The Valkyrie’s Pride

In the skies, beams of all colors clashed against the silver blasts of the

apostles. It looked like a scene right out of a sci-fi space battle.

The dragonmen's breath attacks were going against the apostles'

disintegration magic, creating a truly legendary scene. And eventually, a scarlet

dragon much larger than the others let out a thunderous roar.

"Focus on the apostles banding together and combining their mana! We need

to lessen the strain on the Canopy as much as possible!"

That was the dragonmen's main goal. They were trying to reduce the burden

on the Canopy, as well as make sure few attacks and apostles made it to the fort

every time it broke. After all, the harder the dragonmen fought, the more the

apostles would have to shift their focus from breaking through to fighting the

enemies in front of them.

"Adul Klarus! To think you survived the destruction of your nation!" one of

the apostles that had fought Adul in the past exclaimed. Back then, they'd been

given the order to eradicate everyone, so the fact that they'd failed galled them.

In an attempt to make up for their previous failure, the apostle launched a

disintegration blast at Adul.

"Of course I did. I ignored the plight of my country and lived on, accepting

the shame that came with it...all for the chance to destroy here and now!"

Adul leaned back and breathed in deeply, his chest expanding. He then let out

a deafening bellow, and his red-hot dragonbreath collided with the apostle's

disintegration beam.

Five hundred years ago, his breath would have been swallowed up by the

apostle's beam, and he would have died. But not today. As the two beams

collided, shock waves rippled out. The two attacks looked to be equal in force,

but then a second later, Adul's breath swallowed the apostle's beam.

"So you've grown this strong?"

"That I have...and it's all thanks to the Demon Lord's gifts!"

Adul's body was covered with far more than just his scales, for every last

inch of him was clad in artifacts designed for him in his transformed state. Most

of the artifacts had the same abilities as the ones the soldiers had equipped down

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below. There were also a few imbued with evolution magic that upgraded the

power of the dragonmen's breath attacks, though. And of course, all of the

dragonmen also had Last Seeles on them, granting them Limit Break.

Right now, every dragonman's breath was ten times as strong as normal. In

Adul's case, that meant he could melt an entire mountain with his. He'd been the

strongest dragonman when he'd become the previous Dragon King, and now he

was ten times stronger than that. An apostle would need to charge for almost a

minute to gather enough power to disintegrate a breath attack that powerful. But

of course, no one was going to give any of the apostles that much time.

"You would do well to tell your little god that the time has finally come for

him to be dragged off his throne!"

There was no response, which made sense, considering Adul's breath had

burned the apostle to cinders.


Another apostle tried to shoot down Adul while he was exposed from having

just used a breath attack, but then the young indigo-colored ice dragon, Ristas,

came in and erected an ice barrier.

Ristas had been prepared to die when he'd jumped in to save Adul, but the

disintegration beam did little more than destroy his barrier and erode some of his

scales. The armor Hajime had given him was quite durable.

"Thank you, Ristas," Adul said as he launched a breath attack at the apostle,

incinerating her.

"Don't thank me. I barely did anything. If it wasn't for that youngster's

armor, I would have died..." Ristas said in a somewhat begrudging tone. He

didn't want to admit Hajime had saved his life, but one look at the battlefield

made it obvious that without Hajime, the dragonmen wouldn't be faring nearly

as well.

The gravity magic artifacts he'd given all of them increased their flight

capabilities significantly, allowing them to zoom through the air as fast as the

apostles. Moreover, the spatial-magic claw and tail artifacts Hajime had given

everyone allowed them to pierce the apostles' flesh with ease. Weakened though

the apostles were, it was only thanks to those artifacts that Adul and the

dragonmen were able to take on a detachment of apostles twice as large as their

own forces without suffering heavy casualties.

"He he... I see you still haven't given up on Tio despite seeing how smitten

she is with our Demon Lord. How admirable of you."

"I-It's not like—"

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Adul could easily tell Ristas's reluctance to praise Hajime came from

jealousy. Honestly, he respected Ristas for still wanting to pursue Tio even after

seeing what crazy fetishes she had awoken to.

"Th-This has nothing to do with the princess! I just dislike that arrogant

youngster!" Ristas shouted as he flew off. He then chased after a nearby apostle

and fired a barrage of breath attacks in an attempt to vent his frustration.

"Adul-sama, you can gossip later! Please focus on the fight right now!" a

blue dragon said as she flew over. It was Tio's old wet nurse, Venri.

"Oh, come now, a little talk never hurt anyone."

In truth, Adul hadn't let his focus slip for even a second while he'd been

talking. He'd just been replenishing his strength because he'd noticed the

Canopy was about to break again.

Suddenly, a ring of flame appeared above Adul. It pulsed ominously, gaining

in strength and glowing brighter with each pulse. Sensing danger, a group of

apostles rushed at Adul, but Venri blocked them all to buy him some time.

A few seconds later, the Canopy shattered.

"Spin, O burning wheel of destruction. Crimson Eradicator!"

This was a special spell that Adul had created from his own breath. By

turning his breath into a rotating ring, he increased its destructive power and the

amount of area it could cover. It was a feat only someone as powerful as the

Dragon King could accomplish.

At Adul's command, the ring shot forward, slicing through every apostle in

its path. The apostles that managed to avoid instant death still caught fire and

were burned away a few seconds later.

"It seems I wasn't able to stop all of them," Adul said as he looked down.

"It's not your fault. There were just too many of them. Have faith that those

fighting down below will be able to handle things," Venri replied.

"I know, I know."

Adul had managed to stop most of the disintegration beams and apostles from

reaching the ground, but a decent number had still made it through. There was

just too big a gap in numbers between the dragonmen and the apostles. They

couldn't take care of everything.

