Common holiday short story Tio's case

A vast forest area stretches out below.

 There are coniferous trees and broad-leaved trees, palm trees and fruit trees, all in a variety of colors, and some of them are strange trees that I have never seen before, and their sizes range from those that can be mistaken for large trees to those that are about the height of a human.

"What a lack of discipline."

『Kuku, do you resemble the creator? "

 While flying gracefully through the sky of the "miniature garden", Tio, who was in black dragon mode, and Hajime, who was sitting cross-legged on his back, were exchanging words.

 Hearing Tio's teasing voice, Hajime's expression became indescribably strange.

 It's about 4,000 kilometers south of the treasure tree that is the center of this world.

 Even before Hajime and Tio reached this point, they had already witnessed a contradictory environment that made them believe their eyes, such as adjacent wetlands and desert areas, and a volcano dripping lava rising in the middle of a huge frozen lake.

 There had never been such a chaotic scene within a radius of more than 1,000 kilometers around Baoju, so it seemed that the further away you were, the more strange the sights became.

"We can tell the difference between day and night by using a pseudo-sun, but it doesn't take into account the seasons. What's more, the elements that nurture nature are not sunlight or nutrients."

 Therefore, it certainly does not reflect the creator's spirit of ``Let's take in everything!''. Hajime said something that sounded like an excuse, saying that it was unavoidable due to the nature of the "miniature garden".

 In fact, the content itself is correct.

 The energy released by the treasure tree is everything that nurtures the ``miniature garden.'' Essentially, the elements that nurture nature that are necessary in the original natural world are not necessary.

 Moreover, this energy is not only the energy flowing in from the earth. Assuming immigrants from each world, all known energy is emitted using an element conversion system.

 In other words, the "miniature garden" is a world where energies unique to each different world are mixed together.

 Well, it makes sense that it would be like a mish-mash of nature from each world.

"The management of the natural environment is basically left to the entities...but haven't the faraway areas been touched yet? In any case, this looks like it would be worth maintaining."

 Hajime seemed excited somehow.

 Creating a ``miniature garden'' is a difficult task equivalent to creating the world. What's more, it's an isolated world with no rotation or revolution.

 No matter how much the Entii are divine spirits that control nature, there are still some areas where they are still trying to figure out how to manage a man-made world that has completely different ways of doing things.

 The reason why the area around Hoju has become such a comfortable natural environment for Hajime and his friends must be thanks to Enti and the others who deliberately made adjustments.

"Maintenance, no. Is it necessary? I think that's because nature is left to itself. Maybe that's why the divine spirits don't dare to touch things far away.''

"That makes sense. That would probably satisfy my sense of adventure. However, as a gamer who also loves simulation games, I feel uneasy about the current situation. I want to create something more like this, properly. It makes me feel good."

 Apparently, the desire to maintain it was for very personal reasons.

"Well, it's your master's world, so I think you should do whatever you want..."

"At least, I'd like to make one corner of the square the way I like it. After the adventure, of course. I also promised Endo."

 Hajime was neatly arranging the packages of books and games on the shelf. Isn't it better to download the version now? I'm a package fan who ignores that opinion and always chooses a packaged version if it's available.

 And every now and then I look at the collection and smile.

 Tio smiled bitterly thinking that one day, a natural world organized like a theme park...a natural (?) world would be created.

 Hajime seemed to notice, clearing his throat and continuing. Talk a little fast.

"Also, if it's too chaotic, situations like this one that require on-site investigations may occur frequently."

『Hmm...I remember you said that there is an area that Entities cannot see through, right? "

"Ah. It shouldn't have happened in the first place."

 Hajime crossed his arms and groaned a little.

 Of course. Enti is the goddess of the treasure tree. Even if she doesn't go see it directly, she has the power to perceive all places connected to the Treasure Tree. In other words, it's all about a "miniature garden."

 However, it seems that some areas near the southern end have become unperceptible a while ago.

 Enti's gaze wandered and he rubbed the fingertips of his hands as he reported with a bit of anxiety, looking like a child who had failed on his first errand.

 Oh, it's not my fault! It's not like she lacked the status of a goddess! That's why I won't fire you, right? hey? I'm your goddess, right? hey?

 Hajime dared to respond silently and without expression, but in the end Enti's eyes became a little teary and he appealed to him, which was the very embodiment of ``poor people are cute.''

 Yue and the others were all tempted to protect him, to the point where they turned cold eyes at Hajime.

 Needless to say, Tio was the only one who was aghast at Hajime's sadistic behavior.

"Is there an area where the connection with the Treasure Tree has broken or is about to break? Did I make a mistake in adjusting the space or gravity? Or is the unique energy interfering with each other?"

 Hajime was muttering to himself while sinking his thoughts into consideration.

 If this keeps up, it looks like she won't be coming back for a while, so this is a great date! said Tio, looking a little flustered as she changed the subject.

``By the way, master. How large is the miniature garden currently? "

"If that's the case... On? How wide is it? It's about the same size as the Earth. I stopped expanding there. The miniature garden itself is a spherical space. However, the structure is based on the flat Earth theory."

