Common holiday short story Yue's case Part 2

There was a personal watercraft that was running, making waves as if it were breaking the sea surface.

 Since it is a jet water flow type driven by magical power, it is surprisingly quiet despite its flashy and speedy running.

 The passengers were, of course, Hajime and Yue.

 Hajime was driving in a shorts-type swimsuit, and Yue, wearing a white micro bikini, was riding behind him.

 Her arms were wrapped around Hajime's waist and she was clinging tightly to him, making her chest hurt. Perhaps it has already shifted. It's micro.

 In any case, it was a picture of a couple enjoying a picture-perfect vacation.

"...Hajime, Hellina is excellent."

"What's going on in the bush?"

"...They gave me all kinds of maid clothes as wedding gifts. Some of them are maid swimsuits."

"Isn't that just a swimsuit?"

"...Do I have to wear it? Are you a maid-skier husband?"

 From the backridiculeYayuYue-sama whispers in a voice that sounds like she's crying. Hajime's ear was bitten sweetly.

 Hajime was at a loss for words for a moment. I managed to ignore the humming in my ears and try to remain calm.

``Certainly, I truly respect Oscar-sensei, the legendary maid skier who tried to create the maid robot of his dreams without even knowing anything about science, and I carried on his legacy.''

"...Ah, I'm sorry, Hajime. I'll apologize for teasing you, so stop talking-"

"Therefore, I do not deny that she is a maid ski. No, there is no man who does not dream of a beautiful maid."

"Ah, yes. I understand. I understand, okay?"

 Hajime started talking passionately, and Yue stroked his chest soothingly with her hand from behind. Of course, Hajime-san doesn't stop.

"However, I have no intention of establishing a new maid group solely for the sake of the deceased and her personal dreams."

"...Hmm. He confessed that there was some personal dream involved with the deceased, but I heard him properly."

 Hajime looked back over his shoulder and affirmed with a sharp expression, and Yue returned her stunned expression. At the same time, she thought back. What she was talking about in the royal palace a while ago. Her husband's explanation.

"...The trigger was that you consulted Helina about recruiting useful personnel for Tortoise's activities, right?"


 In fact, Hajime had talked with Hellina about the future at an early stage, shortly before returning to Japan after the Mythical Battle.

 After all, Helena is the ``princess's chief maid''.

 Each member of the Heirich royal family has their own personal chamberlain and servants - the "exclusives" are like an elite group that ordinary servants aspire to, and the royal family's personal chamberlain supervises all the general servants. An existence comparable to the Chamberlain--the personal Chamberlain is basically a member of the Earl Asier family.

 It is Helina's birthplace, and is a venerable servant family that has served the Heirich family since before the founding of the country. It was customary for each member of the royal family of Heirich to have one personal servant from the Asier family.

 If they are direct descendants of the royal family, they have been together since birth, so you can imagine the depth of their bond.

 Therefore, considering that he would accept Liliana's feelings and move there someday, it was natural for Hajime to be concerned about Helena's future.

"It's a transmutation magic that I spent my life honing. Even if I have a job on Earth, it would be a waste to let it go to waste. Isn't it better to be able to work in both worlds?"

"…So, the up-and-coming South Cloud Company was born, producing mysterious top-quality magic tools and innovative games one after another, right?"

 While nodding to Yue who was giggling, Hajime slowly pressed the button installed at the base of the handle.

 A compact torpedo that pops out from the front. As soon as it jumped into the water, it curved to the right with tremendous force and exploded the swordfish-like monster that was approaching.

"At that time, it was still difficult to travel between the worlds. Although I was doing research, I didn't know how much freedom I could increase in travel."

"...Hmm. That's why I wanted someone who could act in my place at Tortoise. Incidentally, I didn't want someone who was burdened with the intentions of the country or organization."

"My position and influence are dangerous. I don't want the Chamber of Commerce to be used as a place for political proxy fights."

 We'll eventually find out who the owner is. To put it bluntly, the prediction that Hajime's company in Tortoise would be nothing more than a flashpoint was probably not out of place.

"That's why Lily quit the royal family.dawnDawnI thought it might be okay to leave it to Helena if she was willing. Of course, if you wanted to move in with me, I was willing to discuss that with you.''

 In terms of providing food, clothing, shelter, and job placement, I considered the Nagumo family's housekeeper as an option, and on top of that, I also approached Tortoise for a job as a trusted administrator.

 As a result, Hellina took over the management of the company. Helena was the one who not only looked for human resources, but also prepared the company's launch and signed the contract with Yunker Company.

"…Then, when I asked about the progress the next time we met, I was told that before I knew it, the idea had changed to a secret group of maids who would serve Hajime."


 Isn't it? and cupped the nape of her neck. Hajime was startled, but I just grabbed him. While enjoying the hajimenium moderately, I traced the bite marks with the tip of my tongue. Hajime was shaking as if he was tickled.

"I-I couldn't help it. As I said earlier, I'm the heir. The one who inherits Oscar and all the men's romance..."

 This time, the other side of the neck is also licked. Ah! ?

"...I always say that if you like maids that much, I'll be your one for you. It's not a good idea to have a maid outside."

"No, Yue is your wife, right? She's neither a subordinate nor a maid. She can't give orders..."

"...If you were on the bed, you would have ordered me to get on all fours..."

"Anyway! All of the people Helina listed met the conditions and were capable! It's a trivial matter whether they're maids or not, right?"

``...By the way, why are you working as a human resource for managing the chamber of commerce?war・struggle・Have you become a maid group? "

"Huh? We're a group of maids, so we have to be able to fight, right?"

 1+1 is 2, right? Hajime-san shows a similar expression over his shoulder.

 Yue prides herself on knowing everything about Hajime, but in reality, sometimes logic that she can't understand is unfolded very easily.

 It's kind of frustrating so I'm having Kapchu for the third time! ! Ahhh! ?

"...Well, actually, I think the leaders are an excellent choice."

 Yue-sama was leaning on Hajime's shoulder as if resting her chest on it.

 Her swimsuit was completely off, so Hajime fixed it with his fingertips. Trace now. Soft touch Sachiko's exquisite technique!

