nerves of Wilford and co who

would arrive here with exultation after struggling through mountains of lethal traps.

Hajime was starting to carve letters using transmutation magic on the wall at the

deepest room. Shia was glancing at that while staring fixedly at the completely

decayed corpse.

"You have been all alone for a long time all this time under this kind of dark

underground aren't you… just who and where did you come from, with what kind of

feeling you were staying here I wonder."

Somehow the image of the blonde haired crimson eyed vampire princess who was her

beloved friend and also big sister passed through the back of her mind.

Shia crouched beside the silent corpse and stared unmovingly at the corpse. And then,

she suddenly reached out with her hand and embraced the corpse as though she was

hugging an ornament. She was thinking that at the very least she would bury the

corpse in the land on the surface near the ruin.



"…Shia. What did you do?"

Shia's rabbit ears jumped up *usa-!?*. At the same time Hajime who was in the middle

of carving letters was asking while turning around with stiff movement like a machine

that hadn't been oiled. His expression was greatly convulsing.

"N, no, I didn't do anything… I was just, wanting to bring this corpse-san to the


She was thinking of bringing it together with them to the surface… those very kind

words were interrupted by the sound of rumbling ground right after that.

When Hajime and Shia simultaneously looked at the place where the corpse was at,

only the part of the stone paved floor below the corpse was rising up slightly from the

other part of the floor.

No matter how they looked, it was a trap that was activated by the change of weight.

Even though the trap didn't move even when the metal box was taken, but when the

corpse was taken it moved. Hajime and Shia's eyes were twitching from that fact.

The rumble of the ground was gradually growing bigger. Slipping amidst the sound,

*slosh slosh* such watery sound was starting to be audible.

It came exactly from the wall that Haijme was currently carving letters on.

Hajime returned his gaze to the wall. Water was seeping out from the whole wall. At

the same time, *snap-crack crack* cracks were entering the wall.

"No way"

"My good will is betrayed! Desuu!"

Hajime's mouth twitched, while Shia tossed away the corpse, it was at that moment.

Roaring sound!

Water flew out with terrific momentum from the wall that crumbled in one go. The

wall surface became a wall of water that surged forward with vast amount of water.

That momentum was like a ruptured dam!

"Absurd de ja vu!?"

"It doesn't need to resemble Raisen Great Labyrinth even in this aspect desuuuuuuuu-


Hajime and Shia had their feet scooped from under them and washed away by the

terrific water current that was like flash flood. They were pushed out from the room

and like that they were washed through the underground labyrinth following the path

they came from.

The two were jostled inside the water.

They were restoring their stance somehow while taking out their face to the water


"Puhah. Shia! Are you safeee!?"

"Kefuu! I'm fine desuu!"

They confirmed each other's safety while being washed away. Hajime immediately

made his Treasure Warehouse shined to open a gate for escaping quickly.

But, before he could take it out,

"Wha-!? Re, retreaaat! Run away! HURRYYYYY-"

A scream resounded from the front. Looking there, Wilford and others were there with

convulsing face! It seemed they had finished the excavation and were advancing

through the underground labyrinth.

They showed their back in panic toward the flash flood that was advancing from the

front and started running.

But, there was no way the speed of human's running speed could match the speed of

flash flood.

Wilford and others were swallowed instantly by the violent current. Wilford who

brought his face out to the surface met the eyes of Hajime.

"!? The young man from today!? Why are you here!?"

"Just passing through."

"That's just too unusual!"

Whether it was this situation, or Hajime's answer too.

Wilford wanted to question just what was going on, but naturally he had no such

leeway, he was immediately swallowed by the fierce current and submerged once


And then, Hajime too, just before he could take out the Crystal Key, because the floor

widely opened its lid, he was falling right downward as though swallowed by stream

of falling waterfall while yelling "Aa~!". Shia too also yelled "Abaa~!" while getting

swallowed by the waterfall.

All the people inside the underground labyrinth were following the guidance of the

water and got washed away to somewhere without exception.

At the surface near the ancient ruin, along the river.

Suddenly, the shoal at the riverbed near the bank bubbled. *Blub blub blub* Bubbles

were generated intensely.

The next moment, water pillar burst out as though piercing the sky. The riverbed was

blown up and violent amount of water rose to the sky along with mud.

And then,



A pair of man and woman flew out. The two who floated high in the sky raised a grand

scream… one of them sounded cheerful for some reason, but putting that aside, the

two raised their voice while flying out, and then *splosh!* they fell toward shoal.

Next, along with screams like "GYAAAAH" or "OH GOOOOOODD" or "MAMAA―――!!",

men were flying out one after another.

