The Two At That Time (1)

Crimson spark surged in the underground workshop of Nagumo house.

The many tools placed on the wall, numerous materials stuffed into the steel shelves,

and then the unknown things forming huge mound on the floor. *Mojo* (TN: Some kind

of jiggling sound effect)

"Chih. The way to use it is too lacking in utility. The replenishment rate is also slow.

Perhaps I should rethink it from the beginning…"

The one who muttered that was the master of this workshop――Hajime. He took off

his goggle and let it dangled from his neck while he dropped himself on the chair with

a thud.


In front of Hajime, there was an orb that was placed above the working table. Yes, it

was the orb that was filled with spirit element that he received from star tree Lutria,

a god of another world.

"Although there wasn't any time, it still hurt that I don't really know about the technique

or theory of that world."

Hajime scratched his head. It was fine and all to get charmed by an unknown power

and received what could be received thoroughly, but because it was an energy that

was inherent to that world, Hajime currently had reached the limit of the method to

use that energy.

He tried mixing it with magic power, or used it as energy source of artifact, or

experimenting whether it could be converted into electricity or magic power, etc. He

experimented various things repeatedly, but it didn't really go well.

The orb itself was producing spirit element. If the content was reduced, it had the

power to resupply after some time passed. It seemed that a small foliage of the star

tree was inserted into the orb.

And so, it could activate spirit tool and divine spirit armament but… put in another

word, he couldn't find another use for it other than that.

The conclusion.

Right now there wasn't really any way to use it.

As an engineer, he wished to work out a method to use it effectively by all means but…


Since then Hajime continued to rack his brains over this problem for a while, trying

this and that.

*Mojomojo~. Mojo! Mojo!*

"DAAAAAAAH, you're irritating since some time ago!"

Hajime stood up from his chair and seized the green slime that climbed on the chair's

hand rest and attacked him with poking tentacle. And then without delay he threw it

with all his strength.

*Splat~* The green slime got stuck on the wall, and then it slid down to the floor. It

jiggled back to its comrades position. Yes, back to its comrades――the yellow, ashen,

red, black, transparent, light blue slime comrades.

"They said that it's a soul fragment of a divine spirit, so I completely thought that it

would have clear consciousness, and yet. Really, they're just slimes aren't they?"

Hajime made a long sigh while his hand reached toward the twitching slime. The green

slime whose atmosphere seemed to clearly say [That guy is angry! He threw me,

horrible!] went […Eh? He isn't angry?] and dragged itself toward Hajime with jiggling


The divine spirit's soul fragment――an existence that was like the other half that was

created by the other world's gods who governed the nature by shaving off their own


The yellow slime was "divine spirit of lightning cloud Udar", the ashen colored slime

was "divine spirit of earth Oros", the red slime was "divine spirit of fire circle Soare",

the black slime was "divine spirit of dusk Laila", the transparent slime was "divine

spirit of ice and snow Barahu", the light blue slime was "divine spirit of sea current

Merees", and then the green slime was the soul fragment of "divine spirit of flowing

sky Enti".

Hajime completely thought that they would be like a clone with the will and

personality of the original dwelling inside them, and he would be able to communicate

with them just like with their main body, but in reality it was like this.

They could only communicate using gesture, and their movement also often gave the

childish impression. On top of that, although they properly inherited the authority of

the original, their handling was really poor.

The soul fragment slimes, especially Soare slime were separated from Shia and stayed

in this underground that was spatially isolated from the outside also because the risk

of them accidentally discharging their power.

After all, at the first day lightning cloud was generated at the sky above Nagumo house,

then wind and rain and ice and snow blew violently, and yet the temperature

continued to climb, earthquake occurred, and so on. Everything happened because the

power of the soul fragment slimes was accidentally disharged.

It was a complete miscalculation of Hajime who thought he would be able to ask them

how to use spirit element anytime.

The green slime who got on his palm――the main body was a teenage beautiful girl

wearing clothes that looked like dancer outfit and her hair done into twintail――went

*mojo?*, most likely it was focusing on Hajime with an upward gaze.

For some reason Hajime tried poking it with his finger. It pushed back by stretching

out a small slime hand as though to say [Stop that!].

Then, at that time a voice "Hajime-sa~n" resounded from outside the workshop.

The one who entered was Shia. Instantly Soare slime and Udar slime leaped toward

Shia… lightning and flame surged midair. They blew away each other and went

*Splat!* on the walls of opposing side before falling to become a stain on the floor.

