Somewhere in the building that currently housed a particular branch of Homeland Security, a young woman was currently being seen hustling down a long black hallway, her long red hair billowing behind her and her leather boots clacked off the floor as she hustled along. There were a handful of people scattered in small pockets of 3-7 people and they all stopped mid sentence to stop and watch her as she went passed.

They all stared at her, men and women alike. None was safe from her beauty. She was 4'9" tall. Her boots made her 4'11". Her flaming red hair framed her pale white face and flowed out behind her like a living flame. She was 185 pounds of curves in all the right places and her 36 DD titties bounced playfully with the sensual swaying of her hips as she moved all in contrast to the speed of seriousness of which she moved.

Though everyone stared at her none dared approach or speak to her as she went passed. All dipped their heads as she came in line with them as she passed only to look again after she passed by. None wanted to meet her piercing blue eyes. Any who happened to be standing in the way of the path she walked quickly moved out of the way dashing to the side as if out of fear.

At the end of the hallway was a solid silver door. As she 


approached, a light naked to the eye scanned her before the door slid open without a sound and she passed through as if she had never been there. One look at the long hall she had just left would say otherwise.

On the other side of the door was a wide room filled with thousands of monitors showing thousands of data in all forms from text to picture to video to pie and graph charts. In the center was a small round table and at it sat Them. They where a group of people who self proclaimed to rule the world. Their ancestors had started this facility. They called themselves The Eye. They watched all the other agencies. Each wore a mask to hide their true identities even from each other. They called each other by what their mask was.

The white boar head was the first to speak up.

"Mellissandrea. We were just about to call for you. We were about to discuss your future with us -"

" We have a problem. The private agency tasked with tracking down and infiltrating Trinity went dark over 3 months ago. At first this wasn't a concern as this kind of activity isn't unusual for this group. Especially not on big ops. The usual monitoring procedure was set into place on dark day. Then Thirty-Six hours ago Phatt Tonie of Phatt Tonie's Meat Deli was found on the banks. Dead. He had been tortured and skinned alive. Now normally this wasn't reason to cause alarm except at the same time Phatt Tonie was found the building housing to the agency went boom."

"And of what relevance is this to us?" This time it was the 


White Tiger that spoke. " Why should we concern ourselves with some third rate private wanna be security agency-"

"Because I say so for one," Mellissandrea immediately interrupted. " Because like you just said you were wanting to discuss my future with you for another. Not paying attention to what I have to say is very detrimental to that. Not only that but I'm sure The White Lady would understand why you decided to not find out what happened to her only daughter? Or did you forget that Jessica White was owner and operator of the White Star Security Service?

Which if you had read my report that I gave each of you at the last meeting was the name of the agency that was bombed? Do I need to remind you who I am to them and them to me? To her? And what about Him? Did you forget about Him? You wanted Him found? You found Him. Find her you find Him. I'm taking this to Defcon 13: Code Black.

I'm going after my fiancé and you can't stop me. Help me and you get Him. Get in my way and He gets a new ally. One with a lot of info you can't afford for Him to have. Fuck off."

And with that Mellissandrea turned on her heels and left the room. After some time had passed the masked figures spoke amongst themselves long into the night. Plans and schemes was passed around like a joint at a college frat party. Counter plans and counter schemes was passed around just as often.

As dusk approached, The Eye had set into motion the necessary items to appropriately deal with yesterday's meeting.