The Truth Behind God and the Final Battle Part 2

"What?!" he shouted, shocked. It made no sense. No object should have been

able to stop his claymore. Thus, he swung his second one down as well, and

Hajime blocked that one with Donner.

Sensing danger, Ehitruje immediately teleported away to gain some distance.

"How? How are you able to block my swords?"

"It just took a little Transmutation, that's all."

Ehitruje's claymores used spirit magic to pass through everything except for

the soul of their intended target. With that in mind, the solution had been simple;

Hajime had just given his guns copies of his soul, the same way he'd given his

organic golems fake souls. In doing so, he'd tricked the claymores into thinking

the guns were also him, and therefore targets that shouldn't be passed through.

By the time Ehitruje had figured all of that out, Hajime had teleported right

beside him...and he could feel his Godspeed being blocked.

Hajime took aim at his head and heart with Donner and Schlag. Though

Ehitruje could have teleported away, his pride wouldn't allow him to run.

Instead, he tried to cut down the bullets like he had before, not even realizing

that this attack was a feint.

His focus solely on the gun barrels, Ehitruje was caught by surprise when

Hajime didn't pull the trigger. A second later, he felt a sharp pain in his


Letting out a groan of pain, Ehitruje doubled over as he was sent flying a few

dozen meters back. Hajime had roundhouse kicked him. And with his stats

amplified this much, even a simple kick had as much power as his pile bunkers.

Still, Hajime's kick shouldn't have been able to pierce Ehitruje's barriers when

even his strongest rail gun rifle couldn't. And yet, Ehitruje had taken damage.

"You..." Ehitruje muttered in surprise.

"Looks like it worked."

There was a trickle of blood spilling from the corner of Ehitruje's mouth.

Hajime's kick had gone through his barrier and damaged him directly.

Stunned, Ehitruje looked down at Hajime's boots, which were still emitting

crimson shock waves.

" completely analyzed my barrier in the middle of battle?!"

Ehitruje's barrier was a powerful spell that combined multiple ancient magics

to create the ultimate shield. Aside from overwhelming brute force, the only

other way to break through it would be to use a similarly complex combination

of ancient magic to counteract the barrier's effects.

Indeed, that was exactly what Hajime had done. In the middle of battle, he'd

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created an improvised artifact capable of nullifying Ehitruje's barrier, proving

that it was his abilities as a master synergist that made Hajime so fearsome, not

the ancient magic he'd acquired or the skills he'd absorbed from monsters.

Of course, making improvised artifacts imbued with ancient magic was only

possible thanks to Transcendence, the final derivative skill of Limit Break. There

had only been a handful of people in the history of Tortus to ever acquire the

skill, and among them, Hajime was the only one who was also capable of using

all seven types of ancient magic. There would likely never again be anyone

capable of transmuting ancient magic into artifacts on the fly the way Hajime


Ehitruje had foolishly assumed mass-producing weapons was where a

synergist's true strength lay, but that was only one part of what made synergists

so powerful. A synergist's greatest asset was their adaptability.

Sparks ran down the length of Donner's and Schlag's barrels as Hajime took

aim once more.

"I think I'll call these Godpiercer Bullets."

Hajime had reforged his ammunition to be capable of penetrating Ehitruje's

barrier. Now every single one of his bullets was a deadly threat, capable of

dealing heavy damage. And more importantly, this also meant that Hajime's

god-killer artifact could now easily reach Ehitruje.

Upon realizing that, Ehitruje instinctively took a few steps back...and when

he realized he was cowering, he glared at Hajime. His furious expression ruined

Yue's good looks.

"Damn you, Irregular! Just how much were you holding back until now?!"

Ehitruje wasn't just referring to the new artifacts Hajime had started creating.

Hajime's stats were also much higher than they had been a few minutes ago.

That was the reason a simple kick had been able to actually damage Ehitruje.

Overload was the strongest version of Limit Break as far as stat increases

went, and there shouldn't have been any way of multiplying one's stats further

short of sacrificing their own life force. But somehow, Hajime's stats were over

tenfold what they had been at the start, and he looked healthier than ever.