"It will be dinner soon~, eh, what are you doing with Enti-san on your hand?"

Hajime and Enti slime were touching their fingertip together and pushed at each other.

Seeing that Shia tilted her head while ignoring everything else.

"No, I'm reaching a dead end about how to handle spirit element. So I observed these

guys once more but…"

"Isn't she really hating it?"

Hajime was pushing and rubbing with his finger tip even now. The Enti slime lightly

hopped to run away. But, Hajime tightly grasped it and didn't let go.

Laila slime tackled him looking like it was saying [This outrageous persooon!]. Hajime

ignored it and also ignored what Shia pointed out while saying.

"Based from what I observed from the reaction of the red and yellow slime, it's certain

that it's not the case they don't inherit the inside of the original at all. A soul fragment

is shaved from the soul after all, so perhaps existentially they're inferior in quality?"

Hajime pinched Enti slime with both hands and stretched it while tilting his head.

Barahu slime also joined with the tackling. It seemed that it couldn't bear to see Enti

slime jiggling in resistance.

'Hm~m' Hajime groaned. Shia tilted her head.

"You said inferior… they were just born, so isn't it natural that they cannot communicate

and their control of their power isn't going well?"


'If they're baby then it's normal right?' Shia said. Hajime's mouth opened wide in


"The scale has fallen from my eyes."

"I, is that so?"

"Because, they're still god even like this you know? Treating them as baby isn't normal."

Hajime's expression turned really conflicted at Shia who solved the question in one go.

He sighed once.

"Well, in that case, I can only wait for these guys to grow until we can communicate,

or quickly establish a method to come and go to that world in order to master the

spirit art theory. At this point it's difficult to handle the spirit element well enough…"

"I wonder how fast the growth rate of god? After growing will Soaresan's consciousness

sprout?… Can't we correctly raise her starting from now to become a pure and proper

divine spirit of fire circle?"


Soare slime who drew close below Shia with jiggling motion, it also threw a ball of

flame to Udar slime at the same time. Shia looked down at that while saying so. Hajime

showed a pondering face.

And then,

"Yosh, I'll suspend the research for spirit element's use for now. In exchange, Shia, I'm

thinking to strengthen your Vire Drucken."

"Strengthening Drucken?"

"Yeah. You told me that Udar once attempted to turn it into divine spirit armament


They already had the full line-up of soul fragments along with many divine spirit

armaments as example. If Vire Drucken could be turned into divine spirit armament

using soul fragment's power, Shia's battle strength would be increased. Furthermore

it might also quicken the growth of the soul fragments. At the very least that was better

rather than getting confined in the underground workshop.

"Oo! That'll be nice! From the incident this time, I painfully felt how lacking I am in

annihilation power! Even if I can dodge lightning by sight, it's difficult to do that while

protecting someone behind me!"

"O, ou, yeah… Yeah. You now can dodge railgun bullet by sight huh…"

'Could it be, I'm making this bugged rabbit to be even more bugged? I'm trying to make

her dash to an absurd direction? Am I being rash… ' Hajime thought with cold sweat.

Although, there was also the situation with the sudden summoning this time. No

matter how much he strengthened his family, there was no such thing as overdoing it.


"I'm really looking forward to it desuu~. My new partner! Hajime-san Hajime-san!

When is it going to be finished!?"

Shia hopped around and waved around her rabbit ears while sending hopeful gaze to

Hajime. In front of that sparkling bright gaze, Hajime-san who was completely spoiling

his bunny wife could only answer "I'll do my best to finish it ASAP" with a wry smile.

Time passed.

Hajime and Shia who went to an oversea travel date unexpectedly discovered an

ancient ruin and through some chain of events they threw various jobs to Kousuke.

After that,

The two of them visited a forest in Britain at their date to search for fantasy on earth.

"This forest is really quite and lovely isn't it~. The atmosphere is different from Japan's


"You're right. Britain's forest might be the forest with closest atmosphere to sea of tree


Shia breathed in the clear and air of the forest that was damp like after a rain. They

were quite deep inside the forest and there was no one around them, so she didn't

hide her rabbit ears. It wasn't like it felt uncomfortable using the camouflage, even so

felt relaxed as though there was this feeling of liberation.

The two of them advanced even further inside the forest feeling that it wouldn't be

bad to just camp inside the forest like this.

As expected perhaps because she was a forest bunny, Shia's footsteps was more

springy compared to when she was in a middle of city. Hajime's footstep also naturally

became more lively seeing Shia having fun like that.

Like that, they had a great fun with their forest date.