Meanwhile, on the ground, where mortals outnumbered apostles by a good

deal, they were faring surprisingly well. Still, Adul was frustrated that he

couldn't do his job properly.

Seeing his expression, Venri smiled and said, "Don't worry, Adul-sama.

They still have her."

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She then looked off into the distance, where a veritable incarnation of grace

and beauty was tearing through apostles like wet tissue paper.

Some distance away from where the dragonmen were fighting, a lone black

streak shot through the army of glowing silver apostles. It moved erratically,

creating sharp angles where it turned, making it impossible to track.

"She's too fast..." one of the apostles muttered, her core split in two before

she'd even realized it. Another seven apostles had been taken out in the same

instant. They all went limp and fell to the ground.

Wherever the black streak went, death followed. All of the apostles in its path

were ripped apart without being able to do a single thing.

"That's far enough!" three apostles shouted in unison, stacking together to try

to stop the black streak. Two of them were cut in half, but the third was able to

stop their assailant for a brief moment.

Crossing her twin claymores in a cross shape to block the incoming attack,

the apostle exclaimed, "How dare you, Kaori Shirasaki!"

Kaori was wearing black clothes, and had black hair and wings. She looked

like the quintessential fallen angel thanks to Hajime's makeover.

Naturally, she was also the black comet that was keeping a thousand apostles

at bay all by herself. She danced gracefully across the sky, overwhelming the

apostles with ease.

"That makes one hundred!"

"Gah!" the apostle yelped. Not even three of them together could slow Kaori

down. Though the apostle had managed to block a single one of Kaori's blows,

she'd been immediately overpowered. Kaori cut off both the apostle's arms, then

sliced through her core.

The apostle hadn't even been able to see how it had happened. Lowered

though their stats were, the apostles were still unbelievably strong physically.

And yet, this apostle hadn't even been able to see Kaori's attacks, much less

defend against them.

The apostles were being killed before they even saw what hit them. Kaori

thrust her claymore forward and swung it in a circle, blowing away another

group of helpless apostles. She then swung the blood off her blade and once

again started to accelerate.



With that one word, she entered the world of speed, leaving everything else

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behind. The apostle had probably been trying to say stop her to her comrades,

but she didn't even get to finish. Of course, the fact that she'd reflexively tried to

say it aloud, even though she could instantly share her thoughts with all the other

apostles showed just how desperate they were getting.

Either way, none of the apostles were able to do a single thing to Kaori. The

ones that had moved forward to try to physically block her path were ripped to

shreds. And this was all thanks to the newest restoration magic spell Kaori had

devised, Godspeed. It was one of the trump cards she'd prepared for the

upcoming battle.

The true nature of restoration magic involved interfering with the concept of

time, and Godspeed made it so that the time every single one of Kaori's actions

took was reduced to a fraction of its normal use. That included everything from

the time it took Kaori's attacks to reach her enemies to the time it took for her to

move from place to place.

Of course, the apostles had realized this was what Kaori was doing.

"She's far surpassed the level of mere mortals."

"She's using Limit Break as well as her own evolution magic. Without both

of those, she wouldn't be able to use that Godspeed spell in actual combat."

"It must be costing her a massive amount of mana to use all of that magic

together. How many more times can she stand to use that spell?"

The apostles quickly exchanged information among themselves.

All of their conjectures were correct. They were also adapting to Kaori's

fighting style pretty fast, so they quickly realized that since Kaori was physically

moving from place to place rather than teleporting through space, all they had to

do was carpet-bomb everything along her path.

All one thousand of the apostles fired their disintegration beams in random

directions. They also created numerous magic circles with their feathers, firing

off lightning and fire spells all over the place. And of course, they made sure not

to hit each other.

Thanks to their ability to share information, they could coordinate with each

other regardless of how chaotic or fast the fighting got.

"Kaori Shirasaki. You will die here."

The apostles had to stop Kaori here. If they didn't, she would easily destroy

the apostles fighting down below. On the flip side, if the apostles that had made

it to the fortress were able to take out the priests, the ones here would be able to

defeat Kaori.

"What a coincidence. I was thinking the same thing about you guys. I won't

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let a single one of you past me."

For her part, Kaori wanted to get in the way of as many apostles as she could.

The armies down below were just barely managing to beat back the apostles

already on the ground, so if the thousand here went down, humanity would be

overwhelmed in an instant. She cut down one, then ten, then fifty, then a

hundred. The apostles' blood rained down to the ground below, followed by

their corpses.

Meanwhile, the sky was filled with silver, red, and yellow as disintegration

beams, thunderbolts, and fire covered every inch of the aerial battlefield. Some

apostles rushed recklessly at Kaori, hoping to get a single blow in before they

were killed.



They let out fierce cries as they rushed forward.

For the apostles, this was a true nightmare. They were fighting with all of

their strength yet were still getting steamrolled.

Thus far, people had needed to band together and fight as groups to resist

even a single apostle. But now, they were the ones that had to work together to

try to defeat just one of Ehit's enemies. Their pride as his apostles had been

severely shaken.

No, that's not strictly true. In the past, there was one other who was able to

effortlessly defeat us. But she—

Seeing Kaori's determined eyes, the apostles thought back to the only other

time that they'd encountered someone who was far superior to them. In most

ways, Kaori was nothing like that girl, but her ironclad resolve was just like hers.

"Have you finally reached your limit?" the apostle said as Kaori stopped

moving. There were numerous gashes on her arms and legs, and her face had

been severely burned. The concentrated attacks were slowly beginning to wear

Kaori down. Moreover, her mana stores looked to be depleted. Regular

restoration magic was already quite mana-intensive, and restoration magic that

directly interfered with time was even worse.