 Incidentally, I saw a swarm of swordfish monsters that jumped out of the water surface along my path, and I watched a group of monsters built into the front of the personal watercraft.Chidori Senseisentry gunLaunch it and shoot it down.

 Fish meat and blood blend with the wave spray and sea breeze and flow...

"...Tracy is a princess, but she's a battle-crazy who doesn't know anything about national politics, and she's a Siasky, and Sameer is a genuine merchant, so it's extremely unlikely that she would betray her family's business partner, with whom she can grow together."

"The Motto Chamber of Commerce is already one of Furen's largest chambers of business. The two of us will be able to exert a strong influence on the empire and the commercial city without using my name."

"...Hmm. Sister Phyllis is a promising young woman who will be remembered by the new pope, and above all, she is a strong-willed child who faithfully followed her faith even in times when Ehito is alive and well."

"Sameer and Firis have a long way to go in terms of combat, but they seem to be doing boot camp using the artifact I gave them, so I'm looking forward to their future."

 All of them are people who would tilt their heads if asked if they had absolute loyalty to Hajime.

 However, he is also a person with a strong sense of self and strong will who will not give up on himself no matter what the organization he belongs to says or does.

 After being told the exact conditions and outlook, these women decided to serve him.

 That would be a pledge as reliable as loyalty.

 At the very least, Helena, who seemed to have more loyalty to Hajime than to him as the spouse of an important princess, judged the pledge to be genuine.

 From Hajime's point of view, who had begun to trust Liliana even more than being the most trusted head maid, no further confirmation was necessary before welcoming them.

"...Hmm. I trust Helina a lot."

"There's nothing wrong with that, right? She's seriously talented, and above all, she's someone Lily treats like her sister. She thinks of her as a relative."

"…Hmm, I agree with you there."

 In fact, it's no secret that my heart jumps every time Hellina calls me ``Ma'am.''

 You can tell that Helina cares about the Nagumo family itself, and you can tell from her eyes and voice that she has an overflowing sense of familiarity and respect for Yue.

 Since Yue is a newlywed, she would be happy no matter who calls her ``ma'am,'' but she thinks that Hellina's ``ma'am'' might make her the most excited.

"...And, uh...battle fanatictracyI was surprised that he recognized it."

 The servants of the Asier family also serve as bodyguards, and are trained in defensive combat techniques. It was a well-known story that he was comparable to Konoe in terms of defense.

 In fact, even during the Mythical Battle, Helena defended Liliana against the apostles who rushed into the headquarters. However, she was unable to fight him off, and she was so battered that if she had delayed defeating Ehito for a few seconds more, she would have been defeated.

 Tracy isn't the kind of person who evaluates opponents based solely on their fighting ability, but in the Mythical Battle, he was strong enough to decapitate apostles under the same conditions. Despite this, he clearly looked up to Hellina in terms of combat.

"My eyes were looking far away."

"...It seems like the maid training was amazing. She went crazy from stress and attacked Helina, but even though she fought to the death with all her might, she couldn't win..."

"No matter how powerful the magic sword is at cutting down the magic, I can't believe that Shia will be able to outsmart an opponent who uses body strengthening, even an opponent with a magic scythe of the same type. That's an unexpected growth. "

 In fact, he secretly lent Helina the VR training artifacts and simplified version of the Hour Crystal, which are also used by Myuu.

 I guess that's paying off. However, both Hajime and Yue were aware of Tracy's ferocious attack. He won't win, but he won't lose...

 What's more, perhaps because of her fighting style, Helena is always the one who stands out physically in the end, so she might already be the strongest Tortoise human when it comes to defense.

"The magic sword has also become smaller."

"...Hmm. It's not like it has a will like a holy sword, but it seemed like it was listening to what Hellina was saying. It was kind of cool how it popped out of the cuff."

"That's it! Even if you throw it, it will come back to you like a holy sword, and I was surprised at how well you used it....Well, I was wondering about that when you started peeling fruits."

 In any case, it is true that Tracy, who seems to be the most disobedient, has learned the perfect maid's behavior despite being a princess, and follows Helena's orders without complaint.

 In that case, the other members are no exception.

 But...maybe, like Tracy, he couldn't win. Commander Kuzeri also had eyes that looked into the distance, no, he had dead eyes.

 I was muttering something under my breath like, ``Even though I'm the commander of the knights... I have to be the strongest in the kingdom... Or rather, what's the point of my existence?''

"... Kuzeri, are you okay? Aren't you going to get sick again? Aren't you going to start crying all of a sudden?"

 Yue asked worriedly, remembering that time.

 Casually, like a cat that wants its master to pay attention to it, it sneaks under Hajime's arm. She sat sideways and wrapped her arms around Hajime's neck, cuddling him like a princess.

"Kuzeri is a versatile type when it comes to combat, and is unrivaled in terms of tactics and strategy. Helina also said that, right? Kuzeri's troops are our main force."

"...Yeah, I didn't understand what you meant. Luluaria-sama seemed to have a lot of tsukkomi as well. After all, it's also an army. It's a different group of maids."

"No, that's why maid groups fight."

"...Did you see the look on Luluaria-sama's face when Hajime said that with a natural look on his face?"

"You looked satisfied, right?"

"...That's not right. A face of resignation, giving up hope."

 Yue instinctively moved to the sofa and sat down next to Luluaria, folding her hands together. It's okay, I don't know either. I just choose to accept it as it is.

 Yue and Luluaria stare at each other. Somehow, I felt like we had become friends again.

 By the way, Sameer and Ferris also have similar expressions. I'm sure both of them are undergoing rigorous vocational training.

 What kind of job did you get into? I'm sure he's silently training himself with a resigned look on his face, giving up on convincing himself, even as he doubts this.

"More importantly, Yue. It's still a secret from Lily, of course, but also from Shia and Tio, right?"


 Yue had an indescribable expression on her face.

 Because a reason is a reason.

 When Luluaria and Yue got together and asked them about the reason for the secret, not only Hajime but even Hellina had a strange look on their faces, wondering why they were asking.

 And it clicked beautifully.

--Isn't the battle maid group supposed to be kept secret? (Right?)