The instant they took that one step, Shia and Hajime raised their voices at the same

time and stopped walking.

"Hajime-san too?"

"That means Shia too huh. Then, this doesn't seem to be just my imagination."

Shia's rabbit ears twitched in wonder. Hajime made a face that said "Seriously…" while

he changed the direction of his body. Toward the direction he thought to advance to

from the beginning.

"Aa, as I thought. Our focus got directed toward the north."

"Even though we were going east, our step was changing direction really naturally

toward the north."

Shia took a step forward toward the east and she got flustered, saying "Oo, when I'm

aware of it, it feels really uncomfortable!".

"Hajime-san! This is!"

Shia's eyes shined bright with excitement. Her heart throbbed hard and her rabbit ears

and tail shook.

"Seriouslyy~, I was half joking coming here though. After an ancient ruin it's a forest

labyrinth huh. Just how fantasy earth can be huh."

Hajime looked up to the sky feeling a bit of headache. The sun would come down soon,

in addition, there was also the dense vegetation, obstructing the light of the sky from

reaching down here as consolation to them.

"Is this good luck or bad luck"

"Obviously it's a good luck!"

"…It's only vaguely but, this guidance, I'm feeling malice from it you know?"

"Isn't that right!"

The bugged rabbit-chan of the forest couldn't be stop with mere malice. Hajime smiled

slightly saying "Of course you're, I knew it" and took the path to the north.

He felt really complicated at the height of his encounter rate with fantasy… or rather

with trouble, even so he was a boy. If he switched his feeling, as expected his heart

danced when an adventure was in front of him.

Within the air that felt like coiling around them stickily somehow, Shia advanced

forward in a good mood with skipping footsteps. It made Hajime's footsteps to become

light too.

After a while, mist descended. It rapidly turned gloomy and even the trees with

strange shape increased in number, it even felt like stepping into the jaw of a gigantic

beast――normal people would surely feel that.

"The atmosphere is really amazing isn't it~. Ah, we'll have to show this to Yue-san and

others too later."

"I've prepared a glasses with camera function installed thinking that something like

this might happen. Verdandi Glass. In short Vel Glass."

Shia who was handed a beautiful sunglasses with glittery decorative illumination for

use of clubbers thought"Do you want me to wear a sparkling glasses no matter what?"

with a conflicted face while putting it on obediently.

The sunglasses shined radiantly in seven colors inside the deep eerie forest. Hajimesan's expression looked really satisfied.

Like that they advanced for a bit further and came out to an opened place. The empty

plot of land with an unnaturally perfect circle shape didn't even have weed growing

on it. The mist became thicker and enshrouded above their head.

Hajime stepped into there while making a thinking face.

"If there is a place with unnatural lack of vegetation like this inside a forest, normally

it will be some kind of famous place or a mysterious place that will become a popular


"Mysterious place of the world! The TV will make a show like that for this kind of place

isn't it"

Of course, they had never heard anything like that. In this era where satellite had been

invented, there should be almost no place in the world that couldn't be observed but…

Hajime crouched and tried touching the ground's soil. He tried appraising it. The

ground couldn't be said to have humus like other spot. It had really dry quality but it

was still a normal soil.

"The circle's diameter is around fifteen or sixteen meter… just what is this place――"

Hajime stood up and tilted his head, but he suddenly cut off his words.

――Sacri, fice

Because of that eerie voice.



Shia took out Vire Drucken, while Hajime took out Donner and they stood back to back.

――Sacri, fice. Offe…

"Sacrifice? Sacrifice it said? Offer a sacrifice? To who?"

It was a first meeting, so although he raised his voice, Hajime-san asked with a polite

way of speaking. The reply to that was really rude. The surrounding trees wriggle and

branches swiftly stretched from the crazily twisting trees, turning into spear from all


"Oi oi, there's no talking with this guy."

"We have no hostility! Let's talk calmly!"

Hajime and Shia said that while accurately shooting or swinging the war hammer to

pulverize the attacking branches.

The ground bulged up, and right after that roots flew out from the ground and

approached like a wall of spear.

Hajime and Shia separated to left and right with Hajime tossing an explosion grenade.

Crimson shockwave burst out at the same time with the explosion, turning the

countless roots that were wriggling like tentacle into small pieces.

Finally the opponent seemed to notice that the two weren't normal lost people.

――That power… are you two Vatican's people?

It was a woman's voice. The voice was beautiful and broadcasted as though it

resounded through the whole area like before. It smoothly entered into their ear.

