Abyss Lord Arc Chapter 2: Epilogue (1)


An unnatural "DESUU!!" resounded. Rabbit ears were flapping in the wind. The swung

war hammer grandly whipped the "Wind of Lamentation", and then,


The giant that looked like a minotaur raised a scream that even sounded like a tearful

cry. It danced in the sky while drawing a beautiful parabola arc.

By the way, a part of minotaur-san's head was caving in.

Even though they had resolved to fight to the death, even though they had affirmed

their bond with each other in a great mood, the serious atmosphere was suddenly

blown away along with the ground. Even the low class demons were looking up to the

sky open mouthed.

"Aa~, what? The air has changed here…"

A male voice suddenly resounded. It wasn't the voice of Kousuke or even Wynn and

others. The voice came from the large hole in the ground that most likely was

physically connecting to the lower stratum.

Kousuke was turning his gaze toward that hole with creaking movement like a

machine that hadn't been oiled. There, a face of a familiar man suddenly popped out.

It was the demon king-sama.


Even now it felt like Kousuke was going to yell 'AIEEEEEEE-'. Hajime who agilely

jumped out from the hole landed on the edge. Then he tilted his head while going 'Eh?'

and said.

"What a coincidence to meet you in this kind of hellish place, Endou. Did you get a new


"I didn't! What's that, is that getting popular between you spouses!? Wait, that ain't it!"

Kousuke-san stamped his feet in frustration. He was in great panic toward the

development that was just too unexpected and abrupt.

Though, even while he was saying that,

"Fly away until the other side of the mountain! Desuu!!"


The five meter mino-san got hit by Shia's full swing and pierced through dozens of

buildings of the ruined city while flying toward the mountain beyond.

Shia was emitting faint bluish white ripples in the air while descending with light step

from the sky. *Step* She landed beside Hajime then with an expression that said "Oh?",

"Kousuke-san, it has been two days hasn't it? Did you get a new haircut?"

"Okay. That gag is popular in Nagumo family huh? I get it. That's why, enough with that

and explain the situation pleaseee! Why are you two in this kind of place!? Why did

you make your entrance by smashing through the ground!? Explain clearly and

concisely please!"

'Oh geez, getting max tensioned like that so suddenly, that's a bit hard to keep up with

you know?'

With a face that seemed to say that, Hajime-san and Shia-san talked in whisper to each

other. Pulsing vein emerged on Kousuke's forehead. Claudia and others were still

dumbfounded. Also, the low class demons too were looking at each other's face.

Hajime who was showing a nonchalant attitude answered.

"When I went to a forest date with Shia~, we encountered a witch~.

She attacked so burned her along with the forest, but then we got sent into a strange


Seeing that we had gotten there anyway we went into an adventure date, but then

Endou was there somehow.

That's all.]

"That's all my ass!"

'I don't get it at all! It feels like my head will go crazy!' Kousuke-kun grabbed his head.

But, at that time, the thousands and tens of thousands of low class demons

surrounding the area started moving. Kousuke gasped and opened his eyes wide while

taking battle stance. Claudia and others also prepared to fight despite their confusion.

But, before the hostilities began again,

"Oo, first people of another world, discovered. Somehow there are a lot of them but,

well, no matter. ――Cough-. Hello, I'm, called Nagumo Hajime. We are, in the middle of

a trip but, oh maaan, this is really troubling you know? We got attacked by monsters

at underground you see, before we finally managed to climb up to the surface. Is it

okay to talk for a bit?"

Hajime-san who talked politely with the best bright smile he got.

From the appearance of the low class demons, no matter how anyone looked at them

they weren't proper living being, and their great number was nothing but menacing.

And then, the talking partner was low class demons who weren't hiding their malice

and killing intent at all but…

Hajime-san seemed to not know that the other party was demons. It seemed he was

doing his best to first try talking peacefully, as befitting of a model self-proclaimed

virtuous Japanese person which he regularly claimed to be.

'Endou and others too, seem like they are getting into quarrel with the local people for

some reason, can't be helped, now that it's like this I gotta mediate between them

using my amazing communication skill', such thinking also crossed his mind for a bit.

Shia was making tsukkomi "Noo, no matter how you look at it, they are the same like

the monster at lower level you know, Hajime-san", but it seemed Hajime who had

mellowed (?) wouldn't just give up that easily.

No matter what kind of opponent it was, no matter what the situation was, he wouldn't

throw away the possibility of dialogue! As a Japanese person!

"Wai-, idiot! Those guys are――"

Kousuke tried to call out to stop him but, before he could, Hajime's left hand that was

held forward asking for a handshake was eaten.