 They may look like ordinary servants, or even people who are completely unrelated to them, but in reality there is a person who they consider to be their master, working behind the scenes as their hands and feet. He's stupidly strong when it comes to battle! That is the combat maid group.

 I see. I have no idea.

 Luluaria-sama looked at Yue as if asking for help. Yue took his hand and smiled again, "It's okay. I don't understand either." Luluaria-sama smiled back, looking extremely relieved.

 Intimacy has increased even more!

"However, they're family. I'm sure they'll show it to each other someday. I talked with Helina about it, but since he's officially Lily's bodyguard, I think it would be a good idea to subtly reveal his true identity in case something happens to Lily." Of course, after we get properly organized, okay?"

"...Ah, I'm sorry. I wasn't listening."

 Yue-san seemed to be intercepting a monster that had surfaced from the sea.

 It's exciting when members of a secret group reveal their true identity in a good mood! Hajime's expression became somber as he spoke. For some reason, there was a tingle in Yue's side.

 Yue's body jumped up and down, and while twisting her body, she let out a voice, "Ya, nnn, aaan."

 I thought he'd let out a laugh because it tickled him, but no, maybe that's what he meant, but no matter how I heard it, he was just gasping. Why is this all so erotic?

"That's why Myuu calls me an erotic older sister."

"...Moo, don't mess with me? Just like Hajime said, I'll keep it a secret from Shia and the others. Right?"

 Yue sat back down on Hajime's lap with her cheeks slightly colored. I moved her butt and readjusted the best position that had shifted due to twisting her body.

 Furthermore, although it was still in the organization stage, I only revealed it to Luluaria and Yue because it was easier for them to notice that it was unnatural due to their positions, and I also wanted to ask them to follow up in case there were any negative effects from poaching important people from each organization. It's a body.

 In that case, I thought it would be better to have him become a collaborator rather than an accomplice.

"...By the way, Hajime. The maid group..."

"Battle Maid Group"

"...Hmm. Combat, isn't the maid group planned to be divided into ten units, each specialized in their own field? But, there are seven people who were introduced as candidates for unit leader. What about the other three?"

"Alone, no, we've already met, haven't we?"

"...What the heck?...Ah, maybe Nogari?"

 A multi-world hybrid maid robot filled with the dreams and romance of the successor Hajime――Nogari-san!

 Speaking of that, Yue was convinced that she had seen it in the basement workshop of the house, and Hajime nodded that she was correct.

 It seems like he will soon reach the reason why he went out into the ocean, so Hajime gradually slows down as he continues speaking.

"The latter two are undecided. There is one candidate I would like to approach, but...anyway, I would like to set up a person in charge of exchanges with other worlds in case mutual exchanges with other worlds become full-scale someday. For now, Nogari is in charge of that."

"...I see. It looks like it's going to be difficult, so how about three slots?"

"No, I just decided to make ten teams because Kiri is good for now. People like Helina say that twelve is actually cool, but I don't think nine is bad either. What do you think, Yue?"

"...Hmm, I don't think nine is bad. Do what Hajime wants?"


 Yue gave her full approval with a big smile, but Hajime had a strange look on his face as he felt like he was ignored.

 This is that. This is an exchange between a girlfriend who asks her which one she prefers when choosing an outfit, and her boyfriend who replies that they both look good on each other. Although the genders are reversed.

 When it comes to romance, not only Yue but also Shia and the others react like this. Especially lately.

 In that sense, Helena may be a valuable human resource.

"Oops, we've arrived."

 In the meantime, it seems we have arrived at our destination.

 Hajime stops the personal watercraft. Yue also returned to the back seat from her princess position.

 Land and mountains can be seen to the west. I could faintly see the cityscape on the horizon. This is the town of Elisen.

 In other words, the destination is not the town of Elisen, but the empty sea located to the north of here, and what is here?

``Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooo! Are you there? "

 Yes, it was a new home under the sea that Hajime had built for his mermaid friend――the Lee family.

 It is a relatively safe area that is close to Erisen and the land, and the ocean floor is a rocky area, making it easy to prevent attacks from monsters. Part of the reef was shaped to make it more comfortable to live in.

"...If you ask me, I really like Lee-san too much."

 Yue looked half stunned.

 It's not tasteful to suddenly go to a large wetland by teleportation. It was Yue who suggested going out to sea and entering from the coast.

 But there was a miscalculation. It's been a while since I last saw you, so if you're going to take a walk by the sea, why don't you say hello to Mr. Lee? What,

(...If someone asked me with such an innocent smile, I wouldn't have the option to refuse.)

 That's why. Although it was not a walking distance to the coast of the large wetland, Yue was completely weak to Hajime who seemed to be having fun.

"Hmm, no response. Are you away?"

"...I should have checked it with a compass before coming."

"Hey, I always know where my friend is using the GPS that I set up without permission! There's no way I'd do something as insane as that!"

"...Are you waiting for Tsukkomi? Is that so?"

 Hajime-san is polite in strange places. It's true that it's not a pleasant thing to have someone know your whereabouts at any time even though you're not even a family member, but even if you say such common sense now... Yue's cheeks twitch a little.

 In truth, Hajime's high level of liking for Mr. Lee is a mystery.

"I haven't even made an appointment. Originally, my main goal was to enjoy the water bike with Yue, and I was hoping we could meet up after that."


 Then, I caught a sign of a monster coming to the surface. Not Mr. Lee. But I feel like I know.

 While Hajime and Yue were looking at each other, the person who suddenly appeared next to the watercraft was...

"...It's been a while, kid."

 It was a human-faced fish with somewhat moist eyes. Leeman has long, slit eyes, fluffy eyelashes that make you wonder if he's a marine creature, and plump lips. .

"Long time no see, Margarita."

"…Hmm, it's been a while."

 Margarita. Probably the type of beauty that would be called a beautiful witch by Lehman standards, or rather, a beautiful fish? In any case, she is probably Lee's wife because she is beautiful.

 By the way, each Riemann species has its own unique name.

 Lee's real name seems to be Reisegeist. It's not just a very harsh name, it's a name that sounds like it could be a main character in a story, and in any case, there is a habit of giving names like that to the Lehman breed.

 Mr. Lee didn't give his name simply because he thought it was cooler at that time. However, she just couldn't bring herself to say anything and missed the opportunity to introduce herself - this story was revealed when I was introduced to her wife. To my wife.