However, at the same time, it was a repulsive voice that was boiling with malice.

"Vatican? That place again…"

――You aren't? Then, what are you two?

"Just a traveler. It's you who invited us right? First can't you introduce yourself as the


Beside him, Shia said "Oo~, even though he is attacked, Hajime-san is holding a proper

talk!" with an expression of admiration and shock.

――Impossible. That woman's ears… are genuine? Don't tell me, there is still survivor

in this era?

"Oi~, will you play ball with the conversation?"

Now that the voice mentioned it, Shia's rabbit ears weren't concealed since they

entered the forest. Hajime clicked his tongue inside his heart while attempting further

discussion. As a civilized person, he should always began with talk and ended it with

talk. War is no good, absolutely!

――A man with power who isn't affiliated with Vatican, and a survivor of the age of god,

no, atavism?

"Hello? Miss? Is my voice reaching you?"

――Interesting. You two are the most interesting things in this one thousand of years.

It will be a waste to use you two as sacrifice

"It's great that you have a good time. Will you make "conversation" soon in order to

have even more fun?"

The answer came from inside the forest. *Slither slither* the sound of something

crawling was approaching. *Splat splat*, there was also a sickening voice that fanned

up the visceral disgust in their guts.

"…Hajime-san. I already know from the start but, as I thought the malice of this voice's

owner isn't half-baked."

"So this is what she mean as sacrifice huh."

What showed up was a terribly blasphemous something. If they had to describe it in

few words, they would call it a "meat lump". The cluster of flesh crawled and squirmed

on the ground while digesting the soil, the twisting trees, and also the animals. Limbs

of various sizes were jutting out from everywhere on its body. Countless eyes were

rolling around restlessly like a Dodomeki

Hundred-eyed demon


It wouldn't be strange for normal people to go crazy seeing the repulsive thing there.


A shriek that rubbed human nerves the wrong way and disturbed the mind shook the

air. Right after that, countless tentacles flew out from the meat lump. Those tentacles

branched further in midair and approached Hajime and Shia like thin wires.

Shia moved between Hajime and the tentacles.

"Funnuh! Desuu!"

*BANGG* Her speed broke the sound barrier, in exchange it created a wall of

shockwave. The tentacles were simultaneously deflected, and instantly, Hajime leaped

up and sniped through between Shia's rabbit ears.

A defense by the vanguard and an offense by the rearguard were done in harmony.

The result, Donner's shot splendidly hit the center of the meat lump. The exploding

bullet released its might and crimson ripple burst from within the meat lump.

There was one result. In front of the destruction that couldn't be resisted, the meat

lump was blown away as though from getting hit by explosion.

"It's like the super inferior version of Ehito."

Hajime muttered with a low voice. Shia was going to reply――but before she could,




Meat lumps poured out from all directions.

"No way"

"A type of enemy that crowd with number huh"

It was a sight like a cylinder wall of meat had been formed. After the open space was

surrounded with meat wall, it made one didn't want to think about what would

happen to what was inside at all.

――Welcome to the forest of the immortal witch

The woman voice――the so called witch's voice echoed with overflowing scorn and


――Don't worry. I won't turn you two into sacrifice. I'll make you into prisoner of my


A laughing voice that was really offensive to the ear echoed.

Inside the meat wall that covered even the sky, Hajime opened his mouth without any

unease at all.

"Shia. It looks like this woman is only putting her consciousness inside that meat lump.

With that this disgusting meat lump assimilate with the surrounding forest area with

this place as the center."


"In other words, this open space is the core? Like a monster."

"No, I don't understand the reason why this spot is the center. But, well, this woman's

territory is around the diameter of half kilometer. It's likely she searched for immortal

life and ended up like this."

"She invited human into forest, absorbed them as sacrifice, and continued to prolong

her life, and this is the compensation for that… it's really ugly."


That single word eloquently indicated that they hit the bull's eye. She would never

imaging that someone would use magic eye stone to follow the flow of power and used

the compass to investigate.

At the same time, it was also completely outside of her imagination that the people

she lured would be monster that far surpassed herself.

Unreasonableness was always the closest neighbor for those living in this world.

The cruel and inhuman witch who survived until this age by making sacrifice no

matter what it was since far away in the past, from the age where human and mystique

were living together, seemed to have completely forgotten that truth through her long


Hajime spoke with a gentle expression to the astonished witch.

"Witch-san, let's calm down for the moment. Be cool. Speaking of witch, they are the

synonym of coolness… No, well, recently there is also development of becoming magical

girl in exchange of a wish, and in the end they despaired and became witch that spread

disaster though…"

"Hajime-san, Hajime-san. You're getting out of topic."