In other words, when he'd first activated Overload and told Ehitruje he

wouldn't be holding back, that too had been a lie.

"You must be pretty stupid if you actually believed anything your opponent

said," Hajime stated with a shake of his head, then went on the offensive.

Of course, Ehitruje thought that first activation of Overload had been a bluff,

but in truth, Hajime had actually used Overload there. What was increasing his

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stats even further now was the same artifact he'd handed out to every soldier

fighting for Tortus back on the surface. His own Last Seele. There was no way

he'd make an artifact that powerful for other people and not keep one for

himself. Naturally, he'd ingested a few CheatMates as well.

By combining his Last Seele with his own innate Overload skill, Hajime had

been able to magnify his stats beyond what would normally be possible. That

was what was allowing him to match Ehitruje's godlike specs.

At the level they were fighting at, the light apostles and spheres Ehitruje's

magic circle was mass-producing could barely even do anything to intervene.

Hajime's high-speed movement and constant teleportation, combined with his

highly polished gun-kata fighting techniques, forced Ehitruje to focus all of his

attention on close combat, not giving him time to do anything else.

As they fought, Ehitruje noticed one other anomaly.

"Your wounds, they're..."

Indeed, they were healing at an unbelievably fast rate. The numerous burns

and lacerations that had covered Hajime's body were mostly gone, and his

breathing was steady. At first, Ehitruje thought Hajime must have made another

healing artifact, but he didn't sense any restoration magic being used. There was

only one other explanation for why Hajime was healing so fast.

"So you lied about that vial of Ambrosia being your last one too," he said

with a frown.

"Well, it was the last one in my Treasure Trove."

Of the two Hajime had left, he'd put one inside a capsule and swallowed it so

that it was sitting in his stomach. Eventually, his stomach acids had melted the

capsule and the healing liquid had started spreading through Hajime's system.

Claymores and guns clashed, sending sparks flying everywhere. His eye

twitching with barely suppressed rage, Ehitruje asked, "Why save it for so


"To make sure I would win. From the very start, I knew not to underestimate

your strength."

Hajime's god-killer artifact could only be used once. Thus, he couldn't afford

to use it until he knew the full extent of Ehitruje's capabilities. In order to make

sure his trump card would hit, he needed to be sure he'd seen all of Ehitruje's

powers and devised suitable counters for them. What Ehitruje had been trying to

do Hajime for fun, Hajime had also been trying to do to Ehitruje, though for

entirely different reasons.

In truth, Ehitruje's strength had still surpassed Hajime's expectations, and

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he'd felt the specter of death looming over him more than once during their

fight, but in exchange for most of his artifacts and a great deal of pain, Hajime

had finally succeeded in making Ehitruje show off all of his skills. Meanwhile,

he'd managed to preserve the most important of his own trump cards.

"If you're so certain you haven't underestimated me, let's see if you can

handle this! Behold the full might of a god!" Ehitruje shouted, creating a series

of spatial explosions all around him. It was a desperate attack, one hardly

befitting someone who claimed to be a god.

Hajime quickly neutralized the explosions near him with a series of mana

shock waves and used Diamond Skin and Aideon to block the ones that got

through. Though he was able to avoid taking any damage, he was still forced to

stop moving for a few seconds. And in that time, Ehitruje used Heavenstep to

return to the center of his three-ring halo.

A second later, there was an explosion of platinum light as the halo that was

also a magic circle began to glow. The three rings also started to pulse, growing

in size. Once they were over a thousand meters in diameter, the second and third

rings started rotating in reverse.

The light apostles and spheres started flooding toward Hajime to try to slow

him down while Ehitruje intoned, "This is the true divine might! The light of

destruction that not even my brethren could stand against! There's nowhere for

you to run, Irregular!"