 It was obvious that it was a picture star because Mr. Lee kept looking away.

 Hajime thought. I understand, Lee. That kind of thing happens, right?

 Yue thought. I understand, Margarita. That's what boys are like.

 It was a moment when husbands and wives understood each other.

 In any case, to Hajime, Mr. Lee is now Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee also said that he was itchy to be called by his real name now, so I continued to call him Mr. Lee. Since he goes by Mr. Lee to the public, it is now a common name.

 Quiet talk.

"So, what do you need? "

"What, you seem to be in such a bad mood? It's not like I have anything in particular to do..."

"...I'm sorry for the sudden visit. Hajime wanted to meet his husband for the first time in a while."

 Usually, she's a more cheerful and cheerful person (fish) like an old lady from Osaka, but something seems off about her. Hajime tilted his head slightly, and Yue stroked Hajime's arm with a troubled look on her face.

 Margarita narrowed her eyes. She looks suspicious of something.

"Well, if the timing is bad, I'll go back..."

"...It doesn't seem like the boy is involved."

"Oh? What are you talking about? Mr. Lee, did you do something?"

 Margarita stared at Hajime's confused expression for a while, then let out a deep sigh. She suddenly changed her mood back to her usual one.

``That person just disappeared, and on top of that, he was riding on a toy that was given to him by a boy! I thought he was doing something with the boy again. That was bad, I doubt you.''

"Ah, ah, something like that."

"…Since you set up your new home here, your wanderlust has disappeared, right?"

 It all makes sense, and I feel sympathy for the reason why the wife is in a bad mood. While Hajime and Yue were smiling bitterly, Margarita had a blue streak appear on her forehead.

``--I'm going out for a while. I don't know when I'll be back, so please take care of me later.'' Kirisa sent me a telepathic message before the stars had rotated a hundred times! Lately, he's been imitating the vigilante group using the boy's toys, and just when he thought he had finally calmed down...just as he let his guard down, this happened! Don't even explain the situation, you idiot! I swore that I would never cross the threshold of your home again! "

 Complaints about my husband come out like an undersea eruption. Mr. Lee, who has a frivolous personality, seems to have picked up a bad habit again. What's more, she disappeared after missing a promise to play with her child.

"If you don't mind, let's find a place to stay?"

``Oh, that's fine, that's it. That's always the case. I don't want you to get the wrong impression that I'm worried about you. In fact, please don't look for me at all.''

"Oh, oh, I see. Well, if Margarita is fine with that, then that's fine."

``Besides, I heard that stupid voice. What did you say, that battle-crazy rabbit?''

"...Hmm, Inaba? Did that girl come here?"

``It's like that. It seems like they just came to have fun. I'm sure the two of you are just getting along and playing together and getting bored.''

"...Aren't you worried?"

"Ha. Who in this world could hurt that monster-like battle-crazed man and his husband who was riding the toy the boy gave him?''

 Margarita laughs, her fins fluttering. Indeed, both Hajime and Yue had to agree.

 Margarita continued, ``Besides...'' His expression was as if he was somewhat taken aback, yet as if he still felt for the helpless person.

``I'm the one who understands that person's tenacity the most.''

 I know that my husband, who has a wanderlust, often gets into trouble because of his wanderlust. That's what I've been doing ever since I was much younger. However, he will return in the end. Go to Margarita.

``I'm the one who's losing out by worrying. Every time, every time.''

"...Hehe, yes."

 Yue's expression softened as she felt that she had been ``accused'' somehow. Margarita frowns, as if to say that she was saying something unnecessary.

 Flutter the fin again. I'm telling you this story ends here.

``So, what are we going to do? There's no need to look for me, but if you want to go see me, I won't stop you.''

 In that case, don't even make the mistake of telling me that you were looking for me. You won't understand if I mislead you, right? The amazing sister--not the wife.

 Hajime raised his hands in a surrender pose.

"No, I'm currently on a date with Yue. It's a shame that I won't be able to meet you, but I'll give priority to you."

"...Hmm. And I got to meet Margarita. How are the kids?"

"Oh, I'm fine and fine. I admire that useless landlord and go on adventures around the neighborhood every day. I'm completely worried about the future. You're probably at home right you want to meet up? "

"I'd love to. May I say hello?"

"Ah, it's a good idea. Actually, I have some souvenirs as well."

"It's polite."

 Margarita laughs with laughter. She must be using telepathy. She gives off a faint magical power. She confirmed that the children were heading towards her without any problems, and then turned her gaze to Yue.

``Yue-chan. You should be careful too.''

"...Hmm? What?"

 Margarita-san quickly approaches Yue's feet.

``My husband and I get along well. The boy might just wander off somewhere.''

"…Hajime is more of an indoor type though."

``No, I see him as the type who rushes into his own hobbies and romance. I think they would go to any length if necessary. Based on my experience


 Yue-san is a little upset. Romance... oh, romance. A bad guy who always seduces Hajime. I see, her sister has a point.

``Shhh, I'm going to catch you.'' Unlike me, you have that power, right? "

 Margarita-san says that and winks. Yue gave a quick thumbs up.

 Then, she looked up at Hajime who had a strange look on his face since he could hear it normally,

"...It's okay. I'll do whatever it takes."

 He declared while licking his tongue like an animal hunting its prey.

 I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a little faith in her and wait like Margarita-san did. I never say it.

 Of course, Hajime, who did not know her inner thoughts, replied in a trembling voice, ``I will never disappear without permission...''.

 The sun is still high, but it has already passed the mid-heaven.

 Hajime and Yue were finally seen at today's destination, a large wetland. Specifically, it's on top of a cliff that stretches as far as the eye can see after passing through a large wetland.

 It's like a huge castle wall that separates the Great Wetland from the even more remote southwest area. The two of them were standing on the edge of an even higher hill.

"It's a nice view after all."

"...Hehe, thank you."

"Why is Yue thanking me?"



"...Yes. Somehow."

 A vast panorama of numerous rivers and lush greenery stretches out in front of you, like a rough weave.

 Their eyes were only looking at the spectacular scenery, not at each other. However, even without looking, I could tell that they were smiling gently at each other.