 Oops, Hajime returned his consciousness to reality.

 There is infinite magical power in the energy that is almost completely uprooted from the Earth's royal tree.

 There is so much energy that it is overflowing, and unless we take action to stop it, our miniature garden will expand without limit. So, for the time being, we decided to make it about the same size as Earth so that we could use it as a model.

 However, it does not have a spherical earth like a star. A sphere is just a shape of space.

 The center of the spherical space is the treasure tree, and when it is divided into a hemisphere, the "surface" part is the earth. That is the whole story of a "miniature garden."

 Therefore, the closer you go to the edge, the lower the sky becomes, and there is a vast hemispherical space beneath the earth.

 For now, though.

『Hmm, was it that bad? If so, should I speed up my wings? "

"I feel like I've been waiting for you, don't you?"

 Tio, who seemed somewhat excited, twisted her head and looked over her shoulder expectantly.

 The purpose of this time is to investigate the area outside Entee's perception.

 However, in reality, the purpose was the exact opposite of what Hajime had said when they met, ``just a date.''

 Yes, in reality, the investigation is ``secondary''.

 Of course, it is important because it is an unexpected situation that occurred in a ``miniature garden.''

 However, Hajime didn't have to go to investigate all of a sudden because he was busy with everything, but it would have been better if Udal, the divine spirit of the thunderclouds, etc. had taken the initiative to investigate and received the report. After all, it can move at lightning speed.

 The reason why I decided to go out of my way to meet Tio was after all the wait.timedateIt's only because I was conscious of this.

"Hehe, I guess it can't be helped? It's been a long time since I've been able to fully stretch my wings. She also likes the Earth's sky, but her concubines find it too noisy. in addition--"

 Tio loves flying through the night sky while looking at the glittering lights of cities, but the Earth's skies are filled with invisible electronic networks and planes, and although there are many ways to deceive them, Tio is a bit concerned about the sky. . Emotionally, it felt like a ``narrow sky''.

 Above all, it is.

"It's been a while since I've had my master on board."

"...Come to think of it, I haven't ridden one since the 'dragon incident'."

``Hmm. Once I get through my current busy schedule, I would like to do it at least once a week.''

"Okay, then how about we take a walk in the sky of another world every week?"

"That's a good idea! "

 There was no point in leaving Hajime, who was so busy and finding it difficult to leave Earth, to fly to the skies of another world by himself.

 What Tio truly likes is not flying in the sky itself, but flying with Hajime on her back.

 I like spending time talking leisurely while taking a sightseeing flight.

 I couldn't help but love the way he showed joy and sorrow as I tried my aerobatics and pushed my speed limits.

 Of course I love spending time with my family, but...

 Still, Tio is also a woman.

This time when you can have your beloved man all to yourself is special. It was truly a blissful time. It also increases the tension.

 Hajime narrowed his eyes, sensing Tio's feelings. She caressed the glossy dragon scales with extremely gentle hands.

 Even with the world's most durable scales, you can probably feel it. Tio narrows her eyes in pleasure. It looks like a cat would be purring.

 Hajime gave her another gentle pat on the back, and suddenly a provocative smile appeared on her face.

"Now then, Tio. To reach our destination, if it were Earth, it would be long enough to cross the continent, cross the ocean, and reach Antarctica."


 Tio's voice is booming. Black magical power made the dragon's body glow slightly, transforming its form. Smarter and streamlined for speed.

"You don't have to worry about magic or me. ---Fly as you like."

 Rather than being considerate, his voice sounded like he was trying to ``show me how far you can fly.''

 At least, when Tio received that, a slight smile appeared on her lips. It's a fearless smile. Her ambition to surpass Hajime's expectations and shock him was overflowing.

"I got it! Now, given to you by your・Ta・Na・Power・, let me use it to my heart's content! ! Don't let me shake you off, okay? "

 Magical power erupted from Tio. The wind swirls. The wings are spread wide.

 A flight technique that exceeded the speed of sound that was once demonstrated in the world of the sky.

 An amazing technique for supersonic flight that reduces wind resistance to the absolute minimum and even turns it into a tornado to provide propulsion.

 It was activated now - it didn't.

 Instead, it was created


 invisible gravitational field.

 Yes, it's gravity magic. The most basic of all basics, it is an age-of-the-gods magic that allows for ``pseudo flight'' by falling freely in any direction.

 Fall forward all at once. At the same time,

"Yukkuzooooooooo! ! "

 Strike a wing. While releasing the compressed wind and converting it into propulsive force similar to a rocket start, it remains in close contact with the body and enters straight downhill mode.

 Straight ahead, like a cannonball.

 There was a sound of air exploding. It broke the speed of sound in the blink of an eye.

 A white atmospheric film is forming. However, even that disappeared in the next moment, and the speed suddenly accelerated to the point where even my consciousness was left behind.

