Upon entering The Grand Library, Jessica and Missy were both amazed and delighted to see Jack sitting naked in a chair stroking his massive cock. They instantly rushed to kneel in front of him, but as they approach, Jack stands and dons a elegant silver silk robe, cinching it closed at the waist, effectively hiding his massive member from sight. 

"Another time ladies. You dropped your toy in your haste by the way. On the back of that chair over there are two silk robes for you to don. I am going to tell you the tale of Castle Smrt and its history with the Great Empire according to what my uncle penned down here in this book." Here he holds up a small brown leather bound book.

The girls having retrieved their toy and donned their robs now sat in the chairs in front of Jack's. Jack takes his seat once again and continues.

"I've done my own research and from what I can tell, the contents of this book is accurate. What's more, this also changes the very history of human kind as we know it. It all started in 78213 BCE with the birth of a male child later to be called KON. His birth name is unknown. He was born in The Kingdom of Night in the middle of the last ice age.

 The Kingdom had rose before the start of the ice age. The ice age hit during the kingdoms peak. At the time it was the most advanced civilization in existence thousands of millennia ahead of their time. Advanced enough to have survived the last ice age. Unfortunately The Night Kingdom and King Alistoore Shadowmonger III was wholly unprepared for the birth of KON. 

On his 16th birthday, KON challenges the King in a one on one death match for the throne. KON decimated the King, ripping his arms and legs from the king's torso with his bare hands and finally decapitating King Alistoore Shadowmonger III by tearing the King's head from his shoulders also with his bare hands. Thus in 78197 BCE KON became King of Night. 

 Upon taking the crown, KON then devotes his time and attention to discovering immortality. In 78189, he ends up creating a experiment that upon success, the subject's body upon death would eventually dissolve and make its way into nature no matter the original cause of death. Once back in nature, no matter how long it took, the body's broken down pieces would gravitate towards one another until meeting in one spot. 

There it would remain until it was consumed by another human. After consumption, the subject would eventually be reborn. During this 'undead' state the consciousness had complete control on how long it took for the body to break down, move to nature, and even when to be consumed by humans and to be reborn.


KON needed test subjects so one by one he experimented on his subjects. He integrated a failsafe into all the experiments one that would guarantee their permanent death destroying the rebirthing system. In 78169 KON initiates the fail safe protocol, effectively wiping out 3/4 his kingdom. All experiments are successfully terminated. He then conducts the procedure on himself becoming history's first true immortal.

As the years pass and the ice age continues, the Night Kingdom's population once again flourishes despite the weather thanks to the kingdoms technology. There was also two other Kingdoms that had managed to survive during the ice age. The Kingdom of Night, The Dragamone Kingdom and The Merchant Kingdom all traded with each other during these times.

Before the ice age, all three kingdoms were at war with each other. But the ice age brought on a temporary if uneasy truce. Eventually rumors began to spread in the three kingdoms, of the Undying King of Night. In 69513, a male child was born to the royal family of the Dragamone Kingdom. 

In 69500 Dagster Von Dragamonedoor became King of the Dragamone Kingdom. In 69420, due to the rumors of the Undying King of Night, King Dagster Von Dragamonedoor attempts to invade the Night Kingdom hoping to obtain the Undying King's power for himself. KON completely obliterates Dagster's forces. To prevent further problems, KON then invades Dragamone Kingdom, razing it to the ground.

 The Princess escapes to The Merchant Kingdom where she is eventually wed to the Prince. The Princess of the lost Dragamone Kingdom, now Queen of The Merchant Kingdom, gives birth to several heirs. She also passes on her desire for revenge for her fallen father and kingdom. However her children and King saw the downfall of The Dragamone Kingdom for what it really was: a message from the Undying King: invade my land, you and yours will be wiped from history. 

However, despite this obvious warning, in 68992 BCE, The Merchant King Thomas of the Vale also attempted to concur the Kingdom of Night only to be defeated at the hands of KON. Just like Dragamone Kingdom before, The Merchant Kingdom was razed to the ground. This time the Royal Family was executed.