Hajime got a faraway look recalling the recent magical girls who shook free from

various things because of the severity of life, but Shia lightly slapped his cheek

repeatedly, pulling him back to his senses. He coughed once and added more words.

"Cough-. Anyway, witch-san. We are also people who is knowledgeable of the

mystique, in other words, we're your comrade. Can't we hold a communication here

in order to know each other better?"

The witch spilled out concerning words. Or rather, she was a fairytale existence that

existed for real in this modern era. There was a lot of information he wanted to wring

out――not that, he wanted to talk out with her.

If the meat lump was just a familiar then there would be no problem, but if the meat

lump that assimilated with the forest was this witch itself, then the available method

would be limited. So Hajime-san did his best to make a smile. He also aimed to project

a calm atmosphere.

――You shouldn't even compare yourself with the mystery that I contain

It was a bit dangerous atmosphere.

――The will of you two is unnecessary for the research

In other words,

――There is no need for reservation. You two can accept my hospitality to your heart's


That seemed to be the case. Wall of meat oozed out from the ground and started to

cover the area until above.

Hajime held his head saying "Whether it's this guy or that guy, everyone is trampling

on my pure good will…" on his wits' end. Shia consoled him "The day will come when

Hajime-san's words will get through!… Perhaps!" with a wry smile.

Shia patted Hajime's shoulder consolingly. Hajime said "It will be great if that time

come" to her while his eyes turned cold at the next moment.

"I have enough of your hospitality. We're going home now."

A crimson light flashed bright.

――What are you-

"It's my thanks for the hospitality. Take it without reservation."

What appeared was rocket & missile launcher "Agni – Orcan". At the same time, all the

fired rockets were incendiary bomb that was filled plentifully with tar from another


As soon as the countless flying rockets hit the meat wall, the wall was blown away by

the impact, holes were opened, and hellfire was scattered grandly.

The forest itself was enemy? Then, he would dye the whole forest crimson.

And so, thinking rationally, it would be better to capture the witch alive seeing that

she seemed to have various fantasy information and interrogated her but… Hajime

didn't want to expose Shia to this repulsive creature even more than this just for the

sake of such information. Naturally, it was also out of the question to capture and

brought it home to his family.

Incidentally, Hajime more or less also thought to not let this witch roam free so that

no more victim would appear.

――Yo, u-, YOUUUUUUU-

"Ha, Hajime-san, Hajime-san. Is there no problem with the fire spreading?"

"I'm not going to make that kind of blunder. The area from that place where the mind

manipulation started until here is half foreign world, this is the best way to sterilize


"We, well, thinking of how many people has become sacrifice until now, this can't be

helped… isn't it"

That was the conversation between the composed Hajime who had quickly stayed

inside the four point barrier of Cross Velt and Shia who went "Awawa, this will

absolutely become news…" with slightly twitching face.

Even during that conversation, heavy rain of tar was pouring through the variable

chakram Orestes that was sent outside the barrier. And then, the witch of the forest

was shrieking.

As expected she couldn't win against the sticky 3000° Celcius hell fire.

The witch that was burned to ash in the blink of eye raised a cry of death agony


――Unforgivable-, you two can fall to hell!

She said such cliche d line. But, it seemed that it wasn't a simple parting threat.



Hajime and Shia's voice slipped out at the same time. Because under their feet, more

accurately the whole open space was shining intensely.

――O dregs of the rotten world tree! Open the door toward the overlapping worlds!

Right after that, it was like the ground exploded with how explosively light was


"No good-"


Hajime immediately attempted to escape using crystal key to teleport, but he was

obstructed by the madly frenzied space itself and he was a bit late in activating it.

Before he could make up for that delay, the two of them were enveloped in light.

An intense light completely filled the two's field of vision while the shriek of death

agony of the witch was echoing――

(? That's…)

Hajime held a question seeing the scene that he hallucinated for an instant while his

figure vanished from above earth together with Shia.

AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling

and omitted words.

This one is a story that is like a sequel but, it's also the Hajime side of Abyss Lord's

second arc.

There was also request for it, so I wrote it thinking that it's a better place to start rather

than beginning a new story at the end of the year. Well, it ended with a cliffhanger to

be continued to the latter part though…

However-, I think I'll be able to post the latter part at the afternoon of New Year. I hope

you will be able to read it to kill time inside kotatsu while eating orange at New Year!