 When I looked, I saw a black magic light shining behind me like the night sky. In addition to free fall, it also uses jet propulsion using wind attribute magic.

 In other words, it could be said that the fighter jet is falling vertically and the afterburner is fully open.

 The speed is already in the supersonic range. No, it accelerates more than twice that, reaching Mach 3 and then Mach 4.

"Fufufu, fuhahaha! good! Good! I've wanted to use it for a while, but gravity magic is amazing! ! "

 Once, when I chased after an air fighter in the Celestial Dragon World, the limit I could reach on my own was around Mach 2. If Hajime mounted him and whipped his whip, he could reach the Mach 4 region for a few seconds, but...

 In the end, they were able to escape from the air combat aircraft.

 In addition, in terms of the precision and sharpness of her trajectory in air combat, she is not as good as Yue, who can be said to be able to freely control gravity.

 Considering that he prides himself on being the ruler of the sky, I couldn't help but feel that he was sitting in a very uncomfortable position...

"Take a look! A concubine has now completely surpassed a fighter! "

 A high-tension roar that conveys the excitement is heard.

 In an instant, Tio's figure, which had been accelerating like a laser cutting through the sky, disappeared.

 No, it made such a sudden change in trajectory that it seemed that way.

 If anyone had seen it from a distance, their mouths would have dropped wide open at the sight, which looked like a black laser reflected off a mirror surface far up in the sky.

 A sharp turn at a speed of four times the speed of sound or more.

 Not only Earth's fighter planes, but even the air battle planes of the Celestial Dragon World are perverted maneuvers that are guaranteed to turn the pilots into nothing more than the scum of the sky.

 It's not just gravity manipulation. An amazing technique that can only be achieved by the "Black Dragon", which boasts the world's highest durability.

"It's revealed! Yes, yoyo! Shizazukara's Inmermantaaan! "

 Black meteors dance in the sky in all directions.

 Subtle changes in the dragon scales on the body surface, slight movements of the folded wings, and exquisite balance adjustment by the tail.

 Tio's flight technique puts the atmosphere and wind under complete control, like a card manipulated by a master magician.

 Tio was able to match Yue's gravity-free flight with only wind magic. What will happen if that gravity is added to that?

 The answer was now revealed.

(This much)

 Hajime was not shaken off by the space fixation and barrier artifacts, but Hajime couldn't help but grit his teeth under the strain of his inhuman body that forced him to scream.

 It is unprecedented in its ability to move at speeds and speeds that ordinary people cannot even comprehend.

 If I had to describe it, I would say it's a laser with diffused reflection mixed with curved radiation.

 It has the speed of a fighter jet, and Yue's delicate and sharp maneuverability.

 The frightening thing is that the current state is "normal mode".

 Yes, Tio still has the ability to be strengthened by ``Pain Conversion'' and even by sublimation magic.

``How about it! ? Lord! "

 A bouncy voice echoes.

 He can't seem to contain his excitement at his flight ability, which has evolved not just one level, but two or three levels, and the sense of freedom that comes from being freed from gravity. She is like a little girl who has been given the toy she has always wanted.

 Hajime thought with a smile on his face and gave him his unqualified praise.

"No one can even raise an objection anymore. You are the ruler of the sky."

"Kuffuuuu! ! "

 Certainly, in terms of simple movement speed, Kaori still has ``divine speed.'' However, this is just a magic that shortens travel time.

 In other words, it's not "pseudo high-speed magic" but "pseudo teleportation magic." Strictly speaking, it's not even flight.

 Furthermore, as an apostle of God, her silver-winged flight skills are no match for her Mach 4 aerobatics, and there is no one who can match Tio's ability to handle the wind.

 Far away in the sky, heavenly clothes are not sewn.

 If you look at Tio's current appearance, which is exactly suitable for such a description, there would certainly be no objection.

"Well then, master."

"Ah. It's time to calm down..."

``Let's layer the sublimation magic!'' "

"Eh, hey, wait-"

"My concubine is no longer a ray of light! Here we go! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooo! ! "

"You're completely high--nnnnnnnnn!!!?"

 free fall? lukewarm.

 A jet caused by compressed wind? Still not enough!

 A gravitational field that pulls you forward infinitely!

 Even the explosion of compressed flame can be used as propulsion force!

 Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate, leaving behind a series of booming explosions far behind.

 The pulling force of the gravitational field increases dramatically, the propulsive force of the wind increases several times, and furthermore, the blast wave generated at the soles of the feet shoots the dragon's body over and over again, as if firing a cannonball.

 Five times the speed of sound――

 Six times――

 Seven times...

"Science is a thing! ! "


 There was no response from Hajime. Furthermore, we are working hard to counteract the load by producing artifacts.

 In the meantime, the challenge of reaching the speed limit continues to advance to even greater heights.


"Finally Mach 11...and without 'pain conversion'"

``Wouldn't it have been better if you whipped me? "

"I'll ask you to prepare a little more."

 More like a mental preparation thing.