Platinum light filled the room, blotting out Hajime's vision. The wave of

light that spread over a kilometer wide made its way to him like an avalanche of

epic proportions. This was Ehitruje's ultimate trump card, the move he'd used to

overturn the game board whenever things weren't going his way. And yet, in the

face of such destructive might, Hajime simply grinned.

"Well, if I can't run, I'll just punch right through it."

He took a resolute step toward the almighty light. He then rocketed forward

at tremendous speed, turning into a crimson blur, and took out yet another

artifact that he'd kept in reserve. This artifact looked like a huge lance, but its

pointed tip had spiral grooves in it, and it was rotating at high speed like a drill.

The tip was also quite wide like an umbrella, covering most of Hajime's body.

This was Hajime's lance drill artifact, Laobenschiram. He'd used the

majority of his remaining sealstone to coat the surface of the drill, and the

superdense alloy that made up the rest of its volume was enchanted with all

seven types of ancient magic, making it the strongest offensive and defensive

artifact in his possession. It had the power to drill right through anything,

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whether it was physical or magical.


The light was so powerful that it stripped away the sealstone coating in

seconds, and though the restoration magic in the artifact repaired it nigh instantly

and spatial magic protected Hajime from as much of the impact as possible, he

still took a serious amount of damage from the shock waves that erupted as his

drill slammed into the tsunami of light. Many of his wounds reopened and blood

spurted in all directions as slivers of light grazed him. Even his internal organs

took a good amount of damage, and he coughed up blood as he screamed.

Hajime's muscles tore, his bones cracked, and his skin was ripped off. But

even so, he kept charging forward. Screaming as he went, he didn't let the light

slow him down for even a second. It didn't matter how overwhelming Ehitruje's

might was; Hajime would push through it with sheer force. That was how he'd

overcome all obstacles in his path so far, and he wasn't planning on stopping


"Your power's mine!" Hajime shouted, and a second later, Laobenschiram

began to glow with a platinum light.

"Impossible! This is the pinnacle of god's might! How could you possibly

have appropriated it for yourself?!"

Laobenschiram had been enchanted with spirit and metamorphosis magic to

make it half-alive, just like Hajime's golems. Its sole purpose was to absorb

whatever ultimate final attack Ehitruje might attempt and make that power its

own. While it had been drilling through Ehitruje's light, it had also been

breaking it down and analyzing it with evolution magic. And now, Hajime had

enchanted Laobenschiram with Ehitruje's own power.

This was the culmination of Hajime's magical talent and synergist skill.

Plunder Transmutation. The ability to analyze an attack he was hit by and

immediately incorporate that same attack into his own artifacts.

Normally, something like that would have been impossible, but the

Transcendence skill combined with his massively boosted stats had allowed

Hajime to do the impossible in just seconds. Creation magic was all about

creating new artifacts. And though Hajime had possessed no affinity for the

other six types of ancient magic, creation magic had been different.

Creation magic was practically made for synergists, and it synergized with

Transmute in a way nothing else did. It was the one field of magic that Hajime

had any natural talent for, and he'd utilized that talent to its fullest. Thus, right

now Ehitruje's Divine Will was being countered with his very own Divine Will.

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"Ah!" Ehitruje gasped in surprise as his light was destroyed, and Hajime

glared at him.

Though he couldn't hear Hajime from this distance, he could tell the young

man was saying,

"I have you now."

Fear seeped into his every pore, and he instinctively tried to run away.

Ehitruje activated Heavenstep, but of course, Hajime wasn't about to let him get

away. He used Laobenschiram's gravity magic to charge forward at breakneck

speed, then fired Donner and Schlag in rapid succession.

A second later, the space around Ehitruje began to twist and warp. These

were yet another of Hajime's special bullet types, the Spatial Distortion Bullets.

They possessed no offensive power, but they destabilized the space around

where they exploded. Heavenstep required extremely precise spatial coordinates

to work, which Hajime was fully aware of, so these bullets did a perfect job of

preventing Ehitruje from using it.

Moreover, Ehitruje wasn't capable of using Godspeed either because Hajime

had also fired Delay Bullets at him. These bullets were made with fragments of

the Hour Crystal and prevented anything they hit from using time manipulation.