Just like before any citizens of the surviving kingdom could either become a subject to the Undying King or brave the ice age on their own. Most chose to join. Those that didn't left, never to be seen or heard from again. The Undying King made sure of that.

Then in 42026 BCE the Kingdom of Night was hit by an unknown disease. Even with all their tech and know how, the Kingdom of Night couldn't stop it. In 42016, The Undying King 


was dubbed King of Nothing and in 42013, he truly became KON , aka the King of Nothing as the Kingdom of Night collapsed. Without the working class citizens, the tech couldn't keep up with the destruction wrought by the ice age. 

So with the death of his kingdom nigh, KON gathers all their tech and knowledge and compiled it into 1 unit before completely destroying the originals, successfully erasing all traces from existence. Finally on what we now call Halloween, KON kills himself, initiating the rebirthing process. However after his body has regathered after breaking down, KON goes into hibernation. 

Over time the ice age piles layer upon layer of ice over KON's chosen resting place, effectively trapping him in the ice and erasing him from history. That is until 12013 BCE when Atlantian Vex Tre Sogusta carved out a chunk of ice that just so happened to contain KON. Vex however instantly sealed that chunk of ice and KON remained in hibernation until 8035 BCE. In 8030 BCE KON is born to the Royal Atlantian Family as Poseidon Neptunia LXIX. In 8012 BCE Poseidon Neptunia LXIX becomes King of Atlantis.

By 8010, KON now King of Atlantis, uses his nations great wealth and knowledge in an attempt to rebirth the Kingdom of Night and her tech. Unfortunately other Atlantians thought he was working against their gods and sought to undermine the 


King and in 8000 BCE their efforts cumulated in the sinking of Atlantis. Thankfully KON had duplicated all the knowledge and tech of Atlantis in the same way he had The Kingdoms of Night, Dragamone and The Merchant Kingdom.

Once again KON allowed himself to perish and enter hibernation as he sank beneath the waves with Atlantis. In 1420 BCE, a Persian ship passed over the once great palace of the now sunken Atlantis. In 1374 BCE KON was born as Persian Prince Xerxes Xyzathinos X. In 1354 BCE KON became King of Persia.

Once again upon gaining power, KON compiles all tech and knowledge into one unit, adding it to the other four kingdoms. He then proceed to revive each of these Kingdoms only for other Persians who wanted his power for themselves to plot against him. And in 1334 BCE, the Persian Empire fell.

This time however, he manages to escape to Egypt. The tech and knowledge of Egypt is so vast that by the time KON has finished adding it to the rest, he had lived a thousand lives. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he had allowed himself to repeatedly die and be reborn. In 369 BCE, KON was reborn as the Egyptian Prince Ra. 

In 349 BCE, KON became the Pharaoh Ra. This time instead of trying to rebirth the Lost Kingdoms, KON focused on recreating the tech. Unfortunately in 332 BCE while trying to 


combine Night with Persian tech, KON blew himself up along with ¾ of Egypt.

In 226 BCE, KON was reborn into Greece where he followed the same strategy as he had in Egypt. Unfortunately in 146 as King Herakule, KON perished much the same as he had in Egypt. This Process continued as the years went on. In 410 AD as Britannian King BlackJack, death by explosion. In 476 AD as Roman King Cesar death by explosion. 1000AD as Mayan King Zechnar, death by explosion. 

Every death by explosion was caused from trying to combine the tech of the lost kingdoms he had conquered. In 1444AD, KON was reborn in Transylvania to the Royal Family as Vlad Tempe XIII. In 1464 AD KON becomes Dra'Cul aka King. In 1476, with the burning of Transylvania's castle, Dra'Cul Vlad Tempe XIII flees to what is now present day Mexico. He then changes his name to Teztzaqaliqoue and joins a tribe of Aztecs. 