No matter how much mana Kaori possessed, she would eventually run out.

On the other hand, the apostles were receiving an unlimited supply from the


"You fought well, all things considered," the apostle said, looking coldly

down on Kaori as her arms drooped and she panted heavily to catch her breath.

Indeed, Kaori had managed to kill three hundred apostles in a very short time

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"But this is as far as you go. Give up and accept your fate."

Tragedy and despair were Ehit's favorite things to see, and it was his

apostles' job to present them to him.

"A human's Limit Break cannot last indefinitely. Aiko Hatayama appears to

be reinforcing everyone's souls, but even then, normal human souls cannot

withstand the strain of Limit Break for long."

Even if the apostles weren't able to take down the choir, the mortal armies

would soon run out of steam.

The apostle expected Kaori to despair after she pointed out the cruel reality to

her, but to her surprise, Kaori simply grinned fearlessly.

"Heh... I can tell you really want to make us lose hope. Too bad for you, but I

don't even know how to give up."

"Have you gone blind? Look at what's happening down below. More and

more of your precious comrades are dying by the second...and most of them are

getting horribly injured. Regular mortals can barely keep fighting after losing a

limb. You may be strong, but the rest of your army isn't. Besides, you're also

running out of strength. Do you really think you can turn this situation around on

your own?"

If so, then you're sorely mistaken.

In response, Kaori sucked in a deep breath and said, "There are three things

you're wrong about."

"Is that so?"

The apostle gave Kaori a curious look, but a second later, her eyes went wide

in surprise.

"Reap the bounty of your everlasting harvest—Anima Ernte!"

A huge amount of mana surged from Kaori, and one of her black claymores

began to glow. It looked as though her mana was surging into her sword.

Noticing something strange about that mana one of the apostles shouted,

"Impossible! You appropriated our mana?!"

"You didn't think it was strange that I was using different swords this time

around? Not realizing that was your first mistake."

The apostle's guess was right on the money. Anima Ernte was the new

healing spell that Kaori had imbued her Sword of Demonic Reclamation with.

The spell itself allowed Kaori to transfer her mana to a different target, and the

various evolution, gravity, spirit, and metamorphosis magic spells her sword was

enchanted with also allowed her to transfer the mana of whomever she cut over

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to her.

"Your second mistake was assuming that I've spent all my strength—

Hallowed Stigmata, activate!"

Though it didn't seem like Kaori had cast magic, she started healing as fast as

Yue did with her natural regeneration. Confused, the apostles stared intently at

Kaori. And after a few seconds, they noticed there was a silvery-black magic

circle on her chest.

"Is that...?"

"My restoration magic. As long as I have enough mana, my body and

equipment will keep being repaired."

It was obvious where Kaori had gotten that idea for this from. Now that she

understood the true nature of restoration magic, making herself quasi-immortal

was nothing exceptional, especially not when she'd had her number one rival,

the one person she'd spent more time around than even Hajime, to learn from.

"Why did you wait until now to activate that spell? Had you used it from the

start, you would never have taken any damage."

The more apostles Kaori killed, the more mana she'd stockpile, allowing her

to once again use Godspeed and Hallowed Stigmata, creating a vicious cycle the

apostles wouldn't be able to break.

Of course, they weren't expecting Kaori to give them a straight answer. Still,

they'd asked to try and buy time to find that answer on their own. Though their

expressions remained emotionless, the slight tightening of their lips made it clear

that they were feeling pressured.

Grinning, Kaori replied, "Because I figured you'd stop for a bit once you

thought I was cornered."

"What do you—?"

"That's your third mistake. Thinking we're the ones on a time limit. So what

if people are dying? So what if Limit Break doesn't last forever? Who do you

think you're up against here?"

Kaori reversed her grip on her second sword, her white one, and pointed it

straight at the ground. It began to glow just as the Canopy was destroyed yet


"Arise once more and be protected—Lexion Bell!"

A single silvery-black drop fell from the tip of her sword. When it was only a

few meters above the ground, it stopped and exploded in a burst of light. Waves

of silver-black rippled across the battlefield, swallowing up the soldiers.

A second later, all of the injured men stood back up, their wounds completely

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healed, their missing limbs regenerated, and their armor fully repaired. Not only

that, but even the soldiers who had been killed started getting back onto their


"You're...reviving an entire army...?"

The apostles' shock was showing on their faces now. The soldiers who'd

been dead until just a few seconds ago patted themselves down, surprised to find

themselves fully healed. When they saw their friends and comrades crying tears

of happiness as they ran over to them, the previously deceased soldiers finally

realized what had happened to them. The entire army let out a thunderous cheer,

louder even than the one they'd let loose when the battle had begun.

"I may have swapped out my body and started fighting on the front lines, but

I always have and always will be the healer of the Demon Lord's party. No

matter what happens, Kaori Shirasaki's job will remain Priestess."

Kaori fixed her grip on the white sword and pointed it straight at the apostles.

This sword—the Sword of Divine Blessings—greatly enhanced Kaori's

restoration and spirit magic, allowing her to cast wide-area magic that only

affected her allies. With this sword, even powerful revival spells like Lexion

Bell weren't beyond Kaori's means. Granted, not even Lexion Bell could revive

corpses that had been mostly disintegrated. Still, aside from that, it could take

care of everything, including the Limit Break time limit. Though that also

required some help from Aiko.

Kaori had one black demonic sword for stealing her enemies' mana and one

white divine sword for healing her allies. The pair was a perfect fit for a healer

like her.

"Even still cannot win. Our lord's will is absolute. His word is law."

It was hard to tell if the apostle truly believed that, or if she was trying to

convince herself it was true. Either way, Kaori adjusted her stance and flapped

her silvery-black wings, her gaze piercing straight through the apostles.