 I feel happy for no reason. After all, the two of us are together.



"...As I said when I first came, this place is often covered in fog."

"Ah, it was a natural labyrinth to prevent them from going deep into the interior."

"...That's right. It's a normal fog that doesn't have the ability to obstruct recognition like a sea of ​​trees, but depending on the location, it can also emit bottomless swamps and poisonous gas."

"Nature is the scariest thing."


 Yue, who was looking nostalgically at the wetland with narrowed eyes, nodded deeply and finally looked at Hajime.

"...However, whenever I come with Hajime, it's always sunny. It's like this land is welcoming us."

"That's a romantic phrase."

 While grinning, Hajime also turned his attention to Yue. Yue turned away from her with a slightly embarrassed blush on her cheeks. cute.

 By the way, my clothes have already changed back to what I wore when I left, from swimsuits. So, hmm? I pulled the hood over my head to hide my face from Hajime who was looking at me teasingly. cute.

"Now then, I took a little detour and spent too much time on other matters. I'm sick to my stomach."

"...Hmm. Eat your stomach before the date."

 If Shia and the others were here, it would have been a sweet enough date on the way! It seems like they're going to make a tsukkomi, but it seems like they haven't even started dating yet.

 I have decided to have a picnic today.

 Today's journey is to visit Yue's hometown, the land that Yue wanted.the purpose date is.

 heel Kibisu return it. There was a large old tree right behind me. Although it is short, it is an umbrella-like tree with branches and leaves that spread far. At its base stands a cross.

 The name of Dinreed, Yue's uncle, was engraved on the cross.

 This is a place that holds memories of my uncle and niece. When her niece was tired of all the activities at the palace, she often begged her uncle to take her out on picnics.

 Although there was no body or belongings left, Yue wanted to erect Dinreed's grave in her hometown, and if possible, in this place of memories, so she asked Hajime to accompany her and visited her before returning home after the Mythical Battle. It was.

 It has been 300 years since the country fell.

 I had no idea it would still be there, but by some miracle, the large old tree was still alive and well, with even more annual rings.

 Yue took off her hood and stood in front of the grave marker that Hajime had made. Hajime also quietly snuggled up to her.

"…Uncle Dad Mr. Today I came to have a picnic with Hajime. Would you like me to lend you a little space? "

 The tone from the days of royalty oozes out just a little.

``It's been a long time. I hear this is a place that holds memories for both of us, but please don't get angry. father-in-law Chichiue Sir? "

 Although he speaks lightly, Hajime's expression is calm and gentle. niece Yue It's about Dinreed, who doted on her like a daughter. If he were alive, he would no doubt be giving the same kind of compliment back to the man who stole his daughter's heart.

 Yue could easily imagine that, and that's why she felt embarrassed and muttered something like, ``Ah, what if Hajime happens to me?''

"...Here, Hajime. Hurry up and eat your lunch, okay?"

 Hajime laughed as Yue tugged on his sleeve and followed her.

 Go around to the other side of the grave marker and place the sheet you took out from the treasure room at the base of the old tree. I took out the basket and large water bottle that I had prepared in the morning and was ready.

 When you open the basket, it's filled with sandwiches. Yue picked up one of them and handed it to Hajime. Immediately, the insect in Hajime's stomach made a loud noise.

"I'll enjoy having this"

"...Hmm, enjoy it."

 I took a big bite into it, as if to say I couldn't wait any longer.

 Breakfast was delicious. Bad habits don't develop in the kitchen at home. So I let my guard down.

"?!!? Hmm!?"

"...How? Hajime?"

 How should I express it? I don't know what it is, it has a wild taste or something. It seems to be spicy, but also mellow, and it seems to have a richness, but it doesn't feel like it's bland.

 In other words, if you don't wrap it up as an oblate, it's bad -- no, wrap it! We're on a date now! Even the devil runs away barefoot. How dare a man bend his knees to his wife's cooking! I always picture myself as the best husband. The heart is made of oblates!

"Oh, the taste is full of originality. Uh, it's delicious."

"...That can't be true. It's definitely bad."

"What do you mean!?"

 I was trying to keep my honest thoughts from spilling out one after another, trying to keep them in check with my oblate mind, but it was terrible! I did something to make you angry! ? Hajime-san's eyes widened.

 Yue took the sandwich from Hajime and bit into it herself. And with a satisfied expression,

"...Yeah, that's bad! One more bite."

"Come back to your senses, Yue! You're tired!"

 Hajime trembled in fear as Yue gulped and took the second bite without hesitation. However, the person in question was completely calm. In fact, even though he muttered that it was bad, he seemed oddly nostalgic and happy.

 Hajime became even more confused! Where is Aiko! ? I need peace of mind! Please help my wife, sir!

"...N-I'm sorry, Hajime. I really wanted to eat this disgusting sandwich with you."

 So, is the Crystal Key closed? said Yue as she grabbed Hajime's hand. Her eyes, a mixture of worry and suspicion, reflected Yue.

"…UncleDadHe was a person who could do anything."

"What happened all of a sudden?"

"...his fighting skills and knowledge are the best in the country. He has good political sense and popularity, and even though he was born in a closed country, he had many friends in other countries."

"He's like the main character."

"…Hmm.But, such a perfect superhuman?UncleDadYou also had one flaw."

"Ah, I read something."

"...Yes, my taste was stupid. There was nothing I could do about it."

 Gulp the third bite. Yue nods and says, "Yeah, it's bad. It's definitely bad. It's worth the effort to recreate it. This is my uncle's taste." That seems to be the case.

"Perhaps it's your bad habit of wanting to mix in strange things by saying things like 'orijinariti'..."

 Hajime-san seems a little suspicious. Don't you hate bad food? I was staring at him. Yue hastily excused herself.

"...Ugh. No, that's not it. I didn't intentionally make it taste bad. I added it because I thought it would be really delicious!"


``...But, uh...I have a habit of impulsively adding something even if it's weird, if I think it's going to taste good.UncleDadI might have gotten it from you."

 Yue-san muttered while looking away as hard as she could.

 Indeed, the roots of the bad habit have been clarified. Hajime couldn't help but look over his shoulder at the old tree and the cross on the other side with a grudging look.