"Ngh! You still have other artifacts left?!" Ehitruje roared, his expression


Hajime kicked Laobenschiram's handle, launching it like a ballista bolt. It

shot past Ehitruje and slammed into the three-ring halo behind him. The halo

then began to flicker, and Ehitruje turned back just in time to see Laobenschiram

blast apart a chunk of it, causing the light of destruction to stop pouring out of it.

The monster of the abyss had completely and utterly defeated god's strongest


Shocked, Ehitruje turned back to Hajime. Hajime's glare pierced right

through him, and Ehitruje swung his twin claymores down with all of his might.

He was well and truly desperate now.

Unfortunately, his twin blades cut through only air.


The image of Hajime he'd sliced through broke apart like a pane of shattered

glass, and Ehitruje's eyes went wide.

Until now, Hajime's illusions had only worked when he was within a foot or

so of them, and Ehitruje had swung over such a wide area that even if the

Hajime he was seeing was an illusion, he should have hit the real him too. But

this time, the real Hajime was a good few meters behind his illusion.

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Looking closer at the shattered illusion, Ehitruje noticed that this one had a

small blue crystal floating at its center. This was another of Hajime's artifacts,

the Ghost Doll. It augmented the Ghost Projections Hajime could make by

increasing their effective range.

By the time Ehitruje realized he'd been tricked, it was too late.


In his shock, he'd stopped moving for a second, which was a fatal mistake.

With a spirited battle cry, Hajime charged at Ehitruje. The fingers of his

prosthetic arm extended forward, looking like a skeleton's bony digits. He

grabbed Ehitruje by the collar and slammed him into the three-ring halo, which

was already beginning to fall apart. The force of the impact shattered it

completely, and Hajime continued his charge, heading straight for the ground.

His clawed metallic fingers kept a tight hold on Ehitruje, keeping him from

escaping. Hajime even shot out tiny spikes from his fingertips, trapping

Ehitruje's upper half in a makeshift iron maiden. He also shot a spirit-magic

shock wave out of his arm to shake up Ehitruje's soul and used spatial magic to

trap him in place even more securely.

"How dare you, lowly human?! Unhand me!" Ehitruje screamed.

"Shut up and die."

Ehitruje tried to cast a spell, but Hajime unleashed a superdense blast of pure

mana at him, disrupting the flow of mana in his body and interrupting his

attempts to cast. Hajime had retrofitted his mana cannon into his prosthetic arm

for this very purpose.

Finally, the two of them hit the ground, and there was a thunderous roar as

cracks spread out across the pure-white space. The two of them had slammed

into the surface like a meteorite, and both of them were momentarily stunned by

the impact. However, it was Hajime who recovered first. Straddling Ehitruje, he

took aim with Donner. A single bullet wrapped in an overpowering sky-blue

aura appeared in the air. He had reshaped the god-killing dagger he'd received

from Miledi into a bullet. Supposedly, it had the power to harm god and only

god's soul.

Hajime could sense Ehitruje's trembling through his prosthetic arm. Though

Ehitruje glared at Hajime, there was more fear in his eyes than anger.

Hajime spun Donner's chamber, loading the god-slayer bullet. He then

pressed the revolver's barrel against Ehitruje's chest.

"Let's see how you like the taste of the god-slayer artifact the Liberators

made while drunk off their ass. This is checkmate, you bastard."

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The sound of a single gunshot reverberated throughout the pure-white

dimension. At long last, Hajime had hit god with his trump card.

Ehitruje's body bucked, and after a small moan, he closed his eyes and went

limp. In the distance, the three-ring halo dissipated into particles of light.

Silence filled the room, and after a minute that felt like an eternity, Yue's

eyes opened. She looked up at Hajime, who was covered in wounds from head to

toe, and said, "Too bad, Irregular."


A second later, Hajime's prosthetic arm shattered, and he was sent flying,

blood spraying from a new hole in his chest.