"Humanity won't fall...and this world won't either. Just like how one boy

with barely any strength managed to crawl his way out of the abyss, people will

always find a way to survive any crisis. We're just too stubborn to die. As long

as there's at least one person left who's still struggling to protect others, still

struggling to stay alive, they'll be able to overcome any obstacle, no matter how

'absolute' it is."

The apostle at the head of the group glared back at Kaori. As the two of them

stared each other down, it felt as though the clamor of the battle down below

faded away and they were the only two people left in the world.

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"It means 'seventh.' That is my identification number. Moreover, I am the

sole single-digit apostle on this battlefield."


Kaori had no idea why the apostle had bothered to name herself, and

honestly, neither did Siebente. Siebente just knew that she'd had to. Though she

didn't realize it, her pride as one of Ehit's chosen valkyries had compelled her


"Remember it, for it is the name of the apostle who will prove to you that

Lord Ehit's will is absolute!" Siebente roared as she brandished her twin

claymores, her wings glowing brilliantly.

Sensing Siebente's determination, Kaori let her own mana surge out and

shouted, "Then I'll prove to you that nothing is absolute!"

If Siebente was Ehit's valkyrie, then Kaori was the Demon Lord's, so she had

her own pride to uphold.

Kaori and the apostles led by Siebente clashed once again, and the valkyries

danced a dance of death high up in the sky.

Siebente and the others had decided to stay on the defensive and look for an

opening to strike back against Kaori.

Meanwhile, Kaori was cutting down apostle after apostle, using their mana to

keep her large-scale recovery spell going.

Their battle raged for so long that Kaori lost all track of time. Because the

sky was covered in a red veil, it was impossible to tell the time from the sun's

position either.

Though the soldiers fighting down below were still holding out, the Canopy

was taking longer and longer to regenerate with each cycle. There were still

enough spare parts left to keep repairing it, but the synergists actually doing the

repairing were starting to grow exhausted. Furthermore, many of the soldiers had

expended all of their bullets, and many of the larger cannons on the walls were

also silent. Worst of all, the death toll was growing as more and more soldiers

were mangled so badly they couldn't be revived. The situation was still even

enough that it could go either way, however, and the soldiers were fighting with

everything they had. They still believed that Hajime and the others would be

able to put an end to this battle once and for all.

It was at this critical moment that something appeared to decisively tip the

scales in one side's favor.

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The first person to notice was Liliana.

"Huh? Wh-What is that? Wait..."

The large screen in the command room projected the entire battlefield onto

the wall, and Liliana was looking at the disturbance happening at the base of the

destroyed Sacred Mountain.

Is that black stuff mist...? No, it looks more like gel.

Indeed, some sort of black substance was oozing out of the rubble that had

once been a mountain.

A second later, a bloodcurdling noise echoed across the battlefield.


Chills ran down the soldiers' spines, and they looked over at the Sacred

Mountain. The black sludge exploded upward and coalesced into a single

creature in midair.

Kaori knew that creature all too well.

"No way... Is that a Devourer?"

Indeed, the large jellyfish-like creature looked just like the ancient monster

that had given Hajime and the others so much trouble after they got out of the

Sunken Ruins of Melusine.

Kaori was so surprised that she stopped where she was. Even Siebente let a

little emotion show on her face when she looked over at the Devourer.

"I suspected it might have survived. It took longer than expected to

regenerate, but...this is perfect timing. As part of Lord Ehit's collection, do your

duty and clean up this rabble."

That was the moment Siebente had been waiting for. As Kaori turned back to

face her, the black Devourer shot its countless tentacles out in all directions. It

then started to pulse, sending something through its tentacles into the corpses of

the monsters buried below the mountain's rubble.

"That is known as the Mother of Sin. It is an ancient creature that can put

other beings under its control by feeding parts of its body to them...and it matters

not whether those beings are alive or dead."

"No way!"

If the Devourer was a creature that grew by consuming other beings, the

Mother of Sin was one that grew by letting itself be consumed. Of course,

because it sent its own cells into other creatures, there was a physical limit to

how many things it could control at once. However, supplying it with mana

allowed it to regenerate the parts of its body it had sent out. Moreover, the things

it mind controlled retained their original forms and abilities; they were just

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utterly loyal to the Mother of Sin. It could even bring back corpses by using its

cells to supplement any damaged or destroyed body parts.

The revived monsters burst through the rubble and let out a series of howls as

they charged toward the combined armies of Tortus.

"Seriously, they've got reinforcements? Normally, I'd say bring it on,

but...this might be a bit too much for us," Gahard said, looking worriedly at the

charging army. He was covered in blood from head to toe, half of it belonging to

his enemies and the other half himself.

There was more bad news too. The Canopy was destroyed again for the

umpteenth time, but this time, the synergists were too spent to repair it. The

scales were beginning to tip in the apostles' favor.

"All armies, send whatever units you can spare to the north! If the monsters

manage to join the melee, we'll be overrun! We have to stop them here!" Liliana

shouted through her telepathy artifact.

Gahard immediately started doling out orders, and Heiligh and Ankaji's

armies began to mobilize as well.

Unfortunately, there were still apostles left in the middle of those

armies...and turning your back on an apostle was a fatal mistake. Unsurprisingly,

the apostles were able to wreak far more havoc now that a chunk of troops was


"Oh no!" Kaori shouted, looking down.

"Feel free to leave, but know that we will destroy the choir if you do!"

Siebente shouted, preventing Kaori from rushing down to kill the monsters.

Gritting her teeth, Kaori turned back to Siebente. She couldn't afford to leave

the apostles here alone. Even if she used Godspeed, by the time she'd culled the

monsters' numbers, Siebente and the others would have slaughtered the priests.

