Chapter 17 President Ji himself confesses

Manager face a stiff, almost be Shen Yin this way to scare.

What gives her the right to say such a thing?

"Please go out. I want to talk to Keith alone." She did not call Mr. Ji.

Everybody here has to bow down to Keith, because he's the boss, he's their god.

But she's not here anymore.

Shen Yin slightly raised her lower jaw, the old independent and free Shen Yin came back.

She gave off an aura as soft as water, but unconsciously infected the human heart.

You can't help but be attracted to her.

Ji Si SINK IN A certain MOMENT, THE LINE of SIGHT is ALMOST not controlled by himself, but his eyes fall on the collar of Shen Yin, suddenly a tight eyebrow.

What did he have in her to look up to? It was only a plaything that had once entertained him by the side of his bed.

The change of his eyes, fall clearly in Shen Yin's eyes.