Bonus Short Stories: Shea-chan’s Overwhelming Victory!

A few days had passed since Ragnarok, and Hajime and Yue were flirting

with each other like usual in their room in Verbergen.

"He he, what do you think?" Yue asked in a bewitching voice.

"P-Pretty good."

Yue wasn't in her usual form today and instead looked like a seventeen-yearold girl. She was giving off a different kind of charm than she usually did, which

had Hajime transfixed.

"If you went to school, no one would be able to pay attention to their


"He he he..."

Yue blushed at the praise, but then she suddenly thought of something and

grinned impishly as she turned her back to Hajime.

"Hajime, don't look this way until I say it's okay."

"Huh? Sure, I guess..."

Normally, Yue didn't care if Hajime watched her change, so he was a bit

surprised by the request, but he still complied and turned around.

"Mmm, okay. I'm ready. You can turn around now, Hajime."

Hajime turned around...and his jaw dropped open.

"Well? Do I look good in a ponytail?"

Yue had put her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing pants, much like

Shizuku's regular look.

"Holy shit, I've never seen anything so cute!"

It seemed the look was a huge hit with Hajime. Just then, there was a knock

on the door.

"Hajime? Can I come in? There's something I want to ask—" Shizuku

pushed the door open and trailed off as she saw Hajime salivating over Yue, who

was currently stealing her look.

"Oh..." Hajime muttered as he turned to Shizuku.

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"If you like ponytails that much, then..."


"You can just ask me, you know?! I'm ready any time! Hajime, you


Shizuku ran out of the room in tears, passing by Kaori, who shouted, "Wait,

Shizuku-chan?! What's wrong?! Wait up, Shizuku-chaaaaaan!" and chased after


"Mmm, well, that was an unfortunate accident," Yue said, clearing her throat

and transforming again as if nothing had happened.

"How about this, Hajime?" she said, now looking like an innocent five-yearold girl.

"Unbelievable! Okay, now this is definitely the cutest thing in the world! I'm

losing my mind!" Hajime exclaimed. He'd clearly already gone nuts.

Yue cupped her now-puffy cheeks and blushed as Hajime praised her.

Unfortunately, the real Myu chose that exact moment to show up.


Hajime twitched, then slowly turned to look at the doorway. Not only was

Myu there, but Remia was as well...and she looked quite uncomfortable.

"I-It's not what you think, Myu! I just—"

"Why are you looking for more daughters when you already have me, you


"Wait, who even taught you that phrase?! Come back, Myu, I promise daddy

isn't cheating on you!"

Myu ran out of the door, so Remia turned to chase after her, but just before

she left she looked over her shoulder and said, "Umm, Hajime-san?"

"Remia! This is all one big misunderstanding! Please believe me!"

"O-Of course. That's Yue-san, right? I understand that much. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"I think Myu is still a bit too young for you. Please be satisfied with just Yuesan for now."

"No, no, no, you've got it all wrong! I'm not a pedophile I swear! Remia,


Remia also ran out of the room, mistakenly believing that Hajime had some

truly deplorable fetishes.

"Yue, I'm sorry, but please stop messing around with metamorphosis magic.

At this rate, there are going to be so many misunderstandings that—"

"Hajime, Hajime, what about this?"

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"Holy shit, you're so cute! It's like cuteness terrorism!"

While Hajime had been talking to Remia and Myu, Yue had once again

transformed, this time into an appearance reminiscent of Tio's. She was wearing

the red kimono that Venri had gifted her as well. She'd left the front open to

expose her now-voluptuous breasts, and she was wearing her hair tied up to bare

her beautiful neck. However, since today was a day of horrible coincidences,

that was, of course, the exact moment that Tio chose to walk in.

"M-Master?" Tio said, tears forming in her eyes. "Am I not good enough for


Before Hajime could say anything, Yue turned to her with a grin.


That was enough for Tio to also run out of the room in tears, though unlike

the others, she seemed to also be panting in excitement as she left.

"How dare you, Yue! Waaaaaaaaah!"

It was rare to see her crying for real, however, and as she left, Shea came to

see what all the commotion was about.

"What's going on in here? Yue-san, what did you do this time?" Shea asked,

giving Yue a stern look.

After a moment of thinking, Yue grinned and transformed back into her

seventeen-year-old self.

"Prepare yourself, Shea. I'm going to show you why I'm Hajime's first



Shea gave Yue a confused look as Yue put the kimono back into her Treasure

Trove and stood before Shea in the nude. Enjoying Hajime's eyes on her, she

took a swimsuit with a skirt out of her Treasure Trove and started putting it on. It

was white with blue ribbons, and of course, it looked exactly like the clothes

Shea usually wore. Once she was dressed, she struck a sexy pose, looking more

alluring than ever.

Gaze upon me and despair, Shea! Yue thought, grinning triumphantly at the

bunny girl. She still hadn't forgotten the beating Shea had given her back in the

Frost Caverns. Unfortunately for Yue, she still was no match for Shea.

"Wow, where did you get that, Yue-san?! It looks just like my usual clothes!"

"Huh? Oh, well, umm, normally, it's too embarrassing to wear the clothes

you do, but I thought they might work as a swimsuit, so I..."

"Ha ha ha, and you wanted to match colors with mine. I get it!"

Shea smiled happily. Unaware of Yue's true intentions, she was just glad to

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have a matching outfit with Yue, so she sidled up next to her and rubbed her

cheek against hers.

Yue blushed in embarrassment as Shea proudly exclaimed, "Look, Hajimesan! We're matching! Don't we look like sisters right now?"

"Yeah, you sure do. It's great," Hajime replied, smiling gently at Shea.

Seeing that expression, Yue realized that she'd been completely defeated by

this pure bunny girl. She slumped to the floor and started pounding the ground

with her fists.

"I can't believe it; I lost!" she shouted, prompting Shea to bend down in


"Yue-san?! What's wrong?! Are you feeling sick?! Here, I'll carry you to


As Hajime watched Shea tenderly carry Yue to bed, he knew for a certainty

that Yue would never be able to defeat Shea.