 No matter how sadistic Hajime was, seeing a dragon flying at Mach 11 while letting out perverted gasping sounds was... tough.

``Well, it's been a while since I was able to fly as hard as I could, so I'm satisfied.''

"That's good."

 It was Hajime's first experience to experience pure ``speed'', which was at a level that was joking that it exceeded the speed of sound by ten times. I could sympathize with Tio's good mood, and Hajime was able to enjoy himself to the fullest after taking proper countermeasures against the burden.

 I guess that's how he feels. Ryuubi seems to be in an even better mood and starts to shake.

"Anyway, it seems like you can use gravity magic without any problems?"

"Hmm, no problem. When I checked with Yue to see if there was any difference in knowledge, there was no problem. I'm not worried.''

"I see... In that case, it was worth the experiment in Amanogawa beforehand."

『Um, um』

 Tio's gaze wandered a little at the human experiment (only for heroes) that was so easily carried out.

 I can't help but think that they should have been a little more considerate, but since it was with his consent and I am the recipient of his blessings, I can't say anything too strongly.

 Yes, the reason Tio can use gravity magic is not because she conquered the Raisen Great Labyrinth. It was the same method that Kouki mastered regeneration magic even though he was broken, fainted in agony, and ascended to heaven.

"As expected, it would have been easier and more reliable for him to settle down with Tio, who can use sublimation, soul, and regeneration magic on his own."

"Did you just say "test subject"? "

"I want to know the influence of aptitude. Both Amanogawa and Tio have high magic aptitude, so next time let's target those with low magic aptitude."

``It sounds as if the concubine was a test subject in the second stage of the experiment... Hey, Master. She did it after ensuring safety, right? Should I trust her? "

"...I already have all the Age of the Gods magic, and I'm a person with low magic aptitude that won't break even if it's a little. And someone who has Age of the Gods magic that I don't have...Hmm."

"Let's run away! Shia, run away right now!''

"In the end, it would be even better if we could attach magical power to a target without magical power. It would be perfect as a technique."

"Myuu! ? Are you talking about Myuu? ? Well, that was the goal from the beginning! ? For that purpose, I would sacrifice my concubines. dislike I toWhat is a dog? You mad daddy scientist.''

"By the way, Tio. What's going on with shortening the process of turning into a Black God Dragon? What's the progress?"

``It's such a blatant change of topic, no, is it really being treated as a trivial thing...?'' "

 It's okay, it's okay, I did a lot of experiments with the hero, so it's safe! You wanted gravity magic, right? Isn't it a hassle to defeat Super Milady G? Hey, if you take my hand, you can easily gain power! You can fly more freely in the sky than ever before.

 Now that I think about it, I can't help but feel like it was just some kind of invitation from a white bastard trying to mass-produce magical girls by offering him a dubious contract...

 Although I was a little shaken, I tried not to think too much about it and cleared my throat, thinking it would be better for Myuu.

 He answered Hajime's question while flying towards the southern end at a cruising speed of just over Mach 1.

``I'm practicing just as my master told me to do. It looks like you can become a dragon god even if you increase your power as much as before.''

"I see...During the dragon incident, I was nervous when it affected you, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise."

 In fact, in addition to inheriting gravity magic, Tio was awakening to new powers.

 That is "simplification of black dragon transformation".

 During an incident in which the shocking fact that Japan itself was revealed to be a ``dragon'' was discovered, Tio was unable to move in a ``miniature garden''.

 "Dragon" is everythingdragon and dragondragonThis is because he had the power to interfere with species. Even in a waking state, the threat of even legendary beings being brought back to life and manipulated at will is still fresh in my memory.

 And Tio, a dragonkin, was no exception to this influence.

 I was able to survive in the isolated space of a "miniature garden", with the protection of numerous artifacts, and with Tio's own Age of the Gods magic and mental resistance, but...

"Anyway, it was a good idea."

"...I guess it's a revelation? Something just came to mind. Well, even if you don't have anything to do with 'dragons', if you think about it a little, you'll probably come up with something."

 The reason why Tio and the dragon race can transform into dragons is because their souls are mixed with the "factor of dragon transformation".

 This story had already been confirmed between Hajime and Tio before the final battle in Tortoise, when they learned the new magic of turning other races into black dragons and becoming followers.

 After all, that magic had a mechanism of replicating Tio's "dragon factor" and incorporating it into the target.

``What's more, if as a result of enduring the interference of the ``dragon'', you've become able to recognize the ``dragon factor'' more strongly than before -- or rather, the ``dragon factor'' itself, including others, well... Anyone can think of it."

 Shrugging his shoulders, Hajime casually said something absurd.

"--I don't think Tio can do something similar to, if not the same as, a 'dragon'. Don't think so."

"Hmm. It might be true if you ask me to check the answers later...''

 creatorcreatorIt would be no exaggeration to say that Tio's greatest strength is his ability to come up with ideas, even though he was said to be on the same level as Hajime...A wry smile was evident in Tio's voice.

``It's a monster's power that could destroy the entire universe, let alone a star, right? In general, you should be able to do it yourself! I don't think so.''