There were already five hundred or so apostles heading straight for the fortress

rooftop now that the Canopy was gone.

Of course, Kaori could bring them back if they were killed, but she doubted

Siebente and the other apostles would give her the chance to. After all, once the

choir was stopped, the apostles would immediately return to their full strength.

The ground rumbled as the swarm of monsters descended upon the allied

armies, kicking up massive dust clouds in their wake. There were more than ten

thousand of them, and their roars alone were enough to demoralize the soldiers.

Worst of all, until the Mother of Sin was defeated, those monsters would keep

reviving indefinitely. In fact, the Mother of Sin was working on bringing more

of the monsters under the rubble back with each passing second.

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Kaori didn't know how many monsters the Mother of Sin could bring back

with its size, but she did know that there were tens of millions buried under that

mountain. Humanity's greatest advantage, their numbers, would be overturned

before long if this kept up. And once that happened, Tortus was doomed.

"I-I'll do something about them!" Aiko shouted through her communicator.

She then sent one of her Hyperions over to the monsters. The other six were all

out of solar energy, but Aiko had kept one in reserve just in case it was needed to

deal with an emergency. It only had enough energy for one shot, but hopefully,

that would be enough to kill the Mother of Sin, even if Aiko couldn't wipe out

the monsters. Though of course, that would require getting in range first.

"Too slow!" one of the apostles shouted, firing a disintegration beam at it.

The Hyperions were never meant to be mobile weapons. They were designed to

work as defensive artillery, so they were quite slow.

"I told you time and time again, Lord Ehit's will is absolute!"

"We haven't been beaten yet! I just have to beat that monster while taking

care of all of you at the same time!"

"As if you can do that!"

Kaori once again activated Godspeed, rushing at the mass of apostles.

Unfortunately for her, Siebente and the others were focusing purely on defense

and evasion to make it harder for Kaori to keep replenishing her mana by

defeating them.

Whenever she managed to find an opening, Kaori shot a disintegration beam

at the Mother of Sin. Sadly, it was too far away. At full power, Kaori's beam

would still be able to reach and destroy it, but that would require some charging

time, which the apostles were determined to make sure she didn't get.

It's just barely not enough! If we just had just one more trump card on our

side, we'd be able to take care of that monster!

Kaori wracked her brain for potential solutions, but she couldn't think of


The monsters were about one kilometer away from Tortus's exhausted armies

now. As soon as they arrived, the armies would be ripped apart and the mortal

races would lose.

I'm begging you guys, please hold out somehow!

All Kaori could do was pray And miraculously, her prayers were answered.


The ground vanished, along with all the monsters on it. Or at least, it seemed

that way to Kaori until she looked closer and realized a perfectly square-shaped

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section of earth had just been pushed very far down. There was now a huge hole

that was a full square kilometer in size to the north of the battlefield...and all of

the monsters occupying that square had been completely flattened.

"Gravity magic?" Kaori muttered. She'd seen Yue use it plenty of times

before, but there was no way Yue was present.

Who is it? Who else has that much power and can use gravity magic?

Naturally, the soldiers, including the usually unflappable Gahard, were also


Unexpectedly, it was Siebente who answered everyone's unspoken question.

In a voice dripping with hatred and fear, she shouted, "Miledi Reiseeeeeen!"

Upon hearing that, Kaori finally remembered that Hajime had indeed

mentioned that someone called Miledi would be coming as reinforcements at

some point.

Sparks started shooting out of the air between the giant hole and where

Tortus's armies were. The air started to twist and warp, forming a portal from

which an army of four hundred golems sprang forth. Once they were all out, a

massive golem king that stood at around twenty meters came out behind them.

Finally, a small golem with a smiley-face mask came out, an extravagant robe

draped around her shoulders.

"Always there to save the day when people need her—super beautiful genius

mage Miledi-chaaaaaan takes the stage!"

Miledi turned back to the armies of Tortus, raised one leg into the air, put one

hand on her hip, made a peace sign with her other hand, and winked at the

soldiers with her tongue sticking out in a cutesy fashion.

Miledi Reisen, the creator of the Reisen Gorge and the leader of the

Liberators who had once challenged god and failed, had finally returned to the

surface. She had spent countless years believing that someone capable of

defeating god would eventually appear, and at long last, her wish had been


Everyone stopped dead in their tracks, including the apostles. But while the

soldiers were mostly just confused, the apostles looked equal parts afraid and


"Man, what a surprise. I don't think I've ever had timing this perfect before! I

guess I'm just that good! Oh, but don't go falling for me now, guys!" Miledi's

annoying voice carried easily across the battlefield.

Though no one said anything aloud, in their hearts all of the soldiers were

thinking, Holy shit, she's so annoying!

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For the first time since deciding they would fight against god, all the mortal

races were united in heart and soul.

Miledi ordered her golem knights to take care of the second wave of

monsters the Mother of Sin had revived and flew over to Kaori.

Annoying as Miledi was, Kaori was still grateful for the reinforcements, so

she smiled at her.

"Miledi-san! My name's Kaori! You need to—"

"Man, it's so weird seeing someone who looks like an apostle acting like a

normal person with normal emotions! This is the biggest shock ever!"

"Thanks, but we don't have time to chat! Miledi-san, you need to—"

"Come on, we're all friends here. Call me Miledi-tan, not Miledi-san!"

Kaori gave up on trying to have a serious conversation with Miledi.

"Shea was right. You really are annoying," she said as she shot Miledi a

withering look.

"When you put it like that, it kinda hurts..." Miledi replied, her smiley face

mask drooping a little.

"Miledi Reisen! Why is a specter of the past like you here?!"

The apostles fired disintegration beams at Miledi from all directions.