Claudia and others voiced "Ah", Shia was staring with exasperated eyes that said "I told

you", while Kousuke's expression was cramped.

On the other hand, the low class demon that was biting too had "?" mark floating on

its head when the sound of *clang-creak creak* and hard texture was impossibly

coming from the left hand of the human prey it was chewing.

And then it slo~wly raised its head and tilted its neck as though to say "This arm, isn't

it strange?".

Hajime-san who was making a bright and wide smile saw the artificial skin for coating

use got atrociously torn apart. His eye twitched. However he did his best to deepen his


"The, the greeting in this place, is a bit extreme isn't it? Normally the arm will get bitten

off like this but, it's that perhaps? Is it a play-biting that everyone here do? If that's the



Hajime-san's compromise was trampled.

The low class demon yelled while biting once again, but the next moment, its head was

gripped and it was lifted until it was dangling down from a hand.

And then, when it was lifted until it was eye-level with Hajime, Hajime who was

smiling brightly from very close distance was,

"This is, what you call a legitimate self-defense."

*Pachun!* The head was crushed in the hand's grip. It seemed Hajime realized their

special nature, he used the artificial hand that was thoroughly enveloped by magic

power and closed his fist as though crushing an apple. Normally, that would be a case

of excessive self-defense.

In any case, it seemed that became the signal for the resume of hostility. The low class

demons who were fanning out outside the ruined city and the low class demons

infesting the sky too were tightening the encirclement.

And so.

At the right hand was the electromagnetic acceleration gatling cannon――Metzelei

Disaster, equipped.

At the left hand was the missile & rocket launcher――Agni Orkan, equipped.

Let's, Curbstomp♪

Kousuke yelled "GET DOOOOOWWWNNN-" while pushing down Claudia. Wynn and

others also felt an extreme chill and got down. Shia too flattened her rabbit ears and

crouched down.

Right after that, there were the surging peculiar sound of *DURURURURURURU-* and

countless anticlimax sounds of *hyuu~*.

Crimson flash that was mowing down horizontally. The low class demons that were

sent flying until the far beyond simultaneously.

Several hundred missiles rushing through the sky. They were homing to the target and

crimson fireworks bloomed profusely in the sky.

Even the low class demons lurking behind buildings were blasted, pulverized, and

exterminated together with the buildings!

The time was around thirty seconds.

The extensive street behind became a mountain of rubbles, the area at the front

became an empty lot with nothing existing there.

Seeing that, Claudia and others were,

"Kousuke-sama. Please, punch me! This isn't the time to lose sanity!"

"Eh, no, wai-, Claire?"

"Kuh, TJ! Melody of curse removal please! The enemy might be attacking us with



TJ-san responded right away with big sis voice toward Wynn's grim voice. The song of

purification was flowing in the battlefield.

"Eh, what, orchestra band? Endou, you have unusual friend huh."

"But Hajime-san, everyone look tattered somehow you know? Is it that kind of

fashion? Special makeup? Are they the type of people living in the future?"

Hajime and Shia were looking at Claudia's group with wondering gaze.

"No, that ain't it! This people are exorcists! She is a saint! We were in a deathly battle

just now where things like the fate of the world or Claudia being turned into mother

body were at stake! Sorry for having so much difficulty against small fry! Or rather,

you requested me to investigate Vatican right!? Look, that boy there! Aziz-kun! He is

Vatican's exorcist you were telling me to chase!"

"Exor, cist… you say? They existed!?"

Hajime-san stared intently at young man Aziz. Aziz-kun, screamed "hiih" knowing that

he caught the eye of demon king-sama, what's more he was being stared at even now.

"I didn't dare, to believe but… oi, Endou. Could it be, this place is hell, and just now

those things were demons!?"

"That's right! This place is hell, and what you blew up just now were demons! They

were low class though!"

"They are the real deal!?"

"They are the real deal!"

Haijme covered his eyes with one hand and looked up as though to say 'oh damn'.

Demon, what a word that tickled the chuuni heart. If only he knew, he would ask

various question, and forcefully made them hand over souvenirs, and yet the two of

them had blew away a great number of demons at the lower stratums, even the

demons who spoke with human speech!

'They are somehow strong huh. Eh, isn't this look like age of god magic? Woah, we are

gonna die if we let our guard down! The air is also harmful, this is like hell ain't it!

Interesting! Shia, it's adventure date!' He thought, but…

To think , that his thought was completely correct!