 That's right. Normally, one would not easily think of trying to match the world-wide intervention range, let alone an existing being, who is capable of even ``pseudo-resurrection and use of dragon lore'', and even if one did think of it, it would probably never come to fruition. .

 Just like someone who plays some sport as a hobby, when they see an undisputed absolute champion who will leave their name in history or their miraculous feats, they don't think, ``Maybe I can do it too?'' .

 However, when Tio first heard the idea, her cheeks twitched and she thought, ``That's unreasonable,'' but Hajime told her with a strangely confident air, ``Tio can do it.''

"But, if you think about it again, it's not unreasonable, right? It was possible to turn other races into black dragons and make them their followers. In terms of dominating power, it's similar to the authority of a 'dragon', right?"

``Just to put it simply... well, I'm honestly happy that people expect me to be a concubine.''

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it. I trust you too."

 If it were limited to the dragon race, it would have an overwhelming dominating power that exceeded that of "divine words."

 Even if you are a being with divine status, you will have an absolute advantage.

 It's possible with Tio. It will meet your expectations. surely. In that case――

"Even a 'dragon' can be suppressed. If it's Tio, I'm sure. No, definitely."

"I guess that's the final goal after all."

 Tio is happy with the expectations, but once again she lets out a wry smile, thinking, ``Isn't it too heavy?''

 Yes, that was the biggest reason why Hajime proposed further training to Tio.

``It is true that at that time, while everyone was running around, only the concubine could not move.shameLotteryI have a strong feeling...''

 Isn't it unreasonable after all? I just can't shake that feeling.

 In the first place, even in the current situation, suppression is possible. Tight security with multiple layers of seals laid down by the strongest onmyoji. In addition, Hajime was in control of all the energy that was absolutely necessary for resurrection in the first place.

 It's the perfect seal.

 However, it seems that Hajime is still not satisfied.

"There are no absolutes in this world. It doesn't matter how much insurance you have."

"Well, I guess so."

 I think it really looks like Hajime. The fact that mass production of trump cards is the best thing to do, and that style is the default, is not an excuse.

 I agree,

(Hehe, my husband has put his full trust in me. I don't care if it's unreasonable or not, I'll do it.)

 said Tio, feeling even more motivated.

 However, the words that followed made me frown.

"Besides, I want to make sure there won't be any problems even if I'm gone."

``... ``Even without me''? Well, it's not even auspicious.''

 After being a little surprised, Tio couldn't help but see anger in her voice.

 For Hajime, it must have been a casual expression that he wasn't particularly conscious of. He was stunned by the change in Tio's voice.

 However, he took a moment to reflect on what he had said, appeared to think about it a little, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"That's not what I meant. From now on, there may be a situation where you can't return immediately after going to another world, right? Like the current situation where you can't leave Earth."

"Ah, ah… Is that what you meant? Sorry, I don't think that's true without thinking about it. For some reason, it just sounded like that.''

"No, it was my fault too. I just blurted it out. I think there was a better way to say it."

``Hmm, I was a little nervous.''

"Be careful...but, yeah. If you think about it, it's true that measures are necessary in that sense. If you're thinking about Myuu's future and what lies ahead."

"nothing? "

 Tio slows down a little and turns her head. I looked over my shoulder at Hajime.

"Recently, I've been thinking about something. I haven't told Yue yet..."

"Let me hear it, master."

 Hajime seemed to have a somewhat mysterious atmosphere, and Tio also responded with a calm voice.

 Hajime didn't dislike Tio's usual perverted moves, but at times like this, Hajime liked the way Tio seemed to be calm, yet he could tell that she was listening seriously.

 Considering the content of the story, it's not something I want to talk about right now...

 When I stand in front of Tio in this kind of atmosphere, I can't help but say the words.

"We're talking about when it's going to end."

"Hmm… are you talking about lifespan? "

"It's helpful that you have a good guess. To be honest, it's okay to say that we won't die from old age, or even involuntarily from any other cause, right?"

``That's right. Now I can live as long as I want.'

 The essence of magic from the age of the gods, techniques from the divine realm such as apostle formation, and infinite energy. Neither fatal injuries nor illness could kill Hajime and his friends.

 If so, then.

"We'll all choose our own end someday. It's not so lucky that we'll be satisfied with just a few hundred years, but it's hard to imagine living forever."

``That's right. That day will come someday. That's when I was completely satisfied with my life.''

 After a beat, Tio nodded in satisfaction.

"I see. At that time, you don't want to leave any worries behind for those left behind or for the future, right? I would like to reduce the number of matters that only my master can handle.''

"Ah, that's right. I wasn't particularly conscious of it, but because of Tio's misunderstanding, that's what I thought now."

 What if "Dragon" starts to wake up again when Hajime is not around?

 What if the seal is broken and you can't control the energy?

 If you imagine such a situation, Tio's absolute superiority limited to dragons is certainly attractive. If Tio can establish his technique and apply it to artifacts, then someone will be able to do something about it in the future.