Kaori quickly moved to defend her, but that proved unnecessary.


Numerous gravity spheres appeared around Kaori and Miledi. They rotated

around the two of them, absorbing the disintegration beams and redirecting them

back at the apostles.

"Hmph, who said you guys could butt in?! I'll punish you all later, so be

good little girls and wait for your turn. Heavencrush."

Miledi's tone was joking up until the moment she said the name of her spell,

at which point it became stone-cold. Her sky-blue mana surged and a second

later, a massive black sphere appeared above the Mother of Sin. The air around it

then began to swirl and electric sparks crackled across the sphere's surface.

Even a legendary ancient monster like the Mother of Sin could do nothing in

the face of such destructively powerful gravity magic. The surrounding rubble

was swallowed up, along with all of the monsters in the area, including, of

course, the Mother of Sin.

"All right, that takes care of that! All that's left is about...three thousand of

them? My golems will hold the front lines for you, so do your best to take care

of the apostles left in your ranks, members of the alliance army," Miledi said,

using her own communicator to address everyone.

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"Sh-She's the reinforcements that the Goddess's Sword called over for us!

Onward to victory, everyone!" Liliana shouted, snapping the soldiers out of their

stupor. They'd been subconsciously annoyed by Miledi, as everyone who saw

her for the first time was, but upon hearing that she was their reinforcements,

they all let out triumphant cheers. If she was one of the Goddess's Sword's

friends, it made sense to them that she could take out tens of thousands of

monsters and the Mother of Sin in one shot.

Meanwhile, Miledi's golems started tearing into the revived monsters that

had been far enough away from the Heavencrush to avoid getting sucked in.

Their power was overwhelming, to the point that the soldiers were able to take a

short breather and gather their bearings.

Despite Miledi's impressive display of force, however, they weren't out of

the woods just yet.

"I'm sorry, Kaori-chan," Miledi said quietly via telepathy as she continued

deflecting the apostles' disintegration beams.


Kaori turned to her and was surprised to see Miledi looking sincerely


"I won't be able to fight for long. That's why I was conserving my strength

until it was absolutely necessary. I saw how much you guys were struggling

before, but...I'm sorry I couldn't come right away."

Miledi clearly didn't want to let any of the apostles hear this. Kaori didn't

know how strong Miledi was in the past, but it was obvious to her that the

apostles were wary of Miledi. In fact, they were as guarded around Miledi as

they were around Kaori. They seemed to believe that if they let their guard down

for even an instant, they'd be obliterated.

Kaori pressed her back against Miledi's, smiled, and replied, "That's fine.

You've already done more than enough. Thank you so much for coming, Miledisan."

"You mean Miledi-tan."

Well, that sure ruined the moment.

Kaori's expression turned serious and she charged at the apostles without

bothering to reply. Thanks to Miledi's support, she had a much easier time

cutting through the apostles. Kaori was taking them down about as quickly as

when she'd first taken to the battlefield, like before they'd changed tactics to

counter her.

As she watched Kaori fight, Miledi muttered, "Meru-nee, the girl who

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inherited your magic is way stronger than we were."

She honestly sounded happy to be outdone.

Thanks to Miledi's appearance, the scales had started tipping in the other

direction. At this point, it was the forces of Tortus that had the edge.

The apostles couldn't do a thing to stop Miledi, and they were just barely

unable to reach the choir, as Yuka and the others were putting up fierce

resistance. Moreover, Kousuke seemed to grow continually stronger with every

passing moment now that he'd awoken to his shadow-clone powers.

Of the five thousand apostles who had made up Ehit's initial army, a

thousand of them had already been killed. There were only a hundred or so

apostles left to oppose Kaori, and Siebente had lost an arm and a leg. And to

make matters worse, the apostles received extremely troubling news from the


"Shea Haulia and Tio Klarus..." Siebente muttered, stopping suddenly. Upon

hearing that, Kaori stopped as well and watched her intently.

"To think not even Hearst and the others could stand up to them."

Indeed, it was at that very moment that Shea defeated the five platinum

apostles, and Tio killed Freid and destroyed his monster army.

"Shea and Tio won!" Kaori shouted excitedly.

"Hearst? I remember that name. So she finally kicked the bucket, huh?! Nice

going, bunny girl hero! Hey, apostles, how does it feel to get owned?" Miledi

asked in her trademark annoying voice.

Unfortunately, they didn't get to rejoice for very long.

"It is no longer possible to annihilate the mortal races of Tortus with the

forces we were given. Rejoice, Kaori Shirasaki. You have indeed shattered the

pride of us apostles."

Siebente's voice was quiet, but filled with emotion. Kaori's instincts were

telling her that something bad was coming, as Siebente's expression was cold,

but not in the usual emotionless apostle way.

"What are you going to do, then?" Kaori asked.

"Request a boon from Lord Ehit."

They had been created by Ehit to fulfill a specific purpose, but now that was

no longer possible, so they would turn to him for help. For the apostles, it was a

bitter decision, akin to abandoning their raison d'être, but they had no other


"Oh no! Kaori-chan, we have to stop them!"

Sadly, Miledi's warning came too late. The crack in the sky—the gate

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leading to the Sanctuary—emitted a burst of silver light, and another five

thousand apostles poured out of it. Fighting on even terms with the first five

thousand apostles had been hard enough, but now they had double the number to

deal with. Originally, these extra five thousand apostles had been meant to be

kept in reserve so they could serve as the vanguard when Ehit invaded earth, but

now they couldn't afford that luxury.

The new army of apostles formed together in a spindle formation much

denser than the one the first wave of apostles had used, then started charging

their disintegration magic. They looked like a divine spear that had suddenly

appeared high in the sky.