 Take a deep breath. Yue raised her eyebrows at Yue, who was holding the delicious sandwich with both hands and eating it again.

"I guess Yue still liked it, right? That sandwich."

"...Hmm. I didn't like it at first, but I grew attached to it. More than any fancy dish, this sandwich made me feel the most relieved."

 The strongest and most beautiful princess. As she grew up, the rumors spread, and her desire for Yue increased through the roof.

 Although he probably had trusted subordinates and attendants, the royal palace must have become an uncomfortable place as he grew older.

 The time when Yue felt most relaxed was probably when she was sitting under this old tree, chatting with her uncle about nothing, and eating the delicious sandwich he had made.

"...It's bad! It's bad! Uncle-sama really has stupid taste! The subtle expression on his face every time he insulted me mercilessly was the best."

"Hahaha, you're a shitty kid."

 No matter how many times I suggested bringing a proper bento box, my niece would always ask for ``uncle's sandwich,'' and I'm sure my uncle would be surprised to see him stuffing his mouth with the sandwich he had made with a smile on his face. Although he looked troubled, he must have been smiling with joy.

 Hajime could also imagine such a scene.



"Give me another bite."

"...Hehe. Yes, ahh."

 He happily stuffed his mouth with the tasteless sandwich that was offered to him. "Yeah, that's bad," he says with a laugh. Yue looked happily at Hajime's profile.

"...Don't worry, Hajime. This is the only thing that's wrong. Everything else is Shia's confident work."

"I'm happy to be able to taste Yue's memorable sandwich."

 While saying that, Hajime's hand reached for the basket extremely quickly. It seems like she wants a change of pace as soon as possible.

 Unusually, Yue laughed out loud and went about cleaning up the remaining disgusting sandwiches.

 An image that somehow came to me, on the other side of the old tree.UncleDadWhile thinking of you smiling bitterly.

 after that.

 After filling their stomachs, Hajime and Yue decide to tour the former vampire country as planned.

 Of course, there's nothing left. Not only the royal castles and castle towns, but also the forts, towns and villages that protect key points, and farmland have all been destroyed.

 The fact that there aren't even any ruins at all means that Ehito's anger at that time was that great.

 However, Yue now has a way to project her memories into reality, even if it's only temporary.

"...Hajime, let me use it."

"Feel free to do so. That's why we worked hard to improve it."

 Yue put her hand on her chest. Immediately, her ample breasts began to shine golden - but rather, the jewels on the necklace sandwiched between her cleavage began to shine.

 It is an artifact that draws out infinite magical power. During the Battle of Fuji's Sea of ​​Trees, it was necessary for Hajime to supply it while touching the treasure tree and in a concentrated state, but now those who have been given authority through soul magic can do so at will unless Hajime puts a stop to it. It has been improved to draw out magical power.

 Then it's possible. For Yue, it would be like seeing a scene from 300 years ago as a ``past look''.

 A glow takes shape on a hill near the west coast, where the royal castle once stood. The magnificent and historical castle, the house where Yue was born, disappeared 300 years ago, has once again appeared in this world.

 Hajime and Yue are in front of the castle gate.

 The golden glow overflowing from Yue spread further down the hill like an avalanche.

 When Hajime turned around, a magnificent white staircase was appearing at the bottom of the hill. Several people who looked like aristocrats were coming and going.

 The golden waves engulfed the entire area under the hill. If you do so, what you will see is Katsunode Castle Town. It is the capital of the Avatar Kingdom.

"...It's surprising. It's fairly well-organized, and it's clean with a white theme."

"...What? Just because it's a vampire country, did you think it would be a more terrifying place?"

"I thought that was crazy."


 Yue puffed out her cheeks and lightly patted Hajime's arm as he jokingly expressed his thoughts.

 We wrapped our arms around each other and looked at the capital with a look of nostalgia and loneliness.

"Are you okay?"

"...N-no, it's fine."

 There is no fluctuation in the voice. It must be true. Still, Hajime couldn't help but put his hand on Yue's.

 Seeing Hajime like that, Yue looked up and smiled happily.

"...Now then, let's go? Hajime. First, let's start from inside the castle. Do you want to fully enjoy myself as a small person?"

"A tour where we can see Yue as a child. That's great. But aren't people usually shy about things like that?"

"...I think it's unfair."

 Yue said with a mischievous smile as Hajime tilted his head.

"...Your mother-in-law showed me a lot. Records from when Hajime was a baby."

"Ah, ah… I see?"

"...Since Hajime's Hajime was a baby."

"Why did you say it again!? Or rather, could you please stop suddenly throwing dirty jokes at me!?"

 It was definitely an emotional atmosphere right now! ? Hajime said with a tsukkomi, but Yue-sama seemed to be in a better condition than usual today.

"...It's grown so big."

"Where are you looking? Hey, my uncle is crying behind the grass."

"...However, Hajime's Hajime still has some transformation left to do--ahhh."

"Not only your uncle, but everyone you want to introduce to me will be sad, so shut your mouth."

 Yue's cheeks are pulled tightly.

 I can't say anything about Tio. If Dinreed and the others were alive, there is no doubt that they would all be shocked. Why did my precious princess become like this? ? and.

"...Can you forgive me for changing because I was loved too much by Hajime?"

"Can you please stop casually passing the blame on to me?"

 You were pretty erotic from the beginning. Who was the one who attacked me in the bathroom at Oscar's mansion? I blinked my cheeks, trying not to let them know that I had forgotten.

 ...It's unbelievably soft and chewy. I'm tempted to keep touching it.

 Hajime gathered his strength and let go of his hand.

"Come on, please show me around quickly. The place where Yue was born and raised."

 Yue relaxed her slightly red cheeks and took Hajime's hand again. and,

"...Hmm! Leave it to me."

 Holding onto my lover's tether, I stepped into my former birthplace without hesitation into the illusion of the past.

 It's a phantom royal castle. Naturally, it can pass through walls and ceilings.

 Hajime was led by Yue's hand and used the scaffolding in the air to go this way and that. Of course, Yue uses gravity magic to fluff around freely as she looks around the castle.

