Bonus Short Stories: Taste Testing Vampire Hajime

So why am I being blindfolded and tied to this chair?" Hajime asked

sullenly. He was in his room in the lodge they were staying at in Verbergen. Of

course, if he wanted, he could easily break his way out of these restraints, but he

still wanted to know what the point of them was.

"Because you said you were going to reverse your vampirification," Yue said

in a sad voice.

"That's right, Hajime-kun! We can't let you turn back until we know for

sure!" Kaori added.

"We need the official ranking!" Shea added.

"That's right! I'm fully prepared to be the lowest-ranked!" Tio declared.

"You can't just turn back without at least trying, right? Besides, I want to

know how I taste," Shizuku said.

"That's right, Nagumo-kun I need to know if my blood is tasty or not. And

how tasty it is compared to everyone else's!" Aiko exclaimed.

All five of them were Yue's accomplices in this kidnapping. The

conversation made it abundantly clear why they were tying him up.

"Mmm. All right, let the official blood taste test begin!" Yue said with a

satisfied nod.

About two weeks had passed since Ragnarok, and Hajime had yet to reverse

his vampirification. Part of it was because Yue had been reluctant to let him, but

it was also because a vampire's powers were closely linked to spirit magic, and

sucking other people's blood had actually helped Hajime recover his soul's deep

exhaustion faster. Of course, plain old restoration and spirit magic would have

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worked just as well, but the bloodsucking process was highly pleasurable for

both parties, so everyone in Hajime's harem was now hooked on getting drained.

And naturally, everyone's thoughts had turned to whether or not their blood was

actually tasty, and if Hajime liked their blood more than everyone else's.

"This is your own fault, you know, Hajime-kun? If you hadn't just said 'it's

okay' every time any of us asked how our blood tasted, we wouldn't have had to

resort to such drastic measures."

"I told you before, remember? I'm only half-vampire, so I can't really make

out your blood's taste or anything."

Indeed, Yue's vampirification spell had been an improvised one she'd come

up with on the spot under dire circumstances, so Hajime was a far cry from a

normal vampire. However, that excuse wouldn't cut it.

"You're lying, I can tell! Don't underestimate a teacher, we can tell when our

students are acting shifty!" Aiko said, pointing at Hajime.

"What kind of teacher wants her student to taste her, Sensei..." Hajime


"C-Call me Aiko, not Sensei!"

"Sensei-dono, you can't appeal to your authority as a teacher if you want me

to call you by your name," Hajime said with a mischievous grin.

Aiko desperately tried to think of a rebuttal to that while Yue continued to

press the attack.

"Hajime, I don't know why you're so insistent on pretending like you can't

tell our tastes apart, but we're all dying to know. We won't be able to sleep at

night until you tell us. Just do this one ranking and I'll turn you back into a


Realizing that Yue wouldn't let him go no matter what, Hajime finally gave

up. He then turned to Shea and said, "Fine, but give me your finger instead of

your neck. I'm not really in the mood to drink from your neck right now."

"Huh? I mean, sure, I guess, as long as you give me a proper rating."

Shea cut the tip of her finger and brought it to Hajime's lips. Hajime sniffed

at her finger for a few seconds, then blushed a little and gulped. Normally, he bit

into Shea's neck so she couldn't really see his expression, but now she was able

to watch him closely. Steeling his resolve, Hajime placed Shea's finger into his

mouth and sucked greedily.

"O-Oh my..."

"Mmm, this is rather unexpected."

It was only now that Yue and the others realized just how lewd of a sight this

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was. Hajime was blindfolded and tied to a chair, blushing slightly and panting a

little as he sucked on Shea's finger. Kaori and Shizuku went bright red and

averted their gazes, while Aiko covered her face with her hands and Tio hid her

expression behind her sleeve, though she kept watching intently. As for Shea,

she had an expression of pure ecstasy on her face and looked like she was about

to awaken to a new fetish. It was only when Hajime finally started giving his

thoughts on Shea's blood that everyone remembered what the original goal of

this exercise was supposed to be.

"Shea's blood is rich and full-bodied, with a silky smooth finish and a fresh


"What are you, some kind of blood gourmand?!" Kaori, Shizuku, and Aiko

exclaimed in unison. But of course, they were the ones who'd asked for his

ratings, so they dutifully had Hajime taste all of their blood in turn.

"Kaori's blood is thick and has a really powerful, soothing flavor."

"Shizuku's blood is well-balanced and light."

"Aiko, your blood has a fruity taste and is a nice sweet and sour combo."

"Tio, your blood has a nice aged taste, like vintage wine."

"Yue, your blood is just perfect."

For all his protesting, Hajime made for a great blood taste critic.

"W-Well, that was a lot more in-depth of an analysis than I was expecting...

But then, whose blood is the best?" Shizuku asked.

"Yue's," Hajime replied without hesitation.

"Hajime-kun, what about me? Where do I rank on the blood ranking?!" Kaori


"In order, it goes Shea, then Tio, then Aiko, then Shizuku are about equal,

though I have a slight preference for one or the other depending on the day, then

you. Sorry, Kaori, but you're last."


"Don't take it too hard, Kaori-san. It's probably because you're in an

apostle's body, right?"

"Oh yeah..." Kaori mumbled, remembering that she still hadn't swapped

bodies back yet. Apostles technically did have blood flowing through their veins

and since Kaori's soul was in this body, it affected the taste of her blood, but the

base materials were still Ehit's.

"You guys happy now? Yue, hurry up and turn me back to normal."

"Mrrr... Do you really hate being a vampire that much, Hajime?" Yue said in

a despondent voice.

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Hajime took off the blindfold and undid his ropes, then looked his beloved

vampire princess right in the eyes.

"It's not that I dislike it. In fact, I'd be fine being a vampire forever,

but...there's a problem."

"W-Wait, is it causing your body problems or something? I'm so sorry!" Yue

said in a worried voice, and Shea and the others looked up in alarm as well. They

wouldn't be able to bear it if Hajime had been sacrificing his own body for their


However, Hajime simply smiled grimly and shook his head.

"It's not that. If anything, my compatibility with vampirism might be too


"What does that mean, Hajime-san?"

"The truth is, as time passes, I'm getting more and more attuned to the smell

of blood. Even when people aren't actively bleeding, I can sniff out their blood

and it's messing with my head. Whenever I see someone, all I think about is how

delicious they are."

"O-Oh..." Kaori, Shizuku, and Aiko said simultaneously, blushing a little.

Indeed, the whole reason Hajime had avoided mentioning the taste of everyone's

blood was to stop himself from wanting to drink more of it. That was also why

he'd asked to drink from their fingertips instead of their necks.

"Even right now, I just picked up a new scent...and it smells so good that—"

Hajime cut himself off as he turned toward the doorway. Yue and the others

followed his gaze.

"I-I did knock five times, you know? But I figured since it's me, you

wouldn't notice me unless I did something flashy."

Standing in the doorway was none other than Kousuke Endou. No one knew

how long he'd been there. While everyone else was too stunned to say anything,

Kousuke hugged himself and said, "I-I don't think I'd taste very good."

"Y-Yeah, my bad..." Hajime said, averting his gaze awkwardly. The fact that

he was apologizing instead of just making a joke shocked Shea and the others.

He was showing Kousuke more consideration than he showed any of them, and

that convinced them that this vampire transformation couldn't stay.

"Yueeeeee, hurry up and turn him back! Quickly! Or else Hajime kun will


"O-Okay. Don't worry, I won't let Hajime go down the wrong path."

Yue then instantly cast the spell to reverse Hajime's vampirification.