 It wasn't that he hadn't thought about that before, but while exchanging words with Tio, Hajime seemed to realize it more strongly than before.

 I glanced at Hajime's state.

"…Hmm, I see. I see. "For the future"?

"? what up?"

 Just when I thought the conversation had settled down, something seemed off about Tio.

 It's like he's fidgety, or maybe he's not sure whether to say something or not.

 He looks like he's on his feet, or maybe a little nervous.

 Eventually, Tio seemed to have made up her mind and looked over her shoulder again with an air of calmness. Hajime tilted his head slightly, but accepted his gaze.

"Master, there is something I would like to ask you."

"Oh? What?"

"Master is-"

 Tio was about to ask something in an unexpectedly serious voice.


"Oh? "

 Tio's words stopped and they all turned their gazes forward. What's more, a lot of questions started leaking out.



 The conversation was temporarily interrupted, and Tio went into a state of hovering. Hajime also stood up on Tio's back.

"Looks like we've reached our destination."

``It seems so. It looks strange.''

 The two of them glared at the front with narrowed eyes.

 At first glance, there is nothing. As usual, nature is just a jumble of vegetation.

 Mountain ranges can also be seen in the distance. To the east is a huge lake, and to the west is a forest area as far as the eye can see.

 A peaceful natural scene with nothing out of the ordinary.

 It doesn't seem like it, but...the feelings of the two of them cannot be fooled.

"Is it space magic? No, other than that, some kind of illusion that makes it look peaceful is also used."

"Soul magic type? In any case, then.''


 The atmosphere between the two of them changed completely. His consciousness switched to one that assumed combat. Wariness seeps into her eyes.

 Of course.

 After all, the invisible gap in front of me was a ``barrier'' created using ultra-advanced techniques.

 It wasn't a natural phenomenon or a malfunction or trouble with the "miniature garden" itself as I had expected.

 It was clearly something that was intentionally developed to mislead the eyes of outsiders, and by extension the goddess Enti.

 At the same time, it meant that there was a being with such skill on the other side of the wall of space. That also means that he is doing something behind the scenes of Entee.

"What are you doing in someone's garden?"

"I don't want to suspect a rebellion, though."

 Take the crystal key from the treasure room and connect the gate to the other side of the space wall.

 While assuming the worst case scenario, Hajime and Tio nodded to each other that they were ready and stepped forward at once. and--

"This again..."

"What do you mean..."

 I witnessed a tragic scene as the scenery changed.

 The world is red. As far as the eye can see, hellfire is engulfing it. There is no trace of rich nature, the sky is covered in raging thunder and lightning, parts of the earth are uplifted, huge craters and cracks have been created, and the atmosphere is turbulent.

 It was a scene like the end of the world.

 Hajime and Tio were at a loss for words even though they had not let their guard down.

 Our eyes are naturally drawn to the cause.

 There was a huge bloody wind swirling like a tornado. Another gigantic shadow was reflected in that red vortex. A humanoid silhouette with six wings.

 It's the devil. He couldn't be any other way. It gives off a ferocious and frightening aura that anyone can tell at first glance that this is the devil.

 However, his presence wasn't the only thing that made this battlefield a hell.

 There was someone to confront.

 A huge, coiled white dragon with a halo on its back. The sight of the rain falling from the sky being bundled together and swirling around it as a torrent is truly majestic and beautiful. It radiates divine power that most beings would naturally feel awe at.


"Hey, what's going on? What happened..."

"Yo, is this a war? "

 Around both of them, dozens of demons who had taken off Grim Reaper's skin to reveal their true nature were engaged in a fierce battle with dozens of dragons from both East and West.

 All of them are named class great demons and legendary dragons.

 It is said that a scene that looks like the end of the world is created.

``Anyway, master. I have to arbitrate! "

"That's right."

 Is one of them trying to start a rebellion, but the other is stopping it? Or maybe they can no longer tolerate each other's existence?

 In any case, it is true that they are trying to kill each other.

 I don't think it will stop easily, but we have to do it anyway. For the time being, Hajime worked on his magic power to make people realize his existence. I was trying to use an extra large telepathy.

 At the same time, Barth Hyperion was also summoned.

 It would be nice if I could listen and mediate. But if that's not possible and they turn against us as well... he makes a cold-hearted decision.


"dirty! As expected of a devil! It's really dirty! Now is the time to pay for the crime of invading our territory! "

"What is our territory? In the first place, we had our eyes on the southern land first! ! This god-catching snake-dog! ! "

"Y-you, you made fun of me again! You must be a toddler's dog! Nani is the deadly sin squadron! shame on you! "

"Kisamaa, you're too talkative! ! "

"I am far more noble than your malicious words and actions! You idiot! "

``Although you always look down on me! That arrogance, I'll hit you again today! "

``I don't want you, the arrogant one, to say that to me!'' ! "

 Hmm! ? Hajime and Tio tilted their heads.