 The construction and interior itself didn't seem to be much different from the Heirich Kingdom of the past. Castles may end up being something similar.

 However, it is still a special place for Yue. As you focus on each part of the castle, each person who came and went from that time, your gaze becomes a little distant, as if you are searching for a treasure of memory.

"...Hmm, I just remembered something. This is the first one."

 Yue, who was immersed in memories for a while, pulled Hajime's hand with a fleeting smile on her face.

 Follow as you are guided. It looks like the place I visited was my backyard. Beside the flowerbed beautifully arranged with beautiful flowers,

--Gigi! tired! Cuddle quickly!

 A very cute command rang out.

 I think he was about three years old. Even so, she has a pretty appearance that makes it obvious that she is Yue at a glance.

 A small princess wearing a cute Gothic Lolita dress that seems to be buried in frills is stretching as hard as she can and extending her arms towards an elderly man with a Kaiser beard and a military uniform.

 It looks like she's trying her best to exude the dignity of a princess, but her round eyes and plump cheeks are just adorable. Coupled with her costume, she is truly a doll-like girl.

 Coupled with the content of that order, the soldier's expression was already blown away. He only looks like an elderly man, but judging from Yue's words, he would probably be in the old age range if he were a human.

 The atmosphere is certainly that of a ``jijiji'' who dotes on his granddaughter.

 There were several other people around him wearing military uniforms, but they all looked at him with cold eyes, and at the princess, they looked at her as if they were full of adorable feelings.

"Hey, are you serious? What is this cute creature? It's already killing people with its cuteness."

"...Oh, you're exaggerating!"

 Even though she was televised by Hajime's acclaim and his fixed gaze, Yue narrowed her eyes at the soldier who was holding her young self up as if touching the glasswork.

"... Ubaldo Law. He was the leader of the Knights of the Royal Guards. He was like a grandfather to me. He was kind, but..."


``...He was very nagging. His favorite phrase was ``First of all.'' He was a punch man. I wanted to call him ``Jiji,'' but when I was five years old, he just stopped calling me because I couldn't show it to others. It happened. Isn't it too early?"

"Please understand. You can tell by looking at that doting expression, right? It must have been a difficult decision."


 Yue has a sour expression on her face. Hajime couldn't help but laugh at her childish appearance.

 Apparently, little Yue was quite a tomboy. It seems that Ubaldo-jiji had a lot of trouble.

 In the video, Ubaldo warns him, ``It's not easy,'' but young Yue is not satisfied with being held and crawls up onto his shoulder. Then, when she was safely on his shoulders, she made a satisfied expression and said, ``Phew~''.

 Mr. Ubaldo's expression was troubled, but he looked very happy and having fun. Even if it weren't for the most part, his dotingness might have been comparable to Dinreed's.

"Next here."

 The next place I visited was Yue's private room.

--Riona, let's go together

 One of the maids was holding her nose and looking away. She is a strict-looking beauty with long eyes and tightly tied hair. Her love is about to spill out of her nose.

"Oh my god. What a destructive force. This is already a crime."

"…What are you talking about, Hajime?"

 Is there anyone who can resist little Yue's request to sleep with her? No, there can't be one! ! Hajime-san seemed to be saying that.

 Maybe it's because he saw the cute Yue from his childhood so many times that he's already reaching his mental limit.

"...She is Liona Charité. My personal maid. She was also the royal family's carefully selected blood donor."

"Blood Donor"

"...Hmm. Blood isn't indispensable for vampires, but back then, Japan was in the Sengoku period. It's definitely good for both healing and combat."

"I see. Normally, of course, in an emergency, you can't force the royal family to drink blood from someone you don't know."

"...Do you feel safe? I ingested blood from a small bottle. Hajime is the first person I've ever stabbed my fangs into and ingested from a person of the opposite sex."

"I-I don't really care, do you?"


 Did you guess my inner feelings? Hajime turned away as if to confuse him.

 I thought that she had purposely introduced this person because she wanted to tell him this, but Yue straightened up and said the real reason why she wanted to introduce him.

"...By the way, this person is the 'example teacher'."

 Time passes all at once. Yue, now about ten years old, was sitting at her desk, reading her book with a bright red face.

--Ri, Riona. Is this something I really need to learn?

--Your Highness, please call me Sensei while you are studying.

---Say, Sensei.

--Yes, of course. If you're a member of the royal family, such practices before marriage are outrageous. Since Your Highness has turned ten years old, His Majesty has told me that I am absolutely prohibited from having any contact with anyone of the opposite sex other than my immediate family. If that's the case, please at least acquire some knowledge. It is essential for the future and to avoid danger.

 Has it gotten worse over the past few years, or is it just a matter of time? Riona-sensei, who had snapped her glasses on, was speaking to her with a very serious look on her face.

 And then, he mercilessly attacked the heart of the princess, who was about to die of shame.

--Please look forward to it, Your Highness. If you memorize the numerous knowledge and 108 methods that I teach you, you will be able to conquer others like a queen, or captivate them with your cuteness! 

--Eh, I'm not really asking for that...

――Hehehe, my future spouse will be a happy man to be attacked by His Highness whom I trained. I'm sure you'll ascend to heaven, right?

--what do you mean! ?

"Are you the culprit?"

 The person who was ascended (?) to heaven had a delicate face, like a role model. Should I praise him for a good job, or should I worry about giving him too much unnecessary knowledge?

 Because of this person, Yue must have looked a lot older when she was a child.

"...Do you understand? I was originally naive. Liona-sensei's classes and Hajime's presence changed that. In other words, it's not my fault even if I attack Hajime frequently."

"Such a confident and smug look."

 This time it was Hajime's turn to look stunned.

 Yue smiled happily at Hajime and said,

"...Hajime, next. Hurry! This way!"

"I get it"

 She was excited and tugged at Hajime. A tour of memories.

 There is not the slightest hint of sadness about the tragedy that awaits her in the future in her bright smile. Of course, now that Yue knows the truth about Dinreed and the others, it is unlikely that she will not feel loneliness or sadness at all, but she can still feel that this place has become a place of fond memories.

 Hajime couldn't help but be happy about that fact.

 It was about time for the night to fall.

 Hajime and Yue had come to a town on the frontier after finishing their tour of the royal castle and castle town.