They too were falling toward the shoal along the river with *splish splash* sound.

"That was a terrible experience. As I thought, it must be that, I've gotta reflect a little.

I understand really well that I'm omitting various mistakes just because this is earth."

"Ahaha, certainly we might have been a bit conceited there~. But but, personally I was

having a lot of fun in though! Besides, this time I'm not drowned!"


Hajime stood up and wrung out water from his clothes with a wry smile, while Shia

was laughing in high tension cheerfully and hyperactively.

There, a voice mixed with groan reached them.

"Kuh, this is why what is called life is always moving to unpredictable direction… wait,

young man! Can I ask you to explain just what in the world is going on!"

Wilford stood up while spraying up water everywhere. The armed men and Brandon

and others, a total of fifteen people who were also washed away together were

standing up while shaking their head that was choking from almost drowning.

It seemed that a considerable number of the local people were also safely (?) washed

away, they were standing up while groaning and looking at Hajime and Shia with

dubious expression.

'Now then, how to answer this', Hajime and Shia were deliberating while looking at

each other's face, it was then,

"-! You two… what's that? Where did you find it?"

Wilford's eyes narrowed quietly. He was staring hard at the black metal box Hajime

was carrying.

"It's our lunch box. It will be noon before long after all."

"You think there is any lunch box that is welded shut!? Your answer is too unusual

there! Even if you are going to lie, think about it a bit more!"

Wilford-san unexpectedly might have straight man attribute.

Wilford coughed once and calmed his heart somehow, then he suddenly pasted a

cheerful smile on his face and he opened his mouth.

"At this occasion, let's put aside about who are you two or how did you two come ahead

of us. Let's continue the negotiation at the restaurant. Won't you hand over that box to

us? I will pay as much money as you wish."

Even after coming this far searching by spending vast amount of expense and effort,

at this point Wilford was still attempting to solve it with money. Seeing that, perhaps

Wilford could still be called as a rational human.

Although, inside his eyes a terrifying level of coldness could be seen appearing and

disappearing. Most likely this monetary negotiation was his last warning. Only this

time, he didn't plan to withdraw like the time with the boat negotiation.

Before giving the answer, Shia asked.

"Do you know what is inside this box?"

"Of course I know. How about you two? If not, there is no way you will obtain it in this


"Then, what are Luffy-san and others planning to do with this dangerous object?"

"Do you mean me when you say Luffy?"

"What is Luffy-san planning to do with this dangerous object?"

"No, see, my name is Wilford――"

"What is pirate king-san planning to do with this dangerous object?"

"Who are you calling the rub○er man who ate rubber ○bber fruit!?"

Wiflord-san. It seemed he was also knowledgable with subculture. Or rather, perhaps

it was a certain work that was too famous. And then, as expected he had straight man


"Cough-. About your question of what I'm planning to do with that, that's not my place

to know. I am just an unworthy company employee. I will even do adventure if it's the

company order, but the result of it will be decided by the company."

"Uu~n. A company that know what is inside this and employ something like an armed

group… it doesn't look like something decent isn't iiit."

"There is no need for you two to be bothered about that right? Now, how about we do

a business here. I will be able to complete my job, and you two will be able to obtain a

vast compensation. See, it's a win-win relationship."

'What to do?' Shia looked at Hajime questioningly. Hajime shrugged. Shia understood

just from that.

She couldn't imagine a satisfactory future from handing this kind of dangerous object

to this kind of suspicious company. If in the small chance that one day someone related

to them get harmed by it somewhere, it surely wouldn't end with just a regret that

made them wanted to punch themselves.

They didn't need money or anything. There didn't exist any reason for them to hand it

over intentionally. Thinking of the worst case, rather they had greater reason to not

hand it over. Even if for example, the company of Wilford and co was thinking to use it

for the sake of some kind of good deed, they could just investigate it later and then

handed it to them when it seemed like there would be no problem.

In any case, it was out of question to exchange this object with money here.

"By the way, what will happen if we refuse?"

"I don't recommend that. It's the most not smart thing you could do. Don't you think


When Wilford waved his hand, the men readied their gun. Furthermore, the water

blast just now must be visible. There was a presence of a lot of people from the

direction of the ruin rushing this way.

"I see, it's easy to understand."

"It's the best to take simple approach at everything. After all human's life is already

full of unexpected things even at the best of time."

They grinned widely at each other. The smile similarly didn't reach their eyes at all.

A moment later.

A single gunshot instantly rang out. The sound that sounded as though it was slightly

lengthened was the proof of a godspeed quick draw. Six bullets directly hit the leg or

shoulder of six armed me!