Hajime was plainly shocked. He was muttering "I thought that several of their name

seemed familiar… notice that, me" while also murmuring "It must be that right, they

are demon, they must be indestructible existence right? They will revive properly


He sent a pleading gaze toward Claudia and others.

Claudia and others quietly averted their gaze.

But, right after that, Hajime's screwing around air vanished and his eyes narrowed.

Shia too narrowed her eyes and looked at the hole in the ground. Some kind of

powerful presence was approaching. From the lower stratum.

"As expected they don't feel like letting us get away."

"It was a lovely adventure date that made the blood seethe and the flesh dance but,

those guys――eerr, the demons… because of them, we couldn't even sightsee


It seemed they had an idea about the presence.

Looking closer, both Shia and Hajime didn't seem to have serious injury, but their

appearance was quite ragged. It could be imagined that they had been through a very

fierce battle. At the same time, Kousuke couldn't help but shuddering at the so called

"those guys" who were making these two to look tattered like this.

"Those guys" went without saying, they must be the greater demons of the lower


The speech and gesture of Hajime and Shia looked composed, but the two obviously

had sharp gaze without the slightest carelessness.

"Nagumo, what do you mean? Why are they chasing――"

"Wait for a bit."

Hajime lifted his hand and stopped Kousuke's words. Even though his expression was

serious, was it just Kousuke's feeling that it also looked slightly like messing around?

Hajime walked toward the big hole with a steady pace. And then, his treasure

warehouse shined and his took out some kind of big sphere while going "Heave-ho". It

was a metallic ball that was around the same size like a large ball used in school sports


Hajime carelessly tossed it into the big hole.

Hajime-san walked back with a steady pace.

Right after that, terrific shockwave and tremor occurred. And then, a pillar of light that

burned the eye was piercing up to the sky.

"Nagumo-kun, Nagumo-kun. Just now, what did you do?"

"I only dropped a solar bomb. The pursuing bunches, it seems that other than magic

power they are also weak against sunlight."

"Solar bomb you say, you-"

It was the evolved version of solar bomb "Roze Helios" which used treasure

warehouse in them that once blew away even apostles of god.

Seeing the shaken Kousuke, Hajime seemed to misunderstand something and

snapped up a thumb up while puffing up his chest and spoke reassuringly.

"No worries. Everything within sight underground there was all blown away yeah♪"

"I'm not worrying about the power of the bomb! No, in a sense I'm also worried about

the power though!"

It seemed they wouldn't be able to see that underground city that was filled with

history anymore.

It seemed that most of the vanguard of the pursuer was blown away, so the

approaching presence was slightly receding. Hajime who was convinced of that

continued their talk as though nothing happened. Kousuke already stopped making

anymore tsukkomi.

"So, regarding the question just now… there were monsters――well, demons at the

place we were sent to. Then, I explained to them cordially and thoroughly that we only

wanted to sightsee but, we were attacked with no question asked."

Hajime and Shia went into a mystique searching date in the forest of Britain. There

they encountered a genuine witch of the forest like it was a matter of course. Then, the

witch of the forest-san was relatively evil. And so, Hajime-san burned her along with

the forest.

But, it seemed there was a spot where it was easy to connect to hell inside the forest,

so at the very end they were dropped by the very last strength of the witch. That place

they were dropped at was the lower strata of hell. Both of them were thinking of it as

"It's a thrilling and lovely brutal other woorrlld!" all that time but…

Anyway, they were attacked by the lower strata demons there.

The first thing the self-proclaimed model Japanese Hajime did was to avoid battle with

the local people

greater demons

. It seemed there was a stair nearby them that connected to the

stratum below so they escaped into it. Then, even stronger demon appeared and as

expected it attacked with no question asked.

There were various reasons it attacked like it was his turf, or questioning why humans

were there, or because they were intruder, but when it targeted Shia, well, it devolved

into trouble.

With Shia's magic power that was in a different league, added with her gender as

female with a body that was not just healthy but also extremely strong, it could be

easily guessed how such female would look like from the view point of demon.

Like that, Hajime and Shia thought that perhaps this place was like Orcus Great

Dungeon of another world. They went looking for cultured and peaceful local people.

There were getting into relatively serious deathly battle against the attacking demons

while climbing up until here by busting through the bedrock.

"When we came out at the surface, it became an unexpected reunion but… although it

was only around nine floors, it was really troublesome to climb up until here, and yet

in the end our harvest in this trip is zero. In addition the local people were all demon.

And Hajime-san blew all of them away."

The words "nine floors" that Shia said made Claudia and others spout out "Bufuoh!?".

That was the lowest stratum of hell. It was the authentic hell where named greater

demons who came out in books were running rampant. These two were traveling from

there by bursting through the bedrock.