Chills ran down Kaori's spine and her face went pale. If they took that attack,

the soldiers would be toast.

"I won't let you!" Kaori shouted, shooting upward.

"All units, focus fire on the reinforcements above us! We cannot let them

unleash their attack!" Liliana said, her orders echoing across the battlefield.

Siebente and the others tried to stop Kaori, but Miledi easily pinned them in

place. Meanwhile, the soldiers below fired every single antiair weapon they had

up at the divine spear that was forming.

Adul and the other dragonmen fired their breath attacks at it as well, even

though it exposed them to attacks from the apostles they were fighting.

Unfortunately, the apostles had already spent a decent amount of time charging

before they'd even stepped through the gate, so their shimmering silver spear

was ready all too soon.

"You won't get past me—Ultimate Hallowed Ground!"

Kaori stepped in front of the path of the spear and crossed her claymores in

front of her, generating the most powerful barrier she could muster. The spatial

magic her gauntlets were enchanted with enhanced the barrier, making it even


I hope this is enough, Miledi thought, firing a Heavencrush at the spear even

as she kept Siebente and the others at bay. It ate a significant chunk out of the

spear's side, and also swallowed up the apostles still coming out of the gate. But

unfortunately, that wasn't enough to stop the spear's momentum.

The spear crashed into Kaori's barrier, then started eating through it. Kaori,

of course, used restoration magic to keep repairing the destroyed sections, but

that wasn't enough.

"I...can't stop it... Everyone, run!"

Soon enough, the barrier shattered and the shock wave sent Kaori flying.

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That thankfully prevented her from taking a direct hit, but as the spear passed

her by, it still ripped off her right arm.

The Divine Spear fell, crashing into the barrier protecting the pope's choir.

After a few seconds, it blasted through that barrier as well and the silver spear

plowed into the fortress.

Half of the fort was destroyed immediately and half of the powerless priests

were vaporized in an instant. Kaori had managed to just barely move the spear

off course, and Yuka and the others had acted quickly to evacuate everyone,

which was the only reason why the remaining half of the choir survived. Still,

the damage was catastrophic. And worst of all, this forced the priests to stop

singing. The main spell keeping the apostles weakened was gone, so they would

be able to brandish their full power once more.

Pillars of silver light shot up all over the battlefield, and a second later, blood

sprayed everywhere as the apostles started slaughtering the soldiers. In seconds,

there were mountains of corpses all over. The soldiers who had been shouting

war cries until now all started screaming in terror.

"This will at least buy us some time—Field Reversal!" Miledi shouted,

squeezing out the last of her strength to reverse the gravity acting on all the

apostles. The spell itself was a simple one, but using it on all the apostles at once

was exceedingly difficult. It was clear Miledi was pushing herself past her limits,

as her mask started to crack. Still, it worked and the majority of the apostles

were sent hurtling into the air. They'd been pushed up a good six hundred meters

before they were able to regain control of their mobility.

Siebente and the apostles that had been fighting Adul and the other

dragonmen joined up with the four thousand-odd apostles that had suddenly

been thrown skyward.

"It's time we put an end to this," Siebente stated, brandishing her claymores.

All of the apostles followed suit, then started charging their disintegration magic.

There was no Canopy to defend the soldiers down below anymore, and the

apostles were at full strength. Thus, this concentrated barrage would easily

annihilate the allied army.

The dragonmen were firing their breath and the soldiers were using all of

their antiair weapons to try to cull the apostles' numbers, but now that they were

back to full strength, their defenses were far too tough.

They wouldn't be able to stop the apostles at this rate. All they could do was

watch helplessly as the silver lights up above grew brighter and brighter.

I was hoping to save this, but...I might have to use it here... Miledi thought to

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herself, preparing her final trump card. Before she could use it, however, Kaori

took action.

"Not so fast!" she shouted, placing herself between the apostles and the allied

army. She'd finished restoring her missing arm, so she spread both arms wide.

"Ultimate Hallowed Ground!"

A pale violet barrier spread out to cover the entire army. It was the color of

Kaori's own mana, not the silver mana of the apostle body she was inhabiting or

the silvery-black mana she'd had after using metamorphosis magic on herself to

look like a fallen angel.

The color of one's mana was a reflection of their soul. In other words, this

was a barrier Kaori had bet her very soul on.

"Perish," Siebente said simply. Then, the four thousand apostles unleashed

their fully powered disintegration beams at Kaori.

There was a thunderous boom and a violent explosion of light as the beams

collided with Kaori's barrier.

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh!" Kaori let out a pained scream. It felt like she

was trying to stop a meteor shower with her bare hands. Her silvery-black wings

began to flicker, and she was slowly but surely being pushed back toward the


"Tetragrammaton! Godspeed! Limiter Removal!"

Kaori used Godspeed to allow her to regenerate her barrier instantaneously

whenever it was broken and also used the ultimate evolution magic spell to push

her abilities even further. Using three ancient magic spells at once, with one of

them using the principles of that magic's true nature, took an unbelievably

ridiculous amount of mana. Kaori gritted her teeth so hard they cracked and tears

of blood spilled from her eyes.

"Brave warriors, deploy your barriers. Do everything you can to support

her!" Adul shouted. All of the dragonmen overlapped their barriers with Kaori's,

trying their hardest to ease her burden even a little.

"I have the utmost respect for your resolve—Spatial Severance!" Miledi

exclaimed, expending the last of her remaining power to create a gravity field to

absorb as many of the disintegration beams as possible.

The soldiers on the ground were also doing everything they could.

"Sing! Sing, dammit! If you've got breath in your lungs, then sing!" Simon

shouted. He'd been lucky enough to be part of the group that had survived. He

and the dozen or so priests that remained were bleeding all over, but they sang at

the top of their lungs to try to weaken the apostles even a little.