There wasn't any miss, or even any consideration of the opponent's life entered into

the attack. The aim was only one. Because the impact shifted the gun muzzle of the

men that were shot. The remaining armed men were at the end of the shifted muzzles.

The trigger that was pulled reflexively attacked them.


"Stupid idiot-"

Chaos descended instantly. Wilford took out a handgun with speed unbecoming for a

businessman. When Wilford aimed at Hajime, Hajime dropped something cylindrical

at the same time.

Right after that, *bowanh* intense white smoke enveloped Hajime and Shia, their

figure was hidden instantly.

Wilford pulled his trigger repeatedly without minding that. Bursting sound echoed

and the white smoke was pierced one after another.

But, there wasn't any scream or the sound of person falling.

Wind blew a beat later and the white smoke was washed away.

"Chih, they ran."

There was no one when the white smoke was cleared. The armed men for some reason

raised their voice "Ou! Japanese ninja!" in high tension.

"This is not the time for admiration! They are still nearby! If they are running away

they should be using that boat! We are going back to the boats too! Hurry!"

The armed men also moved out hurriedly hearing Wilford's command.

On the other hand.

Just as Wilford predicted, Hajime and Shia moved until the nearby riverbank, from

there Hajime took out Triana and boarded it to descend the river.

"How unexpected~"

Shia whose rabbit ears were flapping from the wind was talking to Hajime who was

steering the boat.

"I thought Hajime-san will surely make them all into feed for the fish."

"Oi Shia. How many times I should say it until you understand. I am an exemplary

Japanese person who is virtuous and peaceful y'know. There is no way I'll mass

produce gunshot corpse in that place where there are a lot of locals who are just hired."

"Put it another way, if there are no locals, Hajime-san will be an exemplary Japanese

person who will slaughter everyone isn't it? I get it."

It was already exemplary by the point of time he didn't erase the witness too. Perhaps

Hajime personally wanted to say that.

"And, what will we do after this?"

"I am intentionally using Triana and not using gate to withdraw from this area is to

decided that too. Aren't they going to come soon?"

The boat's cruising speed was really relaxed for someone in escape, but it seemed the

reason for that was because Hajime was waiting for pursuer.

Shia's rabbit ears were perceiving the motor boat engine sound and the sound of water

spray. Looking back, they could see the sight of Wilford and others riding five boats

chasing after them.

The boats were only the high performance boat that Wilford and co had prepared

beforehand, and the people riding it were also only foreigners armed with firearms. It

appeared they left behind the locals because they would only be a hindrance.

"I see… the witnesses, is gone now."

'Aa~aa', Shia looked up to the sky with face that seemed to say that.

Even while she was like that, the boats of Wilford and others were closing the distance.

And then, next they mercilessly fired. *dadada-dadada-* The bullets that were fired

from semi-auto rifles caused the water surface around Triana to splash.

"Waa~~, they are firing at uuus~, like this I have no other choice except losing myself

in counterattacking yeaaah~"

"Uwaa~, that sounds really monotone desuu~. Who are you making that guarantee

too? There is a limit even in being shameless you know!"

Even Shia's tsukkomi was only treated like a passing wind, Hajime grinned wiiidely

and pulled out Donner and pulled the trigger toward the boat that was running in

parallel to them right now.

There were three armed men riding on the boat. What they were readying to fire were

the latest rifles. The bullets of Donner were flying into the muffles as though getting

sucked into it.

The men's hand and shoulder area were turned into pitiful state. Terrible scream

echoed between the river spray, but Hajime-san mercilessly aimed at the fuel tank and

pulled the trigger.

The bullet that flew in accurately was a Burst Bullet. The exploding bullet turned the

fuel tank into small explosive and caused large explosion. The impact caused the boat

to somersault. Because the boat was going at high speed, it danced in the air like a leaf

fanned by the headwind, accompanied with the blood soaked men.

Wilford and co were dumbfounded in a daze while they reflexively tried to escape

from the line of fire. They circled behind Triana.

"I'm glad I brought the sea mine's complete set. Kaclick."

The red button that had 'Don't push it! Absolutely don't push it!' written on it went

*click-*. Countless sea mines were pouring out from the back of the ship!

Those things that mixed into the jet water current of Triana and flowed backward

couldn't be avoided by the nearest boat.

Thunderous sound. A large boat danced in the air once more. It backflipped many

times. Incidentally people also flew in the sky. Beautiful, they were drawing a beautiful

parabola arc.

Wilford and others were passing through with convulsing expression under the arch

that was decorated by boat, flame blast, water spray, and then men with the white of

their eyes bared open.