As exorcist, they couldn't help but opening their eyes wide until the white of their eyes



"The first contact was a failure. If only I knew they were demon, perhaps there would

be another way before it turned into battle, and yet…"

"I wonder about that. Seeing that they are demon, furthermore by the time they are

standing in front of Hajime-san, I think the result is already obvious."

"No, what are you saying Shia? It was your fault. It was because you smashed that

building that looked like castle with 100 ton hammer. They absurdly snapped because

of that. What was that guy's name again? If I heard right, it was a name that I had heard

before. I was dodging desperately so I didn't listen properly though."

"Wait a second, Hajime-san. That was a sad accident that happened in the middle of

legitimate self-defense. Or rather, don't make it like other person's fault. Even Hajimesan, the instant you understood that I was targeted, you snapped and fired Hyperion

horizontally. That shot made a place that was like a shrine along with the area around

it into an empty lot right? The cause all the demon-san were unable to back away was

absolutely that. Some guys that looked self-important and dangerous snapped into

incoherent mess after that."

Named demons who owned castle or shrine… Destruction of place that was most

likely their turf's stronghold…

Group of grater demons pursuing the two from the lowest level in a state of complete


"Ahaha… fuu~~~~"

"Aa!? Claudia-sama! Hang in there!"

Claudia suddenly let go of her consciousness. Anna hurriedly supported her, but her

eyes were also dead.

"Aah geez. Nagumo, the Crystal Key! Let's return quickly to our world!"

"Hm? Isn't it better to do something about the group of greater demons?"

Kousuke explained the gist of the situation a bit impatiently.

That was, how the residents of hell fundamentally couldn't materialize in their world

by their own strength.

Then the extermination of the greater demon called Unknown whose strength

increased by the his worshipper's faith and possessed the authority to achieve such


At present, a technique was executed to focus all the paths from hell to earth into

Vatican. Yue was also at the other side, if they used Crystal Key, the connection to hell

could be completely severed just by completely closing that place.

"I see. Looks like various things happened while we were at adventure date in hell

huh… well, that's fine. Tell me the detail later. The teleport location is St. Peter's plaza,

that's fine right?"

"Ou. Please."

Hajime took out the compass and confirmed the destination. During that time

Kousuke turned his gaze toward the open mouthed Claudia and co.

"Haha-, I was worried for a moment what would happen to us but, it's alright already


"Err, Kousuke-sama… that person, as I thought…"

The gazes of Claudia and others were focused at Hajime who seemed to be fixing the

coordination even while being hugged by Shia.

Kousuke rubbed his nose while answering with a bit embarrassment and also pride.

"Yeah, that guy is Nagumo Hajime. My, us returnee's――demon king-sama."

At the same time, a gigantic and solemn door suddenly appeared in empty air. It went

without saying, that was the excessively decorated "Gate" that was opened by Crystal


"――"Unlock" "

*GOGOGO-* The door was pointlessly emitting impressiveness while opening with

light overflowing out from the gap. It was just an image projection, but it was like an

act of god from the view point of Claudia and others.

"Fre, freely connecting the interval of worlds, with individual power…"

"Ahaha… no wonder, even something like world wide information control was


"What power…"

The eyes of the exorcists were dead in this situation where they could only let out a

dry laugh.

"Now then, guessing from the situation, it seems you all had looked after our vanguard.

This isn't anything big that can be called as thanks but, I'll send you all to one-way path

into earth now."

Saying that, Hajime turned around with the meaningless light overflowing from the

gate illuminating him from behind. The sight of the light that was like a halo made the

deeply religious Claudia and others couldn't help but gulped.

It was just image projection though.

Kousuke stood in front of Claudia and others who couldn't move right away. And then,

he offered his hand with a boyish grin.

"We finished our mission. What left is only the finishing touch. Lift your face and throw

out your chest――we're going home yeah?"

Hearing those words and looking at that figure, Claudia felt like her view was blurred.

Even though it was a completely dry world, she felt warm tears that almost overflowed

from her eyes.

She slowly took the offered hand. The hand strongly grasped back. The best smile

naturally formed in her lips.

Claudia only said a word.


She energetically replied so.

Wynn and others also made a natural smile with a feeling as though the burden had

been taken off from their shoulders. The followed behind Claudia.

"Uwaa, that girl has fallen completely. I wonder if Emily-chan is alright~"

"Rana will surely manage somehow. She is the first wife after all."

Whispering voices could be heard, but Kousuke's ears couldn't hear anything.

That was what he decided.