 In the midst of a deadly battle that was threatening to end in an apocalyptic war, a cruel and childish taunt echoed through the air.

 If you listen carefully, you can faintly hear other demons and dragons talking to each other through the roar of the battlefield.

"...I feel like I was despised, or that I took my favorite place, or that I was deceived."

"Um, umm. I just don't like his attitude, or I've been bored lately, or whatever...'

 There were many personal reasons for the struggle being thrown around.

 Hajime looked at Tio. Tio also looked over his shoulder and looked at Hajime. He nods at the same time.

"Nu? ! Isn't it His Majesty the Demon King? I want you to listen! If you come with the Dragon Gods these days...''

"what? Isn't it the creator hall? I want you to listen carefully! If you are also the master of these guys, please be sureDisciplineDisciplineThat's what-''

 There's nothing wrong with that.

 If you see Kage and Hakuryu together pointing their toes at each other and pleading for something, and if you listen to their words and actions, you'll understand.

 This isn't a war.

 It's just, yeah, it's just a fight.

"His Majesty the Demon King! Are you listening! ? "

"Creator-dono! Are you listening! ? "

 Hajime and Tio both let out a huge sigh. And then she chimed in beautifully and screamed.


 Needless to say, as much as I was worried about what was going on, I felt extremely weak.

 The farthest reaches of the south.

 A few thousand kilometers further south from the place where the devil and the dragon were having a big fight for some really stupid reason, just before the dead end of the ``Small Garden''.

"Absolutely… it's great that you seem to be having fun every day."

"Well, isn't it good? It's not like they were doing anything bad, and they chose a far away location. They put up a barrier and were fighting so as not to cause any trouble to Takaraju and the other immigrants. "

 Hajime, who was sitting with one knee propped up in the middle of a grassland that stretched out as far as the eye could see, where a gentle breeze was blowing, complained as if he was somehow tired.

 Next to her, Tio, who has released her dragon form, is also sitting with her legs slumped in a relaxed manner.

"Every time, you seem to be repairing the nature that you destroyed. This time it got a little too heated, and it seemed like you were 'perceiving something you couldn't perceive,' and it became a big deal."

 In fact, it seems that that big fight between races has already taken place several times.

Although they are enthusiastic about ``I'll show them who's on top,'' they don't seem to have any serious intention of destroying them, and most of the lower-ranking demons and dragons in particular seem to think of it as a regular festival.

 Hajime's soul break punch (prosthetic hand punch made for Shia, which is too hard, that hits the soul directly. It is also called a gag correction punch that hurts but does not cause any injuries) has defeated both of them in a fight. ``Lucifer~'' I heard from Hakuryuu. It's a story.

 There was only one conclusion. Do whatever you like.

I had put in the nail in the hope that it would not cause any damage to the ``Small Garden'' or other races, but I decided to leave it as is.

 After all, it was very annoying that both of them were constantly arguing over who they thought was superior as a race, or which land they wanted recognized as theirs.

 It's hard to believe that he's a demon lord from the Bible or a dragon god from folklore.

(I'm sure he's excited about this new, untouched world. He doesn't seem to realize it, but he's similar to your master, right?)

 Tio thought this but kept it to herself.

 In any case, I'll contact Enti about the cause and the matter will be settled.

 Even though they had been repaired, it was confessed that they had been fighting regularly over nature destruction, and Enti was furious when he learned that his perceptual abilities had been completely deceived.

"The Enti guy was talking about a lot of things like re-separating the living quarters, making arrangements in case of disputes, and creating a dueling field approved by the goddess, so I'd like to think that nothing like this will happen again."

"Is this the beginning of civilization? Eventually, societies and cultures may be formed by immigrants from each world."

 Tio squinted her eyes in amusement as she looked up ahead, wondering how this world would develop. Lured by that, Hajime also raised his gaze.

 What lay ahead of her gaze was also one of the possibilities of this world.

 An unconventional, yet majestic, amazing scenery that shows the ``end'' of this world.

 It's the earth. A wall of earth rose far into the sky.

 It doesn't mean that the mountains are towering. It doesn't mean that this is a valley and you're looking at a cliff.

 As the word suggests, the ground continues vertically, bending in the middle. The trees are growing straight towards us, that is, horizontally. The leaves of the trees also do not fall downwards, but fall vertically towards the earth. The direction of gravity has changed.

"I've heard the reports, but it's amazing to actually see it."

"Even if we stop expanding the space, the energy flowing from the treasure tree will cause the earth to grow. As a result, the earth will expand up and down along the boundaries of the space...that's it."

"Ah. If things continue like this for a few years, I'm sure we'll be able to see an inverted sky over the land."

"Like the colonies that appear in your favorite science fiction anime, right?"

"oh yeah"

 In the same way that the ivy and roots of plants grow upwards over rocks and building walls, the ``miniature garden'' will one day become a spherical land just like the earth.

 However, it is a special star that contains life inside, not outside.

 The generated earth contains ore that generates a gravitational field, so I'm sure you'll be able to walk on the ceiling someday.