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"I beseech you in the name of the fertility goddess. Grant our valkyrie your


Aiko used spirit magic to transfer as much of the soldiers' and the other

students' mana as she dared over to Kaori. Had any of them resisted, it would

have been difficult for Aiko to maintain that spell, but of course every single one

of them was willing.

Meanwhile, the beastmen who possessed no mana became literal meat

shields to physically protect Aiko from the few apostles still on the ground.

It was hard to tell how much time passed. It might have been a few seconds

or a few minutes. To Kaori, at least, it felt like an eternity. But eventually, the

beams died down.

"Haaah... Haaah, we did it..." Kaori muttered, panting heavily as her paleviolet barrier began to fade. Her wings kept fading in and out of existence, and

she started falling to the ground. Miledi hurriedly flew over to support her.

"Nice going, Kaori-chan! You really are one amazing girl!"

"Miledi-san..." Kaori mumbled. She was utterly spent, to the point where

even her soul was in an exhausted state. The same was true for the dragonmen,

the soldiers, and Aiko and the other students. Everyone had squeezed out every

last ounce of strength they'd had just to endure that attack.

After a brief pause, the apostles started charging again. This time they

grouped up into sets of ten, creating silver lights so bright they looked like minisuns.

"As I have said time and time again, Lord Ehit's will is absolute," Siebente

stated, her voice reaching everyone on the battlefield.

Kaori and the others wouldn't be able to restore their mana in time. This next

attack really would kill everyone. There was no avoiding it.

At long last, the soldiers started to give in to despair. But not Kaori, no. Still

panting, she once again raised both arms. She wouldn't give up no matter what


Upon seeing her, the soldiers held their breath. Her gallant figure was so

inspiring that they couldn't help but be moved. Pushing aside their despair, the

people down below resolved to give her their very souls if that was what it took.

"Hold out for as long as you can, even if it's just for a second longer!"

Kaori wasn't saying that out of desperation, but rather faith.

In that extra second they held out, her beloved Hajime might be able to put an

end to Ehit. No, he definitely would. Of that she was certain, which was why she

would keep struggling until the very moment of her death.

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Once again, the sky was filled with silver lights. The barrier Kaori had

erected this time was as brittle as a pane of glass. However, it did last for a

second, and indeed that second was enough to win them their future.

"He he, see? What did I tell you?!" Kaori exclaimed proudly, smiling.

The silver lights dissipated, leaving Kaori and all the soldiers down below

still intact.

"Impossible... Lord Ehit is struggling so much that he cannot even supply us

with mana?" Siebente muttered in shock as she looked up at the gate. She then

looked down at Kaori. And as their eyes met, she pursed her lips...before her

body went limp and she started falling. The same thing happened to the other

apostles, and they all hit the ground like lifeless rag dolls.

The apostles on the ground weren't faring much better. In the command

room, half the ceiling and two whole walls had been destroyed. Liliana was

backed into a corner with only her maid Helina left to protect her. Helina

desperately held her dagger out in front of her, facing off against an apostle. That

apostle had her claymore raised high to deal the finishing blow, but it was at that

moment that she froze.

Bleeding from a deep gash in her chest and panting heavily, Helina warily

stepped forward and stabbed the apostle. And somehow, her weak thrust was

enough to cause the apostle to collapse.


Helina turned back to Liliana and flashed her a wide smile. Feeling hope

swell in her chest, Liliana activated the cameras that were still working and

projected the situation outside onto one of the remaining walls.

The apostles the soldiers were fighting had all stopped as well. Realizing

immediately what had happened, Liliana took a deep breath and activated her

communicator pearl.

"Central command to all units."

The apostles in the air had all fallen, while the ones on the ground were

frozen in place. The horde of monsters Miledi's golems had been fighting started

scattering in all directions as well. Everyone was severely injured and utterly

exhausted, but they all looked up at the fort as Liliana spoke.


They could tell she was about to announce that the races of Tortus had won,

and they waited with bated breath for the proclamation. But just before Liliana

could finish her statement, Adul interrupted her.

"Wait, what's that...? Don't tell me the Sanctuary is..."

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Adul was looking up at the crack that served as the gate into the Sanctuary.

The sky all around it was twisting and warping.

Cracks started to appear in the sky, and from those cracks, Adul caught

glimpses of fantastical other worlds. The air began to creak and groan as if the

very world was on the verge of falling apart.

"Hajime-kun, Yue, guys..." Kaori muttered worriedly, looking up at the gate.

Something strange was clearly happening in the Sanctuary. It looked like it was

on the verge of collapsing, even.

Kaori was so exhausted that it was a struggle just to stay conscious, but once

she realized Hajime and the others might be in danger, the fire returned to her

eyes and she weakly flapped her wings, trying to head to the gate.

"Don't worry!"


However, Miledi gently patted Kaori's head with her metal hand and stopped

her from going toward it.

"Thank you, Kaori-chan. Because you worked so hard, I was able to save my

final trump card."

"What's that?"

Miledi didn't bother to explain and instead simply winked at Kaori.

"Leave those guys to me. Everyone's favorite idol, Miledi-chan, will get

them all out safe and sound for you."

Miledi then flew up into the gate, and Kaori didn't even try to stop her. The

sheer sense of resolve in Miledi's words had overwhelmed her. More than

anything though, she'd felt an immense amount of love coming from Miledi at

that moment.

The strength drained from Kaori's limbs, and she muttered, "I'm counting on

you, Miledi-san."

As she'd promised Hajime the night before the final battle, she would trust in

them and wait. And honestly, all of the other people on the battlefield felt the

same way as they gazed up at the collapsing sky. They fervently prayed for

Hajime's victory.