Then in 1521 as King Teztzaqaliqoue IX, KON now the last King of the Aztecs, flees the fall of his Empire to the Spanish Conquistadors. By this time he had given up on recreating the tech as he didn't have access to what he needed yet. So instead he just worked on gathering and compiling everything about everything into one unit.

In 1525, KON takes a knife in the back and allows himself to be reborn into the Incan Empire. Once more he is born to the 


Royal Family. In 1552 as Prince Amaru Zayatoya IX, KON becomes King of the Incan Empire only for it to fall in 1572 AD. KON was experimenting with tech again.

KON is later reborn as Kon in 1592. In 1608 Kon takes over the small village of Bloodhaven in what is now present day New Orleans. From there he trains himself a small army. In 1610, Kon starts conquering the surrounding land. By 1620, he had control over 750 thousand acres. The beginning of 1621 Kon established the Great Empire.

 The Lost Kingdoms of Night, Dragamone, Merchants, Egypt, Rome, Greece, Persia, Britannia, Aztecs, Incans, Mayans, Atlantis, and Transylvania was reborn under The Great Empire as city states. What would have been the Royal Families where now simple noblemen, dukes and duchesses all who answered to The Great Emperor Kon. 

As time went on Kon would continue his search for knowledge and power. By 1702 rumors had once again started circulating amongst the commoners. They compared The Great Emperor to the legend of The Undying King. Eventually these rumors reached the noble households. Being rich and greedy as well as being superstitious and knowing all about the legends of The Undying King, became fearful of The Great Emperor. 

Knowing that if he was truly The Undying King they wouldn't be able to kill him, eight of the noble families began 


plotting how to banish the Emperor. By 1717, they had a plan. First they threatened the other five families to join them saying that their mini kingdoms would be destroyed otherwise. 

Four of the five nobles then joined the other eight. Lady Lilith Shadowalker, Duchess of the Night Kingdom, instead made her way to Castle Smrt. The Duchess had a secret that the other nobles didn't know about. She and the Emperor were lovers. She was to become the First Great Empress. Her and Kon where to be wed in the summer of 1720 on the banks of The Nile.

When he heard Lilith's words, Kon instantly got to work. December of 1717 the head of each noble family gathered, and The Eye's first official meeting was held to plan the coupe of the Emperor. It goes on to explain in the summer of 1719, the Great Emperor Kon surrenders his crown when The Eye threatens his lover the Duchess Lady Lilith Shadowalker of the Night District. Both Kon and Lilith disappear from The Great Empire that summer. 

 The next entry I believe is a copy of a letter or diary entry or something of the like. Its dated summer 1802 and reads 'I buried my loving wife Lilith today alongside lil Duke and lil Abby. Max and Dagger stand on either side of me each with a hand on Lil Angelica's shoulders. My boys oh how I wish…' and that's it. 


There's a bit more on the Great Empire and The Eye which states that in 1912 The Great Empire fell due to the greed and in fighting of the Nobles. The last thing is another excerpt from a letter from The Eye to The President of the United states dated 1942 and reads 'Due to The Great Emperor Kon having been The Undying King, We, The Eye as Guardians of the World cannot in good faith support his resurgence upon this Earth nor the rebirth of his knowledge or technological monstrosities. It was due to his taint and corruption that We dismantled The Great Empire.

We have also taken it upon ourselves of rewriting history, effectively erasing Kon from the annals of History. Furthermore the 750 thousand acres that once held The Empire will be relocated as an island just off the coast. It is then singed The Eye. The very last thing is a family tree. At the top is Kon as The Great Emperor and his one and only wife and lover, The Duchess Lady Lilith Shadowalker. 

And waayyyy down here in the bottom right corner is my dad and his brother, my Uncle Jimmy. Next to my dad is me mum and underneath them is me. So I am a Direct Descendant of The Great Emperor Kon himself. So you ladies have been fucking royalty."