 Of course, it's in the past footage. The people who come and go are diverse, even though they are within the Avatar Kingdom. There are not only vampires, but also humans, demons, and beastmen.

 It's a time of turmoil. There were probably many refugees who had nowhere to go to escape the war. It was said that the town was built to protect them.

 Although it is a closed country, this is the arrangement made by the first king. It is said that in exchange for protection, it is mutually beneficial to have people pay their own taxes, so it has continued without any problems since the founding of the country.

 A large flame was rising in the central square of the town. It's more like a campfire than a fire.

 It seems that we are in the middle of a harvest festival. There were many food stalls, and people of all races were happily eating, drinking, and even dancing.

 Hajime and Yue were sitting on the real rocky ground and watching it.

"I guess I couldn't cover it all in one day. If you'd told me sooner, I could have made time somehow."

 After all, it's a tour of memories that involves not only location but also time.

 Little Yue studies hard, Yue gets fed up with her studies and crawls into bed and doesn't come out. Yue cheers hard, saying, ``Do your best ~ my knights~'' and easily performs highly difficult magic in front of them. Yue innocently breaks her heart when she realizes the truth, Yue cries when she is scolded for her mischief, Yue shows off her dress that everyone will admire at a national birthday party, but she doesn't want to have a party with her uncle, Ubaldo, Riona, and others. Yue seemed happier at the small birthday celebration later...

 I was shown various other princess eras, but that's why I think so.

 Half a day is not enough at all. I wanted to see more.

 Seeing Hajime slump his shoulders, Yue lets out a chuckle. I couldn't help but feel happy that people wanted to know more.

"...When the trip is over, you can come and see me again."

"Well, that's true."

 It's like they're not happy, or they can't wait. Yue poked the side of Hajime's face with her fingertips.

"...It's on purpose."

"On purpose?"

"...Recently, Hajime seemed to be trying to finish a lot of things before the trip."

"Well, I can't leave Earth unless I get rid of my sadness."

"...No. It's not such an exaggerated story, it's something more familiar. Even if we go on a date, it seems like he's in a hurry to get it done before the trip."


 Nothing like that, I just wanted to go on a date for the first time in a while because I was busy. I tried to argue, but for some reason no words came out.

"...The same goes for other things. Hajime was the one who decided not to take your mother-in-law and others with you on this trip."

 This time, unlike during the Tortoise trip, the families from each family did not come.

 Of course, unlike the Tortoise trip, this time it's a long trip, so it's difficult to take time off, but there are other main reasons.

 This is because, unlike Tortoise, the safety of the destination is not guaranteed.

 However, as long as Hajime and the others are together, there shouldn't be any problems.

"...And Endo wanted to come with me, but he refused. You wanted to leave him there just in case you were away from Earth, right?"

 This also seems to be a star. He always needs to be careful, but considering that there is a way to return at any time, it seems like it would be a good idea to prioritize the feelings of Kousuke, who was feeling depressed.

"...In fact, I suggested that Shizuku and the others become apostles before the trip."

 Actually, it was. Before going on the trip, Shizuku, Aiko, and Remia have already been treated to become apostles by Yue.

 Shizuku was originally planning to have her turned into an apostle considering her lifespan, but the problem of lifespan can be solved without turning her into an apostle. In fact, since she stops aging, if she wants to look age-appropriate, she will need to make adjustments using transmutation magic.

 Since it is an important part of living in society, it would have been better to make it an apostle later.

 In fact, Hajime seemed to have hesitated, thinking that he wanted Myuu to grow naturally, but in the end, he did not make it into an apostle.

 However, in the end, I asked the three of them, who were less confident than Yue and the others in terms of physical strength, to undergo treatment just in case they would not be able to fully utilize the power of the apostles.

 Needless to say, the series of decisions showed Hajime's worry and caution.

"...You heard from Kaori, right? Another purpose of the trip."

"Ah... It's a trip that will eliminate my stupid worries, right? It's too bad. I'm trying to be considerate of you, but it's too much..."

 Yue shook her head slowly.

"...Everyone seems to think that Hajime is worrying too much about the unknown due to the 'dragon incident', but I think it's a little different."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"...I'm thinking that maybe something will happen on this trip. I think Hajime subconsciously senses that."

"That', I don't think so. What do you mean, you can sense it? By any chance, does Yue feel something?"

"...No, nothing. But-"

 Yue's gaze shifted from the dancing people to Hajime.

"…If everyone is trying to reassure Hajime, then it's okay for me to worry with you, right?"

 Let's stay alert, stay alert, and enjoy the trip. When Hajime is looking in front of me, I am looking behind him.

 If nothing else happens, we can just laugh about how stupid we both were.

 Yue said as she took Hajime's hand.

"...That's why it's absolutely fine."

 He flashed a fearless smile that showed his teeth.

 It was just like the smile that Hajime had in front of his enemies during his Tortoise days.

"...This strongest vampire princess will guarantee it. We can continue our date, okay?"

 Hajime secretly let out a "Ah~" sound. Her family has been worrying about her a lot lately. How pathetic. At the same time, she is shocked at how relieved she is.

 Perhaps, the fact that Yue had mastered the skill of ``forcibly teleporting the target without touching'' before she knew it was truly the result of her training. Yue was probably still training herself so that no matter what happened. He may have mastered other divine skills.

 Now that I think about it, what can I say?

"It's incredibly reassuring."

 I think so from the bottom of my heart. It makes me think.

 Yue jumped down from the rocky area where she was sitting. Then, she spun around and faced Hajime, and with a wonderful courtesy, she held out her hand.

"...How about a song?"

 It's really cunning. I'm not good at dancing at all, but there's no way I can turn him down if he makes me feel like this.

"You're a good-looking guy, Yue."

"...hehe, isn't that so?"

 Hajime took Yue's hand with an expression that seemed to say surrender, although it was unusual for her to smile.

 And, amidst memories of the past, he enjoyed the night of the festival as he was invited by his handsome wife.

 The next day, Hajime and his friends set off on a trip to another world as planned.

 The first world Shia heads to is the hometown of the divine spirits that Shia once summoned as a hero.

 It's the astral spirit world.