 For a while, I was enjoying a sight that I have never seen anywhere else in the world.

"It looks like even a new life will be born."

 Tio muttered something like that. In a voice that has some meaning to it.

"That's right. The possibilities in this world are endless. If that happens, I'm looking forward to it."

"I see, are you looking forward to it? In that case, Master."


"Why don't you wait for the possibility and create a new life with your concubines?"

"...It's you."

 Even though you've come to the end of the world for a date and are relaxing in front of a view you can't see anywhere else...

 Hajime didn't read the atmosphere and turned his eyes towards the person next to him, thinking that he was going to make a perverted move.

 However, there were no perverts there.

 There was an unexpectedly serious expression on his face, and Hajime stopped speaking without thinking.

 Taking advantage of that gap, Tio pushed Hajime down.

"Oh, hey, Tio."

"Let me ask you again what I forgot to ask earlier."

 Tio covered Hajime, who was stretched out, and met his eyes from a close distance.

 As expected, it didn't have the usual playful atmosphere. If you are asking questions seriously, they will understand.

"What do you think about children?"


 Hajime wasn't so insensitive that he didn't realize that even if everyone didn't say it, the question was about having a child with Tio or Yue and the others, in other words, what he thought about the future.

"The concubines are already talking."

"Like Yue and the others?"

"That's right. I would like to receive it someday. And if I do, the timing would be good for everyone. It would be desirable for the children to spend as much time together as possible."


"The problem is, 'someday' is 'someday.'"

"What's the conclusion?"

"I decided it would be best to at least wait until I graduated from university."

"I see?"

 But if that were the end of it, he wouldn't be pushed down like this right now. I don't think Tio would be the only one running around.

 Hajime has a doubtful expression on his face. While stroking her cheek lovingly, Tio continued with a voice that was starting to get a little heated.

"But to tell you the truth? Mistress, I want it right away."

 That was very unusual. I can't believe Tio is showing her naked greed.

 Tio seems to be faithful to her desires due to her usual perverted movements, but when it comes to personal and important feelings, Tio is actually more patient than anyone else. Because he has the tendency to prioritize the desires of others.

 Even in the discussion with Yue and the others, that's probably why he agreed with the majority opinion.

``Actually, at least Yue is the same.However, Yue always puts her master first.Although she may convey her feelings, she ultimately prioritizes the feelings of her master, who probably wants to enjoy university life.'' do"

"Yes, that's right..."

``That's why the concubine agreed. However, the master said, ``I want something that I can leave behind for the future.''

 These words are clearly intended for one's own children, or even future descendants.

 Isn't Hajime more conscious of their child than they thought? Isn't that what you want? If that's the case, wouldn't it be a problem to have a child so strongly?

 Thinking so, I couldn't help but say it.



"Concubine, you learned social skills in your master's hometown. Your position is different from that of a student."

 Hajime couldn't take his eyes off Tio, who was whispering her honest feelings to him.

"You graduated from high school, right? You got married. Your work is going well, and you have more time than Yue and the others. You have the confidence to raise your concubine. Not only your own child, but also when you need it. I'm confident that I can take care of all of Yue's children as much as I need.More than anything, I strongly desire it.''

 Her ample breasts were crushed on top of Hajime's chest. They were so close that their lips were touching, and Tio's golden eyes pierced through Hajime.

"What else do I need? I'm going to have your child. Have you already told me?"

 Hajime and Tio stare at each other with their breaths crossed.

 Hajime honestly thought he was upset.

 As Tio said, it wasn't like I wasn't conscious of it. In fact, lately I've been thinking a lot about the future, and even more so about my children.

 I was so busy that I didn't think much about it...

 I'm sorry if I made you feel shy because of your appearance. At the same time, she felt as if Tio's request had pierced her heart.

 That's why Hajime asked himself a question. To give you an answer here and now.

 A few seconds or tens of seconds.

 Hajime finally opened his mouth as Tio waited patiently for an answer.

"It's not possible right away. There's a lot to do, and I personally don't want to have a child with the feeling that I can leave it up to you."


 Tio lowers her eyes. His long eyelashes tremble sadly.

 Hajime placed his hand on Tio's cheek. When Tio makes eye contact with her again, she continues, "But." He declares with a serious look.

"I won't wait four years."

 Tio's eyes widened, and I returned the feeling while stroking her cheek.

"I myself strongly desire it. So, let's quickly clear up the problems we're currently facing... That's right. How about we all decide once again after we return from our trip to another world? Make a bright family plan."

"... Good. Hmm, good answer! I got some good news! Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

 A beautiful smile appeared on Tio's face. I feel like this smile is like a flower in full bloom.

 We kissed for a while, full of love and joy.

 Tio nuzzled her cheek into Hajime's chest as if savoring her happiness.

 A while after that.

 Worried about Hajime and Tio, who had not returned home, the two of them lived in bliss at the end of the world until Enti, who sensed them with the authority of a goddess, yelled (telecommunication) with a bright red face. It was a holiday.