"Disperse! Disperse now!"

Wilford's angry yell reached until Hajime and Shia. Wilford who always looked calm

now looked desperate.

Two boats raised their speed and sprang out to in front of Triana. The men on board

aimed their rifles.

"Sentori-sensei! Please-"

"Hajime-san's tension is high!? Are you that happy that you can use weapon!? Is that


*Gashon-!* Sentori-sensei

Sentry Gun

showed up. 'Anything and everything that move will be

wrecked yeah!' It was volley firing as though to say that!

"Hiih, get down! Get down!"

"Get out from the firing line! Quick-"

"What the hell is that boat!"

"Are those two from MI6 huh!? There must be Q behind them!"

Rain of bullet passed through above the head of the men who noisily got down on the

boat's floor. The edge of the boat was pulverized in the blink of eye.

"Shit-, if it's like this then only desperate measure is left!"

One person took out a rocket launcher from the box on the boat's bottom while lying

down. And then, he took the chance while Sentori-sensei was reloading to stand up,

and aimed the muzzle at Triana.


He saw it.

*Shaaaaaa-* A tubular object heading their way from underwater showing the

glimpses of its figure on the water surface.

'Eeeeh? I had saw that thing before somewhere… wait, NOOOOOOOO-!'

The man tossed away the launcher and jumped out from the boat without hesitation.

The men must be excellent mercenaries (?). Their expression changed when they saw

their comrades swiftly escaped from the boat wordlessly, then without hesitation they

similarly jumped toward the river without delay.

Right after that, the torpedo impacted.

Two boats, decorated with flame blast while dancing midair.

"Is this a joke! Even being unexpected has a limit! Damn it all!"

Wilford threw his dramatic flair to the wind and evaded the falling boat while

doggedly pursuing from behind. He shook the boat left and right diagonally behind

Triana while shooting his handgun.

Surprisingly, regardless of being above shaking boat, what's more while the boat was

meandering left and right, his aim was terrifyingly accurate. Even by mistake it wasn't

a stunt that a mere businessman could do.

Although, a monster who could easily surpass that terrifying skill was right here.

*DopaaaN-!* Together with that slightly lengthened gunshot sound, sparks scattered

in the air between the last boat Wilford was riding and Triana.


Wilford reflexively leaked out a stupid sounding voice.

For the time being he changed his gun's magazine and fired three consecutive shots.

Sparks were generated midair once more.

Looking carefully, there was the figure of Hajime steering the boat while holding a

large revolver in one hand, its muzzle aimed to his back.

"That's impossible…"

Wilford denied the most possible event by himself. It was only reasonable. Just who in

the world would be able to believe that bullet could be shot down by another bullet.

"Impossible! That's not at the level of being unexpected anymore! Eei, you, lend me


"Ye, yes."

Wilford snatched a rifle from the man beside him, he firmly put the stock on his

shoulder and fixed it there, then he fired repeatedly in full auto mode. As though to

deny reality, the strength he put into the finger pulling tight on the trigger was



A smile that was obviously fearless even from afar. What was pulled out was one more

large revolver. It was directed to behind matching Donner that had been reloaded

without anyone noticing.

Once more there was two lengthened bursting sounds. The fired bullets were twelve


In contrast the magazine of the rifle Wilford was using had thirty shots.

Even if for example an impossible phenomenon occurred, it was obvious which side

would won seeing from the simple difference in quantity.

Regardless of that, Wilford witnessed it.

The countless sparks dancing madly midair. And then, the sight of not even a single

bullet he fired reached the target. No bullet even scratched the boat's frame!

Furthermore. When he moved his gaze toward the impact sound, there was bullet hole

created on his boat's engine part. White smoke was spewing out. He didn't know if

Hajime intentionally aimed there, but it seemed that even his boat's engine was

destroyed additionally.

In addition, the cause that overturned the difference in quantity was simple. One

bullet from Hajime intercepted two~three shots altogether. It was the so called

reflection shot. After a bullet deflected the first bullet, its trajectory would change and

deflected other bullet again. It was just like playing billiard.

The sound of engine stopped, and a voice resounded in the place that became quiet.

"Now then, self-proclaimed businessman. Won't you talk a little bit with me?"

Even though Hajime was reloading slowly, Wilford and his men didn't have the

slightest intention to take advantage of that opening.

Triana was approaching toward their boat that was dead on water. Hajime-san was

grinning widely.

Although Wilford's face was absurdly convulsing, he somehow returned a smile.

"Yes, with pleasure!"

He responded to the dialogue invitation.